Man Denies Relationship With Child Despite Photo Evidence (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is a case of<i> Thomas v. Hadley.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Thomas, you claim you're involved in a love triangle that has resulted in the defendant denying your 7-month-old son, Jeremiah. THOMAS: Yep. JUDGE LAKE: You've petitioned the court for a paternity test to prove that he is the father so he can stop living a double life. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Hadley, you say your current relationship with Ms. Stallworth is in jeopardy because Ms. Thomas is convinced you are the father of her child. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: But, you say you have hard evidence to prove that you are not the biological father, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Thomas, why is he denying your son? I don't know, Your Honor. I just know that he... We're in a love triangle between me and Tyler. And this is just going on for way too long. He keeps denying my son, but he's still around him all the time. He acts like a father towards him when he's with me, and then he goes to Tyler and acts like he's not. I don't act like a father towards the child at all. THOMAS: Yes, he does. Why do you think he's denying? He's denying for Tyler. She manipulates him to make him feel guilty for staying around me and my son all the time and not being around her and her daughter. You say when Ms. Stallworth is not around... THOMAS: Mmm-hmm. He's a good dad to Jeremiah. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: He's there? Yes. He treats him like it's his child? THOMAS: Yes. Explain. THOMAS: Well, when he... He doesn't watch him, however, if he's crying, he'll go to him, pick him up, make sure he doesn't fall off the bed, he'll give him his bottle. When I make his bottle, he'll give it to him, make sure he's drinking his bottle. He'll make sure he's... He puts him to sleep. Well, with all due respect, Your Honor, um, I don't think anyone would just let a child fall off the bed. (AUDIENCE CHUCKLES) He's the one that stands up by the crib and pats his back the whole time until he falls asleep. Do you spend quality time with Jeremiah like that, Mr. Hadley? HADLEY: No, no quality time. But, you know, if, uh, Ms. Thomas is busy doing something, uh, yeah, I'll pat the back of the child to get the child to, you know, stop yelling. There's times when I'm laying in the bed, and he's patting his back. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Thomas, you submitted a photo to the court. Yes. That's Mr. Hadley with Jeremiah? THOMAS: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Oh, it's a beautiful picture.</i> THOMAS: <i> Thank you.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And that's you, right, Mr...</i> Yeah, but I didn't fall asleep like that. THOMAS: Yes, he did. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) No. Yes, he did, Your Honor, he was holding him. I'm... He's gonna wake up and not let me take a picture. JUDGE LAKE: So, what are you saying? She placed the baby there... THOMAS: That's a lie. Exactly what I'm saying. JUDGE LAKE: And took the picture? THOMAS: No, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: <i> First, what I wanna know is the relationship.</i> Talk to me about the nature of this relationship. I was friends with Mrs. Thomas before, you know, me and... JUDGE LAKE: But was it friends with benefits? Was it friends and you were having sex as well? THOMAS: Yes, Your Honor. It ain't lead... Let's be clear in court. It ain't lead to sex until way later on... But you did have a sexual relationship with her. HADLEY: Yeah. Did you use protection when you had sex? Um, the first time. Only two times out of all of them. Twice. Take me to this pregnancy. You tell Mr. Hadley you're pregnant? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: When you find out? THOMAS: Mmm-hmm. What do you say? I told him I was pregnant, I even sent him a picture of the pregnancy test as well. He asked me if I was keeping it, and I said yes. That was the end of it. The next day's when he started doubting it. The same day I told him was the day he told Mrs. Stallworth, and she was all upset about it. And so when you have the baby, do you tell him? Does he come to the hospital? He was there the whole time. He got picked up. He stayed for the whole 15-hour labor. JUDGE LAKE: Wow. He was there the whole time, coached me through my contractions, tellin' me <i> I need to breathe, everything. There's a picture of me and him.</i> <i> He stayed there. The next other days...</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, Mr. Hadley...</i> You're there for the birth... HADLEY: Well, honestly... To be honest, I felt a little pressured to, you know... He wasn't pressured. I felt pressure. No one told him to come. HADLEY: Overall, I felt pressure... How did you feel pressure? Who was putting pressure on you? Well, number one, her family member brought me to the hospital. So, you got up... Someone picked you up and brought you to the hospital. HADLEY: Yes. All right, and you said, "Okay, I'm gonna go." Yeah. <i> You know, out of respect, you know, everything I'm going. So while I'm there,</i> <i> they're about to name the, um, the child,</i> and she says, "The child's last name is gonna be Hadley." So, you know, she's Jamaican, and her whole family's Jamaican, so it's a whole bunch of Jamaicans in the room and... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) She's... They're like, "Oh, is the child's last name gonna be Hadley?" And I'm not just gonna disrespect... They didn't say that. He left the room, came back, and I asked him myself, and he said, "Go ahead and name him Hadley." JUDGE LAKE: You said, "Go ahead and give the child my last name." No. THOMAS: Yes, he did. So, you didn't consent to Jeremiah having the last name Hadley? I just didn't disagree, due to the fact that her whole family was in the room. Why are you so convinced he is your child's biological father, Ms. Thomas? Because around the time when we had sex is the time my doctor told me that I conceived my son. Do you have any evidence to support that? Yes, I have my calendar right here. JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, will you hand me this calendar? THOMAS: I had sex on the 19th around 12:00 to 2:00 am. <i> The doctor told me I conceived my son around the 22nd,</i> <i> which does put it in the frame for where I would be pregnant.</i> So, you had sex with Mr. Hadley on the 19th of April? Yes. <i> And your doctor told you your conception date was the 22nd?</i> THOMAS: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> So you believed from that calculation</i> <i> that he is your child's biological father.</i> THOMAS: <i> Yes.</i> Um, Mr. Hadley, you were intimate with her on the 19th? Uh, yes. Okay. JUDGE LAKE: Without protection? Yes. But that week of conception, I wasn't the only guy she had sex with. However, the time of conception, the date I had sex with the other guy was Saturday, the 26th of April. Oh, so you... He... Okay, wait. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Hold on! You're saying, Mr. Hadley, you know for certain that she was intimate with someone else, and, Ms. Thomas you are confirming his assertion? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: So, 22nd of April is when the doctor says you conceived. <i> So this is your conception.</i> <i> And this is Mr.</i> Hadley. And when did you have sex with this other guy? I had sex with the other guy on the 26th. However, we also used a condom. HADLEY: <i> Come on, man.</i> THOMAS: <i> We used a condom.</i> (SIGHS) So, Mr. Hadley, how are you so convinced you aren't when you admittedly slept with her on the 19th, even if this other guy did not protect himself on the 26th? You understand that you're still within the window of conception? Well, we also had a home DNA test done, and the results were inconclusive. JUDGE LAKE: You did? Yes. So you did a home test? HADLEY: Yes. And the results you got back were inconclusive? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: So, are you basing a conclusion off of something that's inconclusive? (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) Well... Yes, yes. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Okay. Did you bring any evidence of that test? No, I did not. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Thomas... THOMAS: Yes. The test was inconclusive? THOMAS: Yes. Anything can mess up a home DNA test. You have to be practically perfect. So, you really don't have an answer at all? No. It's just, the test can easily be messed up. You know what, I wanna hear from your witness. Uh, please stand, ma'am. Like to hear from you. Ms. Stallworth, am I correct? Yes, Your Honor. Thank you for joining us. You're welcome. So, Ms. Stallworth, are you in agreement with Mr. Hadley that this is not his biological child? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And why do you believe that to be so? Because she was sleeping with somebody else around the same time. THOMAS: I slept with... And that test that came... Once. ...back inconclusive. JUDGE LAKE: And you two are in a relationship? Mr. Hadley and yourself, you all are in a relationship now? Um, no, we're gearing towards a relationship, but this is... There is no gearing towards a relationship when he's staying with me. ...causing a problem. He lives with me. He's only... This is the longest since I've moved. HADLEY: No. HADLEY: No. THOMAS: He's been with her for two weeks. THOMAS: That's it. JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute, you live with Ms. Thomas? THOMAS: He lives with me. STALLWORTH: He does not. He lives with me. He lives with me. I've stayed over her house. He lives with me. HADLEY: But... Lives! I don't, I don't... He has his clothes at my house. So, hold on, hold on. Your things are with Ms. Thomas, they're at her house. HADLEY: Uh, some of them, yes. Some of them. THOMAS: Most of them. Where do you live? Um, with her. THOMAS: No, he doesn't. JUDGE LAKE: Now you live with Ms. Stallworth. Yes! THOMAS: No! (CHUCKLES) But your clothes are at Ms. Thomas'. HADLEY: Yes. He lives with me. Who are you intimate with right now? Um, Ms. Stallworth. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Stallworth. It's a back and forth. It's been like that for two years. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Thomas, when was the last time you were intimate with Mr. Hadley? A couple of weeks ago. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) That is a lie. THOMAS: It's not that long ago. That is a lie. You are laughing, Ms. Stallworth? STALLWORTH: Because this is... She doesn't know. She isn't there, she doesn't live with me. STALLWORTH: I can't say if it's true or not, but from what I'm getting from him, it's not. HADLEY: It's not true. It's not like that. HADLEY: I never even meant for it to even go this far with Ms. Thomas because I was... You were at fault too, because you were intimate with her. You were at my house every day minus these last two weeks. So, Ms. Stallworth, will you continue to pursue a relationship with Mr. Hadley if in fact it's determined that he is Ms. Thomas' son's biological father? STALLWORTH: No, Your Honor. You won't? I won't, no! THOMAS: That's a lie. JUDGE LAKE: So basically your whole relationship you're working towards is on the line. Because if he is the father of her child, you don't wanna be in a relationship with him. Yeah, if Mr. Hadley is the father of Ms. Thomas' baby, me and Mr. Hadley would just co-parent with our daughter and nothing further. He's been trying... So you two have a child as well? Yes, we do, we have a baby girl. How old is your child? Uh, she'll be two in November. And Jeremiah is seven months. THOMAS: Mmm-hmm. So this has been a love triangle that's been going on for a while. THOMAS: Yes! A long time. And you just go back and forth, Mr. Hadley, depending on whose house you stay in? THOMAS: Yes! Well, it was like whenever... She would get mad at me a lot of times, and she would kick me out for no reason. I had plenty of reason. Ms. Thomas was the reason. There's so many times he is texting me saying he doesn't wanna be there. The only reason why he is there is because she keeps using, "Oh, you wanna be around "Ms. Thomas and "her son more than you wanna be around your daughter." So, he's up there for these two weeks for a guilt trip. So, Mr. Hadley, do you admit you've just been going back and forth between these two women all this time? Uh, I have. JUDGE LAKE: So why are you standing there with a smirk on your face like you can't possibly be this child's father when you are over there living in a house with your clothes over there, and you say you are going back and forth? I have strong evidence, I have strong beliefs, I know. You have strong evidence and strong beliefs. Where is it? I haven't got any of it. HADLEY: Well... I mean, I have... An inconclusive DNA test doesn't tell me anything. And, um, I wasn't the first guy she told she was pregnant when she first got pregnant. We gonna get that out there. Well, tell me something I don't know. Yeah, the first guy, the guy that she was messing with, a different guy, who knows, there's probably more than one guy. Never told anybody else that I was having his baby. She told him I wasn't the first guy she told she was pregnant. She told the first guy first. I guess he didn't say anything. Or blocked her. Oh, so you're feeling like it's a process of elimination, and since the other guy didn't want anything to do with her, she's putting it on you. HADLEY: Yeah! I did not tell anyone else first before telling him. When I took my tests is when I told him first. I didn't tell anyone else first. No! JUDGE LAKE: And what is that you are holding? I have a picture of Mr. Hadley when he was a baby and my son. JUDGE LAKE: Let me see that evidence, please. Thank you, Jerome. Okay, what are these pictures of? THOMAS: <i> That's my son, Jeremiah and Mr. Hadley as a baby.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Jeremiah on the left,</i> and Mr. Hadley as a baby on the right. You say you see a resemblance. THOMAS: Yes! How about you, Mr. Hadley? I don't see it. STALLWORTH: The nose kind of does look alike, I give her that. And the eyes. So, what is his relationship like with Jeremiah? He recognizes him and is excited to see... THOMAS: Yes. He doesn't even have to say anything for Jeremiah to smile at him. He smiles at everybody. THOMAS: No, he doesn't. Yes, he does. Ms. Thomas, if he is in fact determined to be your child's biological father, do you wanna be in a relationship with Mr. Hadley? Do you want him to stay put, stay in your home and be with you and your child? I don't want him to be going back and forth. He can be around his daughter, but, however, this back and forth, I don't trust him. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, what about no back and forth, but he wants to be with Ms. Stallworth? Are you okay with that? Yes, he just has to take responsibility of my son. Okay, so you don't wanna be in a relationship with him necessarily? I could really care less about being in a relationship at this point. It's been going on for too long, and I really don't trust that he won't be back and forth. So you think, pretty much, as long as you two women allow it, he will just continue to go back and forth? THOMAS: Yes, pretty much. JUDGE LAKE: I can agree with that assertion. THOMAS: Mmm-hmm. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Mr. Hadley, when you say you can't possibly be this child's father, but you admit to having sex without using protection, you understand why Ms. Thomas has reason to believe you potentially could be her child's father, right? Yes, I understand, you know, there's a possibility, but, um, I'm fully convinced, myself, that there's no way. I think it's time for the results. Jerome, I'm ready. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics. And they read as follows. In the case of<i> Thomas v. Hadley,</i> as it pertains to 7-month-old Jeremiah Hadley, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Hadley, you are not his father. Oh, my God. I feel, you know, now we can move forward now, and she can stop, you know... She... No, you gotta stop. Yes, he has to stop. Me? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Uh, and listen, you all have a part to play in this. But before you start getting on your high horse, Mr. Hadley, let's be clear, you've gotta stop. Because you are going back and forth between these two women, and they're letting you. That's a whole other conversation. If you keep going the way you're doing, at this rate, you'll just be back up here again next year. She'll be pregnant again. Ms. Stallworth'll be standing right here next to you talking about, "I'm not gonna stay if he is." So, Ms. Thomas, ultimately, it's time for you to stop focusing on Mr. Hadley and Ms. Stallworth. You gotta focus on Jeremiah. There's a man that you say you know is his biological father, but he doesn't want anything to do with him. You need to approach that person again. THOMAS: Yes. And make it clear that you've had DNA testing for the other potential father, and try to get a test with him as well. Okay. JUDGE LAKE: For your son. Because he deserves to know who his father is. Mmm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE: Now before court is adjourned, I'm not gonna see you all back in here again. Mr. Hadley, Ms. Stallworth... Yes. No, but I do... Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait a minute, you say, "Yes," he says, "No." Yes 'cause he had question about our child. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) Yeah. Do you have doubts, Mr. Hadley? Well, I have some doubts. Ms. Stallworth, does he have reason to have doubt? Tell me now, don't take me in circles. STALLWORTH: Yeah, he has reason. All right, you know what, we're gonna get this done today. You two submit to DNA testing, for your daughter, and get these questions answered, and you will return to this courtroom, and I will give you those results. Do you understand? BOTH: Yes, Your Honor. Jerome, can you please escort them out so they can get tested? Good luck to you, Ms. Thomas. Thank you. Court is adjourned. (BANGS GAVEL) (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,216,176
Rating: 4.6988196 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: 3tSza3HRTo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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