This Guy Wants To Sell His WHAT? For $35 000! - TLC #6

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This video is not available in my country. I got that sign first time on pewdiepies channel.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/destielnatural 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

It is a great video as every other is

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Leonardo_45 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not available in my country

Sad noises

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/kjlerlew 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Welp, here come the thousands of upvotes and comments. Ill see you all on the other side.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/real_clownhours 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was quite a jarring video, he cut into the clips way to fast. Literally mid sentence it was paused and he was commenting.

Chill Mr pewdiepie. Let the content breath.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Whitechocolatekrispi 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

the cheapskate is so obviously a fake character... what the hell?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JWGhetto 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ah yes, the return of WHAT?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Stephanoi_Gamer 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pasxalidis___ 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Amazing content

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yoyofrog 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] damnit yeah what's up everyone it's beautiful speaking of dirty shirts have you ever tried saving money on laundry well I know a guy that has his name is Marc and he will go to extreme measures to save money or to make money I find this very fascinated I never heard of extreme cheap stakes before likes freaking watch people misplace millions of dollars in loose change every year and their loss is this cheapskates gain Wow so he just goes around like a Marc spends his free time hunting down dimes nickels and pennies all over Las Vegas can you just get a job does he have a job no I'm self-employed so what do you do shut shut up legend I like our cuts from this shot him being excited about a penny to him wearing a suit and I run this casino I'm the owner of this casino I just like extra change sue me interesting all right well clearly it's not a cheap steak if it has a dog okay that is completely contradictory I will point out all the fallacies in there really good person but obviously he's the extreme cheapskate nine it's got to be so tough to be friends with a real cheapskate I never heard that expression before it's like I don't I wouldn't mind paying for friends but at the same time it's like if they assume and it becomes a standard it's just kind of like all right hmm I make it sound like I do I don't but you know what I mean the penny loafers from back in the day but the interesting thing about this and this is how you can really tell okay what's interesting about the shoes when my roommates dog the top I took a marker and I penned in the black as not to buy a new pair genius hold up let me do that I'll take a listen from mark here just paint the pain away paint the pain away it's not working it's chocolate oh I should not just lick it after I [Laughter] inked poisoning and he literally will save money anywhere these shoes and all my dress shoes I get from the shoe repair store people drop off the shoes they forget about them or don't have the money to pick them up okay I mean fine so far I can't really blame that you should take care of your shoes I agree with that dude they're your life's way longer you don't need that many shoes how many shoes do you add tell me honestly honestly I should do the same literally my shoes hold up look at my shoes they're completely got all the bunches got the same problem as mark I'll just paint it up thanks mark I mean all this I guess you could get just get shoe backs or whatever whatever it's cold I don't know I'm not buying it costs money Oh mark has a habit of doing things that are a little bit beyond what I consider cheapskate mark okay what is rihanna gin under $60 a month by just regarding expiration dates and spending no more Oh chicken I see a problem with that I mean I get it that's a classic thing if you're low on money you can buy expired food and I'm not really here to shame anyone for trying to save money by the way it gets it gets more intense then I basically it's one single item tortillas 50 Cent's Powerbars 50 Cent's cupcakes 50 Cent's peanut butter my health worth nothing I'm dying healthily one dollar but his thrifty habits don't stop there he pays next to nothing for water each month by refusing to use it cow an apartment you still have to pay in the long term on most dollar fifty on laundry because two pieces in with everybody else wait you can keep that washes and dries his clothes without spending a dime that seems kind of shady laundry with you oh he asks okay no no I wouldn't like that would you I don't mind laundry to gag ruined by a other ever am I an [ __ ] I don't know a few things not a lot maybe a few things yeah got him got him Yeah right yeah hello my name is Marco it's morning if you mind if I tossed in a few articles with your laundry man how do how does he convince them do you mind if I throw in some water with you thank you Oh see this is a perfect example of I wish I was nice but I'm not I'm not I'm just not see I wish I was nice like that man he didn't even know about the cameras I guess sure legit there's good people out there and it ain't me and it ain't you even stop pretending couple things and then you find some mouth to share a dryer with do you mind if I throw some longer in with you just a few items goddamn people are so nice what is this money some glitch in the matrix what it's just knowing how to stretch your money knowing how to make extra money knowing how to get the best value I guess I guess like no you know what I probably would yeah I would I'm just thinking like if you're I guess I would assume if someone asked me to throw in laundry with them they have to be really poor so I kind of want to help them so I am a good person of course and it's of course easy for me to say this in retrospect but he does not do it he discerned it to save money for your money that's the difference well he won't spend a single cent on laundry mark does like to gamble but even at the casinos he's found a way to make sure he's never parting with his own money wait what the hell so he's he's saving money just we can gamble to feed his gambling addiction why would he do that he'd buy a good buy G fuel we can but do anything what a waste he saves money just to waste it what the hell there was no money there mark and you goddamn knowing that I find I don't spend more than $5 and I only play the penny slots because you could win up to $10,000 have you won $10,000 mark I'd only lose a maximum of five dollars not a whole page what the hell what you say money but you order drinks out what the hell mark you're not a team stake I keep calling it stink like a cheap steak that doesn't cut it all right if I went to a bar the strip would cost me 12 to 15 dollars but by coming to a casino I played the penny slots win money and drink for free money is free and casinos money is free and casinos yes that's what I said fraid so large alcohol alcohol I'm sorry I don't know what's wrong with me I didn't sleep much on 67 cents this is what one dollar can do but I'm gambling I know when to stop most people think oh yeah I'm gonna keep going they double and double and triple I'm like no you got to know when to walk away Martin all right it was fair enough I respect that he goes around and always looking for things to do to try to save money first time that I realized he was cheap was definitely when he was trying to get me to do every single medical study that I could qualify for in the past why mark has volunteered in more than a hundred medical studies and the riskier the trial the better it pays what I was doing clinical trials I would get these scrubs I would take a pill he takes a cold for daily work I mean yeah why not in for doing other clinical trials why not long wait the clothing is a huge problem for the environment mark is saving the world guys we should be thanking him cheap to clean and they were free these are the scrubs from the clinical trials these all represent a part of history for example a part of me it seems of the Eboli study this is my what what what this man is fearless everyone was panicked with my friend and I did this study never tested on humans or animals before we were the first in the country to have it done it's $5,000 for a week so why would I not do it I couldn't do it I can think of a couple reasons if you could choose a bullet wasn't that a super high death rate what the hell Jesus Christ dude I get saving money but sacrificing your help I mean then again someone has to do it so I guess it's commendable trying to be from the crazier trials but Mark's full well into it the two studies that I'm waiting on that I have not been in yet is a flatline study this is a really good one what they do is flatten my heart for one minute but you still breathe stay there 14 days pays $25,000 14 days you kind of stepped in and stopped that the second one that I goddamn FDA stop the heart stopping surgery maybe it's a really important one what he's so like yeah check this out they're gonna stop my heart for 14 days I might not come out of line and those goddamn if ta stop it oh jeez he says it's so casually I think that's it I'm really anxious and really excited and waiting to do is this testicular study what you do is you go in and you donate one of your chester goals they replace it with an artificial one and when you check out after 14 days you get a check for $35,000 damn 35 K for adjusted Gail's did he get would you do it 35 K what would that be for me yeah yeah I don't need to oh my god this mint is hardcore I'll give him that he's hardcore I may have underestimated him gets free checkups every month to see if he's a good candidate for each study free checkup that's pretty good actually for a physical examination it's gonna take some blood make sure that I don't have high cholesterol diabetes so what's motivating you to want to go under the knife and be part of the study like that the money has made a second the money so you're undergoing this serious surgery where we gonna remove a part of your body what is there morning my momma money well at least he's honest I want to save lives I've read the study about this about destroys clinical trial and I think it can help a lot of people's lives out there so I know this it's just a big sacrifice for me but I know I'm doing the money I'm doing it for the money [Laughter] the money yes so I like how he's correcting the doctor just replacing I get a new one at one that doesn't hurt probably don't have to H as much oh okay have you ever had doctor says I I guess say the doctor has to check if they're crazy right is that that has to be a thing right any a made lunatic I'm just thinking I don't know what the procedure is but it has to be a perceived ago for sure okay and Amy's eyes are so blue crazy okay and also I gotta check out your jobs okay now what I'm gonna also say is you do have the man-boob thing going on so basically what you've got is what we call gotta come ask you and so unfortunately for you you're making that's a man touching another man's boobs right there hell yeah YouTube no I'm joking testosterone they're making is being converted into estrogen somebody go get there's testicle yanked out as part of this study that it could make the man boobs bigger man he can make you testosterone with us so that would be not nerve you need to bone smart save the balls hashtag save marks balls and drop your drawers and we just kind of you know examine both testicles we rub them between our two fingers and we just palpate around okay now we'll get lab and EKG and how to be part of your pre-op evaluations okay low testosterone levels affect roughly 39 percent of men dang dude 39 percent of men watching I'm sorry I sucks bright efforts in that chat 39 percent that won't hurt man geez smoke Pete 39 percent smoke people I was kidding a low test result for mark would take him out of the running for the testicular study okay Jim Utley there's hope for his fancy dollar payday so the risk to you it's pretty significant I'm not endorsing the surgery Mark's test reads no I mean yeah yeah abdomen range set for the clinical trial I'm really disappointed that I didn't get into this testicular study but dr. Toma there's another clinical travel that I can do you know the telomere line may be going on testosterone replacement would be a great thing for you okay have you ever thought about doing that yeah yeah think about testosterone replacement all the time doctor sign me in I've ever thought oh I'm playing tap tidings while making videos this has gone too far I'm sorry you can shoot yourself in the butt with a shot but at dinner today you'll go shoot myself in the butt doctor say no more sign me up I'm ready for this straight man well it doesn't pay as much as the testicular removal study mark does manage to land a spot in a trial testing testosterone replacement oh I know where those pills are gonna go these pills represents to me a thing that goes up my bling blong I know because I've done it yeah I'd blood in my stool a couple years ago it was fine finger up my butt no big deal don't have nightmares I will abide it at all check your butt if you have to that's all I got to say came a car insurance payment seventy-five dollars every Monday cash fifty dollars every Tuesday 125 movie times four but it's like eating backwards it's not that big of a deal the flashbacks mark it ain't worth it man keep looking for pennies man you don't gotta do that's being me will mark ever stop being cheap he will definitely not that's just in his nature really interesting isn't it the lengths people go you're being smart about your money and how you're spending it it's trying to save by all means but then and then again it's like yeah well someone has to do these go at clinical trials who cares their motivation and I don't know I don't know what do you think I'm curious what you guys think for once say a comment and if you want to subscribe do so and another another nearly tambourine goes ping pong maybe we're live streaming live simha's - right now on the channel it's been a lot of fun so far the streams not the game of course come join the community become a member yo that's a great way to save five dollars you wanna save five dollars check it out it's a great way to save five dollars you get access to only thanks discord and a lot of epicness see you there take care a tour brofist for a hot tub you haven't played to Percival later on the beach good pack your bags and sit down no one wants to see your face max tanlines anyway download tuber simulator for the perfect beach body [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 7,688,993
Rating: 4.9673076 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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