Woman Says Man Was Living Double Life (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of <i> Sutton v Smith.</i> Thank you, Ron. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Sutton, you say you believed you were in an exclusive relationship with Mr. Smith until you got pregnant and discovered he was living a double life. You say the defendant has denied your daughter, Cayleigh, and you are in court to prove he is your child's father. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Smith, you and your mother say Ms. Sutton is a pathological liar whose list of sexual partners extends well beyond just you. You admit to having two sexual encounters with the plaintiff but say your relationship was anything but exclusive. What do you mean, "He had a double life"? Him and his other baby mama were together when he was supposed to be with me. Like, he was staying with me, living with me, I used to see him every day. He used to come home every night. And then all of a sudden when I get pregnant, it's an issue. When I post my picture of my ultrasound, when I got pregnant with my daughter, on Facebook, I tagged him in it and that's when she messaged me, <i> and she told me who she was.</i> By my understanding, when she was pregnant with their daughter, he said he wasn't with her. He said he would just want to be there for the baby, and that was it. Then all of sudden when I get pregnant he's with her. So, is that true, Mr. Smith? No, ma'am. That is not true. What is your side of the story? Well, I first met Laquay, I mean Ms. Sutton, first I met her through my cousin. You know, we chilled. We kicked it off. First time we had a sexual encounter, you know, we made it at my auntie house. We stayed, you know, spent the night with each other, had our first sexual encounter. So, after we had sex, I went out of town to Cleveland, Ohio on a vacation. It was on the Fourth of July, and she called my cousin's phone, and something like, "Um, is Deza around you?" And she gave me the phone and she like, "Oh, I'm pregnant by you." I'm like, "You pregnant by who?" She's like, "By you." I go, "Like hell. "You lying. You got to be lying." I'm like, "What about Jimmy, Joe and John?" You see? So, you knew for a fact she was sleeping with other people? Yes. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Were you Ms. Sutton? No. You've been denying my baby from day one. From day one. When she look just like you. Ain't nobody in my family got no big forehead like that. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) That baby looks just like you. Even your partners on the street say that she look just like you. Yeah, I know they will 'cause every time they look around, you posting a picture. Every time they look around, you posting a picture. "Look at him. Look at him." Wait a minute, Mr. Smith. I wanna understand this. She's posting pictures of what now? Me and the baby. You know, telling about, "Oh, look. This is his baby. He denying my baby." And all this. Then next thing I know, "Look girl, you got a picture with "your baby and another dude beside each other." That is my husband. It's a family picture. MR. SMITH: A family picture? If she really wanted me to bring that girl like that, that day that I called her and said, "I offering to come out there. You want me to come over there "and pull up on ya and see the baby?" "No, no, uh-uh. My mom said if you come up here, "she don't want to have nothing to do with me and my baby "So you might as well stay there." Then she gonna say that she tried to give me a free DNA test. (STAMMERING) Child support. Child support. He did not show up twice for a DNA test. So, what that saying about you? All right. All right. 'Cause if I was a man and if I know a baby wasn't mine, I'd the first one up there to take a DNA test. Point blank, period. You're so ghetto, so nasty. Etonia, this ain't got nothing to do with you. I didn't sleep with you! Hold on. Let's get some order. Let's get some order. Oh! Lying! See, she messy like that. She messy like that, Your Honor. No, because this is between me and you. I don't have my mother standing here, 'cause my mama ain't got nothing to do with it. Ms. Sutton, after you told him you were pregnant, what did he say to you? He said, "All right." And then from that moment on, did he participate in the whole pregnancy at all? Come to any doctors' appointments with you? No, my mother was my baby's father, my whole pregnancy. And then, when you went to the hospital, he didn't come? MS. SUTTON:<i> No, I invited him twice. Then he just...</i> MR. SMITH: <i> So why didn't I didn't come though?</i> What you told me? Not to come up there. Okay, at the hospital, you had to have ID. You just got a ID, Deza. It doesn't matter. I mean, my mom could have... MS. SUTTON: I don't have time to deal with you. If you don't want to do for Cayleigh, then don't do for Cayleigh. 'Cause my daughter is well taken care of. Been in school since she was six weeks old. She is well taken care of. Look at her. She is well taken care of. Ain't missed a meal. What do got to do with anything about missing a meal, bro? We're talking about DNA. All right! Then how come you didn't take it when it was free? Come on, man. And I'm sure gonna take the picture of the DNA. ♪99.999999! Your Honor, Ms. Sutton is not telling you that she done slept with my family members' husbands and baby daddy. And I caught her with one of 'em. AUDIENCE: Oh! We have tried hard, very hard, to get along with this girl. She has slept with one of my family members, both of her baby daddies, and when I was staying with Ms. Sutton, I came home and caught her in bed with one of 'em. At the same house she say that supposed to be my house. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on. Hold on. Just to be clear... Just recently... Hold on, hold on. Just recently, she just stopped fooling with one of my family members' husband. Okay, but the lease is in my name, isn't it? The lease was in my name but you were staying... Okay, Ms. Collie... I can have somebody there Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I pay that rent. I pay the rent. I pay the bills. You got me for $500! She ran off with my mom's $500. Her school check. Hold on. Let's get some order. Ms. Sutton, I wanna give you a chance to respond. She's making some serious accusations. Are you sleeping with multiple people in her family? No. Me and the person that she say I was sleeping with, I did not start sleeping with him till after that my daughter was born. He was my boyfriend at the time. So, anybody I'm dealing with is going to make sure me and my kids are straight. I don't deal with nobody that upset my children. Point blank, period. MS. COLLIE: He's been everybody's boyfriend. All right, well, he was mine then. You bought him. You bought him, just like you trying to buy my son and everybody else. Exactly. What do you mean she's trying to buy them? All you got to do is buy him some cigarettes and some beer. Ladies! One at a time. Your Honor, let me tell you what my mama mean when she say she bought him. Okay, every time I got incarcerated, me and Laquay, we was never in no boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. Yes, we did have sexual intercourse with each other. So every time I done went to jail, yes, I'd done call Laquay. She'd think that just 'cause she put money on my books and phone, I'd get out and she would feel like I'm obligated to stay with her 'cause of what she done done for me behind the wall. Come on. Just 'cause you done spent that money, that's on you. JUDGE LAKE: I just don't want you to start a sentence with, "Every time I go to jail." (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) 'Cause he done went, Your Honor. He has went and then every time he come home, he comes to my house. If he's not with me, why you coming to my house? She's buying me, Your Honor. I get outta jail, "Come get this hundred dollar new phone." "Baby, I'm on the way." MS. COLLIE: Yes, she does. I'm on the way. Yes, she does. Because my family member, the husband and baby daddy she was dealing with, she did the same thing. Listen. Listen. I'm getting it now. Ooh! Even though y'all are giving me a headache. But I'm getting it. I wanna understand from you. It's your position that Mr. Smith is not doing enough for Cayleigh, and is denying her... He has never done nothing for her. The whole three years of her life has been me. A child looks for their dad. They know their dad. They talk... She knows him. Does she call him "Daddy"? Yes. Every time I show him a picture of her, like, you know, I hate him. Like, just get that clear. I hate him. But if he would want to be in her life, I wouldn't stop him. Because my daddy has been in my life since day one. My mother and father are still married. I've had a two-parent household all my life. So I know how influential having a father in a girl's life is. So I would never take that away from him. If he'll call me and be like, "Let me get Cayleigh." "Where you at? I'll bring her to you." I don't like him. I don't like him. I want nothing to do with him. And, so, look, the worst... Hold on, hold on, hold on. He saw my daughter for the first time when she was four weeks old. You didn't see her until she was a month old. MS. SUTTON: Four weeks old, he came over to my house... JUDGE LAKE: But now she's three years old. That's a lot of time. Have you tried to reach out to Ms. Sutton and see... Yes. Yes, Your Honor. Just now. As a matter of fact... Just now for this. Just a minute, just a minute. MS. COLLIE: No. No. Not just now. Just now, Etonia. Etonia, you lying. Etonia, you lying. I love Cayleigh. No, you don't. I wanna know if she's my granddaughter. No, you don't. Because if she's my granddaughter, I wanna treat her as is. I'm not gonna deal with her. That's what I'm not gonna deal with. Her deceitfulness, her lies, her manipulation. She's horrible. She sceenshots. She puts it all on Facebook when they're not looking. She's done it to my family members' husband or boyfriend, or their baby daddy. And when they are over there, she secret screenshots, put it all over... Well, don't talk to me and don't come around me then. But you know what... How about that? Why you acting so nasty? How about that? I'm being nasty... You're nasty. ...because I've been doing this for three years, Etonia. You raised two boys by yourself! So what? So you know how this...is! So, don't come to me with that! You all up in his business! You are acting like you went under him. (SCOFFS) Why? 'Cause you want to? Yeah, that's what it is. No, I don't want that nasty thing on me. (GAVEL BANGING) Let's get some order. MR. SMITH: That's what it is. Ms. Sutton, um, I... (INDISTINCT) Ms... Ms. Sutton, Ms. Sutton. Like, she wasn't in there with us. Ms. Sutton! Ms. Sutton. I'm trying to understand this frustration with this family. I know it's been three years you say you've been doing this all by yourself. No help. I can see that they don't believe that Cayleigh is Mr. Smith's. What's really going on though? She just so... No, let her talk. Just let her talk. 'Cause she's screaming at top of her lungs, trying to be heard. And I want her to know I'm listening. He does for all his other kids but don't do for mine. That's what I wanna know. He does for all his other children, don't do for mine. You know how hurtful that...is? (SNIFFLES) That you see that on social media and Facebook. His other baby mama's tagging me in pictures of him holding his daughter. And he don't even wanna take a picture with mine! As a mother, that hurts. I'm doing the best I can... And stop being so, so... No! Because you're acting. You're full of it. She acting! My child, Etonia. Look at that little girl! You are full of it. She didn't do nothing to you. Don't say nothing, Mama. I'm not. She didn't do nothing to you. MS. COLLIE: I talked to her last night. Ms. Sutton. Ms. Sutton. All right? And don't try to act like you already had phoned me when you been hitting my phone all week trying to be nice! You've been calling me! You been calling her! Enough. Ma'am. You been trying to be cool. Lying. Speak with the judge. I'm just so tired of them. Not to each other. That's enough. Talk to the judge. When the DNA test results, we need to get joint custody. He had his time. I had my time. That's it. I don't want nothing to do with him, his family, all that messy stuff. I have moved on. JUDGE LAKE: But, listen. And this is the part that is troubling me in this moment. It's because I can tell you have a lot on your chest. And whether they're saying you're acting or what, I'm listening. Because I wanna understand how a young girl, at 26 years old, gets this angry. You're too young for that. You'll make yourself sick. Because he's deceitful. The way you screaming. How they saying that I'm deceitful? He deceitful to me! That whole time... I wish I could bring you them letters when he was incarcerated. Telling me he loved me. Stop talking! And how he wanna be with me and my baby. I brought my baby down to the jail to see him. All this stuff. Who wants to bring their baby to a nasty stinking jail? I don't. I loved him. I loved him with all my heart. And for him to deny me and my child, like, that's something serious. 'Cause he's lying to his family, lying to the other baby mama, lying to his mama. JUDGE LAKE: Now, I just wanted to understand where this was coming from. And now I do. Mr. Smith, I wanna give you a chance to respond, but I just ask you to do so respectfully. Yes, ma'am. Did you realize she loved you? Yes, I did. I realized that. Yeah, I played a part in it too, 'cause I was lying. You know what I'm saying? I did all that. She knew that I was dating somebody else. And I was staying with somebody else. You know what I'm saying? And yes, we had sexual intercourse. (STUTTERING) All I know is, she done call, feeling really deep for me, and she really want me to be with her. But, like, my heart was always somewhere else, and I ain't tried to have my cake and ice cream and eat it too. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. When you up there in jail, and you ain't got nobody to talk to. You talking about she putting money on your books. I practiced criminal defense law for a long time. I know what it means. I know you need... Hold on. And I'm also no fool, 'cause I've represented enough young men and young women, where I know the manipulation that comes behind it. 'Cause you ain't got nothing to do, but sit up there and wait for the time you get to talk to somebody. And then when you do, you probably telling her everything she wanna hear, and that money is coming on them books. See, mama ain't no fool. I know what you did. But while you were entertaining her, somewhere, as hard as she is, and as messy as she is, and as petty as you all say she is, and everything you all say she is, she still fell in love. She's just a girl. So I get this. Both of you all have a part to play in it. 'Cause Ms. Sutton, I'm gonna tell you, that level of crazy you get to, everybody gonna be backing up. 'Cause you go, you take it there. You know, but if somebody push you... But that's because you're hurt. And that why I asked you what's really going on. What about how I feel, too? After today, I'm losing a seven-year relationship with my family. This girl done harass my baby mama and my family so bad, to the point where like... So, your girlfriend says she's gonna leave you if this child is yours? All that, down the drain. Well, it looks like you gonna be single. If them results come in saying it is my baby, everything that I just built with this girl is going down the drain. Okay. Well, all I have to say, and I'm not saying this to be mean, but it's the truth. Cayleigh's three years old. If she's yours and you were in a seven-year relationship, why in world were you messing with Ms. Sutton? These are consequences. It's hard, Mr. Smith. No one asked you to sleep with her unprotected. Yeah, you right. (MS. SUTTON SIGHS) So now, all we can do is get the result. MR. SMITH: Yeah, that's all. Ron, the envelope please. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Yes, ma'am. I loved him with all my heart. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Sutton v. Smith,</i> when it comes to three-year-old Cayleigh Amour Sutton, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Smith, you are the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Can I see my baby? Oh, thank you. After three years. Three years. MS. COLLIE: It's okay. It's okay, son. Three years. JUDGE LAKE: All right, Ms. Sutton. (SOBBING) I wanna see my baby. Three years! MS. COLLIE: Okay, it's okay. (SNIFFLES) I'm wanna see my baby. Okay. I'm sure she wants to see you too. MS. COLLIE: That's my granddaughter. Would it be okay if Mr. Smith saw his beautiful little girl? Because when he found out he was the father, all the worry he expressed about what he thought he was gonna lose, his first reaction is that he was emotional over his child, and just said, "Can I see my child?" So, can he see her? Yeah, I wouldn't take her away from him. All right, we have counseling. We have resources for all of you, and we want you to take advantage of it. And most importantly, be good to that baby. Court is adjourned. Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith. RON: Mr. Smith. Let me talk to you for a minute. RON: Come on up here and talk to the judge.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,248,055
Rating: 4.762743 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: XA1_ZwnAV8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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