Covid Near Death Experience Allows Him to Hear God's Voice & See God's Hand

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[Music] hi randy k here we all go through struggles at times and i want to share with you through stories and insights and interviews with others how much god loves you he loves you immensely and that's what i hope you will hear through our interviews and what we have to share with you thanks for staying tuned here we go hi welcome to this episode of revelations from heaven my guest today ken chin he was saved from death and he was saved from death from covid what he encountered with the lord is truly inspiring ken it's great to have you with us today oh thanks ryan it's a it's a pleasure and a joy to be able to be on your program and to share with your listeners what what god did in the hospital room really looking forward to it well ken i read your book uh an encounter with uh the healer and i have to say that i i you're a wonderful writer and it was a wonderful story i loved hearing about your uh daughter tara as well and some of the personal aspects of of what happened but but you um in your when you contracted uh covet fairly recently at the beginning of this year i think is when you suffered through this occasion but when you went into the hospital you [Music] refused a ventilator because that's what the doctors or the clinicians thought you required right so let me just give you a little couple minutes back drop it so yeah around christmas time 2021 i began to feel as we have a tradition we get together at my brother's house when i got up from the mill christmas eve i began to feel really bad and i knew something was wrong with my body so i tuffed it out went home uh got in bed and the christmas day uh all of my wife's family they all come over to our house and i end up staying in bed all day long i never left my bedroom my wife went and got a coveted test at the drugstore i tested negative so everybody's like okay you know maybe it's just a virus you know something's going on here so that made everybody feel better i thought you know tough guy mo double down on my vitamins you know drink some fluids and you know all of those things that we know to do well uh december 28 uh i went to a uh er clinic it would be my first of four visits to this particular er clinic and my first visit they diagnosed me with covid uh delta variant they gave me some medication sent me home said if you don't feel good come back in a couple of days i was back in a couple of days uh same thing i went back in he gave me a little bit of different medication said you know let it time to work you know you're sick you're not you know i said okay so i'll go back a third time and by this time i am struggling breathing uh my strength is living leaving me i'm going downhill quick and they put me on some oxygen sent me home with the oxygen so the fourth time i went and i don't go to the doctor for fun randy so the fourth time the fourth time i went i was so thankful there was a doctor there who took time and he saw in me what he had experienced a year earlier you know he had had cobit a very bad case um and he said the only way you're leaving here is by an ambulance and he said i'm going to personally see that you get a room at the local hospital well at this time you know january 4th the hospitals are overrun with covert patients people are dying left and right i've got people in my office that died my friends that died so i'm sitting there waiting uh on oxygen to get a room and he comes back about every hour and he's um you know telling me little tidbits about how he fought it how he went on and he was one of the fortunate few like you mentioned the vent he uh he checked himself in and he put himself on a vent and as he said i was one of the lucky few who came off and uh but it took him nine months to recover to where he could get strength to start treating patients again so i'm sitting there waiting it took about seven eight hours and um he's you know comes back about every hour just giving me a little little story about how he bought a peloton bike and he could barely get on it and you know slow slow process so you know probably someone had to die for me to get a room so i uh i'm transported to the local hospital and you know i think i'm gonna have a little breathing room here and uh this is at night uh by the time this is going down and and i'm confronted with uh doctors and internists and they were just so insistent that i go on a vent you know they uh you know they rode me in a wheelchair i couldn't stand up i was you know on oxygen and they said you know this is your your chance here you know you're wasting precious time you don't know how sick you are you know we're trying to help you let us help you this is what we're here for and it was really a it was a combative experience and you know they were each just going down the line taking shots at then i finally said to him randy i said everything i've read and studied only 12 percent of the people that go on ventilators live to come off of it and i just told them i said i do not like those odds i choose not to go on that you know they said well you know you're probably going to regret this you're you know this is on you it's not on us this is your decision so one by one they left and um went to treat peace patients who would you know be more cooperative with them so shortly thereafter i found myself rolled uh in a hospital bed down the end of the hall all alone no visitors and close the door pull the curtain instead of putting on a vent they put me on a bipap machine they put this face mask over you it forces air into your lungs it's a few steps down from an event but you know i thought well i felt like i was making the right decision for ken chen you know i'm not here to give medical advice to anybody but i i felt like you know this was what i needed to do so i'm there all alone and this is really where the god story really begins and just so thankful that i know the word of god and and the scripture and you know immediately i began to to think about uh jacob and i says jacob wrestled all night long he wrestled with the angel you know he said i will not let you go unless you bless me there was such this intensity and passion and travail of him fighting and fighting you know he thought his life was over he thought the life of his family was over esau was going to take him out it's going to take his family out in the morning and that's just exactly where i was at i felt like i was just facing death you know and i had all of these scriptures and passages come across to me just that we're just passionate i thought about the you know the hebrew youth that were being thrown in the fire and it just seemed like imminent death and at the last minute you know god sent support the angel and rescues them out of the fiery furnace and that's where i was asked to god you know rescue me from this god there's like a spirit of death in this hospital and um i begin to pray the psalms it says god god psalms 46 1 god you are ever present help in our time of need god i need you now god i i don't need you tomorrow god i need you right now i need you to be my ever present help god just be with me god i'm beginning to pray psalms 73 25-26 psalmist says my flesh and my heart faileth and that's what i was saying god you know god my body is shutting down god it's just shutting down god be the strength of my heart god give me strength god give me the ability to hold on i knew that if i closed my eyes that i was going to die i knew that i had to make it to the morning light i knew it i could have rolled over and i would have been a dead man i was so focused you know we don't even think about breathing right now but it was just one breath at a time just and and i began to think about hannah and hannah praying you know just desperate crying weeping and so much so that the dumb priest eli thought she was drunk in the morning and she was pouring her heart out before the lord just crying out to god and you know i've heard it said before randy that god god does not answer prayer god answers desperate prayer and that's just exactly where i found myself it's just me and god it's just real there's nobody else and i'm desperately praying god god let me live please god spare my life god my prayer was god i want to see my daughter grow up and be more established in the faith god i want to see my daughter become more independent god i want to see her become more mature and god just grant me this god as the father's crying out for his daughter spare my life o lord just pouring out my heart and travail to god and you know i began to think about jesus in the garden of gethsemane and it was just such an intensity and and passion you know he's fixing to go to the cross and take the sin of the world upon himself and and he's you know sweating it's just from his pores it's just drops of blood were coming out there's a medical term i think it's called hematodosis you know some of other doctors could correct me if i'm wrong on that but but such was the intensity of it and you know i'm not trying to make myself out to be somebody super spiritual you know i know who ken chen is and you know jesus said to the disciples hey you know can't you guys just hang out with me for one hour can you just pray with me for an hour and it's a critical time and and i mean that's ken chen you know my mind just wanders all over the place and projects to do and things to do and you know i i found myself just uh forced uh when you're in a situation where it's life and death where you're you know just one breath away from eternity trying to to breathe and struggle and to to maintain you know uh life and and fight uh you know and i i begin to to drill down in romans 8 11. it says you know if the spirit that raised christ from the dead dwelling you you know he will quicken your mortal body and i just begin to say that in my weakened state and meditate on that god god just god come and quicken my mortal body god give me strength god be merciful to me lord and you know as i began to just process that and think about that you know i felt this surge of energy coming into my body it was like someone took a you know electricity or something just plugged it right into me and it was the first sign throughout the night you know this is probably around midnight when this was going on and but i felt that anointing that quickening of the spirit and it encouraged me it gave me more strength to continue to pray and to hang on and to fight and i just would i was just hanging on to that just clinging to it you know and just to perseverance you know jesus taught the story about the unjust judge you know unjust judge he said you know i don't fear god i don't fear man i don't fear anybody but he uh he said because this woman keeps coming to me i'm going to grant her her request you know not that god is an unjust judge by any means but jesus was teaching us about prevailing prayer you know touching the throne of god and um just laboring in on that just uh just calling out to god and uh you know from there after that went uh you know beginning to feel the weak again and as the strength began to leave me and i began to get desperate and just continue to call out i said god as long as i have breath the psalmist says i will cry out to the lord god in my distress i'm calling to you bring me your salvation you know all these scriptures and and and bible passages uh you know just kept flooding into it then after a period of time i uh i settled in on romans 8 26 and it says the spirit of god makes groanings which words can't even utter you know so i'm just in this state of you know my mind's almost coming to an end in itself just processing everything and thinking about everything and i'm just sitting there and i'm just going oh oh god um ah just this intense groaning that was just coming up from my spirit from my belly just rising up i'm just moaning and groaning in the spirit with just no words to even say god oh oh just mmm god at times it was so intense i mean i felt like my insides were just gonna burst out of me um the intensity of the whole thing and you know as i was in that in that mode and just crying out to god is my eyes closed and so forth i i opened my eyes and i looked down at my my body and my arms and my my hands and and there was this white glowing light you know it's not like a light that you think of you know you turn a light on and it's there this light was like moving it was alive it was moving around and it was frosted and clear and it was over my body and you know my initial reaction to it was oh my gosh you know god i knew god heard my prayer i didn't know if god would answer my prayers the way i wanted him to i thought oh no i'm going to die you know i've heard all these stories about people and you know they're on their deathbed and they have family members around them and all of a sudden they look up and you know you say you know wow you know i see heaven i see the angels i see jesus you know in this school in this glorious and you know they breathe their last and they fall back and their spirit goes to be with god and they're dead you know and i thought oh no you know i uh you know this is it's over for me but as i sit there a few more minutes and began to just look at this light and to focus on it i began to feel the love of god i began to feel the the peace of god and the power of god and it just overcame me just i was just so fascinated by everything that was going on at this time you know i'm just really tuned into the spirit world when you're you know just a breath away from the eternity and life and death at times i could just feel my spirit trying to just leave my body and so i began to just absorb this and just soak it in and just savor the moment god is with me you know god is with me god has given me a second manifestation here all alone on my deathbed and it was just such a beautiful uh beautiful experience to to be able to see that and to experience that it's something i will see the rest of my life and my mind and my spirit and you know uh i think it's something we don't focus on enough to is you know we have so much emphasis you know first john 4 8 says god is love okay god is love yeah i got it but first john 1 5 says god is light and light is a part of the very essence of the being of god and so i really felt you know encouraged and strengthened by this and um after a period of time the light just disappeared from me and you know i'm having these ups and downs you know i'm just trying to hang on god let me make it to the morning light you know i you know and i just i just continued to wrestle and to call out as the scriptures and you know everything in me just was rising up like a warrior to fight and after a period of time distilled travailing in prayer i heard these words you know just coming from the right side of my my head my ear and it's coming down at an angle here i heard these words you know you know i'm on my deathbed randy okay the last thing i'm expecting is to hear god speak to me on my deathbed were these audible words okay yes i could hear these words in my ear and into my spirit and these words were you shall live you shall live and declare the glory of god and it was just like jarring in my spirit and you know the bible says the entrance of your word gives life you know and then i heard it again the second time with more conviction with more power you shall live and declare the glory of god and my mind and my body it's like you know it's just awakening it's just like shaking and then i heard it a third time with more power and authority you shall live and declare the glory of god and man i was just processing this and just hanging on to it it was like you know it's one thing to know the bible and to memorize it and to know the scriptures and the bible stories but one god when god gives you what we call a rhema word of god a specific word for a specific time in your life that is so bull's-eye so spot on you know it's just jesus said the words i speak are spirit and life faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and that that word along with the other two manifestations just gave me the ability i must have said that to myself a hundred times a thousand times the rest of the night you know just hanging on god god you said i would live and declare your glory you know and it was just uh it was just life-giving it was manna from heaven it was a word in due season it just rose up and gave me faith to keep fighting and you know there were weak points even after hearing that word you know i mean i'm still i'm just washed out i mean i'm still just you know completely exhausted i've had no rest you know i went in there about 10 30 and just trying to make it um but that that gave me just that extra push and fight in the will to to continue to prevail and you know i don't know it's probably 30 minutes 45 minutes after that and i heard i heard a rattling on that glass door i heard that nurse that door started shaking and she pulled that door back and when she pulled that door back and ripped that curtain back i tell you i felt like i was on a rocket ship it was just like god's spirit just came upon me and just overwhelmed me you know i felt like i just defeated death i had this joy of the lord unspeakable unspeakable joy that the darkness that i had wrestled with and fought all night death and you know the joy of the lord was my strength and i began to think about passages again i thought about the hebrew the nation of israel you know they're they're fleeing egypt the mountains are on both sides the waters in front of the mighty egyptian armies coming right at them god it looks like they're all going to die god parts the water they walk over on dry ground and the egyptian armies drowned in the in the sea but to me in my spirit it was like i'd crossed over something like i had gone over to a different dimension and had you know stayed the hand of death for this day i felt just this joy and exuberance in me you know the psalmist talks about how trapping animals you know they did that and david uh he said our soul our soul is escaped from the death trap we are escaped just like you know an animal that got away and i began to think about daniel and these death passages and i felt like just like daniel god had pulled me out of the den of death you know just ripped me right out of that and uh just on and on i thought about lazarus these things were just flowing just like a river through me and i know people say oh you know you didn't die i know i didn't die but i came about as close to it as you could i mean i was one breath away most of the night struggling just trying to maintain keep my spirit in my body and you know fighting to live and um and just that resurrection power that you know you know it's like uh like with lazarus you know take the grave crow clothes off of him you know loose him and let him go and i felt that in my spirit that god was just had answered my prayers had supernaturally manifested himself to me throughout the night and preserved my life kept me alive and you know the nurse you know she said she's she's in there and she's like a then doesn't say words like leaves leaves goes back down to the nurse's station she's like you know this guy's still alive you know what what are we gonna do with him now you know and uh so she um she comes back and and um you know i didn't get a miraculous healing i did not i didn't pray for one i prayed for god to let me live to let me live let let me live and uh so i spent i spent a month in the hospital after that and you know many different god stories happened they moved me up to the uh the sixth floor was the very critical covet patients they had the sixth floor and then the fourth floor was those who were improving a little bit but so i remained there for a month had a view i'm right in the middle of it all i could see everything that was going on in the colby unit and slowly slowly just making progress of you know each day and the sweet things that god did during that time different encounters on that but yeah it was it was a long haul to say the very least it was the long haul that was something that uh that may be the biggest uh understatement of the uh of the day certainly um one of the things ken you talked about during this struggle and you use the uh analogy related to the the bible account of of jacob wrestling and with god and how you were wrestling uh with with god at that point you know save me save me i don't want to die but there was a point you said that you were trying to keep your spirit from leaving and you had these then you had the one impression of the light the light of jesus as you said in uh first john uh uh one knife and uh that light was a living presence you explained it as a living presence as one that was more than just like it would get from a light bulb oh yeah yeah and and you also explained um the impression of the spirit the maintaining of the spirit so you it sounded like at that point and he you heard the audible voice of the lord as well at that point it sounded like you were ushered into a space now or into a place or at least god had ushered himself into a place consecrated into what would be um i'm not sure what that what that what that place would be but it was a place where god could speak to you and he had walled off that enough so that he could indeed speak audibly into you yes and that you could have the sense of his presence truly in uh in this light explain a little bit more as to what that was like in comparison to the rest as you were wrestling and all of a sudden you see and hear the manifestation of god well it was just it was just overwhelming uh are you talking about the light now when i when i saw that and then the audible because you had two i mean these are to to hear the vulnerable voice of god very few people have ever heard the audible voice of god and then to see the light which is jesus the light of jesus explain that uh to us and what what that was and then maybe a little bit more elaboration yeah so yeah the light when i opened my eyes up you know as i'm praying and just groaning in the spirit of romans 8 26 and i open my eyes and i look at this and i'm thinking you know this is it it's the end you know i thought i was going to die but after i got over that panic it returned to fascination and a study of the light and to to look at it and to see what it was doing uh over my body and over my arms and my hands and it was not static it was moving it was like living it was like within itself i could see these particles little light just moving all around my body and it was glowing and and frosted it's uh know uh paul talks about being caught up into the heavens and hard to describe certain things but it was a it was just supernatural it was uh just such a um you know something that i've never seen before and uh it was just it was just a comfort thing to know here i am you know here i am and god is giving me a manifestation like this a supernatural appearance with the holy spirit god jesus all three you know that i'm able to visibly see this with my own eyes and look upon this and you know i needed it i hate to say it i you know i i was so weak and in a state you know i'd lost 32 pounds of muscle by this time um and i think there's something to it you know we do it so little god says you'll find me you'll find me when you search for me with all of your heart and i can truly say that this is one of the times in my life where i was wholeheartedly 110 engaged with nothing but god alone because i knew that god controlled what was going to happen to me now i do think we play a part in that i think there's a i could have rolled over and died you know i think you know the bible says we're co-laborers with christ you know the nation of israel when god told them he said hey i've given you this land you know god just didn't blow on all the enemies and kill them all he said you go out there and take it now and i think it's really interesting too shortly after this experience i mean i'm still in the hospital and this uh there's a man of god who he's kind of in and out of my life but i really respect him a whole lot and he sent me a word and he doesn't do this often you know i'm not here for him for a year or whatever and but he sent this word to me he said you have wrestled with god and you have prevailed and won the victory but god will get all the glory and when he sent that word he said i didn't want to say it like that he said you know i fought god for 20 minutes he said what i wanted to say was you have wrestled with god god got the victory and god gets the glory but it brings in that human element you know you've wrestled with god you've won the victory you've prevailed just like jacob did and this man had no idea what he was saying he's you know he had no cardinal knowledge there's no way he could have known anything nobody knew at this point you know other than my wife but i told her but you know there is that we quote that scripture that you know i can do all things through christ who strengthens me yes you can you know i can do it but it's that anointing it's that spirit that comes into it again it's that co-laboring is that working together with god and and i think had i not been so desperate to search and seek for god with my whole heart that whole night and just travailing prayer and again i'm you know i'm no saying i know you know i hadn't have i prayed through the night again i have not since that night you know but i know um i know that there is a whole other dimension out there you know like it's like uh after i saw that i began to think about elisha's servant and you know the first story story i think it's in first kings or second king six and you know the enemy army is attacking israel and elisha the prophet says hey king put all your put your all your military on the east side they're gonna attack from the east he thwarts the attack the next day the king's enemy king's coming at him he says they're coming from the west put your army over there stops it again does it another time and so finally the enemy king says i've got a traitor in my midst who is who's giving away my battle plans we want to execute him let's get rid of him and the guy says oh it's not so but there is a man in israel who knows what you're speaking on your bed what battle plans you're drawing up and you know sometimes in the they call the old testament problem they call them seers you know they could see things in the spirit realm like i did that everybody else wasn't seeing and so you know they're sending the whole army after one man after one man yeah and so all the whole army's there and you know the servants going out man it's been nice knowing you elisha that we're fixing to die we had a good ministry it was a good run uh you know and elisha just says god opened his eyes and he looked and he saw all the heavenly angels all around him and you know i think god desires to show us more of that to manifest himself in greater ways i think it's on us though will we you know seek god with all our hearts we you know spend hours in prayer we you know it's our part too you know do you want to draw aside and spend you know days in fasting and prayer you know uh you know what we have a role to play in it all yeah yeah it seems that you know that you talked about the fervent prayer fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much yeah conservancy is is is vital key to that it's almost as though we need to be brought down a point of desperation to enter into prayer i need to say that but you know it's just that we take god for granted uh you know 99 of the time it seems uh you know even with elijah's servants you know seeing the chariots of fire around where that there was a point of desperation you at dears who with uh jacob you know like you were wrestling with god uh he thought he was going to be killed by his brother esau and so he's wrestling with god and then jacob said i you know he would wrestle until he got a blessing and you were asking at that point your life basically yeah the ultimate physical blessing which was your life because it sounded like i was entertained somewhat i mean i was entertained throughout certainly but i was i was amusingly entertained by the nurses said oh he's still alive you know they're expecting you you know they that you were gonna be not be alive you know they they thought you know you weren't intubated and uh you know if you're not intubated you can't survive but it's true that you know many patients who are intubated develop pneumonia after uh you know a day or two um and so they thought well okay you know he's he's uh he's not gonna make it and you had wrestled for your life but there was something else which was i know and the the message that you were given was he would declare the glory of god but would be for the glory of god that you'd be declaring these things and um i like it that you you always put put it back on on this is this is about god this is not just about me oh god so i have to ask you a question and can [Music] there's often times a message that the lord provides for those of us who um have survived uh you know imminent death and that is that message is the declaration of a truth you know on the blessing even that jacob declared certainly and even as elijah as a prophet had declared so what do you think that declaration is that god brought you through this to declare to those who maybe the world at large that will be watching this and listening to this i i think part of it is just to declare the glory of god you know i've really been amazed at some of the opportunities that have opened up for me to share my testimony with groups of people um you know getting messages from people from the book it's starting to get a little traction and hadn't been out that long and you know it's just uh it's a it's a message that's probably not popular but god does his best work in our worst times you know god does his best work in our worst times i believe and you know talking about the nurse there i'll throw tell a bunch of different stories but i think it is god is god has given me an opportunity to minister the gospel more i feel a whole lot closer the word just seems so much more alive you know my prayer life i seem to be able to enter into the holy of holies with god with more ease but uh yeah but uh yeah about so i'm in about two and a half weeks and you know speak about the nurse you know like what are we gonna do with this guy he's alive so i have this new nurse that comes in on the night shift and she's trying to get familiar with me randy she's looking at my chart first time she's ever seen me so she's looking through there and going through and she's just sitting there hmm and you know i almost want to go myself she she looks up at me and she says mr ken she said you beat the coveted two-step and that was a new phrase to me i had never heard anything the coveted two-step but this is an expression that the front line workers have for people that they feel like have two steps they're away from death and uh and so i didn't know who she was that's the first time i've ever looked at her i know she's christian you know what believer not believer or whatever so i just began to share with her what i shared with you and your listeners and begin to tell her about what god did and she just lit up and she said well praise the lord she said by every indication when i look at your chart she said only god could deliver you wow and to me that was just another just uh it was just another holy moment you know she probably stayed with me a little bit longer than she should have we fellowship for a little bit and shared the word of god back and forth and said i got to go see some more patients ken and you know left and got out of there and i said you know i understand appreciate you a real sweet spirit lady but you know different stories like that and wow [Music] well it's very relevant again i think because there's an ongoing struggle with covid i mean uh you know uh you know president came down with both president the current president prior president came down with kovid um it seems uh some some believe that everyone has had covid i don't know that that's true necessarily i think uh but but it seems the majority now have contracted variations or gradations of covet and certainly in your case my um yeah i have a son who is uh emergency room physician so he was in arizona and treating patients which was he called it uh covid uh h e double l so it was like yeah horrendous so it's something we have to live with um it seems you know um unlike other you know plagues that have come and gone obviously we've had vaccinations that may have helped uh in some cases but have not prevented entirely the uh the covid virus um and so everyone seems to be can in this state of it could happen to me and so what we've noticed is even some young people now are thinking whoa i thought death was way off into the future you know it's not never going to happen to me and now all of a sudden i have to come to terms with my mortality and knowing that eventually i i might die it's almost i think of it it's going to sound bizarre i'm going to get your take on this ken it's almost as though you know what the um you know the bible verse would what uh the enemy intends for harm god will turn for good it's almost as though this is a good thing in the in the sense that it has woken us up it's woken woken our general population up to the fact that any time at any time we can leave this earth you know the bible talks about this life is a mist the vapor at any time yeah because we live in this perpetual thinking you know i'll have it tomorrow you know the bible also says there's no promise of a tomorrow and so when you when you think of back on that of what house changed you said you um you were on the other side now you had before you explained it and i don't know your exact i don't remember your exact words but you had crossed over into another place and explain what that is as it relates to the audience because a lot of us no i'm not um you know i died right but a lot of people have never crossed that divine where they've had to face death you and i have explain to them what they should do now that they can do so they don't have to go through a and death or a near-death experience yeah i i really credit a hundred percent too if someone does not know the word of god [Music] you know the sword of the spirit the word of god and i i don't think i would have made it had i not had you know 40 50 years of bible reading bible study theology theological study and college university i really credit the word of god for giving that to me it was like ammunition to me so number one i would encourage someone regardless of whether it's coveted or cancer or financial situation everybody's dealing with something different but just have that word of a god and and when the enemy comes in like a flood you know you have that word of god you can use that for battle you know when satan came against jesus in the wilderness uh there's no time when i'm all alone there there's no time for me to study the bible and flip through it and try to find something no no you you either have it or you don't you know jesus couldn't say hang on a minute satan you know i got to go back to the synagogue or the temple i need to figure out where this scripture's at no he said it is written you know and so when the word and the spirit are flowing through you i think it really uh it just really gives you a very distinct advantage and as far as the dying yeah you don't you don't won't have to have people to go through that is but i mean it's like a part of you is just ripped open as if i'm something i'm grasping for words to try to tell your viewers you know it's like you know something happens to you you know uh as terrible as that experience was as terrible as it was i would not trade it for anything you know i've changed so much as a result of that i've changed spiritually it just catapulted me into greater dimensions and greater insight into god and to god's plan for my life and my family um you know it's uh it's very powerful and death is real and uh i mean it's uh you know this covet unfortunately it's gonna seems like it's gonna be around uh here where i'm at in east texas i went back to the hospital when i got well and i wanted to be like the leper that returned and gave thanks to jesus so i went back in there and i mean it's still full of cobit patients and i didn't know if my my caregivers would be there or not but it was just a god-ordained time i just thought you know i'm going today no appointment didn't check didn't call anybody and it was just so glorious they didn't recognize me at first right yeah they didn't they didn't know who i was i started talking i said i said i was in room 602 over there and uh and it hit them and you know when they there's that nurses station but they have that counter in between us they all came from around behind the counter and they're hugging me and we're you know just telling stories and just really rejoicing and you know it's it's kind of funny and in a way you know they all said you know we didn't think you were going to make it you know it's funny now but it should be a common theme yeah yeah it's uh you know it wasn't so funny back then you know they of course they didn't say that to me but it was such a special time not just for me but for them because they didn't see very many victories you know i heard code blue code blue and i mean i was right there in the middle and um you know people dropping like flies around you and it starts you know if you don't have if you don't have that faith and that word and that spirit and that grounding i'm talking about grounding i'm not talking about i know john 3 16. i'm talking about having the word of christ dwell in you richly you know uh you just you're you're gonna have a rough go is all i can say um yeah i'd like to speak uh just briefly ken off of what you just said because um many uh that watch these stories of uh people who've had near-death or afterlife experiences they many challenge the bible and they say it was an ancient document you know and it was written by men and those sorts of things i got it i was an agnostic hen um i've shared that on this program before so i tried to disprove christianity and the bible at northwestern university a team of researchers and so i was absolutely shocked at how valid the bible is you know all of the other religions had an accuracy and in terms of their prophetic other you know declarations and uh of less than 10 and we discovered that this this bible that none of us believed um at the time that is yeah that it had an accuracy of a thousand percent we thought that's you know analytic analytically that is impossible uh unless for an ancient document it just doesn't it doesn't happen not only that but you have to discount what jesus said about the word you know so you'd have to say okay well jesus said you know i'm the word the lie the the the that the word became flesh meaning jesus became flesh right that's that's in the beginning of john the book of john in the gospels so you have to discount that and jesus referenced the ten commandments so you have to discount that the ten commandments were just given you know moses had this impression i'm telling you man no jesus talked so you have all these crawford cross references of what jesus said and validating the old testament and not to get into the weeds of it but it's just like you know and then my my paradigm was as a former agnostic was i'm going to disprove it and then we all uh could not disprove and we said okay well this bible must be the real deal but here's the caveat i'll finish with this in that in that the bible builds faith it truly builds faith yes and so like you say when you inculcate the word of god the bible it builds faith so it has a supernatural translation as well that not only do i have these these words from the bible top of mind so i can recount that maybe not verse and chapter altogether know you know what what the bible says but it's top of mind you know i can think you know uh all things were africa the romans eight you know you can think of that 8 28 and that's one of my favorite verses you know and these are top of mind so any crisis situation it's top of mind anything like that and what it does is it translates into a increase of faith of oh now i can get through it now now i can do this yes can you you have your your account i have to say has been such a blessing um to us and that you bring the word of god and i think that's what i love about your message is you bring the word of god as a living as a living message as a living presence as a living person yes as a living person not not simply uh you know pages in a book but it's a living presence and you realize that when you really realize the presence of the lord you know with you and hearing him audibly in in your hand so as we finish this ken i'm going to invite you to pray for those who are both going through suffering now yes or any struggle for that matter and also uh prayer for those who don't know well i'm not sure uh if i know jesus as my lord and savior so will you close this out in a prayer and by the way don't leave don't leave this may be and i i say i've said this before this may be the most important part um of of this uh episode so would you pray for us uh now please thank you father god we just come before your throne god and god we know that you're the same yesterday today and forever and god we know that we can stretch out our hand to you god and touch your touch to your garment god that you know the feelings of our infirmity as our high priest god you can minister help you can miniature encouragement you can minister healing and deliverance and faith and god whatever any person is going through that listens this god just quicken them god give them the strength god give them a rhema word themselves god speak to their hearts god let faith rise up and god let doubt leave god surround them god with with your presence god and your angels god that unseen realm that we very rarely tap into lord let the mighty working of your holy spirit god lord just as you breathed into me god and you breathed into new believers god the breath of life just like you know god just like you breathed into adam god i pray that you would just breathe into these people breathe life breathe life to them god lord let your spirit and your word work together in their lives god bring wise counsel to them god just bring wise counsel to them god god we want to honor you we we we love you god we love you jesus we thank you for what you've done on the cross for dying us for us god for the sin of the world and god if we confess you with our mouth god and believe that you rose from the dead god we will be saved so god we pray for those who don't even know you god we pray that they would come to a saving knowledge that they would open their hearts uh god and that you would actually enter into their lives that the living jesus the living spirit of god would enter into their lives god and you would manifest yourself to them god and make yourself real thank you lord thank god just do great mighty thanks god just do great mighty thanks god yes yes lord jesus time we pray amen amen uh where can we thank you for that ken and where can we get your book an encounter with the healer uh i have a website it's and it'll take them to a link to amazon and they can get it a lot more stories in there all right stories ken chen that's two ends attention c-h-i-n-n dot-com we'll note that in the body of this message that you can order that if you do have any questions you can certainly go to uh ken's website also if you uh go to our site in the uh contact page uh we'll reference any uh any comments or questions to ken as well and uh ken thank you again for this amazing message it's great i'm i'm so glad that he saved you uh enough to speak with us today amen i'm glad to be seen yeah that's right and really randy i really appreciate what you're doing and i i really want to just say this before we close out i really appreciate your perspective and the biblical background and and using the bible as a reference and a guide you know there's a lot of people that uh you know it's all spirituality and kind of new ages and they don't have that found that sure foundation that you and i have and that hopefully all your listeners have but uh keep doing it and god bless you for doing what you do brother well thank you brother i appreciate it so much ken and now for the great news so if you are indeed in christ jesus and know him as your lord and savior be of good cheer because heaven is in your future until next time take care and god bless thanks for listening please like and subscribe and if you'd like further information go to our website at where our mission is simple to share the great news of god's love
Channel: Randy Kay
Views: 24,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ozpgmmLObAA
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Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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