Making GOLD Catnap Using Mods! - Teardown Mods

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welcome back to T down Billy and I here are testing out the corrupted Crystal this one turns things to Gold we've got a hoppy hop scotch over here hey hey hold still I'm going to try and turn you to Gold oh he breaks him he just breaks him o yeah get him in the head now get him while he's down to oh no he's getting back up again this guy is way too fast we might need to just hold him in place there you go don't go anywhere okay let's spread the corruption all right oh there it goes it's turning his head into gold that is awesome it just spreads so quickly what happens when it covers the entire head we have like a giant chunk of gold right there oh my god let's do his body as well okay he is basically turned into a giant gold tree let's keep going oh his arm just fell off his arm he's just a giant hunk of gold does it work on stuff like this oh yeah it does Okay so we've got a tree here as well let's just do that one what happens if we shoot it oh it breaks brace it's actual gold oh my God is there anything on the inside hang on can we can we just grab him where is he gone oh his body has turned to gold as well okay that's really cool so once it covered his entire body in gold crystals he then became Crystal himself did it work with this thing did it work with the tree it sort of worked with the tree does it work with Billy hold still Billy oh I got him in the face Billy just walked away from it he's like no n that doesn't work on me look at that oh oh he's just walking over the top of it he doesn't care okay what if we get a spider dog day and we just oh God he's trying trying to get me he's trying to get me but don't you eat me dude he's just breaking his own's arms and stuff and trying to eat that tree what are you doing spiders don't eat trees I think okay now he's stuck all right let's get the Crystal and start turning him into gold there we go it's spreading in his mouth oh that is cool I can't wait till it does his entire head yep there it goes it's turning his entire head into one gold chunk is it doing the body as well not yet oh my God that's so cool you can see some of the crystals actually form together and they make a giant Square crystal you right Billy are you stuck oh no he's not stuck wa it's so shiny okay it's still spreading it's getting over the back of his head you can see he's still alive because the legs are moving okay is it finished let's just try throwing like a pipe bomb in there and see if the head is actually turned into gold completely I missed Look Out Billy oh no Billy are you okay all right walk it off you'll be fine all right got to get it in his mouth there it is oh nice I think it did I think it turned his entire head into gold okay I'm going to get the lava gun and can I climb up his legs no okay let's let's get the lava gun let's just melt this part off here like this all right there we go you got to melt gold with lava it's the only way all right let's get a couple more bombs in there oh you can kind of see his head on the inside but it's definitely gold okay let's try an orbital rail Cannon strike and I'm just going to throw it over there right there like that come on that completely missed what about this one oh yeah that's it that's it here comes oh no yep it did work there was like a lag shatter when grow complete yes please all righty canab come over this way watch out for the log just walk around the log that's fine let's go over here I'm going to get him to follow me all the way over to this facility that's where we're going to test my new corrupted Crystal on him this one should actually shatter once it's finished growing I don't know how that works but we're going to try it out oh we got a bridge here that's cool come on catnap over this way champ keep walking he's actually really fast okay can we get it to just oh no it just walks around unless you get them to stop oh he just ate the gold oh wait a second wait a second oh no no it stopped who oh watch out there's oil in there okay let's get him to hold still let's just go ahead and grow the crystal on his head oh there we go oh that is good yes you can hear it breaking him as it grows oh oh my God oh my God what what what it ate his head completely okay let's go for the body okay there it goes will the legs fall off I think the legs will fall off in a minute Billy is secretly terrified okay we have one leg broken oh there it is there it is wow okay so it sort of got stuck in midair let's just have a look at these gold chunks there it is those are the gold catnap chunks all righty Pig you're up next there we go let's get the body as well uh his legs are already just separating from his body this time we're going to test if we can turn something into gold and if that makes it shreddable we're going to turn it to Gold throw it into the shredder all righty finire let's go champ let's turn you to Gold oh what just happened did it just turn his spine to Gold okay oh my God no that's my head right there okay oh God oh my God I just exploded catnap can't even look look how shocked he is okay there we go let's turn him to Gold instead oh yeah that's the stuff turn his entire head and his body into gold and then we're going to throw it in there come on that's it grind his bones up you can hear it you can hear the bones breaking get the physics gun at the ready there it is that's the gold husk that is left afterwards let's go ahead and throw that in there just instantly shredded let's throw this one in as well just rotate it around like that come on shred it shred that gold oh it does it does shred it it shreds it really good oh that's awesome okay now let's try Earth we're going to turn Earth into gold no it just pushed it away all right we need it to hold still don't go anywhere Earth you turn into gold chip okay here it goes it's kind of breaking it at the same time it's not supposed to break it until it's fully turned into gold it looks really awesome though like the entire Earth just slowly turning into a big gold chunk I turned off the dissolving because it was slowing things down way too much and you can see it's actually keeping its cool Earth shape which is a sphere I know the shape of Earth all right here it comes it's about to swallow Africa oh we got some huge crystals growing now look at the size of these ones that is massive it's like a crystal brick okay let's get the shotgun oh it's still Earth on the inside you can't turn Earth into gold I wonder why okay let's just blast a giant hole in the side of it then will it go through the gold oh man did it go through the gold let's have a look actually let's not jump in there that looks really hot okay look on the other side yeah it did it melted the gold as well okay that's looking better there we go yeah keep growing on this guy oh there's going to be like it's just actually eating him there's nothing left of him wow it's just like a tiny Speck okay catnap it is your turn let's go oh yeah look at that the crystals are growing inside of his head wa why are they doing that he's got a giant crystal in his mouth oh it's taken over it's just eating through his head oh I can't even watch that's a big square that is one giant gold Crystal okay I guess I just let it go until he turns into a giant gold man oh his arm just turned to Gold that's awesome I've modified the crystals a little bit so they'll actually spread down the body it won't just stop at his head it should go down to his arms legs see if I can pull his tail off come on just grab this tail this tail is really strong oh he's just fell off he just dropped it like a lizard all right I'm just going to grab his tail let's just throw this thing oh my God what just happened whoa that is one giant gold Crystal okay let's throw that thing in there there we go just eat the tail away oh what what happened is it still growing it is it's growing on his arm now how's the tail going oh there goes the tail it just broke up so good okay I've just got a giant gold chunk I'm just going to just take this piece we'll just throw that piece away uh I just broke it oh no there's gold chunks flying everywhere let's have a look at his head oh my God look at catnaps head it's like dissolved gold it's gross all right cool let's delete all the crystals like that there we go and there it is it's our gold catnap he's all chewed up okay oh my God he's just falling to pieces wow okay let's throw him in the shredder and see how soft he is he almost looks like he's glowing a little bit okay here it goes oh god let's get the other pieces as well let's throw that in there oh oh I thought blood was coming out of him it's not blood that's from his tail but the metal chunks they're getting shredded up really good it's like it's really brittle and chunks of it just go everywhere okay let's get the rest of the body parts got the arms and legs throw those in there we don't need them all right there we go has all the gold gone through I think it has we're checking out a mod by Autumn which adds some scrapyard weapons this is the hatchet this thing is cool as look at the way it swings around hey dude how's it going he and we've got some actual people down in the Cyber Punk City now that's pretty cool hey hey how are you yeah get them with the hatchet nice oh these people they actually break as well what else do we have we've got a lead pipe nice you can just whack people with it until they get on the ground all right no worries oh you can swing it this way or that way it's like I'm rolling a boat sledg Hammer I love the like the wood noise it made when it hit him head he like bang right on the head um is that a brick are you serious oh the Brick's pretty good I kind of wish I could throw the brick but that's still really good oh we've got a spear oh the guy like blocked it how'd you block that spear okay what about if I get a regular rag doll and just try the spear on this guy oh yeah that works good works really well on these guys I think these guys are kind of sort of Fairly indestructible though so they sort of hard to kill they don't break apart Katana oh my god oh what yeah that one is awesome it's really fast okay oh you can stab you can stab the vending machines I don't know why anyone want to do that you got like angry at a packet of chips or something package punch is that a mailbox I think it's a mailbox with mail in it and got him okay yeah that was not bad I like this weapon but can we turn them to Gold sweet they actually died the gold just killed them all right buddy get turned to Gold here we go there it is all right yep he's just become a giant gold Ward oh it's stretching along the ground as well it's spreading and it's chewing up the earth oh no is it going to attach itself to the building it's just like a plague you can't stop it yep there it goes all right let's get rid of it yep that is one gold man look at him it's just like a little individual gold pieces can I make a gold car want don't know if I can make it gold and then drive it around and have the coolest looking car ever cuz this car also Flies who ow uh almost come on just got to get the back of the car there it is okay then we'll get rid of it and can we drive this thing still um no no you can't drive it once it's turned into complete gold y it's just like a hunk and junk now look at this there we go just knock the other cast out of the sky all right I'm still in this car this one is mine oh yeah awesome let's go in the tunnel back out the other tunnel and smash it into a building nice one just take out this guy's restaurant sorry champ this map is amazing it's called lenite by Autumn and it's basically just this really aesthetic looking landscape we've got these like weird sort of yellow blocks and stuff they sort of black floaty things in the sky some sort of animals I've spawned a couple of robots in though cuz I thought it would be fun to fight these guys around here oh yeah blast him blast that champ oh there's like a Black Hole Sun going on up there as well that's kind of cool I'm getting some real like sort of death stranding Vibes with this map hunting rifle where is this dude this is such a good map for like sort of shooting enemies and ow ow the lasers oh god oh there he is oh yeah take out the lizard guy I think I'm going to need some better weapons than this all right let's charge up this one oh oh yeah take that oh the bull is there can we kill the bull we should be able to kill the bull who else we got come on bull let's go shoot him in the face is he down is he even cooping any kind of damage oh yeah your friends are shooting you now okay let's get him with the glare gun this will tell us whether he's destructible or not if this does nothing oh yeah okay so that actually did actually hurt him that was good all right we just need to get him in the face okay did that I don't think that did anything melty melty no all right Mega gun come on bro take the bullets hundreds of bullets in your face nothing lava gun nothing okay okay all right maybe we can abduct this guy come on on suck him up there get him get him yes yes it's Dragon him in come on lift him off the ground you can do it do it UFO drag him up yeah the the cow got abducted oh there goes the lizard yes I knew I could get these guys where is this other laser robot down here I can see him firing his pink lasers out there I'm just going to shoot the sun yeah take that son oh there he is there he is yes get lightning oh nice I thought I could just see that guy's skeleton as I did that lightning ability oh yeah that's not bad that one's not too bad lava bucket I'm just throwing everything I have at this guy to try and kill him the lasers are just too powerful they hurt so much wait a minute I have an idea yeah let's freeze him in place just like this there we go and then we'll get him with the crystal there we go corrupted Crystal this guy yes that's the stuff turn this guy into gold oh there it is it just stopped it just stopped oh no he's trying to burn me what was that okay I reckon that has got to be done right yep turn that robot into solid 24 karat gold send that guy to the jewelry store
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 46,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, teardown new mods, teardown mods gameplay, tear down youtube, catnap, pool of acid, dogday
Id: GBjvZfj2oUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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