He Died In A Plane Crash! What He Sees In Heaven Will Inspire You!

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years ago i met two other pilots we boarded a commuter airplane we were carrying bank checks throughout the state of california after takeoff we were climbing through about a hundred feet when all of a sudden we stopped climbing and i didn't understand it at the time but our engines started screaming out of sync and we struggled to stay airborne our left wing clipped a row of very tall trees about 100 feet high and we splintered those trees like kindling with our left wing and that turned the aircraft toward this well we didn't know it existed until that time but a seven-story building capped with a mosaic dome and it was all made of concrete marble and we slammed into the building uh just five feet from the top it was erected ironically in memory of famous aviators it's called portal of the folded wings it sits in the middle of a cemetery it became known as the most ironic airplane crash in america and the the impact caused the airplane to splinter and maybe a couple thousand pieces altogether there was no cockpit to be in anymore and so the three pilots that were in the cockpit that day we slammed into this immovable object and then uh no cockpit to be in we fell then 70 feet to the ground with a bone-crushing impact but uh everything changed right then the next moments transformed my entire life and that's what you guys are just referring to but everything i had ever learned about life and death and god was transformed i was hovering about 15 feet above a crash site i didn't feel any pain i really wasn't worried or upset but i was very curious and confused because i didn't know at home at that moment that i had been in a crash i didn't understand what was uh i was looking at but below me were three bodies they lie motionless at the base of a building the first body then i recognized was gene the pilot in the left seat and he had been decapitated i waited years to explain that but that's the facts the second body was chuck my flight instructor friend my mentor the third body uh was crashed up smashed up against the cockpit instrument panel and shockingly as i looked down i recognized clearly that that was me that was my body down there but i wondered how can that be me uh because i'm up here so how can that mean be me down there and i don't know how this happened then but i suddenly realized okay i am not my body i am a spirit and my spirit lives on did i learn that as a child perhaps but i began to realize that all of a sudden in this new dimension or state that i was in i was learning things i could say this now but i was learning things from god right into my heart no words not even engaging the mind heart to heart my spirit was being um injected with knowledge with wisdom with with information i watched as they put my body into an ambulance and they rushed it toward the saint joseph's hospital nearby and at the hospital i was quickly transferred to the emergency room within moments i was again free of my body and i was hovering just below the acoustical ceiling looking down watching the flurry of activity my pilot uniform was torn to shreds soaked in blood and fuel i could see aircraft debris sticking out of my head my abdomen my legs my face was highly disfigured now uh don't don't criticize me now i still disfigured i understand that but i had a lot of uh problem with my i've had a lot of plastic surgeries my chin was almost severed from my face i had a big cut down uh thank god for the plastic surgeons way back then but there was a gash that went across my forehead my eyebrow into my eye cut my eye in right down in the middle not in two pieces it was still connected at the very back but my right eye was basically hopeless to ever see out of it again and it was apparent also that almost every bone in my body would be broken yet here i am again looking down feeling no pain i hovered above that body still in the er and the strangest of all things happened a memory flashed through my mind kind of like an old movie you know a powerful memory flashback i was in the fifth grade i had been kneeling at the altar there was a cross there some young man who i looked up to uh was explaining to me how to pray to receive jesus i had come forward in a summer camp i was in the fifth grade and i realized even then that jesus was the son of god he died in my place and my sins were forgiven because of what he had done all i needed to do was trust and believe and invite him into my heart well i did that and here i am in the emergency room re revisiting this experience that i had forgotten all about and on the heels of that flashback so to speak uh i realized i was no longer that tenderhearted kid who was zealous toward god i was completely selfish and arrogant it was all about me my life my goals my dreams the money i would make the places i would travel to oh my goodness gracious back in the er now i'm still above looking down the memory ended and i felt shame and sadness and grief and then uh that sadness left and i'd forgotten about that at that moment and i started moving backwards uh out of the emergency room um i started moving down the hallway backwards i was being pulled by something i couldn't control it couldn't steer it i didn't even understand it and the next thing i know i'm turning and going forward and i have departed the hospital and i know this sounds wild to all my professional aviator friends out there but this really happened to me i was moving at a blinding speed through what looked like deep outer space and the strange thing was there was a brilliant light beam that was emanating from what appeared to be my chest and it was guiding me i was following within this beam of light and i was going through at just incredible speed small lights passing me going the other direction and uh far far in the distance was what looked like a small sphere of light like a sun and it got bigger and bigger and bigger and it was more bright than the sun and yet it was warm and it didn't hurt my eyes to look at it uh it was then i realized that i would have been escorted by two uh angelic beings right behind me on the left and right side of me they were bigger than i was they were masculine and very strong looking and they seemed to be just completely delighted to be escorting me i remember them for some strange reason i noticed that they were clothed in a white seamless robe woven with silver threads i've always remembered that they had a gold band circling their in the middle of their chest above was this uh brilliant magnificent city and it was gradually taking shape it was in the it was in this light and the light was white at the core pure thick it's hard to even describe light this way but it was like a thick molasses sorry to it doesn't make sense i know but the light was so strong it was palpable and uh it as it came forward it uh turned into a brilliant gold and so the city itself took on the in complete gold i i've called it the city of god i've called it the city of gold both would be correct from what i remember and uh it's clearly a city of light and all of this time as i'm getting closer to the city gradually some kind of glorious music was playing in my heart and on my approach from where i was suspended i could see over this massive wall of a city and the city was incredible it was the wall was incredible too brightly colored over the wall were pitch picture perfect homes grouped in little quaint colorful harmonic uh townships each had a incredible blend of harmony with the others i mean i never learned to talk like this this is unlike the way i grew up and yet this experience happened it changed me um the wall was about as thick as it was tall and it had these translucent stones uh all put together uh just a multitude of colors were coming forth the city was still in the distance um and i just have to say you know later miraculously oh the word miraculous is a little bit of an understatement but miraculously with the healing of god with the answers of prayer with learning how faith works learning how god works seeking first the kingdom of god and then his righteousness and all these things would come unto you with all of that in the proper order god began to answer prayer do miracle upon miracle um like you sean i i did not grow up with miracles or charismatic understanding uh this all changed as god began to show me how real he is and how he is connected with his word his word the word of god is the structure that holds everything together even in the world that we live in and i i just make long story short i got to see god put me back together piece by piece part by part and i've flown all over the world 50 years as a professional pilot and pilot instructor mainly that's what god gave me a gift of teaching other pilots and helping improve aviation safety i say all that to say this i've been blessed to fly into most of the world's uh biggest cities and at night and some of them are massive you know paris for example but nothing was bigger or more massive or more beautiful than the city that i was going to in this heaven experience my senses were working better and i can't explain i couldn't explain it then i can now there's mountains in the distance like i said from the very beginning there was this glorious music every note more beautiful than i thought was possible the melodies the vibrations you know i i kind of understood three-part harmony you know at that age it was just so much harmony i couldn't even count it and it was just perfection the music has stayed with me i i sort of brought back i'm not a musician i'd barely play any instruments i dabble with a guitar okay but i'm not a musician i'm not a trained musician and people have written to me and say tell me about the music i'm a professional philharmonic you know orchestra leader tell me about the music and all i can tell you about music is that the music is in your heart it's it's in your heart it's it's part of who we are made by by god and we get in harmony with the music it's it's the most glorious wonderful thing they say well tell us about the music and they want to know about the technical part of it but music is a part of the worshipping of god and it's it's beyond description i i i probably can't talk more about it now but uh oh my gosh octaves of 50 octaves maybe above middle c and below it's just crazy while there i noticed a group of small a small little band of people that were gathering together getting ready to welcome me and they had known that i was coming apparently they were just now arriving and they were waiting for me and they had brighter eyes than i've ever seen brighter smiles and than ever of course on earth and they were clearly overjoyed that i was arriving and i looked they acted like family like we would know each other and yet i didn't notice anybody like family at first and then of course later it hit me oh my gosh we are family we're blood family we share the blood of jesus that makes us brothers and sisters even more than biological families back on uh biological blood relatives back on earth so the family of god if you're not a if you're not a believer think about this one of the benefits of joining the family of god is that you have millions of brothers and sisters all over the world just waiting to embrace you and we have this one accord we have a lot of work to do of course but we have this one accord that comes naturally as we allow god's holy spirit inside of us anyway uh i was changed by this um incredible family it it changed me i brought this information back it's it's strange uh there was every race represented every uh even natural language on the earth was probably represented there was male and female represented and i noticed none of that the love was so unconditional the love was so overwhelming that i didn't even notice until i got back that there was every race and gender of the the genders were represented it mattered not what mattered is that we were communicating and loving each other spirit to spirit there aren't enough words in the english language obviously to explain heaven or the majesty of heaven how much love there is how holy heaven is there's a word holy i didn't i didn't understand what in the world that word meant as a kid as a teenager and heaven is full of holiness and it's it's wonderful and in heaven we are part of that we're part of the righteousness of god not because we are perfect not because we do everything right no we have right standing with god because we are a child of god through jesus through what jesus did and we trust and believe that then that makes us righteous in god's eyes it's phenomenal here's the greatest gift in the world it's called the gospel that jesus pardoned me he pardoned you there's nothing you can do that is outside of the arms of god's loving precious forgiveness and it's through jesus christ you know the bible talks about heaven and it says i have not seen an ear has not heard nor has entered into the heart of man the things that god has prepared for him and uh it's wonderful heaven is great we're all going there each and every person listening to my voice and your voice both of you we are already in eternity yeah we're when we die we just leave from here and we go to now there's the big question where do we go are we going to heaven or are we going not to heaven hell is real as well you have guests that have talked about that heaven isn't experienced uh in the flesh it's experienced in the heart really my body was on the earth i'm up there in my spirit the spirit and the heart are the same and that's why it changed me i was in a coma for three days when i woke up the first thing that happened to me there was a nurse that came in just doing a routine check and all of a sudden i was awake and i tried to talk to her i tried to speak my face was all bandaged and stitched up and i felt like my face was ripping apart when i tried to talk to her finally and what i wanted to say to her was do you know jesus do you know if you're going to heaven god is real heaven's real i wanted to say all that and couldn't she brought the doctor in and i tried to tell the doctor dr homer graham was my doctor uh he came into the room tried to check me and i kept trying to tell him what did you do my eyes you've given me new eyes what have you done i have new eyes and he didn't understand i got to know him very very well later he too turned his life over to the lord jesus he could not deny the miraculous answers to prayer that his patient who would never walk again and never see out of his eye again and certainly never fly again but watched all of these things happen and he became a believer in jesus he's waiting for me now dr homogram yet i felt like he had surgically removed my old eyes and somehow for some reason inserted new eyes because when i woke up from the coma um nothing was the same i felt like i had uh was seeing in black and white in two dimensions before the crash and then after i woke up in the coma the easiest way to explain it now i'm seeing in three dimensions and in color that's in a sense kind of what happened i could see so clearly and all that mattered to me at that point and from then on was do people understand who jesus really is and i've come to believe that if they really understand who jesus is anybody in the right mind will want to receive him you have nothing to lose everything to gain heaven is incredible it's beyond words and yet once i returned the most important thing was what we just discus discussed here what will you do with the life god has given you and what will you do with that name jesus is he just a prophet is he just a good man or is he the son of god and is he the way to get to heaven which is what i of course i'm convinced of obviously and i've tried to do my best when i was in the uh crash i had multiple surgeries no sense going into all of that but six months or so after the crash i came to do another surgery i had about 12 i'd already done i got into my room and there's this roommate a 77 year old loud crabby old man he rattled off a lot a bunch of complaints and i wondered wow maybe i can change rooms and then it hit me this is the same hospital that i had come back from heaven about this is the same place i took my flight to heaven where i visited heaven and came back and i began to think about this angry man next to me his fragile life and um i'm 19 years old okay and this i began to think about him and [Music] i had this overwhelming love for him it filled me i walked over on one leg and i had one arm working and one eye working and i rattled the little curtain between us and i said excuse me sir um my name's dale black what's your name and he said the name's green joel greene and i said well i'm dale and i nice to meet you and he yanked back the curtain and he had this leathery face glaring up at me and he said what are you in the hospital for you're just a kid well i gave him the short version of the crash and he had heard about it on the news so he uh you know he'd known who i was in a sense i had my 15 minutes of fame and i said mr greene do you know jesus christ he's the reason i'm alive sir he's given me joy i have purpose now mr green are you going to go to heaven when you die and i said i don't want you to die now but are you going to go to heaven and he looked surprised turned away said nothing and here i am this punk kid this beat up kid what's motivating me who's doing this i'd seen heaven i saw eternity it changed me i continued mr green do you know about the free gift of eternal life through jesus christ silence his face softened though tears began to flow lots of tears i just waited and then finally he said dale i'm a minister's son 77 years old i've been running from god all of my life it's too late for me now i said too late mr green it's never too late for god he can turn something into beautiful into your life the time is now mr green and i'm just flowing with words i've never learned i've never prepared for mr greene get forgiveness from your past now you can do that with a prayer and again he was silent and i thought he's unresponsive he's not going to do anything and god kept pushing me with his gentle spirit which i've learned that still small voice to listen to and obey you see a lot was at stake for him everything was at stake i said mr green how would you like to pray a simple prayer and uh he put his hand in mind and i led him into a simple simple prayer and he received jesus in a wonderful way afterwards he was friendly he was nice to the nurses the next morning after surgery i was wheeled back to my room i glanced over to his bed where's mr green and the nurse said dale i'm sorry but mr green died this morning it it hit me uh he's in heaven he's in heaven and i told god then and there that i would never be timid or shy about the gospel and since that time i've been privileged and honored to help a lot of people just like joel greene one on one and i asked god does the lord help me a thousand job greens every year a thousand a year and it turned out to be about 30 years later about 30 000 people have received jesus in that same way not as a pastor not as a missionary as pilot uh during my work days and i was a pilot on my days off paying my own way to everything you know we have weekly videos what we call messages from heaven we bring god's perspective on current events and the people can go to our website and we just love helping people understand the precious power of god's holy spirit and part of it is salvation but another part of it is knowing the word of god and not only knowing it but even more importantly is learning how to apply it knowing is good but doing is essential and so we're trying to help people understand how to do the uh word of god and live victoriously and powerfully daleblack.org we have all these videos and all these free downloads that are available and uh you know you guys you you understand what i'm getting ready to say but telling my story about visiting heaven telling this whole thing has made my professional life uh much more difficult very problematic but time is short and i was the only survivor of that airplane crash and god gave me a second chance and now every breath that i take is because of him in every breath that i take i choose to place under his control you know you know i believe that god has given me recently a few years back that he spoke to me during the time of prayer and fasting that the return of jesus as messiah is imminent he's coming back again but this time he's not coming back as lord and savior he's coming back as je as judge and we're now trying in our ministry we're now changing things to help other people understand the last days and helping them find their way to heaven and helping them get prepared for what's coming around the corner you know the bible says that the the night is coming when no one can work and then i say you know we need to work now while there is still light so that's my story god is real the bible his word is again the structure that holds everything together and i firmly truly believe that we as believers can bring heaven to earth that's how jesus taught us to pray that thy will be done as it is in heaven you know here on this earth and we're seeing that with lots of miracles lots of supernatural events but also blending the natural with the supernatural the practical with the miraculous and with that you just cannot go wrong and by the way anybody that's out there that is not sure they're going to heaven when their life on this earth is over you can simply go to daleblack.org and then click on book your heaven flight
Channel: Destiny Image
Views: 195,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual warfare, pastor alan didio, mario murillo, bible study with me, prophetic word for today, larry sparks, destiny image, encounter today, holy spirit, lana vawser, Sid Roth, it’s supernatural network, end times prophecy, prophetic word for today from god, Bill Johnson, jesus christ, 2022 prophecy, prophetic word for 2022, nde, dale black, He Died In A Plane Crash! What He Sees In Heaven Will Inspire You!, heaven is real, near death encounter, plane crash
Id: 57KthUsbYK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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