Listen To How God Changed an Atheist Into a Believer During a Family Tragedy!

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hey everybody welcome back to the everyday Miracles podcast I am Julie your host and I have something so unique you know I record all these testimonies and there are times and I think well I've got every kind of Miracle this is one that is so powerful um multiple miracles in it I have um Darren and Jennifer ham with me today out of Pennsylvania and their story is going to bless you I will say up front there is one piece of the story that is very tragic so um I had someone recently write to me they had a podcast they were listening to at lunch and they were they were crying so I want to try to let people know if they need some kleenexes or if they just want to have watch this at a time when they can really take it all in um in January of 2011 Jennifer and Darren tragically and suddenly lost their precious two-year-old son um from croup that that he decompensated very quickly he was the child that never got sick um it was something very difficult obviously um but God did something really mind-blowing in this testimony during this experience I've never heard of a shared death experience but you're going to hear this today and the transformation that God did with Darren and his life Darren was a complete atheist he actually told his wife that she was chasing the Invisible Man um Jennifer is going to share a little bit about what Darren was like before this experience and part of what God did that radically transformed his life Not only was there a radical transformation Darren came out of this and he has a special anointing now that he is able to be led to find people that are suicidal and he saved so many lives um so many pieces and layers to this testimony today so welcome Darren and Jennifer hello um if we could get started I I think um I feel sad for you to hear and I don't want to throw you under the bus but um this is truly like a soul to Paul conversion and I think it is critical to kind of understand what Darren was like before this experience what your marriage was experiencing um if you could share a little bit Jennifer about how Jaren was before this experience sure and this is always very hard for Darren to hear it's embarrassing um well we were married just a few years and I wasn't happy in our marriage all after just a few short years and um Darren was he runs a business he was very stressed out agitated angry all the time very short fused he would get in arguments and altercations with people anywhere it could just happen anywhere and it was I felt like even somebody would look at him the wrong way he would it would cause a fight or my family that was the most important thing for me was just he was constantly just telling off my family members he just did not care he was just not compassionate towards them or even me as his wife like can we just not have a fight today let's just have this nice visit but it was always walking on eggshells with Darren and I was just at my limit with it then I had Griffin and um we had tried for quite a few years to have Griffin and that was such a blessing to us but it did add extra you know first time like just having him there and lack of sleep and it just kind of compounded our problems in a way and I sought out marriage counseling and Darren agreed to go and even the counselor was this Christian counselor and we had gone for a while and we'd go together and then separate and one day the counselor was like look Jen I'm a Christian counselor and you should leave your husband he's a caveman oh so and I remember vividly I said to him well I'm not living one day without my son so what's our other plan but it was really disheartening for me to get that message from him because I was there for help and even this guy was like you're not going to help this guy so that was sort of up until this point and then next thing you know Griffin gets sick he was two years old completely healthy never been sick a day in his life and um he had croup we had him to numerous doctors and we were just being assured you know croup scary he's gonna be fine and we had him to three different doctors in two days and just kept being kind of dismissed with it thinking that he was going to get better and finally that night I took him back to the ER and funny thing is I didn't even wake Darren up I just went I was like I'm just gonna go I'm not leaving until he's his breathing's remedied but due to just the croup escalating he ended up going into cardiac arrest at the hospital Darren was there at this time and um it led to him being flown to a bigger hospital and there we had spent the next almost week you know with him so that's kind of leading up until the experience he had we we were there with Griffin and the nurses came in and they were amazing that place was just amazing in fact my daughter's named after one of the nurses there like they were just real blessing to us during that time and um so they had told us they did a brain death exam on him and he had no reaction and they gave us they said look in the next 24 hours that's going to be it sometime within the next 24 hours so my husband said no like I'm not going to wonder every time somebody comes in here so they said okay 24 hours from now so at that time they uh prepared him so that we could lay with him and because he had electrodes all over him and everything and they said you can you know lay with them till then so I had laid with him for hours and hours and hours I mean I was kind of hogging it and um then I said you know I feel like I'm really hugging him so Darren laid down with him at that time so Darren you you guys were on the clock with the time that you had with your son um and you you get to lie down with him can you share a little bit about what that was like and what happened yes yes so it was 4 30 in the afternoon uh when they had done that brain death exam and Jen must have laid down with him for eight hours uh so what what's the math on that I don't know what time I started but she felt so terrible and for that eight hours I just observed her with him um but the room had had changed the the room had grown dark um it's like the lights were even off and when she said that eight hours it fought so fast and when she said okay uh why don't you comfort him I feel terrible like what just happened um I just took eight hours um I said oh okay okay and I I uh lay down with them and Jen had taken my place but that that Darkness had had grown I had just grown uh to beyond what I could bear uh so when I laid down with him I I was able to to master a half an hour and it was just too dark and I went and sat in a chair and um Jen wasn't really a part of things she went like I was just in your own kind of world and I would just look at Griffin and beat myself up uh I would say well you need to toughen up there's hardly any time left and you you're not man enough to comfort your own son uh so I would muster up the strength and try again and I would try a second time uh but I didn't get more strength I had less strength and this time 20 minutes and I just couldn't stand it and I sat back in the chair and regrouped and tried to do it again except the third time uh the third time uh right away I uh I when I lay down I I was my right hand I I I grabbed his right hand like a handshake and I I shook I grabbed his hand and I said son I never even got to teach you how to shake hands and I touched his head and that's that's when the fireworks started foreign yeah so this was not a vision you say you you were actually in another place yeah that wasn't a vision you know I'm not an expert on um all those things but I I was I was physically there uh I right when I touched his head I was gone I was gone I I sensed I had my body with me um so what I could see uh I I lay down with him and then just in a Flash without any separation at all I was in blue everything was blue this beautiful alive blue and Gretel was with me and I I had my left handed out in his right hand uh he was like in front of me his his right hand was back and my left hand and he was leading me and he was above me uh and straightforward and we were moving we we were we were it felt like we were calling like 60 however there was no wind like I wasn't like 60 in a car but we were moving at a at a speed um so um uh Griffin was just so happy and so alive uh More Alive than on Earth and and he was looking at me and I was and just shocked like I couldn't believe what was happening like it was Dire and awful and um without hope at all there was no hope and then suddenly here we are and he's better than he's ever met so uh and he's looking at me so happy and I'm getting uh to communicate at least where he's he's with me and looking at me and I'm looking at him um but then he would look away and when he would look away I would not be okay I wouldn't be okay the minute he took his eyes off me and then he looked back and I was like oh well I don't know what that was um but here he is again I'm so excited and and then he'd look away and uh the second time he looked away I felt uh so ill I felt like I would vomit so I went back to beating myself up and and I said to myself um you need to toughen up um this is not a time to get sick uh this is just an unexpected uh rare opportunity uh don't get sick this is really inappropriate um toughen up and and he looked back at me and he he knew my thoughts and he I apparently thought it was funny um and he looked at me and sent uh not with words like he said to me um to where I knew everything that everything that he was saying I knew everything that it meant and I knew everything that it didn't mean I just had uh like full use of my brain uh so when he said to me you're not sick uh in a kind of thought it was funny um you're not sick but what I received was just loads of information I knew my sense of feeling was a thousand times what I could feel on Earth and what I was experiencing was absolute painlessness and I didn't know how to receive that um Beyond painless it's such a such an easy easy word to throw out their painlessness um it was absolute painlessness and I didn't know what I didn't know how to accept that um but and I also they went paid that um I knew how uh pain can separate uh you from God and I knew uh um I knew sin condition uh when he said you're not sick uh I just knew everything that he meant everything it just didn't mean something simple yeah so and you said at one point um we talked that you felt like he was seeing Jesus can you share a little bit about that and did you see Jesus so for quite some time I was aware of God uh I didn't the Jesus part was it it was at the very end of our travel um but I I now mind you I I'm not coming from a background where I knew anything like I would see uh like watching football John 3 16 and I had no idea what that meant not a clue what that meant um I didn't know anything at all anything at all um so what I had been receiving at this point uh was was God I was aware that God was everywhere uh all around me he was the blue um and he loved me um so think things kind of progressed like in teaching I was being taught uh absolute truth but I was being taught it in such a way that was so firm uh that it had absolute Love and Truth combined in one vessel and it was everywhere it was saturating me and I I just for a block of the time I was just uh mesmerized uh really I think it's the best term I was mesmerized at how much I was loved I I was so loved um and I I could Define it really um although it's hard to Define love how do you how do you even explain what love is um but I knew what the love that I had I could see things and I couldn't see anything but blue and Griffin um but I had I could visually in every sense experience that love that was saturated me it was the atmosphere um I knew things like I had full use of my brain I knew that love that I was experiencing I could I could give back but what I was giving back it was so pathetic in comparison uh to the love that God had for me I I remember thinking it was like a a tenth of one percent of what I could give back it was so pathetic now listen to that part where you had a kind of a little bit of a Life review of your own yeah so I I was just receiving so much Truth uh that was opposite of what the world uh that I had learned in the world um I saw an employee of mine uh that I had terminated previously that week uh and it was a pretty bad guy and I think most people would have terminated in that case and I really didn't think twice about it because it was justified uh as the world would see it and I just had to do it so I did it didn't think twice about it and I could see him and and God was giving me a review of what he wanted for me and he showed me this man um and I could see clearly without debate uh how wrong I was uh that I was supposed to be taking care of of my employees and the people not just my employees but uh everyone in my life that I could see he was in control the whole time and I was really screwing everything up um the really the best I could and I was so stressed out in this review I was so stressed out because I thought I was such um a man that I had uh taken a company uh that was I was in the sanitation business and and it was just totally destroyed when I got it and had been progressively building it to be great and uh turning around and I thought it was on me but here the whole time it wasn't me it wasn't me at all it was him but I can't uh screwing it up uh so and I could see this man and how I would my job as an employer uh he wanted me uh to provide and protect uh my employees and in such a perfect way though that I wasn't retaliating um their attacks which is what I would do I would retaliate oh you're going to attack me well watch this I'm tougher than you um no that's that was wrong and uh what I was supposed to do he showed me and and it was it was love them the way he was the way he loved me I was supposed to love them and when they attacked me ah not necessarily retaliate you know I so yes I I had a Life review a really good one that you didn't debate that was so firm um but so love it it was Revelation really I I was unknown to me I didn't know that and you were with Griffin this whole time yeah he was holding my hand fortunately yeah we were still traveling and and it was God it was the atmosphere it was God it was everyone a Saturn and uh he was he was the one communicating with me um through this blue and I and as we were traveling I thought he could see things uh but I couldn't see things so yeah I was starting and learning so so how what made you feel he was seeing things how could you tell I just could sense it through that um full use of mind like here I don't know what the percentage is I've heard scientifically I don't I can't understand or something 10 right so uh we had 10 years in there I had a hundred percent uh just like my sense of feeling was a thousand times better than I could feel on Earth um I had full use of my brain so I knew that way that but I wasn't positive um I wasn't absolutely positive I I wasn't all knowing uh about that I just sensed that he could see and I could yeah I remember thinking well he's seeing must be amazing because he's so excited yeah yeah he's so excited that must really be amazing what he's seeing yeah well and then he at some point um I don't want to stop you in any point because I want every every little morsel of this experience but I know he did turn to you and he asked you a question oh that is the whole purpose now that is all this other stuff really is my new in comparison so at that point um all this other stuff I think you can pick that up in the Bible yeah but this is this was really something uh he was so excited we had reached an end point uh and I suddenly became aware that this is the purpose of why I'm here uh this is it and uh he was so excited to introduce me to Jesus to Jesus and I knew it was Jesus but I couldn't see him I I wish I could say different um he was overjoyed which he was already Overjoyed but it was even more uh just so excited and then he he he looked away and Jesus told him that I couldn't see him and and Jesus also told him Griffin uh now is the time ask him yeah yeah uh so I was just holding his hand and I uh I was am I sad there was really no sadness I just thought I wish I could sing I wish I could see and then Griffin looked at me and he he asked the question so and what was it gonna say the question was uh the question we spent the question was so uh he he looked at me and he said Dad uh can I stay can I stay and again I knew everything that that meant uh I knew can I stay meant you know um I knew I could say no I knew I was positive I could say no um I had I was given that power I could say no you can't stay and I knew he'd be back I was certain yeah and so I could say yes and that was it that would be it I said when he looked at me and said can I stay I didn't I didn't answer yes or no I um I answered uh Beyond yes I looked at him and I said wow uh which meant I can't believe there's an afterlife and I can't believe Jesus is real and I can't believe God loves me I I when I expressed wow it was so far beyond yashuk and static um it was well it would be selfish and cruel for me to say no there's no way I could say no um God you're with the Creator you're with Jesus and he loves you a thousand times more than I ever possibly could and I knew the meaning of life and I knew the responsibility of the parent is to Shepherd your child in a way that someday they will be with Jesus in all of eternity and I knew just all this was coming out in WoW of of course you can stay of course what this is the goal why would you not why would you not stay I love you so much yeah yeah and that did that and there was some kind of threshold I guess where you knew that would and then were you back immediately after that happened yes right when I said wow all my expression of wow uh that flowered the environment um uh boom I was immediately back um in that room uh shaking his hand with my left hand on his head instantaneously I was back but I could remember uh so much of it not all of it uh there was there was a huge swath uh that I uh I couldn't exactly remember at the time uh but uh I would be in situations where boom I remember holy cow there's this major piece that I remember but I was back shaking his hand but changed a hundred percent changed like day like night and day you know like night and they changed and I was shaking his hand uh but different uh because I was just filmed overflowing uh where moments before the room was dark and I wasn't Tough Enough and now I'm just oh just overflowing with peace like it was coming off you know it's just breathing it uh peace and had taken over so you're instantly like a new man essentially instantaneously do you know how much time did you do you happen to know because I hear time is different over in in heaven did you happen yeah so there I knew I was an eternity and I knew at two years old I I knew um treasure in heaven and living this life and how we store for ourselves treasure in heaven like I knew all that and I also knew I was outside of time uh and I could see that uh so I did not have any idea I can tell you now uh because I've spoke to him an incredibly wise priest and he asked me that question he said Darren do you know how long you were there and I said no I have not a clue uh like there is all these things I don't have a clue on and he had the answers and he said there did you know you went there at 3am now when I told him this story he asked me and I told him and I I didn't tell him any reference like I just gave you uh with and any of that I didn't give him any of that it could have been any random time and he said to me Darren he went there at 3am but you knew you got back at 3 35. I knew I got back at 3 35. he knew when he got I knew when I got back because I was like oh no how long do I have to leave him hooked up on this machine uh so I went from uh oh no uh I'm not going to be able to have him here long enough to instantly oh no how long do I have to keep him hooked up on this machine because I didn't want him to be hooked up on that machine anymore because you know here it was with Jesus for sure yeah I knew he was there I I still struggle to go to the cemetery because Griffin is so alive uh so when I go there it's really weird to me because I know the truth and I know he didn't die um um I used to get upset with them because it would be like every Sunday after church we'd have to go there and I never really tried to say anything but I thought why are we here like he's not this isn't where he is like so I tried to suck it up it'd be good you did yeah so how long after this did you share with Jennifer what you experienced and I guess Jennifer is this a good time to transition to you and kind of ask you yeah I don't I don't know the answer to that question so soon um details I'd say we were home by the time he told me like all the details but it was obvious it was obvious like that that day we had family and friends coming to the hospital yeah this pastor had come and um Darren's like almost holding court for everybody explaining like it's okay it's all about love and relationships and we're like uh-huh you know like even the minister was so shook up his parents counseling him the last writes that I was able to comfort him yeah I was like no no no it's good like he's in a great you know it was just it was really odd at the time because here he's like the non-believer I was chasing the Invisible Man and now this pastor's here I mean the Pastor was all broke up you know trying to be there for us and hear Darren's like counseling him and he's explaining to my whole family who he had previously you know not had always the best time with you know it's all about love and relationships here and the relationships we have here and we're just kind of like uh-huh you know it was but he was it was instantaneous it was he was talking about forgiveness because you know we had quite a few days at the hospital and we had mulled over like how did this happen we had been to all these doctors oh this one doctor told us we were being melodramatic and Darren kind of went after the guy so it was interesting because during that week I had several thoughts like hmm what is this going to look like I'm going to go home it's going to be silent I know my husband's going to go after these people like he's probably going to murder somebody and what's that going to look like for my life down the road and here he is like you know it's all about forgiveness and God forgives us and you know at first I was kind of like it chokes me up wow yeah I definitely wasn't at that point but I was thankful I didn't have to worry about my husband going after somebody the second I got home you know so yeah I was a given everyone everyone was like Whispering about this isn't going to be good once they get home yeah everyone knew yeah well I my heart really went out to you when I first heard this testimony because it's phenomenal what happened with Jaren and getting to see that Griffin is with Jesus and having this transformation but you didn't get to see that and then I mean you still get to see your husband have this dramatic change and then finally you get to hear his testimony so I always wanted to hear what it was like from your viewpoint it took me a little while because I was certainly very happy that my husband was changed I mean we came home and it was the next day you know I didn't plan to do anything and he he's like I need a Bible you know we don't have a Bible so he's like we're going to the store and we even bought a Bible and that he also bought the um Bill Wiese video there which he can talk about but right away he's like I need a Bible and that just transpired like we were at home and and he spent at least the next year and a half to two years in his robe every day reading the Bible I mean I was like you know at times I thought my husband was going to become this pastor but he just had to put words to his experience and learn about Jesus Through the Bible so it took me a while like I was so thankful for the change in him but I definitely missed Griffin and I probably wouldn't have given the same answer he gave if I were asked if he could stay but over the course of time to see the lives that were impacted you know you can see God's plan a little more clearly like it was time here's very short like he said in eternities forever and my whole family knows Jesus now so a lot of people say that to me a lot of people say you know you didn't really experience that but I did like that what I didn't need that Miracle he did and so you know to to come out of that were 11 years now but my marriage is restored my whole family knows Jesus like I'm thankful for the gifts and I consider it for like uh Thomas or Paul like better is it um to believe without sin honestly yes one I love how you come out of this experience you have this voracious appetite for the Bible and I wonder what that was like for you like having experienced some of this and just seeing this in the word of God like right there it written down and I know there's a special calling that you have but can you talk a little bit about what that was like and and then I know there was something that you had to say about um The One book that you saw when you went to get the Bible I want to hear that too okay yeah so I'll start with what it was like yeah being back and having scripture so uh I I could read scripture because so much of what I experienced was absolute truth that are things that are uh so difficult to explain like absence of time um Love so when I would read scripture I knew like so many shapes like the communication was there I could read one verse and see four different things in it um and then read the next verse and so I it was a really four-dimensional uh when I was reading scripture I I fortunately I had uh that path that um Lutheran Minister uh he would tell me what book to read like start with John and I'd say Okay finished John that was pretty much the only interaction it was very pure uh I didn't have somebody telling me what it meant um I just didn't know how to read where to go um so I I was what I was experiencing was like a movie when I was reading scripture and I would always read it outside um on the porch and and it just it really just opened up so I didn't have a vocabulary so I then had vocabulary and history and uh as I was reading wow wow and I know that you actually got to see in the book um 23 Minutes in Hell you you saw that you I know that you saw that book when you went to get the Bible in a peaked your curiosity and you kind of saw the Stark opposite of that in his book can you talk a little bit about that yeah so that was I think the same the very next day when I went for a Bible I was just so drawn to uh but at least I experienced heaven and and I I remember thinking how could anyone not be saved when I was in heaven like how could anyone one reject this absolute Love and Truth um but when I was back I immediately knew that people do so um I was one of them and so I grabbed it and it was an audiobook I'm not a big reader the only still to this day uh the only book I've ever read was was the Bible and I've just really read it yeah I've just read it over and over and over and I still have not read any other book but I grabbed that audio CD of Bill Wiese and his experience where um and the point of his experience was was really about church and when I'd read scripture I would read this just full balanced um uh this fully complete and um when I would go to church I wouldn't get that honestly um I would get um I don't know how to say it uh like a unicorns and rainbows really um version of Love uh but it was so missing so um on and Bill wiese's message was uh he expect he was shown the opposite of men instead of me experiencing God's love he went to a place where there was the absence of God and uh he was there for 23 minutes I was in heaven for 35. so I was really drawn to his his account and his message was uh this is hell is also real and uh his message was God showed me this uh he didn't experience it out of a sinful life uh he experienced it as a message uh that this has been taken out of the church for some reason um so yeah I was really drawn to that and oh when I uh would listen to it all right at a moment where uh God just spoke to me and one of those rare um one of those rare circumstances where uh he just said um show people this and and they will be delivered so you know yeah but so most of the time it's just love love um but some people uh specifically um uh what would intersect my life right away uh once I kind of got a bit of a foundation anyway um I I remember it happened right away I was still deeply ignoring um um in fact a gentleman took that CD on that audiobook he kept it um I was uh intersected with people that were going to murder themselves um uh so I just uh would show them hey uh you don't want to do that uh that it's a really awful thing to do um but let me show you let me show you how dark uh things could get uh where uh life just doesn't stop like you think I can tell you I I can I believe I I'm a bit an expert there is an afterlife I can prove it like I shared in my son's death and I didn't think it was true uh but you continue being uh same as if you murder yourself you will continue being and um let me show you how dark it could be in the absence of God um the absence of love but your feelings are still multiplied like you could feel more awful than what you feel here so I would show them that and um every single time I spent 11 years and I mean sometimes there's three in a week um yeah it's a lot a lot a lot a lot um and uh um uh so far only one and it was a family member uh but again sometimes people need more honestly then I can uh just show uh Deliverance I can give a a full complete deliverance uh over suicide uh some people had thousands of hours of counseling um court ordered even and um all these just great wonderful experience you know 15 minutes uh boom they never have a suicidal thought again never again uh just breaking that deception is really all Christ has me do um and uh but still uh some people need uh additional you know uh not necessarily do not commit suicide they need additional um to receive the than the love of God uh because it seems in suicide um they struggle to receive that um but they're in darkness uh and they can receive more Darkness so that's yeah yeah I I think it's amazing the calling that you've had and I know that you said you've helped over a hundred people that I mean you did lose a one bit I mean I'm so sorry to hear that um and for the rest yeah I just learned that I just learned that and that was fair um that was four years ago and it was a family member and uh um he was needed additional help then um I'm a Christian and he did not receive that so yeah but you know there was a case also where I have to say this um I I was told that he had uh out of methamphetamine addiction and was schizophrenic so you know I oh so hey I'm not the judge and and hopefully God have mercy on his soul yeah um all that there's mental illness you know absolutely I was gonna maybe he didn't even know what he was doing so I don't know those things like I'm not the judge I I don't want to be so yeah no but you you've had the special anointing here after this experience I love how God is using you and prompting you you're getting you're getting led by the Holy Spirit to to find these people and sometimes they find you we'll talk more about that too but I do agree with you I think it can obviously be spiritual it can be something um with mental illness where they need to get some help um yes I have some resources too for that but um I think it's neat how people have these near death or I guess in your in your case it was a shared death experience um and they had they see heaven but then they have this some kind of special gift or there's some new calling on their life where God can use them in a powerful way and I I just praise God that he's used you in this way and one of the questions that I had for you um actually first let's talk about your father and then we'll get to the other part um we've actually had a second glimpse of Heaven in the passing of your father and I know you said usually this this testimony is one that you would share more commonly but can you share yeah this is the one I give I don't give my own I don't like to get my own I don't know why um but yeah my father um uh to just give a little history of my father I was adopted he adopted me and uh I was adopted by the greatest man but still today in the flesh is the greatest man I've ever met um he was the whole package uh uh he was burly guy and really strong like a John Wayne type uh but was so loving uh mixed just perfectly tough and loving that I don't know why I just picked um the the tough part it was unloving uh because I had a great example and he was just honest no matter what the consequence and he was not a Christian uh he had grown up in a very brutal unloving Christian home um that he was kicked out of it was a young teenage um so uh he had just grown tops man uh but wanted to give what he didn't have uh to everyone close to him which was love so when I had experienced what I experienced my whole side of the family um saw such a change that immediately like it didn't take long and it's really strange because normally with your own family they're the ones that really reject you because they know you um but it was so dramatic what happened to me and I was also very honest and that was part of my problem I wouldn't sugarcoat um that my whole family became Christian like I think the next day I we went to the store and bought in the Bible and Billy's uh audiobook and then the day after that we all went to church together uh my side of the family did a Jen's family event they needed more evidence you know but they got it they got it um so uh my father uh had given his life to Jesus and I knew it and we had spent the next three years um becoming a father and son instead of we kind of had a business relationship I took over his business and in sanitation it was in really bad shape and real quick before I get into my father I have to say one thing yeah like um and it's really Jesus I'm just really feel led right now um uh to how Jesus is always there uh in that business um it was just totally gone uh although my my dad was just such a strong loving guy the business was obliterated when I took over I was 19 uh when I took it over and um we had a a mafia take over our whole area and we were the only ones that didn't really go and and they would try to kill me they would try to kill me and I remember when I was back seeing um no wait a minute every time they would do that uh there would be 20 men and they were going to uh kill me and I was this strong guy and then oh in that in the middle of all that I didn't have any fear at all but they were all afraid of me um and here that was Jesus the whole time really amazing really amazing wow Jesus made them afraid it made me strong again I didn't see that he was seeing that back then he was like I'm tough like look at this you know I overcame all this these people but were never Tough Enough you know never Tough Enough oh in those moments you saw like that really wasn't me that was that was just protecting me that was Jesus and they're true stories I mean one time we were supposed to go to dinner and he said you know I have this meeting I'll call you when I'm done with dinner and or I'll call you when I'm done we can go to dinner and he said but I think it's a setup and I was like what and I that was all we kind of said so then that night I'm at work near where we're going to dinner and I'm waiting and waiting I call him I'm like are you about done yeah that's what I thought I said a setup he's like yeah and there was 20 monsters that thought they were going to put me in a dumpster yeah but every time he came out of it and they were they you know although they threatened well if you don't sell to us we'll just put you out of business he started just like taking all their stuff and it wasn't going over well yeah they would actually went out out of the area yeah so my father uh would see all this so I was like uh although he was like John Wade um I was really kind of the he'd look to you he would look to me you would look to me um uh he didn't make me stay in his shadow it was just so amazing but this day um he he he had gotten kind of mean for the last week and I just thought well I'd better stay away from him um he's not normally mean um but my wife uh just was so kind of always and I would go over and uh she called me and said Aaron you need to get over here um uh your father's not been able to get up for three days so I thought oh no you know he must have not been feeling good and he felt his back was out uh so I got him dressed and took him to the emergency room uh so can we let me take you to the emergency room and he did uh he did he let me think that's when you know it's bad because he was like okay yeah yeah so I uh I took him there and uh they they uh checked him and I Said Fred it has spent 47 years you haven't even gotten a physical yeah it never was so they said you you're diabetic and your levels are like 800 and something and we don't even know how you're awake uh but you had suffered a heart attack um a bad heart attack uh but you didn't know that uh your back isn't out you had had a heart attack but your nerves were so gone from just being diabetic so long and not being treated yeah so uh they took me aside and said uh he's not gonna make it um there's zero chance we can't operate he only had uh I don't know you would know the better than me as a nurse um like one percent everything was totally clogged and calcified way back and he only barely had any blood at all um that would get through so they said Well Spent A couple days and try to get him healthy so that's what they did and uh he would talk it was really something and nurse's shoyup was a strong lesson in this for me that he wanted so badly uh to be with Griffin uh he and I would mourn the same way that we just really wanted to be with Griffin in heaven and and that was really my focus is I can't wait to be with Gruff and it happened um and it was his also we weren't the same uh but in this moment he wanted to still continue life on Earth so there was just a sudden change in him uh so I spent all these moments with him and I would go home at night and get a couple hours and I would go back to the hospital to be with him uh because we had grown so close and on the day they were supposed to operate they didn't he had some um fluid in his lungs so I wanted to clean that clear that out in the next day operating so they suspended that operation so I stayed with him and I said Hey Dad I'm going to go home and get a couple hours and I'll be right back at five o'clock in the morning and and he said okay and I got home I was going home for an hour and he had had a magic heart attack and they had to resuscitate him and so they buzzed me in I could still hear him just Bellow down the hall and they buzzed me in all right they told him I was there you know all right all right just rubble down the hall and I went ahead and he said hey bud I said Hey Dad I heard what happened his eyes were huge and I said hey uh you guys are operating right and he said yeah they are I already checked so oh they said at seven o'clock we're gonna operate still and I said Hey Dad I'm gonna lay my hands on you and I'm just going to pray I'll sleep over you so you can rest uh so tomorrow oh you're ready to go and he said okay and I did and he went right to sleep right away all night I prayed and then at seven o'clock in the morning uh my mom came and Jen came with our daughter Elena and and the doctor came in and said hey Fred I heard what happened last night uh we can't operate so my dad said well um I can tell you you're not going to be the guy that kills me so I can go home and die he says so go get release papers and get back in here and he goes hold on hold on he goes no you hold on go get him now I'm leaving and he dad looked at me real sheepish like oh no am I in trouble and I said Dad if you want to uh I'll go home I'll take you home um if that's what you want to do but now he could feel and he looked at me and said here it comes and he sends this heart attack come over and it was just like uh you would see in a movie um it just came up and and it was just awful and as eyes went back and and I started screaming how how somebody helped and the blue lights started going off in the room and everyone flooded in there must have been 30 people flood in um and they're grabbing me and said you can't be in here I must be some sort of law or something I don't know uh but I used to be tough and still kind of and I said I'm not I'm not there's there's not enough police in the city uh to get me out of this room so I'm not leaving um however I was still I I was just so I could I couldn't I couldn't believe what was happening here at this strong strength um so I just I started crying and I didn't pray big just fancy prayers I couldn't think of anything to pray uh the only thing I could think of was the 23rd psalm so I just kept repeating the 23rd psalm oh out loud and I was holding my mama um kind of by her shirt or and I was praying the 23rd psalm I would just speak the 23rd psalm over and and they left me being there and my mom and a Catholic priest had come over and he kept trying to talk to me and I would be mean to him I'd say listen man I'm praying just listen or pray he's like this is what prayer looks like back up yeah so so um he would stand there and and about a half an hour went by and he would keep having more heart attacks and and uh they kept doing uh CPR and about a half an hour I said stop you know stop because I knew my dad had just fallen so deeply in love with Jesus um I knew he would be okay so oh they didn't listen and they proceeded for like another hour and 15 minutes and it had been like an hour and 40 minutes of this and I think he had 10 heart attacks in that time and then everyone stopped and left the room and the the head doctor a sweet woman had come over to me and said listen I I could I've sensed that she was not a Christian um and she said listen I could hear I could hear you you know what you were saying and um you know it's I don't want to be mean but it's time to stop that um and it's if anyone's here to say goodbye uh now is the time for that um three or four minutes she said uh he could have been without oxygen and it's been an hour and 40 minutes so he's brain dead and he always will be there is zero home so I said I I understand but I'm not thick you know so I went and got Jed and I stayed with Atlanta and she was only gone a minute and had come right back out with wow this is strange and she said uh here dad moved his hand so I was like oh wow so I ran back into the room and that Doctor Who's Had A cardiology I was talking to my mom and telling her the same thing she told me and she said you know three or four minutes man that was nerves um is brain dead it's impossible uh for him to ever have any function again so I went over to the other side of the bad so I grabbed his hand and my mom had his other hand and we were going to say goodbye and the head doctor was there and the priest was next to her and and started saying goodbye I and I just snapped and I screamed uh dad you died are you a Jesus and he come right back to life and he started looking at and he gave me the squeeze like he gave me the twice for yes and he looked at my mom and squeezed her hand twice for yes and then look back at me and the doctor who lost it just lost it and started screaming like I'd screamed she started screaming oh my God oh my God it's a miracle it's a miracle and the priest who is your talkative guy um starts chatting her up and says I've been in here 15 years I've never witnessed this kind of miracle and and I'm standing there my dad is looking at me and so I just said the hottest things I don't know why um I said to him Dad could you see the prayer in heaven and he gave me the twice your yes looked at my mom and did it to her and then looks back at me and then I said dad was Griffin with you and Jesus and he started to get out of bed he started to get right up out of bed and but his hands were uh tied to the vet and I grabbed him I got on top of him and I said no dad they really broke you up um but the doctor and the priest grabbed me and ripped me off of him and I said no this is a real miracle and um so I packed away and he sat up the bed and shook his head yes yes I was I was with Jesus in Griffin in heaven and I looked at my mom and did the same thing and then went into operation and and um he knew his back on Earth and and um he survived the operation but by the time um that they left us be back in with him uh all of the uh he had such a hematoma from the chest compressions that he never regained his blood pressure no but I can say I know where he is yeah that is phenomenal I hope there was like you said some a lot of conversions in the room that day yeah so I think so because I had an employee that had to have his heart care and a month later he came back I never heard anything stood up to the state from anyone there um but he came back and he said hey Darren you're not going to believe what happened I went to get uh my heart um checked and I told her where I work that I worked for you and she said who she goes I don't know because the name of his company is his dad's name yeah okay and he said I worked for Fred here and she goes Fred Hamm the guy that came back to life and he goes oh you heard about that and she said heard about it the janitors told me about it yeah yeah so wow he uh my father isn't somebody that would tell you about Jesus and uh but uh his testimony after he died I believe is I want a lot of souls yeah yeah that's phenomenal so phenomenal like a second wind of Heaven There yeah yeah well this has been amazing I have one more question that I want to ask for Jennifer um I I know so much goodness in this testimony it's it's phenomenal like I said um but there's one piece you know you still had to grieve the loss of your son and I know there was a something that you told me um you talked to a therapist and and I want to ask you this because I I know there's someone listening that is grieving a loss and there's something that the therapist told you that you felt like was a pivotal moment in your healing after losing your son here on Earth can you share that so we had gone back to the Christian counselor the only one we knew who was counseling us on our marriage and he was like uh oh you know this is you're not going to be good because the odds of a divorce in this situation he started trying to counsel us on our marriage we're like no no like we're I don't know we just that was the least of our concerns at that point but I had been going to him Darren was much better than I was after loss in Griffin just from what he experienced and I was happy for that I wasn't jealous of it at all but it was hard for me you know like even though I knew all that to be true just you know it's different as you're the mom and I had been going to him and I was growing frustrating like I'm not getting much better it's two years here almost and I felt like man I could talk to my friend about this and I'm gonna get this you know just somebody listening you know so I must have he must have sensed my frustration that day and he said um listen no matter what I say to you it's never going to take away the fact that what happened to you guys is terrible the worst thing that could happen to parents nothing I say to you no matter how many hours of counseling is going to avoid the tragedy of what happened in your life and he said but do you have any blessings in your life and I said yeah what are they you know he wants me to elaborate on these blessings and he said you know because when I would pray it would be just a laundry list of everything that was terrible that's what I would pray about this person has cancer this person and it was almost just like a reminder for how bad life is when I was praying and he said you know do you have any blessings in your life you said well let me tell you you should need to start your prayer with those blessings because you do have blessings in your life and you're getting wrapped up in all the terribleness but you do have blessings in your life and you're you're missing them and if you don't start thanking God for those blessings you're going to lose them and it changed my life it took a little bit of time for me to reprogram my mind with prayer but every day a couple times a day when I would go I would I prayed this acts adoration confession Thanksgiving supplication and he said you don't ask for what you want till the end like you know you go through those steps and it changed my life it changed I feel like it dug me out of a depression to just like constantly be recounting the blessings that I did have in my life so even though it took a little while um I do share that with a lot of people because I feel like it really helped and it's easy to just get in a spiral of bad things even far less things than losing a child can make you kind of spiral that way excellent excellent word for somebody out there um I'm gonna attach if I can find that I actually saw the sheet on the ax prayer it was in one of my Bible studies um if I can find that I'll attach it um but I also want to attach a couple resources for listeners as far as what we talked about today um one of those things is the 23 Minutes in Hell um I actually found an incredible powerful uh speech that he did and there's video and he actually has something you can see to kind of compare what he saw so powerful if there was any cell in my body that was having dark thoughts it has been remedied watching that video yeah it's so powerful um but this is a time where so many people are fighting those thoughts and I want to give you two resources um you know obviously this whole testimony the takeaway well for one heaven is real God is very real he can do whatever he wants um The Total Transformation of this man um we have Sauls that we're we still need to pray for there is hope for those people God can do anything to reach them um also we have the Holy Spirit resurrection power access if you've accepted Jesus Christ you've asked the Holy Spirit into your heart um the special gifts that Darren has those are accessible we have those we can be vessels right so we can pray if we want to the Lord to lead us to people that need help um and then resources for people that are having these thoughts out you know there is a way out and I I just encourage people to call there's two numbers that I have for you one of them is the suicide hotline it's 800-273-8255 and again that's 800-273-8255 and then K-LOVE I've been listening to K-Love Radio lately um they have a prayer line I believe it's 24 7. um you can call anytime I'm not 100 but I believe that's true um their number is 800-525-5683 and you can call them and have someone pray with you they have people that are are ready to take your call um and then obviously Darren and Jennifer I know that you guys have a Ministry and you have an email that you've put out before can you share if someone wanted to reach out to you how could they do that our email is led by the sun led by the Sun at okay excellent thank you for having us today and just hope that people realize there is hope and God is alive he performs Miracles and nobody's beyond that even though it took Darin a while he sees how God was still working in his life before he even knew him and yeah I'm just so thankful like the transformation of our marriage and to watch my husband live every day for Jesus and you know to think about all the people who God would use us to touch and give that hope it's just been a real blessing amazing anything else Darren before we pray oh no no I said the whole I said the whole lot I I appreciate you having me and hopefully this helps someone I think yeah it's phenomenal it's phenomenal I I tell you like I said earlier you think you've seen all kinds of Miracles this one is is a new one for me it's really yeah outside of hope our hope is gone it wasn't yeah well there is that verse the previous guest brought it up uh Psalm 115 3 our God is in the heavens and he does all that he pleases that reminds me of that verse um okay well thank you guys for today and I just want to pray a quick blessing over my listeners um dear heavenly father I Just Praise You for the unlimited ways that you can you can bless us and change a life in an instant um I thank you for Darren and Jennifer and their family um I thank you for the transformation just unbelievable just beautiful transformation instantaneous that you did with Darren and all the ways that you're using both Jennifer and Darren um I thank you that we we have peace and we know that Griffin is in heaven it just confirms everything in your word if you have come you have prepared a place for us Lord we thank you we thank you that you've given us um a way out um you are our Salvation we thank you for all those that will be touched as I hear this testimony and Lord I pray that they would be blessed I pray if there's anything in them that is fighting this darkness that they would be led to call Lord and their life could be changed even with a simple video and I pray that you would enlarge the territory of Darren and Jennifer and you would just bless their family and we give you all the glory for these Miracles Lord in your precious name we pray amen amen thank you thanks everybody for listening today and God bless you if you have a miracle you'd like to share with me please reach out to me at everyday miraclespodcast God bless
Channel: Destiny Image
Views: 8,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual warfare, pastor alan didio, mario murillo, bible study with me, prophetic word for today, prophetic word, larry sparks, destiny image, encounter today, holy spirit, lana vawser, Sid Roth, it’s supernatural network, end times prophecy, prophetic word for today from god, prophetic word for me today, Bill Johnson, jesus christ, 2022 prophecy, prophetic word for 2022, nde
Id: CDtjob_yXto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 28sec (4168 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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