Fiancé or Current Husband May Be True Father (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of <i> Lovette v. Jackson.</i> <i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone.</i> AUDIENCE: <i> Good day.</i> JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Lovette, you're saying Ms. Jackson is a manipulative cheater who has flaunted her flings in front of you during your relationship and you say her affairs have caused you to doubt that you fathered her 15-month-old son, Corey Jr., is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Jackson, you say Mr. Lovette is definitely your son's father and he's doubting paternity because of his needless insecurities, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Lovette, what is your relationship like with Corey Jr.? He's 15 months old. Yeah, that's my baby. I love him. JUDGE LAKE: That's your baby? He is adorable. Yeah. That's his baby but he denied him. I have doubts. And my older son looks different from him. He's darker, he's chubby, he got bow-legged. Another son by another woman? He has a different mother, of course he's gonna look different. COREY: But I still... But the stuff that she be doing, it brings the doubts on it. AUTRICE: Okay. Like, it ain't like you'd been good. You're right. COREY: Of course, you've been pregnant. And you ain't either. He didn't take the relationship seriously. He was talking to other women, so being that he didn't take it seriously, I didn't take it seriously. He was talking to other women and I were talking to other guys. And so, you all got together briefly and then one started cheating and the other one started cheating. Yes, she put tracking devices on my phone. She on my Facebook, like, people be thinking they talking to me and she... They not, they talking to her. She got my Facebook code and everything. Okay. I wasn't, like, stalking you. You gave me your password. You put tracking devices on my phone, right? Yes, because I did not trust you. COREY: How many times? Every time I deleted it, I... Every time. I would wake up in the morning sometimes... And when you get a new phone. ...and I see a little bird on the top of my phone, "What's this bird doing?" You know what I'm saying? AUTRICE: You Honor, he's been proven. Because I find this tracking device and I delete it. AUTRICE: He's been proven to be not loyal. And days go by, another tracking device on my phone. So, he's been proven to be not loyal and buying him, me loving him so much and him loving me so much, and us wanting to be together, I had to be certain that I wasn't being played. You got detective skills. AUTRICE: Mmm-hmm. I don't play. If you're looking for another profession. I don't play. So Mr. Lovette, are you accusing Ms. Jackson of cheating in defense of your own cheating? Exactly. No. AUTRICE: Exactly. No. Do you think she's doing it to get back at you? COREY: No because... Do you think she's doing it because you're doing it? No. Huh. JUDGE LAKE: So, how do you know she's even doing that? She's just a type of woman that... Assuming, assuming. ...moves on. Look, she started having kids at the age of 18. She ain't gonna stop because of me. She got six kids. I had four kids when you met me. You gave me two more. So I'm going to assume that she's moving on like she always been. But what evidence do you have that she cheated? Oh, a couple of times we break up and then I come to the house and it was her ex at her house. At the time, I assumed and she told me it was her cousin. I never told him that the guy was my cousin. I told him his sister was my cousin. He approached the house after we had separated from the time our first child together was conceived. He approached the house... We had got into an altercation. And he packed all his things and he left. Then he came back, when he came back... COREY: Of course, she got a lot of kids... AUTRICE: ...I was sitting outside. Me and the guy was sitting outside on the back of his truck, he had just finished cutting my grass. That's the house I painted and took my time with it... We were sitting on the back of the truck, having a cold drink. If he would've cut the grass when he was there a couple days ago, another guy wouldn't have to. Cut the grass? You need to be worried about bills instead of cutting the grass 'cause you ain't stayed there that much longer after that. AUTRICE: Bills, bills, worry about bills. You're right, I had... You're right. I did have to worry about bills 'cause soon as you seen the other guy there, you turned the lights off on me and my kids. COREY: Your Honor. AUTRICE: But the guy never came inside my house. The guy pulled up, cut my grass, after that, we sat on the back of the truck... There's... Nobody should be over there. That was it. That's when he came up and pulled up on. COREY: Nobody should be over there. Then that same guy ended up sending naked pictures to my phone. Because you asked him for them. No, matter of fact, it was her phone. He wrote the guy, he got... I was talking like... I was talking like... He got in my Facebook... I was at work. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on, one at a time. Let me hear this. COREY: I was at work and I was... And he text, but I had her phone. We switched phones that day. So, I was texting the guy like I was her. And then he sent me a picture. So, the same guy that posed to be her cousin... AUTRICE: And what guy... JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute now. That's not true. That not true. Is this the grass-cutting guy? AUTRICE: Yes. He recognized the guy's face through my messages. The guy hit me up and said, "Hey." I never replied back. So, he played like he was me and he was writing the guy, asking the guy all kinds of questions, and did he enjoy my sex? COREY: And I got... I didn't say that. But I never asked him for a thing. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on, Mr. Lovette. Did you request a naked picture? No, no, no. Yeah. Yeah. All of this leads you to doubt... Yes. JUDGE LAKE: ...that Corey Jr... Because he's seen another guy cuttin' my grass. Was there anything else going on? You can't get pregnant by somebody cutting the grass. Why don't you think Corey Jr. is your son? I thought she was involved with another guy. JUDGE LAKE: That's what I need to know. All right. JUDGE LAKE: All right. So, at the time Corey Jr. was conceived, you believe Ms. Jackson was involved with someone else? Right. Tell the court, what do you know? I know that she went out with another guy and I know she was chilling with another guy the time we broke up and it was no baby around. And then some time go later, now you pregnant, maybe because now you need a father figure for all your kids and somebody that... AUTRICE: I don't need a father figure for all my kids. My kids have a father figure. COREY: With me. Yeah. So, you feel like you all broke up and you all were at odds, she started going out with somebody else. Next thing you know, she's pregnant but then trying to get back with you because you feel like she wanted you to take care of this baby and all of her other children. COREY: That too and also she's still married, so I wasn't taking it serious in the beginning. ...upon until I got pregnant. So, now we got kids in between the marriage, so now we have to take an extra step, get parenting and get... Proof that he's not the... You know what I'm saying? She got the... When she was dealing with her marriage, she got pregnant again by another guy. And then you turn around and get pregnant by me. What he's trying to say is... Every year since you been 18... I already had a child... Baby, baby..., baby. ...between the marriage before him. So, when you first got pregnant... AUTRICE: I would have been divorced. JUDGE LAKE: You can't get divorced because you keep getting pregnant. Exactly. Not by me, man. Exactly. Exactly. Her husband is here. We're gonna meet him in a moment. Now, you can talk about it if you want, but you started a relationship with her, too. COREY: Right. And got her pregnant. COREY: Right. And I've been taking care of my responsibility. JUDGE LAKE: But no, what I'm saying is you were informed... AUTRICE: He always try to down-talk me but you knew me before. You knew how I was. You knew my facts that I was married before we even got sexually intimate. If it was a problem, you should've just walked away. Not only that, it's like you say you're gonna do something, you need to do it. What do you feel in this moment, Ms. Jackson? That's what I wanna know. I see the emotion. Is it because you're angry at him or yourself or you feel stuck or trapped? What are you feeling? I just wish that... I was... I could've got a divorce before we had kids. That's all. Because every time we get into an argument, he's always throwing up the fact that I'm still married. But you are convinced Mr. Lovette is Corey Jr.'s father. Oh, yeah. JUDGE LAKE: That, you're convinced of. Oh, yeah. She can't stay alone. And it shows whether I'm in her life or not, she's gonna keep it moving. It ain't my fault I look good. COREY: Yeah, you look good. (APPLAUSE) AUTRICE: Of course I can't stay alone. I can't go to the mailbox without trying to... Causing a car accident. But you got a lot of kids you taking care of. It ain't my fault I look good. You got a lot of kids and they need to learn they ABCs. Listen, you are a beautiful young woman, but you do have trouble being alone. Yes, I do. JUDGE LAKE: And that's not because you're beautiful. COREY: Right. That's not how you look on the outside, that's how you feel in the inside, babe. Okay? I wanna move this forward. I wanna get the answers that we need so we can figure out how in the world do we get ourselves out of this. Jerome, can you please escort Mr. Coleman into the courtroom? JEROME: Sure. Ms. Jackson, I'd like to hear from your husband. Watch your step going up there. Up the steps. Thank you for joining us today, Mr. Coleman. How are you doing? JUDGE LAKE: Very well, thank you. How long have you been married to Ms. Jackson? Six years. JUDGE LAKE: Six years. Separated for four years. In your mind, is there any chance you are Corey Jr.'s biological father? No, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: None? No. I have my own life going on. I just had two beautiful twins. I'm just waiting for my divorce from them two to get their self together, so I could finally have my divorce. He's holding off both of our life. We both can't get divorce. He has another woman, other kids in between the marriage. I have another man and kids between the marriage. We can't get a divorce because this boy won't sign the affidavit... Stating that those are his. Y'all should've been got divorced before you met me. Yeah, you're right. And before your other baby daddy, so it's not... When I met you, it was pending. Well, you're in legal limbo, you are. Because a court is gonna look out for the best interest of the child. If you got divorced today, all the children she's had they'd be presumed to be yours. Yeah. Yes. That means you'd be responsible for child support for all those children. That's... And that's what I keep trying to tell him. Like, why wouldn't you sign the affidavit? Do you know if something was to happen to me, that he's their father legally? JUDGE LAKE: Yes, he is, you are correct. You ain't even got no rights to your own children. Well, I'm still gonna get... If something was to happen to me, he's their legal father. Your Honor, before we... This... But that's your son. ...find out if they're mine... But these are the things we have to think about while we're still having babies when we're in a legal situation. That's why today's results are so important. Very important. JUDGE LAKE: The stakes are high. I think it's time to go to the results. Jerome, I'm ready. Thank you. You're welcome. We have two results today. <i> These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics,</i> and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Lovette v. Jackson,</i> when it comes to one-year-old Corey Lovette, Jr., it has been determined by this court... Mr. Coleman... You... Are not his father. In the case of<i> Lovette v. Jackson,</i> when it comes to one-year-old Corey Lovette, Jr., it has been determined by this court... Mr. Lovette... You... Are not his father. Told you. That's why I wanted to get DNA... Are you sure? How is that possible? Do you know who his father is? She know who it is. (CRYING) (SOBS) Oh, my God. Do you need to sit down, Ms. Jackson? AUTRICE: Oh, my God. COREY: Babe. AUTRICE: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh. Oh, my God. JUDGE LAKE: And I have to ask you for Corey Jr.'s sake, do you... Have you ever mentioned to this gentleman that he could possibly be Corey Jr.'s father? Have you all had a discussion? Have you talked about it with the other gentleman that it's a possibility? Yes. But you never cheated on me. We wasn't together. Always. Every time. We break up so much. We break up so much. And every time we break up, you mess with a guy you just met, fool. Soon we broke up, you just met that guy. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Lovette, Mr. Lovette. No, it's been someone that I already knew. COREY: Shut up. AUTRICE: I already knew this guy. COREY: Whatever. He did nothing for your kids and ain't gonna do nothing for your kids. I know this is hard for you and I know... COREY: Yeah, it is hard. AUTRICE: Oh, God. Oh, my God. The DNA doesn't lie. AUTRICE: Oh, my God. It gives clarity to... All of the confusion. It's not like I did it, I knew it was another possible father. And I wasn't telling him because if I would have felt like it was another possible father... You wouldn't... ...I would've told him. You wouldn't have said nothing... I would have told him. know you had no chance to be in my life. Listen. We're here now, we're here now. Now, I want a DNA for every kid I have. Oh, my God. COREY: I ain't gonna... Because we are familiar with these situations and we know how it can go, the court has administered a DNA test... AUTRICE: Are you sure? JUDGE LAKE: ...for Ariel as well. AUTRICE: I don't... JUDGE LAKE: Jerome. I don't understand. I don't understand. At the time that I slept with the other guy, it was so far apart from the day... Shut up, you're just drunk. ...that the baby was just... Listen, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Just stop. We know you're hurt. We know the situation didn't turn out the way you want it to. I'm so sorry. JUDGE LAKE: But what you're not going to do is sit in this courtroom and downgrade... COREY: I don't wanna stay in this courtroom anymore. I know you don't. But you said you wanted an answer to the question as to whether Ariel was your biological daughter, right? AUTRICE: Oh, my God. COREY: Yeah. Well, I have it. AUTRICE: Oh, my God. In the case of... <i> Lovette v. Jackson,</i> when it comes to two-month-old Ariel Lovette, it has been determined... Oh, my God. JUDGE LAKE: this court... This seems so unreal. Oh, my God. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Lovette... You are Ariel's father. Ms. Jackson, what are you gonna do? AUTRICE: I don't know. The other gentleman, does he wanna be a part of Corey's life? He wanted to at first but I kept telling him it wasn't his because the days didn't add up. Well, you're gonna need to call him back. (AUTRICE SOBBING) JUDGE LAKE: Listen, listen. Ms. Jackson look at me, look at me. You're gonna be all right because you have to. You have children counting on you. I want you to go talk to Dr. Jeff. I want you to start working through this. I am going to check on you. But I want you to understand, you cannot fall apart. Your children are counting on you, all right? <i> Court is adjourned.</i>
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,635,678
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: yqutFzGQICU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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