I Crushed Humans with IMPOSSIBLE Spheres! - Teardown Mods

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welcome back to tear down we are down in Mexico at the moment what a beautiful looking map and my buddy Billy is hiding somewhere where is Billy Oh Billy Billy I'm over here where's he going he's going to buy some authentic Mexican merchandise come back o wa get out of that car that's not yours he likes to try and steal cars hey Billy get off that car champ all right I'm going to get in the car don't make me run your over Billy all righty dude let's go down to the beach I hear they have a little bit of a shark problem down here but we can eradicate the Sharks right Billy all right make my way down here where I spotted the shark earlier there he is he is gigantic I believe he is a megaladon hey hey dude catch this ball Billy come and kill the shark for me dude come and take him out the shark right there it's all you I can't drank Billy this guy's made of something really heavy you made of lead oh no there we go oh my God oh my God we murdered Billy Billy hang on a second let's grab his legs get out of there Billy all right we're going to resuscitate him let's resuscitate him let's use a ball that doesn't work maybe I can Leaf blow air into his lungs flip over he's still smiling okay I'm just resuscitating him all right this Billy is dead this is my new Billy he's called Bill and he's got a cool truck cap hey Bill we're not going to kill this one no so we're checking out a bunch of new mods today this is the sphere Summoner check this out oh my God it summons actual spheres that's right circular things in tear down check that out that is so good it's round it rolls like a ball that is really cool and then you can pick it back up again and you can hold it like this get out of the way Bill I'm going to try and kill the giant shark with the sphere here we go we're going to power it up and then oh yes yes we managed to get him okay it's definitely lagging whoa dude that's a big sphere into that building oh my God that was good come back here sphere okay I'm just going to try and just slam the Meg right on top of the head get crunched yes what do you reckon about that one bill that did some good damage oh oh oh crap I just picked up Bill using my sphere Summoner hand let's test your durability durability that was so good yes where is Bill gone he put a giant hole through all there all righty let's go find Bill oh you can grab curse oh my God you can just move them around it's like a destructive force oh oh hold up a second it spins oh my god oh you can spin it really fast whoa that's cool could you imagine if cars moved like that they just rolled all right then you can throw it away Bill oh crap I'm losing friends at an alarming rate this is Sir Billy III I mean William it's William Sir William III hey champ look at that Top Hat he's so fancy okay can we spin one of these things oh okay you can get a really good spin going on in this Mass 1,000 what does this look like oh it puts holes in stuff for real good did you see that William that was so awesome hey William catch catch this giant metal ball whoa Red Ball versus building actually versus truck who yes oh I grabbed the tree destroy the tree oh you can basically use this thing as a drill look at this get out of the way everything I'm just drilling my way through all the stuff all right it's time for me to leave in my hover car yes oh oh no we're going down we're going down man tried to leave Mexico that's what happened happens this map is called the $38 shopping campaign I've seen this room before this room looks very familiar oh it's Alan Wake what's up Alan like what's up Alan Wake I like Alan Wake hey Alan smash him in the face with a sledgehammer put your shoes on first okay let's put our shoes on and go outside oh look at this beautiful what the heck is this I've never seen one of these before it looks like a steamboat oh my God it's got a shredder attached it's called the contraption all right let's go contrap a couple of things let's go down this oh let's contrap these trees oh my God it just eats is what the heck freaky Bob was just who the who is freaky Bob all righty I'm going this way this is a really cool map so this map is made by a bunch of modders I think maybe prop guy Captain bear hot coco there's heaps there's so many it's a very cool mod though oh my God come on truck get contracted I can't I can't get him in there the contraption just isn't its mouth isn't big enough oh it's a tiny look at this little car I've also got I'm being shot at I've also got a mod that adds ragd doll models as the driver and I was able to add myself so I've got this cool little driver now and it's me he drives around oh God give me this ow hey oh what is that I'm being being shot at it's the chopper there's a chopper up there shoot no no I'm not having any of this crap get that Chopper oh I can't get him I can't he's killing me he's killing me I need something better I need something better ow ow ow BFG no I died breaking Rule 13 oh I did almost get an achievement though says I have 38 bucks what is this I hope you enjoy my drawing I spent many time on drawing oh my God that's the worst drawing I've ever laid my eyes upon okay I'm going to go into the shop and see if I can actually buy something how do we get in the shop how do we actually get in oh there's a concert okay hey bro how's it going what is this music it sounds like it's the wobbly music hey guy oh that's dougas of course it is this is uh Tony Hawk from the band Metallica oh hey bro who's this guy it's a robot guy okay go in the water all right we just killed him I'm going to cross over here before the uh oh my God what why is there a guy in the top Corner talking like he's the face cam on my video go away stop trying to claim my videos bro oh my God this the chopper again it's a chopper again okay I'm going in I'm going in let me inside this home okay I'm in the home I don't know if it can get me in here oh god I've set the house on fire all right let's put out the fire all right all right the chopper is outside I don't think it knows where I am how can we destroy the chopper I do have a oh Superman yes if I become Superman I can't be killed by bullets go for it shoot me doesn't even hurt doesn't even hurt yeah I'm being shot doesn't hurt though all righty let's go all right laser the chopper come on it's not working you can't destroy the chopper with mere lasers come on punch this Chopper yeah there it is I'm on top of this bad boy now it's not working exit how do we how do we exit can we get down oh my God what was that can we lift this oh yeah oh yeah let's lift that and just go down where's oh God you die prop guy has perished what was down there all right let's get in this car oh my God you can't drive what did I just do I just got in a car and died oh man there's a giant Einstein statue in the middle there all right that's a bit weird okay we've got a shop here and uh oh all right I'm going to buy some coffee while I'm here there we go oh there's a house here with some balloons tied to it maybe we've got like like a little bit of an up situation was there a fifth cabin yes do not impersonate Master Jim D oh no okay what happens if I select no oh oh okay that's good can we go inside oh we can what do we got in here we got a cake happy birthday Sam Lake oh nice one practice mewing okay let's do some mewing in the mirror got to get that beautiful jawline man there's so many weird things they have crammed into this map what is that is that the Mr Beast logo it say Feast on the side there hey hey it going it's me Mr Beast Mr Beast to the brand new red circle challenge who whichever contestant is able to stay inside the red circle for the longest and is the last to leave wins this brand new Italian pizza truck special edition and it looks like we've got a contant all right I just need to stay in the red circle and If I Stay the Longest I win the pizza truck except these guys look like they're skeletons I don't think I'm going to beat them okay I'm going to grab some of these what do we got on the it's empty the boxes are empty where's the febles give me these things there's no febles in here oh no oh no I think the helicopters after me again how am I going to stay in the circle save me Mr Beast I'm just going to hide here here this looks like a safe spot uh stay in the circle stay in the circle oh my God oh my God they're shooting me no no I'm being shot I have to get out of the circle okay oh I died from going out of the circle so that map was pretty fun except for the fact that the helicopter kept coming and destroying me so I couldn't really enjoy the map very much oh yes okay so the Spheres work really good at destroying these guys all right give me another be and bang nailed him can we shoot this thing like upwards oh yep oh oh yep here it comes it's coming down oh it weighs so much okay how far can we send this train oh yes yeah it absolutely wrecked that train man this thing is powerful look at all these rag dolls they're just spawning on the one spot and go yeah it just crushes him to bits that guy is stuck inside the sphere can we get him out of there oh he's jammed in there I can see his guts oh that's gross it's just like the gun is stuck on the outside of it okay what if I get a giant sword where's my sphere Summoner here it is how do we spin this thing yes that is good it's too long okay there we go let's get this thing spinning around oh yeah that's what I'm talking about B all right ultimate destructive sword yes it's stuck it is so stuck we're destroying this entire beautiful town okay how fast can this thing spin oh my God that is so fast all right I'm going to bring it down whoa whoa yes oh oh no it's glitching through the ground it runs into some serious problems when it hits the ground oh there it goes okay what about if I was to get this giant Steve here now this is a soft body Steve so he's super soft look at that oh that's cool okay can we launch this guy oh no we can't all right come back oh it's funny how his head like warps like that okay let's get like a little Block in stand here we go look at this little block wa cool it's like metal jelly this thing right here is actually a soft body white Cube look at that it's like a big giant jelly Cube I just shot it where'd it go all right what about you Steve he just rolled over his head like he was a mattress let's see if we can destroy Steve with this thing smack no oh it's stuck inside of his head it's rolling with him oh God oh God what have we done to Steve what have we done uh Steve we broke him all right let's get another one here we go maybe we can fix him did that did that work will the ball roll out of his head no I think his head has actually gone inside the ball yep I'm just going to have to destroy him real good oh God his arm went all the way over there good two of these balls can we join these things together and get a cable like this and then does that work or are they too heavy come on pull it nope they way too much oh my God these guys are still spawning here all right I'm just going to hit these guys just with an asteroid I'm just going to get back maybe we can destroy the spawner as well okay there we go that should have gotten rid of all of them let's have a look hello oh there there's another one and this guy is on fire oh now this guy is on fire oh no he's dead oh now he's on fire again they're just going to keep spawning and burning oh I made these things weigh a little bit less and now it actually works now I can spin it around like this oh that's cool oh so if we grab this one now and if we launch this one really far we should be able to launch both of them all right here we go yeah go oh that is so much fun oh okay don't drag the guys over they they die almost instantly okay so this mod is a lot of fun I bet there's like loads of things you can do with if you guys have got any ideas let me know in the comments try it out next time thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 43,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, teardown new mods, teardown mods gameplay, tear down youtube
Id: zrYhSH5D5lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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