MAN Get's Eaten By A GIANT FROG! - Teardown Mods

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welcome back to Ted and today we're checking out a secret area of the prison that happens to be haunted I was just chatting with this prison guard he told me about a secret entrance down into the sewers it's over this way we just need to get a probably a plank put a plank down there now we've got a little bit of a ramp and if we go up this way look down into the corner look what we have here can we open this thing up can you open how do we get into here can we smash it we might need a blow torch we've got the blow torch can we can we burn oh yeah we can burn these things okay let's just burn These Bars we'll be in here in a second burn these ones as well and there it is that is the entrance oh God how am I how am I supposed to get in there okay I guess we just have to jump can we just can we climb down the sights ow ow ow ow what oh oh my God oh my God so we're in the sewers and the sewers is haunted I'm going to need like a gun can you kill like the the ghouls with a gun all right we have to be super careful where are these ghosts I'm just going to make my way down the tunnels smells like pooping here it's not good oh oh there he is there he is wa they almost teleport I think I just killed one you can't shoot him I wonder if he can Whack Him with a sledgehammer or maybe the hatchet we'll smack him in the face with the hatchet oh God look at that blood there's another one there's another one wa they're really fast oh God oh God do they actually hurt you ow ow ow get out of it come on champ oh yeah I whacked him I whacked him good whacked him good come on oh no way he killed me I was killed by a ghost I'm going to go with the lightning gun just because it reminds me of Ghostbusters probably the best weapon for killing ghosts this right here is the other entrance into the sewers can we just oh yeah that's yep yep we're going to do some good damage to these ghosts now okay let's just go down this way this one's actually got stairs this is much nicer let's just go down here all righty where are they where's them ghosts not scared of these guys now although it's probably not a good idea to stand in water while I use a lightning gun we need to eradicate all of the ghosts oh yeah there he is come on bro wa did you see that it just splattered his blood up the side here I didn't even know ghost had blood that's crazy all righty buddy I'm coming for you come on come on put them up put up those ghosts fists D yes Zapped him real good I can definitely hear a ghost he's trying to block the exit I've got my laser ammo though come on oh oh look at him look at the way that they move wa they just teleport right at you okay did that get him I think that killed him I can hear him coming up behind me oh I can hear a couple around here oh yeah oh what did that do did that do anything nope didn't do anything okay let's go with the boomerang ammo Boomerang versus Ghost who oh oh God oh God I think I'm going to need the grenade I'm going to need the grenade there he is take that take that all righty laser ammo come on there we go yep definitely Zapped him oh was another one is that did we kill them all I think we did oh man this guy is telling me there's more ghosts okay these ones are going to be different these ones are apparitions not ghouls open open the door I'm just going to stab the door open with this cool looking knife come on oh that's the way yeah just bash my way you don't mind if I use this oh I almost got him almost killed the police officer with a knife that would have been bad okay I'm just going to bash this door down let's jump in here all righty down the stairs maybe you can kill a ghost with a knife I guess we're about to find out oh these guys like damage the walls and stuff oh my God they move really quick okay that's fine I'm going to stab him oh they're behind me oh he hurt me he hurt me I got that one I got that one he's surrounding me come on come on come on a you can't kill him with a knife not this time I've got the dragon's breath shotgun let's go this one's going to be good cuz maybe it'll actually burn him oh yeah there we go oh he's on fire yes you can actually burn these ghosts oh did he die yeah we got him yes that's his weird ghost splatter it's probably ectoplasm this really interesting mod is called Mo rooms it's made by a handful of modders and each one made their own room this is kind of cool all right let's open up this one let's have a look so if you want to find out who actually made these rooms jump on and grab the mod cuz they're all credited on there all right we've got what is this a cake okay we can eat the cake the cake is now gone I just ate an entire cake that's the beauty of being an adult if you want to eat a cake go ahead and eat a cake no one's going to stop you all right oh look at that rug man I wish I had a rug that could shatter the ground like that that's beautiful what else we got oh this is my cooktop uh that's my fridge you can see I've got like a regular front door on my fridge that's good I feel like the fridge should be its own room that's why uh that's my cupets they don't have doors you just have to smash them open whenever you want to get stuff that's a nice Minecraft space I like that what is behind door number two let's go I know that Autumn made one of these rooms I'm going to try and guess which one it is I feel like I could probably guess I know Autumn's vibe I know the kind of stuff they make here we have a dog it's called the creature and they're playing an arcade machine revenge of the poop gnomes okay that's pretty cool got a bit of art on the wall here oh oh we have a button that says press me attempting button okay I'm going to do it I'm going to hit that button I don't think anything happened wait a second where did my door go what the room is moving oh my what is going on what is this oh my God I think I just slipped into the back rooms but the back rooms is some kind of chest board okay that's kind of cool oh my God how how how oh God I'm lost I am lost I am I'm stuck in a chest board that's surrounding my face I feel like the queen is just going to come up and just elbow me right in the chin oh how do I get out of here come on come on come on we can escape we can escape we just need to build up of still got my mods I've still got my mods if I can just get a plank I can just plank plank my way out of here yeah there we go oh there's the ceiling oh okay so this is that didn't waa I made it I made it out okay nice that was really awesome there like a secret maze to try and trap you all righty what do we got here Mr and Mrs Willis let's uh let's go inside what is that there's like no Lighting in any of these places oh hang on we can turn the lights on okay the TV's on as well what what is this nice they got a car in here can we drive the car I don't think we can drive the car the side door is locked good uh open up that oh we've got we've got oh oh there's a basement oh no oh no basements are always creepy what do we got down here got a pool table okay it's just like a bar just a friendly bar there's a radio okay that's cool no creepy dead body we don't have to worry oh yeah we got a kitchen we got a fridge this is actually nice turn the light on outside we can't actually go outside though we got a door oh what's in this room I don't know why I'm expecting something creepy to jump out and get me I think it's because the other rooms sort of have a little bit of a surprise and this one okay it's a cool room though I like this one it's more like a house more like a house all right what do we got here oh here we have a chair and we have a TV okay oh what oh my God I feel like awesome probably made this one what this is cool this like squares and a what does the TV say bad Reflections it's like a a a red box how do I get out of here how do I leave where's the door okay I can't get out the door I don't even have my tools anymore maybe I have to put the TV back in its box oh it actually fit right in there okay hang on let's put this down in that one is that is that what you do I no I don't I can't even get that table down into that box that mustn't be it I just restarted it to get out of that room because I couldn't find any other way to actually Escape I don't know if it's a puzzle or whether you're just trapped in there forever so weird what do we got here okay all right we've got just some artwork cease and assist lettuce what is this some someone's like room or something like a computer room what is this turn on oh okay we're turning on a computer all right what does this say what does that say windows 20 needy streamer Overlord cool okay all right smash the computer we're not playing that game today what else we got over here start oh it's like a TV set or something okay can we go through this door anything behind that door what is this oh I just broke the TV set all right no worries I wonder what this is from Welcome to the official Miku bathroom Shrine where's a bathroom Shrine oh cool nice this is an official Miku Corner Place offerings below okay we got a couple of cans of soda okay I'll leave something I'll just leave a hot dog there you go nice all right door number is this six I think it might be oh oh hey okay nice one we've got I'm just going to turn that music off just in case it's copyright oh nice we've got oh oh we've got one of those fridges where the doors swing inwards as well oh I like them fridges nice one I've always wished fridges could do that what is that is that a grenade maybe not oh it's like a nice outdoor Garden okay that's pretty cool oh nice we got a bathroom out there okay how do I get get outside what what was that oh my God it's a simulation it was a simulation this entire it's not real it is not real okay what is this oh it's we Rec they recording they were recording me okay good thing I didn't jump in the shower oh oh my God we can open up this what is this that is creepy dude but kind of cool at the same time that was a really awesome effect I like how you could look out the window and it was a completely different place okay what other rooms do we have here we've got oh we got this one under construction no it's not I'm going in there let's go oh oh no not this room again not this room who was this guy just break that guy yep okay I'm staying well away from that TV and sofa again I don't want to get trapped oh my God this is where they do the devil rituals we got some like creepy gravestones definitely performing some kind of satanic stuff going on here yep I don't like this place too creepy okay I feel if anywhere needs to be destroyed by The BFG it's probably this room there we go nice yeah flatten the lot of it this guy right here is a big frog from the big frog mod made by oky DOI um you can actually ride this guy it's just oh yeah okay all right oh oh he moves like a car like a little concrete frog um we've got some bad guys over here I'm just going to run into them okay so you can smash into them that's nice apparently you can eat stuff though we got a few Birds over here oh God oh God I'm just I'm in the dirt I'm tunneling I'm a tunneling frog I did not even know you could tunnel with the sky all right frog just get out of there get out of the dirt okay there we go let's see oh oh you can aim and then oh dude you can eat people the Frog can eat guys oh yeah oh that's good see the way I just chomped on him I want to eat one of them Birds though all righty let's go over here we got some more guys inside this house this frog is so heavy he just breaks the concrete wherever he goes all right this guy's got a gun he's a bad guy let's get him oh I got your gun chip I got it yes just crunched his head real good okay can the Frog go inside the house come on oh yeah he can just make him my way through the front door looking for more humans to eat oh there's a guy right there okay I'm going to eat that human oh God it's really hard to see what is he trying to eat he's trying to eat the wall all the way over there he's got a really long tongue can he eat an entire car oh my God he can yes yes eat that car real good that's amazing what a tough frog oh my God this map is so annoying the ground it just keeps breaking and now I'm just a bit broken okay I want to see how the frog goes eating something a little bit bigger so I've got a giant catnap here let's just go for I don't know oh his stomach yes I mean I died but the Frog definitely got him okay that was good all right let's grab his leg yes a guy keeps killing me every time he goes near me there's my frog where is he yeah there he is all right come on come on get stop it stop kicking me dude maybe it'd be better if I went for his head yes there we go okay not dying this time for some reason he doesn't kill you if you actually attack his head okay he killed me again just kicked me all right catnap you're seriously bugging me champ get in the acid get in the acid there we go just melt him to Pieces that's what you get oh is that a bird over there I think there's a bird all right I'm going to try and eat that bird come on yay I got the bird is he dead no the bird's still alive come on come on Chomp him okay the bird's gone okay I like the Frog let me know what you think about the frog in the comments and thanks for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 89,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, teardown new mods, teardown mods gameplay, tear down youtube
Id: Pk5Mwg79t1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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