Man Dies While In Coma, He Traveled To Heaven and Met With Deceased Relatives!

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hey everybody welcome back to the everyday miracles podcast i'm julie your host and i'm so excited to have my guest here with me today uh to share his testimony um randy schieffer is it shifter okay randy schieffer has a just phenomenal testimony um i'm going to let him share his background and what happened but he had some near-death experiences that are really profound and there was there's one piece of it as evidential that he did have an experience i think it's going to really captivate you so so much in this testimony so randy welcome oh thank you so much for having me uh we've we've talked so many times i'm so excited to be here today and and being able to share my journey with all of your viewers so i'm looking looking forward to it i really am oh i'm honored to have you so you have quite an extensive professional background and i'd love for you to share some of that yeah let me get into it real quick um i have a master's degree in forensic science and was a criminal investigator specializing in death investigations for about 30 35 years i guess uh both professionally and then privately as well so um ironically that was my job to investigate death and and what happened to people and how they died um but you know the the real and often i thought about how did i get into that profession you know why did i choose to go into law enforcement and then work toward becoming this homicide detective and i have to share with you when i was um 16 years old my family and i were on vacation forget my family obviously my mom and dad and my sister were on vacation in new jersey and um my my father who i was very very close with uh he taught me how to play little league baseball he was my coach uh you know i would go to work with him every saturday morning he taught me so many things in life but he was taken away from me so very early in life uh he died of a heart attack uh in july 1969 when we're in uh on vacation as i said and it that experience itself um it struck me so hard that i didn't realize how it affected me for the next 50 plus years because i i felt so guilt because i tried to save him i tried to do pulmonary resuscitation as it was called back in 1969 and and of course we didn't have the emts and the paramedics uh that we do nowadays so uh i did try to say i i and you know that whole scene that whole chaotic scene that eve that morning with my mom yelling at me and me trying to get you know my dad and stuff it had a profound effect on me to one that i truly believe through my dad's guidance guided me through my career and my choosing to become a homicide detective because his his death solely traumatized me that and then my sister died at 38 years old from stomach cancer while she was pregnant with her second child and she had to make a decision of allowing her aborting her daughter and having surgery or allowing her to you know grow and develop and they took a page at um i think was 37 weeks 38 weeks maybe and a month later my sister passed away from the stomach cancer another traumatic traumatic experience with death that i went through and i really believe that that that those experiences uh led me to fear my own death because i experienced death as pain i experienced the loss tremendous loss i experienced that at a very young age and that caused me to fear my own death and because i didn't want my family to experience what i had experienced that guilt the the loss the traumatic feeling that you go through when a loved one dies so i feared death i mean i would go into full panic attacks when i thought about my own death i mean yelling screaming pounding uh totally out of control and growing up we weren't real real religious family um we didn't attend church on a regular basis you know and god just wasn't really um present in our in our lives i i i tell people that that probably about the only time i went to churches is to in to try to impress some girlfriend that i was trying to date somewhere along the line and yeah she wanted to go to a sunrise service because i grew up in south florida and um so that was in itself quite an experience growing up but you know when you lose your father so young and then your grandparents and and then your uh my sister you know who i was really close with uh because i basically raised her after my father died you know i was my my older brother was working at the time and my mom had to work so it was just my sister and i and even my wife now we will celebrate 50 years of marriage this year and even when we dated because we were high school sweethearts um you know she came close with gina as well because we would sneak out on dates and have to take my sister with her and we always stopped somewhere and got her ice cream so she wouldn't rat us out you know yeah to my mom of where we went or what we did you know so you know she became close as well but i think that my childhood and and those experiences really influenced me to that i feared my death my mom my wife never knew this she not until after i experienced uh my near-death experiences that that i even was able to talk about my fear uh with death and she is a lifelong catholic um went to catholic school my three daughters went to catholic school we i went to church to support them but it didn't have really meaning to me you know and um being in law enforcement uh and you know you become very question you question everything you know when you see something and you question it and i guess we can remember um some of the comments that were made and you know it was like you know these guys don't really know because you know being in law enforcement you're very critical of things because i always had to have evidence i had to have physical evidence you know when i'm when i'm processing the crime scene i look for the dna i look for a fingerprint i look for hairs fibers because all of those have individual characteristics that i could connect one person to that crime scene so that was my life you know i had to have that physical evidence and church just didn't provide it uh you know a lot of what we call circumstantial evidence you know that that god existed uh and then if there was an afterlife and there was a heaven but a lot of times unless i had an abundance of circumstantial evidence um i tend not to try to pursue a case in court because circumstantial evidences can always be wrong so that's what i you know that's kind of my background of i had to have that real tangible evidence before i believed something uh and my career did you know kind of conditioned me that way if if you will um but you know my father uh toward uh the end of his life uh started to work in law enforcement uh kind of on a part-time basis and that kind of intrigued me you know the stories that he'd come back and tell and the things that he got to do interest me so when i went into the air force in 1972 i went into at that time they were called security police and was you know just the ordinary you know street cop basically on an air force base um you know we did patrols and responded to crime scenes and did all kinds of crazy stuff um and then i got interested uh in death and death investigation when i completed my bachelor's degree uh is in psychology uh and we touched on um the dying and and the psychological process of of of death uh and we i remember back then reading snippets about near-death experiences but you know i never pursued it i never looked into it i never followed up it was just part of my educational process that i went through so then um i train i i transitioned from security police over to the office of special investigations air force osi and that's when i uh just before then i completed my master's degree in forensic science and that's when i really became interested in death investigation to the point where they um osi kept me in washington dc for uh another year or so to allow allow me to attend some advanced training at the institute of um armed forces institute of pathology and the smithsonian institute there so i was and then through some other training i was able to i became an expert in blood spatter interpretation being able to go into a crime scene and and deduct what happened based on blood spatter um so you know i i i can tell i can tell war stories all day long uh about some of the things that we did and saw and you know i've been to so many autopsies from infants to newborns to you know uh senior citizens you know that anything that died suspiciously or through abuse of some sort murders homicide suicides um you know we attended that and uh so you know it wasn't until i never thought about bringing resolve to so many people you know to to families through my work i i never connected that i never thought about that you know yeah and it wasn't having something as trauma as yourself you're saying being able yeah i never i you know i i brought now that i think about it you know and go back and and um you know i touch on that that that that i did bring a lot of resolve because i say that because i still feel to this day i didn't do anything instrumental in my life to cause god to grace me with continued life because i should have died i i had covered uh back in march of 2020 i developed covet and um you'll hear my story and i should not be here i should be turning it was only for his grace that i am here today but i didn't deserve his grace i didn't do anything in my life to deserve it um and i still question that today i mean i thank him every day for for allowing me to live another day and to you know to spend with my family um and i still question why me you know what did i do to deserve his tremendous tremendous grace that he bestowed upon me of living but it was march of 2020 when i um when i got covered very early on matter of fact it was toward the end of february only almost to the to the to the day where i started to make fun of covid um you know they started to come out with they started to come out with these masks and stuff you know yeah well you know i got me a paper bag and i i cut eyes out and the ears and the nose and i put them in a magic marker i think it was or something i put on the top covered mask you know 60 each you know and i got a i got a corona beer and i was holding it up and my wife took my picture and we just shared it with the family you know making fun of it well almost to the day march 26th i went into the hospital with bilateral pneumonia emitted in critical condition because of covid um on the 28th of march they uh intubated me and my pulse ox got down into the 70s and they immediately did an emergency intubation on me with 20 and within 24 hours of that they airlifted me over to a larger hospital close by to where we live and they put me onto an ecmo machine ecmo is a heart-lung bypass you know because of your experience but they they they went into the right by right juggler with a very large tube into the heart and they that blood is then removed from your body oxygenated pumped and then they pump it back into your your system and it gives my my lungs an opportunity to rest and to try to heal because my lungs are completely full with covered glass top to bottom completely full to the point where my right lung actually collapsed i had a collapsed lung as well well within 24 hours of going on ecmo my kidneys failed and i went on dialysis and a short time after that my liver enlarged and started to throw blood clots and then my heart enlarged uh and my left ventricle wasn't pumping adequately so ecmo was able to pick up some of the stress off of my heart trying to pump um and my family my young youngest daughter is a is a nurse a labor and delivery nurse um she didn't know anything about covid she didn't know anything about ecmo she didn't know all she knew was dad's sick and he's he's bad yeah um it scared her when they just intubated me uh because she knew then that things weren't going to go south and i have i don't know how i've been blessed with such a strong family uh my wife and my girls are just the strongest emotionally people that i know uh physically strong i mean they endured i was in a hospital 44 days from the 26th of march until the 8th of may is when 9th of may is when i got out in a coma for 22 days i was in a coma intubated on ecmo my daughter called one of the floor nurses and said okay nurse to nurse what's my dad's chances and she said he's three percent she's a three percent survivor she said you know we things don't look good she's i'll be honest with you they don't look good because everybody was dying all around me yeah i think there was five of us on the floor at the time and i'm the only one that survived everybody else had passed and even the ones coming in after they had passed were passing so i was in a coma tubed up you know on ecmo on on on dialysis oh really multi-system organ failure is what you were heading into yeah and i started to bleed internally uh through the veins because i had to receive uh blood and plasma because i started to bleed internally as well um and that's how bad coca can affect someone i don't think it can get much worse other than me actually dying but yeah my one daughter mike lisa was living in mississippi at the time and as soon as i got real sick she came home and um my daughter kate was up in nashville my middle daughter she came home and my oldest daughter lives close by and she came up to the house as well to support my wife and um once i went into the emergency room little did i know that that was going to be the last time i'd see a family member for those 44 days i mean the total isolation and so lisa knew i was sick and she had called a friend of hers who is also a nurse up in kentucky and surprisingly her this other nurse's father is the infectious disease doctor and he called lisa and talked to her and he says do you want to get your dad convalescent plasma and you want to get him it as quick as possible so she called to the local hospital and said look part of our treatment plan is you know we want my dad to receive convalescent plasma and they said no we're not going to do that there's not enough research there's not enough studies you know it's it's something that we just won't do but she fought him she she the whole family stood fast to the point where they finally said well if you can figure out how to get it we'll consider giving it to him so that's when my middle daughter kate uh went on to to uh social media and she developed uh a an email or a facebook post i guess it is that went out to over 77 000 people uh it was viewed by 77 you know just a little bit about me i served my country you know and uh that i was real sick and they were looking for someone that had covet and has tested positive or a negative uh would have the antibodies and it had to be a type a blood they put this out looking for volunteers and they had two pages of volunteers that came forward and said that they would travel to florida to to give me their blood their antibodies you know lo and behold there was a young uh preacher uh in the town next to us that stepped up and um you know was a perfect match for me so they had called the kids had called one blood which is our local um blood um bank yeah and they said well we hadn't we don't have anybody trained to to take plasma we don't have anybody trained for convalescent plasma she said but we'll get them trained and they put together training they've worked with their headquarters down in orlando and got um got these two people trained to collect the plasma and they sent the machines up that they needed to collect it and everything and they collected his uh plasma is convalescent plasmid and with my blood they put it back on the airplane and send it down to orlando for further testing to be sure that we're going to be a complete match and we were they flew it back up they called my daughters and said okay we've got the plasma and the hospital has it so they got back on the phone and said we understand that you have this convalescent plasma when will my dad receive it and they said well we decided not to give it to him and um which you know started the questions of why you know and they said well it's a it's a blood product and we don't know how he'll react to receiving a blood product and my daughter said he's already received blood and plasma this is just another blood product you know how he's going to react well it's unethical how is it unethical i mean it was just throwing excuses that that they didn't want to give this we're not a research hospital we're not a teaching hospital you have to have emergency authorization from the cd from the health department to give it well my daughter got on found the paperwork got a doctor to sign it so i became the first person in northwest florida to receive convalescent plasma and the 34th in the nation to receive it because my number on the emergency authorization is zero zero zero zero three four i became the 34th person approved for convalescent plasma uh my daughter got a phone call oh my oldest daughter what was my oldest daughter doing my oldest daughter developed a prayer chain and it went out uh on the internet as well and she gave a few months back she gave me a map of the united states with little dots on it where she had to have somebody praying in that location 45 states she had someone praying for me and five countries she had people in five countries praying for me and i say that i say that because i'm not worthy i wasn't worthy of all that these people did not know me you know um but they reached out and wanted to help some way me what did i ever do you know um i just i'm just so blessed that i've been touched by so many different people and so many different strangers that you know wanted to come and help in some small way it's just it just touched my heart you know yeah um so she was she was in charge of prayers lisa took on the hospital and kate worked with one blood and and my wife just held them all together you know my wife is part italian so she likes to cook so mom was in the kitchen cooking while the kids were you know helping to save dad so they got a phone call on um good friday of 2020 april the 10th i think it was it said that they got permission to give me the convalescent plasmid and they received i received it on good friday by easter morning they capped the ecmo machine my lungs had cleared up that quickly wow um by easter they capped the ecmo that means they turned it off um by that tuesday my kidneys were fully functioning i came off of dialysis by that tuesday my liver returned to normal and my heart returned to normal and today i have no after effects my lungs are perfect i have 98 use of my lungs nothing wrong with my heart nothing wrong with my kidneys my liver it's a miracle it really is a miracle that i know so many people that came out with issues you know they came out on oxygen um you know i had to learn to walk again and i had to learn to swallow i had learned to talk because my voice was damaged from being intubated for so long my one vocal cord is is damaged but that's a small price to pay so while and i say that only as kind of a background to let people know what my family was doing while i was laying up in the hospital um enjoying myself for those 44 days because i was out you know i was i was in my coma i had no clue what was going on but um i do remember i had dreams and i had hallucinations uh i can tell the difference today i can tell you the difference my dreams usually involved people my family who are alive and it was kind of ironic because i didn't know obviously what my family was doing fighting so hard to save me um but my one a couple of my dreams involved my family and i got lost and they came and saved me so i think god was trying to tell me my family is working for me you know my family is is working so i i had dreams and then i had some other dreams that involved kate and you know kind of crazy stuff but then i also had hallucinations because i was on ketamine and some pretty heavy drugs and i can tell those as well like the time i i woke up and i woke up to um multi-colored flashing uh like lightning bolts coming at me you know and um i remember my eye my eyes were closed and i it was like scary i was scared and i didn't always have so i opened my eyes well when i opened my eyes i started to hear this god-awful music and i looked up on the ceiling and i had nine dancing panda bears dancing ceiling you know so it was that time it was the first time i remember saying to myself all right you're dead you died but if i died this must be hell because there's no way i can watch them for eternity but if i close my eyes i had the lightning bolts you know yeah um so definitely hallucinations and then there was the time that i have uh three dogs and i remember looking again as a hallucination but i remember looking out the uh the window in the hospital door and for some reason i thought there was birthing pools across the hallway and my dogs were over there swimming and playing in the birthing pools just this stuff that didn't make sense you know what i mean it's just bizarre stupid yeah so um uh when i when they brought me out of my coma uh and and kind of reality set in that you know i've been out for so many days 22 days and and uh i missed the whole month of april um you know i missed easter i missed kate's birthday i missed all kinds of stuff they finally allowed lisa to come in and stay with me because she was a nurse and she said look i'll come in i'll take care of him you know i only call you if i need something so they finally agreed to let her come in and when she walked through that door um i wasn't going to let her out trust me i latched onto her quick you know and we had some very nice tender moments uh and she kind of explained to me what had happened i said to lisa i said you know when they brought me out of my coma and she's at my bedside and i said lisa i said some things happened to me that um i i don't know what happened and she was what are you talking about dad and i said i traveled i said i traveled places i went she's where where did you travel to now julie i didn't have any reference to what had happened so i was trying to explain to her what had happened to me with terminology that i was only aware of you know does that make sense yeah like i said your hallucinations this was something different yeah i told her i told her my dreams and i told her hallucinations and i said but i had this other experience that she's what are you talking about i said well lisa i said i think i went to a big city london or paris i said it was beautiful and clean and she goes well i wasn't in london in paris because neither one of those were real clean you know but um so it's at the time i was trying to explain where i was and and i was struggling you know to do it um and it wasn't until really i got home and come home from the hospital and started to try to figure out what the heck happened to me that i stumbled on the more near-death experience and as i as i started reading and listening to some of these other testimonies it started to dawn on me that wait that's where i was i experienced that i saw that you know like and and i remember my my consciousness waking up um i don't i didn't have a body you know i don't remember arms and legs it was just my consciousness and i woke up and i and i told lisa initially i thought i was in an airplane a dark tunneled airplane you know but i was in a tunnel i was in this tube and i was going somewhere i wasn't traveling through it fast uh some people have reported but i i knew i was moving through this tube or my consciousness was and on each side of the of this tunnel there were uh like little windows almost like on an airplane you know and i could see this brilliant light that encased this tunnel and i felt i said to myself okay you died but where are you going i remember saying that to myself and i felt so warm and so calm now somebody that feared death and fear dying you would think that i would panic you know common sense tells you i'm gonna i'm dying i'm dead oh my god and i would panic but none of that ever sat in i was at so much i was at such a peace calm feeling and and it you've just felt so warm and loving going through this tube i remember coming to the end of it and my consciousness was in a big hall big beautiful golden hall um and i can describe this to you to detail it had three big arches on each side of the hall and it looked like there was other tunnels that came off of the hall and maybe different parts of this building and they were all outlined with this beautiful gold inlaid stone and things and big huge three big huge uh chandeliers beautiful chandeliers were on the ceiling and the windows uh were were beautiful um stained glass windows you know just in in different patterns and shapes and this magnificent light was coming in you know through these stained glass windows and there were water features you know throughout it was just absolutely beautiful i remember standing like on a mezzoline overlooking down onto this this room and this now that i now that i know his spirit came up to me and uh he had he had brown hair on a long ground hair and a beard a dark robe on and i said what a beautiful building what a beautiful room and he said yes it's one of our most popular spots that people like to come to and i said this is absolutely beautiful i said you feel so warm and at peace and he says yes he said but you don't belong here he said you have to leave and he pointed to some big beautiful oak doors big magnificent oak doors and i remember my consciousness moving out through those doors and down some steps into a beautiful city as it was a golden city city of gold but just absolutely the sky skyscrapers were just as tall as you could see and they were opaque windows outlined in gold and i remember walking through and there was no traffic there's no cars or you know anything and i could sense that movement was going on around me but i couldn't see anybody um and that puzzled me a little bit why i couldn't see others but as i moved through this city i was passing parks the parks were at green luscious green grass the parks were meticulously maintained and i've traveled up to the highlands of scotland and ireland and i've seen some beautiful green grass but this is not even compared to the beauty of these parks beautiful trees and flowers and i remember there's some children playing in these parks and i'm commenting how beautiful this city was and i was meandering through and then all of a sudden i realized i was lost and i couldn't find my way back i didn't know how to get back to that hall where i was before and i started to get scared and um and panicking uh and i remember sitting down uh on the curve i imagine but i remember sitting on the side of the road and i was i was yelling to these people i couldn't see you know help me i'm lost can someone just help me please help me and nobody was responding and i remember looking over my shoulder and there were all of a sudden there was this beautiful staircase this beautiful white staircase that just went up into the sky as far as you could see it just went up and i remember saying if i could get to that staircase i can crawl over and maybe someone will see me and someone will find me so i remember my consciousness moving over and i started to move up this staircase and i say crawl because that came to mind that i was trying to crawl up this staircase i have no clue of how far i got or you know where i was but i remember hearing this male voice come on and he said to me he says there he is there's randy get him and it was like somebody grabbed me by the shirt collar and just whisked me off the steps and i say in in the book that i'm writing i say that that i just returned to my dark little sedated world because the lights went out you know and uh and that's the last that i remember of that episode but i was back in that city i remember waking up my consciousness waking up and i remember being back in that city and i knew i was in a different part of it just as beautiful and just as stunning but i said to myself i know where those steps are i'm going to make my way back to those steps and maybe i can be found so i did that i remember going back up the steps again and that same voice there he is there's randy get him so i turned my consciousness turned and looked and i saw this older gentleman with white hair white flowing hair and a white beard and with a with a with a light-colored robe on he was the one that was grabbing me off of that staircase and returning me back to my little my little dark world you know um and i get i got i gotta i get questions sometime well if you were in heaven why would god allow you to suffer why would he put you through being scared and and yeah i thought that too yeah yeah and why would he allow you to do that and the only and this is what i truly truly believe going back to my childhood i didn't have a religious background you know i never read the bible never talked to i mean god and religion surprisingly it was really kind of not discussed even in the house and when kids went through catholic school you know they'd come home and say a little prayer for dinner and things you know but never i never did it you know because i didn't know how to talk to god um i didn't know anything about him you know i didn't know about heaven i didn't know about uh any of that stuff and you know and and so i was that lost sheep that the bible talks about you know and god had to let me suffer so i could be found and that to me was his way of showing me that he is there for you and you can be lost and you can stray from from the church and organize your religion if that's your thing that you want to do but um you know that that he is there for you and he brought me back you know it's just like that little shepherd that went out and found that one sheep and was so proud that he brought back that one sheep you know and i really think he had to let me do that because you got to remember my world evolved around physical evidence i had to have tangible physical evidence before i would believe something because i remember sitting in mass sometimes and the the preacher would say in hopes of rising again and i would say in hopes what do you mean in hopes of rising again man you're the catholic church don't you know you know you should know you have hopes of rising again and i have to say i'd say that you know and this also had a big influence i believe in my in developing my belief is that organized religion and whatever your belief is whatever god bless you for it you know if that's what works for you but for me that organization failed me like when my sister died we went to the church for comfort and support and i remember talking to the priest that morning he goes well what do you want me to do she's going to die you know i told him that my my sister had gone into hospice and and he goes well you know he says well i hope this isn't going to take take very long because i've got other things that i need to go do and yeah and as far as i'm sitting here and um you know so i was failed in so many different ways i can give you little stories like that that i was just failed by organized religion but spiritually i'm strong now spiritually i love god and i love talking about it you know um but i'll tell you my consciousness awoke another time and remember now i don't know the sequence of any of these stories all i know is they happen sometime probably between march 28th when i really was sick and went on ecmo until april the 10th that good friday when i got convalescent plasma that time period so i have no idea of the sequence of them or anything but i remember my consciousness waking up and i was walking down a pathway and the pathway dirt pathway and on both sides were absolutely gorgeous flowers and trees it was such a beautiful surrounding area and i was walking moving i should say down this little pathway didn't know where i was going i remember saying you're dead so you died um you know and and wasn't sure where i was um but out of nowhere this little boy appears um and he's very very animated and he had what we called a bowl haircut you know and he had dark hair um olive skin no shirt on and a little pair of shorts you know the what do they call those uh they come down just below your knees you know yeah barefoot you know is barefoot but very animated follow me follow me follow me so i did i followed him and he took me into a another room uh and this room was just as beautiful i had the big round red pedestal uh chairs throughout you know and their big picture window and he told me he says wait here i'll be back and again when you're there time you have no idea how long you're in heaven you don't know if it's five minutes or five days or how long i was there but i remember waiting and i was looking out this picture window and there was a a river that ran underneath the building and it meandered off into the distance but it was lined with the same type of beautiful flowers and trees just absolutely gorgeous setting and there were some people in the water not fraticling and having a good time or anything but they were leaned up against the back or the bank of of of this river just talking and relaxing you know and i was sitting there just taking in this beauty of this area and the little boy comes back and he goes i'm sorry he says you have to leave and i said no i don't want to leave i said i feel i said i feel so calm and so welcoming so loved and i said this is such a beautiful beautiful area i said i don't want to leave and he goes no i'm sorry your room isn't ready you have to leave and with that i went back into my dark little sedated world you know that quickly you know that was a verse in the bible yeah yeah yeah um you know i think it's in john where he says i will go and prepare many of them my my floor tests as many of them but my room wasn't ready so i wasn't allowed to stay they sent me back so my i have a very you know in life i have always been diligent in what i do you know very focused and my kids would always say you know dad you're like you know you get a hold of an idea or a thought you know and that's how my that's how my soul is you know because here i was there what three times so far and i got kicked out each time and they're still i'm i'm still going back just sneaking in the back door you know they're gonna get tired of me after a while but i keep sneaking back you know um but i went back into my little dark sedated world you know and um and my lat the last story here is um i remember my conscious waking up and i was in like a void area it wasn't dark dark you know it wasn't pitch black it was like a very late dusk you know you could see a little bit but not clearly and these little light orbs not were passing me every once in a while and i remember standing there again thinking i died but where am i and the spirit comes up to me and and telepathically i got a message that i needed to follow him no words were spoken but i knew that i needed to follow him so we started to move through this darkened area and i will say as we move deeper it got it seemed to get darker because julie you've been on you've been to the theater and you remember sitting there looking at a dark stage and then all of a sudden up in the corner this little light comes on and that light gets brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter until you see an actor or an actress sitting or standing there you know on the stage well as we move through this little light off to my left hand side started to come on and it got brighter and brighter and brighter and all of a sudden i saw my deceased mother-in-law sitting there just as clear as what i'm looking at you today i saw her i mean it was no shadow no doubt in my mind that it was my just this mother-in-law and she um unfortunately passed away of lou gehrig's disease and that is a devastating on the body and the mind you know just absolutely terrible but i tell my wife i said she looked to be probably in her 30s mid-30s and i said donna my wife's name is donna i said donna she she was beautiful i said she was sitting in this chair very regally and she had she always had long hair but she had her hair all pulled up into her bun with a white ribbon around her the bunny over here and she had a white robe on and with a with a like a white belt or light ribbon around the middle and she was sitting there very regularly and very majestic and she looked over at me and i was yelling her name dolores dolores it's me randy it's me you know and she looked away she looked away and she would not acknowledge me and then all of a sudden off to the left again my deceased brother-in-law ran by very quickly didn't acknowledge me didn't acknowledge his mother but i knew it was mark mark died of a drug overdose um fairly young and um you know it goes to add to my story of tragic deaths okay you know from my dad's heart attack to cancer to lou gehrig's to drug overdoses um but he ran by very quickly and i told my wife i said you know he was probably late teens he was mark in his late teens you know running around heaven which would have been him you know so suddenly my spirit told me we needed to move on my spirit guide totally told me i needed to move on so as we're moving deeper that little light now remember in heaven time is irrelevant and space you're not limited by peripheral vision you can see all around you you know what's going on all around you so as we move deeper i could see the light that was over my mother-in-law slowly fading out and just disappeared but as that one disappeared there was another light that came on in the distance and it was some distance away from me and the light got brighter and brighter and to the point that i knew automatically i felt it my in my heart if i had one that it was my father my mother and my sister standing there looking at me and i started to yell at them you know mom dad gene it's me it's me it's me yeah and uh my dad turned away my dad turned away i didn't see them as clearly as what i saw my mother-in-law yeah and then after a few minutes or seconds i don't know how long my mother and my sister turned her way but at the same time i felt that there was a barrier some type of a barrier between me and them you know and my daughter said well dad that would have been the veil of death and they turned around and didn't want to acknowledge you because and i was yelling at them trust me i was yelling at them you know and i got so frustrated because of it that they didn't want me to pass through the veil i had to stay on this side of the veil and they didn't want to encourage me to pass through because they knew i wasn't allowed to be there you know yeah again but they knew and and was and and as that that light was dimming off way off to my right hand side for some reason this little orb of light caught my attention and it came up very rapidly toward me and it came around and it stopped right in front of my face inches away from my face and i saw a human face for an instant i saw this face but just long enough for him to say to me tell madison at the salon her grandfather's okay and he moved on to a white porch and he was on this white porch and he started making red white and blue ribbons and american flags and i knew instantly he was a veteran you know i'm a veteran i served 20 years in the air force i just knew it i just felt it that he was a veteran you know i just knew it and shortly after that my spirit guy said you have to leave you have to go and i went back into my dark little sedated world you know so as i said before when when lisa was with me and they brought me out of my coma and everything i tried to explain to her all of these things you know and she said dad she was who's madison and i said i have no clue who madison is i said i don't know a madison and she said what did you recognize the person's face i said no i didn't i didn't recognize i have no clue who he was i said but i feel a veteran a fellow veteran wants me to deliver a message i said i have to do it you know i said i have to she well how are we ever going to find madison i said i don't know i said but i've got to try so like i said i came home from the hospital and i was on my as a kind of a combination of wheelchair and and walker you know depending upon who was there to catch me and uh uh so i remember this dresser right behind me um something drew my attention i was here in my bedroom and um in my wheelchair and something drew me to that dresser and i started to rumble through you know everybody has a junk drawer you know and i started rumbling through this junk drawer of mine and i came across a business card to a local barber shop and i looked at it and i said you know i've been in a hospital for for you know six weeks and probably another month before that so my hair needed to trim so i wheeled it out to my my wife and i said hey i said could you call and and see what they're doing with covid seeing if they're cutting hair or what the policy is you know so uh and i came back into my bedroom because this is where i felt comfortable because i came out of icu with icu delirium and some ptsd um so i felt this was my comfort zone you know for quite a while and even to this day i don't like the dark i don't like sleeping is very hard for me to do and i don't like you know night time at all but i was back here and a few minutes later lisa walked in and um um i tell people i'm the interrogator in the family you know the boyfriends you know girlfriends i'm the interrogator well lisa comes in and she starts interrogating me dad where did you get this card i said i got it out of my dresser you know she was no no where did you get the card i said lisa i said i don't know i said i just found it my dresser and she said have you been to this barber shop before i said yeah it's right down the street i've been there a couple of times probably and she said have you ever looked at this card they said lisa what are you talking about you know and she said dad i think we found your madison and she handed me the cards because look at the card and clearly jelly clearly written right on the card madison logan was right on the card oh my gosh and she goes do you know this girl i said no i don't know a madison i said but make an appointment with her so madison's story gets me every time sorry it's okay it's beautiful so we went down and she made an appointment and i wasn't driving obviously so lisa went with me and my wife was gonna go but she said lisa you go i don't think i can handle this so lisa went down with me and um they allowed us to come inside because i was in a walker and they allowed us to come inside to sit and everybody else was outside and lisa said she's dad who's madison which one of the that had like six seven barbers in there and she goes who's madison and i said i don't know who i said i don't know which one is madison and there was probably four ladies maybe five ladies i don't know so this young girl comes up and says hi i'm madison she's i think you're next i you're my next appointment and i said hi you know my name's randy and i sat down and um um she's you know asked me how i want my hair and stuff and so she's cutting my hair and lisa tells her she said uh you know my dad said covid he was in a coma you know she kind of prepped her up for it and i said madison i said um you mind if i ask you some personal questions and she goes no no no go ahead what and i said are both of your grandfathers still alive and she says no she said the grandfather that i was closest with passed away she said less than a year ago he passed away i said oh i said did he live in the local area and she was all no no she said he lives up in iowa she goes i'm the only one down here in florida um because i'm down here with my husband's because he's a doctor of physical therapy and she said we're down here you know just graduated from college and he's getting this for sure and i said has he ever visited this area she goes nope he's never come down not you know never come down and i said was he a veteran and she goes yeah she said he was a veteran she is he talked about being in the army and and you know something about vietnam and thing so julian this time i figured okay i probably got the right girl here so i said madison i said i think your grandfather came to me and he has a message for you so i told her i said this is exactly what he told me tell madison at the salon the grandfather's okay i said he wants you to know that he is okay of course she's crying i'm crying you know other people in the barber shop are saying don't go to that hairdresser she's going to make you cry and so finally after we got our we composed ourselves i said madison i said your grandfather moved on to a white porch i said is that somehow important to you and she was that would have been his porch in iowa she said he had a white porch that he loved to sit on she said after he retired she said he was out there every day playing with a computer working you know yelling at the people as they went by and stuff she loved sitting outside i said well he started making red white and blue ribbons and american flags he said does that have a connection she looked at me like i had a third eye she i mean she literally stepped back and looked at me like i had a third eye and she finally got the words out she said he belonged to the american legion and she goes every veterans day she says my whole family would go down and make red white and blue ribbons and american flags to the veteran's graves how would i know that i didn't know this family i had never met this family even if she cut my hair before you don't have those type of personal car at least i don't have those type of personal conversations with somebody that i'm in a chair for for i mean i don't have any hair um you know 10-15 minutes at the most you know and i'm gone um i didn't would never know that you know but god gave me my proof he said you want physical evidence i'll give you the physical evidence yeah you know because you didn't believe me at the steps you know you didn't believe me it the little boy in the room your room wasn't ready uh my gosh i'm gonna give you some i'm gonna give you some physical evidence you know yeah um so yeah i mean the family and i have gotten close come to find out i got to talk john is is the spirit his name is john um he did serve in the army served in vietnam i've talked to his wife and this is actually the second time john has sent her a message wow the second time that she has received a message from john right after he died she was going through his dresser and found a business card what yep and it had a a phone number a man's name and an insurance company so she thought maybe he has an insurance policy that she didn't know about so she dialed the number and a man answers she goes are you so and so with he goes no ma'am he goes that's not me and she says oh she says well i found this business card and it has this name on it and this phone number he goes what's the phone number so she told him and he goes oh no he's ma'am you misdialed the area code she says you know she's well where am i calling she goes well you're calling california she says this is a private residence in california and she goes oh i'm sorry she said he goes well where are you calling from and she was well i'm calling from iowa and um she's my husband passed away she goes oh she's my name is kathy you know and she was my husband recently passed away and i found this business card in his dresser he goes no man because that's the right um digits but you dial the wrong area code and he says wait a second he goes did you say your name was kathy and she goes yeah from iowa jesus yeah he goes let me tell you a story he said three or four months ago he was i was in a terrible motorcycle accident and the paramedics told me when they pulled me off the asphalt i was dead i was gone and he goes but the only thing i heard was someone yelling at me tell kathy from iowa john is okay and he goes he repeated it and repeated it and he goes i kept yelling back to him i don't know a kathy in iowa and he kept saying tell kathy and i or john is okay wow yeah wow isn't that an amazing story it's phenomenal man john he is he's hardcore he's yeah yeah he's he's pesky like me yeah well i think they're also ux you explained to her what his appearance looked like and wasn't she able to provide a photo she asked me she said um yeah thanks for bringing that up she said um because i told her you stopped in front of me and she was did you have a look at his face and i said yes very very briefly though she was let me send you a picture and so she sent me a picture and it was actually two john what he looked like when he died and john when he was in his 20s in vietnam he had his uniform on and it was a picture taken of vietnam and she had asked me she's what did he look like and i said well he had the dark hair and maybe a light mustache of some sort and that's when she sent me the picture after i described him to a t i say the man i saw i looked at that picture and i said that's and i called her back immediately and i said kathy i said that's who i saw i said there's no doubt i said that's who i saw wow i love that and i love that uh you have been invited to sit on that very porch yes i'm gonna go up this summer and i'm gonna find john's house and i'm gonna sit on his porch and i'm gonna have my picture taken and we'll have to tell john right then and there buddy i'm sitting on your porch come come visit me come visit me you know oh i'm sure he'll be there but you know what what i don't understand is how did john know that how did john know that there was a some remote connection between me and madison you know i didn't know her i never talked to her seriously but he knew it he knew [Music] that i had a connection to his granddaughter and he was going to get a message maybe it was a god ordained thing yeah and something that yeah and something else i found very interesting after talking to kathy is cathy explained to me how john died and he was at home died of a heart attack and his other madison's younger sister was with him and kathy had gone out for the day and had come back to pick something up and he was in the back bedroom and didn't see each other but he just yelled out he goes okay kathy's i'll see you later kathy left and she said she wasn't maybe 15 minutes down the road when the phone rang and it was the other granddaughter and she said john collapsed i can't get him up she goes he's something's wrong something's wrong and she said call the call call call call 9-1-1 so it's time kathy turned around and got back john was gone and um but um his granddaughter um felt guilty that she couldn't save john now look at the parallels between the way i felt and my guilt and the way my dad died compared to the way john died and the guilt of his granddaughter the the parallels there and the veteran me being a veteran um the way god has put he i mean he has a plan and the way that he put the pieces of that puzzle together um is just absolutely mind-boggling you know yeah so i have become much more spiritual i've got my physical evidence um i no longer fear death no longer uh trust me if this we would not be having this conversation about death three years ago you know i just couldn't even talk about it uh and i was like my mother my mother could never talk about it you know any time we asked her she died when she was 89 and um anytime we talked about it she'd start crying and just you know can't discuss it i can't discuss it and uh it wasn't until much much later than you know she finally told my brother what her wishes were you know yeah we just never talked about it when i wonder oh i'm sorry go ahead no no i'm just saying i i just i no longer fear i mean i'm sure she had a hand in allowing me to experience that to relieve me of that guilt that i had over my father yeah that would leave me you know of my fear of death and dying um because it was real and i just could not stand it you know yeah and i lived with that guilt like i said 50 plus years um that i lived with that that and it wasn't until therapy that i went to and um because of the ptsd coming out of the icu is that this came out you know and and we're we're talking about all of this and um you know i better understand it now but i have released the guilt you know because it was god's plan for my dad to die no matter what i would have done you know um because look what he did for me it wasn't my time to go and he gave me put pushing me back four times you know and that was his plan his plan was for me to come down and live in peace and to help share his message that he is real that there is an afterlife and it's beautiful and um you know i didn't i didn't get a lot of people say well why couldn't you see the people in in in the city because i wasn't supposed to be there you know yeah i wasn't supposed to be there so i wasn't allowed to experience that yeah um some people have a life review i didn't have a life review yeah i didn't go deep enough you know i i do believe that there are different tiers realms different realms of heaven and i was in that beginning tears you know yeah my spirit was and so i wasn't allowed to progress as others have to get the life review and and you know i mean there's been many stories of you know actually talking to jesus and and sharing so much information uh in that in that in that way um i do believe i i have one more experience i don't know if you have time for it or not but i have one more experience that i'm still i'm struggling with i'm not sure what happened yeah or who was talking to me um some say it was god but um do we have time are we okay in a few minutes yeah yeah i um i woke up my spirit woke up knowing that i was dead i was in a helicopter with two other dead bodies and we were on our way to dover air force base to mortuary affairs at dover air force base and if you're familiar with that that's where those who die in combat are taken and prepared for for burial they put their uniform on and be sure that the military member is taken care of and that's where i was going no doubt in my mind that's why i was gone we landed and i heard rhythmic marching off in a distance and the back of the plane opened up and they said we are the honor guard to remove the body of and they took one of the deceased soldiers out and they marched off they came back and they did it with the second soldier and i'm laying there saying okay when is my turn when i you know when they're going to come get me and then i remember someone rubbing my hand and it was skin-to-skin contact now remember covid you had to have gloves on you had to have the mat my favorite angel her name was mallory she was a nurse she was my godson god did i love mallory you know never saw her face but i heard her voice even in that coma i heard her voice because her and i have talked and she's good friends with the family now and i've seen that beautiful face when i heard her voice i knew i was going to be good for the day and i wanted mallory there with me you know i was in a coma because i talked i had a whole conversation with a nurse that didn't exist and that's another story for another time but i was laying in this in a stretcher and i felt this skin-to-skin contact with me and i heard this male voice i couldn't see him but i heard this very male voice came on and he said i've given you two shots tell me when you're ready for the third now my girls think it was god lungs were gone my kidneys were gone my third shot would have been my heart and it was acting up and i remember telling him i don't want your third shot i don't want it and with that i went back into my dark little sedated world wow so i don't know i'm still trying to figure that one out i'm still wrestling with that one yeah um you know i'm not sure yeah where i was with that one you know it was hallucination i don't know you know wow well i'm just glad that you're here and i think it's beautiful that you can see yeah it's it's i think these experiences are so customized and i you know you could have easily gone and well maybe you could have met jesus but then if you came back you'd be questioning well how do i really know you know and the fact that you know maybe he's drawing you to him through some of this experience but he gave you something else that was evidential that's pretty amazing and i want to see that picture of you on that porch you have to send it to me when you get it because this is so cool it's so amazing what a blessing for that family too um so just seeing that god has a plan um things are not accidental um you had your healing miracle which praise god for that um is there any other takeaway i know you want people to know that they don't need to fear death oh no please don't live with that guilt and that fear you know um yes it's hard for those that are left behind i know that um but you are you you need to communicate with them that you're going to a beautiful you're going home you know you're going home and that your spirit is going to live on you know i truly believe these bodies are our vessel yeah and that vessel wears out yes spirit returns um yeah you know has this holy spirit has it led you to pursue jesus more or have you found yourself reading the bible more has it changed your life with your faith all of the above okay yes yes randy i just want to say thank you so much for sharing this very personal and multi-layered testimony with me today and for allowing me to publish it and share it with everyone it's really phenomenal i wanted to let each of you know that randy's writing a book it's called to the veil and back surviving covid19 and again his full name is randy schieffer s-c-h-i-e-f-e-r i don't have an exact date on when that will be released but i will let you know and i wanted to take a moment to let you know he is he's given me a personal email to attach in the youtube comments if you'd like to reach out to randy i know he'd love to hear from you if his testimony blessed you that would be great if you want to reach out and the last thing i want to do is just pray dear heavenly father lord we praise you we praise you for who you are and that you love us and that you have prepared a place for us that you have a perfect plan that is unfolding and lord i thank you for the what you did for randy specifically the miracle healing and giving him this testimony to come back and bless so many people with i thank you for his beautiful family that rallied around him i thank you for the emotional healing from all the trauma of all the work that he's done in his life i can't even begin to imagine the traumas that he has witnessed and seen and i know that you used him in those ways and he was able to bless those families uniquely because of his own experiences it's it's just really amazing how you really do use all things and um and lord i want to pray a special prayer for those people listening that may have lost a loved one to covid it's it's a very difficult um it's very hard um although we don't understand the whys of everything lord we know that you're good and we trust you and i just pray that those people would feel your comfort right now i just pray that their healing would come and we thank you lord for who you are that your son that you sent to die for us so that we could be in heaven with you lord and uh we praise you we praise you for who you are in jesus name we pray amen thanks for listening today if you have a miracle that you'd like to share with me please reach out to me at every day miracles podcast or you can go to the website thank you and god bless [Music] you
Channel: Destiny Image
Views: 162,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual warfare, pastor alan didio, mario murillo, bible study with me, prophetic word for today, prophetic word, larry sparks, destiny image, encounter today, holy spirit, lana vawser, Sid Roth, it’s supernatural network, end times prophecy, prophetic word for today from god, prophetic word for me today, Bill Johnson, jesus christ, 2022 prophecy, prophetic word for 2022, nde, Man Dies While In Coma, He Traveled To Heaven and Met With Deceased Relatives!, God has a plan
Id: rEk1qSc5xbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 54sec (4794 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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