Cheers, Spears, & A Lot Of Tears | David Series Part 3 | Pastor Paul Daugherty

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[Music] alright well we have been in our series David and this has been a study on the life of David and who he was what he did we've been talking about who David was before he was the king of Israel and what lessons we can learn from his life I don't know if you were here the first week but we talked about why God chose David that God's heart had been broken for Israel because they forsook God as their King and they asked God to choose for them a human King so they could be like all the other nations and so God picked a man named Saul someone who looked like a king someone who talked like a king walked like a king he was tall and strong and Saul started off good but years into Saul's leadership Saul's heart began to turn away from God he stopped fearing God and he started fearing people and he started disobeying God's Word and so God had to find a new leader and he searched into the fields of Bethlehem a young boy the youngest of eight sons and his father's name was Jesse and this young boy his name was David he was a shepherd boy and we heard that God chose him because he was a man after God's own heart last week we talked about how David slew the giant Goliath that David stepped out into the valley of elon he took his stones in his slingshot and he took down the giant that was trying to defy the armies of the Living God it was an incredible moment for a 15 year old boy to just be catapulted into this moment where no other men were brave enough to fight Goliath David was and all of a sudden he became a household name people were cheering - David the girls were cheering for David everybody was talking about David if David had a shoe line everybody wanted David shoes if David was a celebrity everybody was following David tweeting about David talking about David he was like an internet sensation his name was going viral everybody wanted to know David but there was someone in the background of this story that was watching from a distance and while the world was cheering this man was suspicious who is this boy David who's his daddy anyways where does he come from they said well Saul this is Jesse's boy he's the youngest of the sons he's the guy that's been playing harp for you and the palace and when you're going through your fits of difficulties and rage and by the way Saul was starting to lose his mind he was starting to go a little bit mentally insane and Saul said we'll bring him to me and they began to talk and we go to first samuel 18 and it says that after verse 1 after David and Saul finished talking Jonathan the son of Saul became one in spirit with David because he loved him as himself and in verse 2 it says that Saul kept David with him and would not let him return to his family now that may not seem like a significant Scripture but this is the beginning of the control that Saul was bringing over David there was a spirit of control a manipulative dominant spirit you can't go back to your dad's house anymore you got to stay right here with me and we might think well that's not a big deal but this was the beginning of what David was about to walk through see while the world might think that after David took Goliath out that would be the beginning of his great leadership and that he would be catapulted into Fame and most people think that David stepped into the kingdom right after that if you were to ask the world who's never really read through the Bible they would say yeah after he took out Goliath he became the greatest King in Israel and they skip over 16 years of his life because what was supposed to catapult him into a great leadership moment actually catapulted David into the deepest darkest most difficult Valley he had ever walked through the school of brokenness God has a university very few enroll into it and even fewer graduate it is a school for men and women who desire to become more like Jesus and in that desire God uses the adversities that come against them to break them so that they can bring healing to a broken world David was enrolling into God's sacred school of brokenness he didn't even know it he was about to walk through the most difficult years of his life and these would be the years that would hear him for that role as king God would use King Saul's madness to break David's heart so that David would never become like Saul God didn't want a Saul number two God was looking for a David lord I pray over these next few minutes that we would lean in and hear the words of your spirit I pray for every person in this room God that they would not be distracted in this moment Lord that we would never forget what we're about to hear in 1st Samuel 18 19 and 20 God that we would leave today knowing that you're not just with us on the mountaintops you are with us in the valleys and God while there will be cheers we know that there will be Spears help us not to run from adversity but God to embrace what you're doing inside of us to become more like you so that we can be used as broken vessels in this broken world to bring your healing in Jesus name everybody said amen if you're taking notes that you could just title this message Cheers Spears and a lot of Tears Cheers Spears and a lot of Tears first samuel 18 verse 1 after David had finished talking to Saul Jonathan the son of Saul became one in spirit with David and he loved him as himself now this was not a worldly kind of love and the world would love to try to pervert this story but Jonathan loved David so much that he not only wanted to be David's best friend but he wanted to make a covenant with David to say David even when you act kind of crazy and even when you do things that are foolish I'll be your friend for the rest of your life I'll be your friend on your worst day and I'll be your friend on your best day aren't you thankful for the Jonathan's in your life anybody got a Jonathan I'm thankful for the Jonathan's in my life many of them sitting right here on the front rows and in this church that have made covenants to say I want to be your friend through thick and through thin now Jonathan would be the son of solid rightfully he could have taken the future Kingdom of Israel but instead he opted to serve David and we see in verse three that Jonathan made a covenant with David and he loved him as himself and verse four he gave him his robe his tunic his sword and his belt and this was a sign to say David I see God's hand on your life I see there's a calling on your life and I'm not threatened by you I want to be your friend and there's something we need to learn about the friendship of Jonathan and David because all of us in this room we want to have a Jonathan in our life but in order to have a Jonathan you've got to be a Jonathan you reap the friendships that you sow and if you sow loyalty you'll reap loyalty and if you sow honor you'll reap honor and if you sow kindness you'll reap kindness here's the kind of friend that Jonathan was he sacrificed for David he was a loyal defense for David around others we're gonna see in this story that when David was accused and wrongfully accused Jonathan stood up for him that he gave David permission to be himself around him aren't you thankful for friends that give you permission to just be you they say just take your hat off it's all good if you cry it's all good if you scream it's all good if you just need to vent a little bit aren't you thankful for friends that give you permission to be you Jonathan didn't try to preach at David when David was at his lowest point he just cried with him Jonathan was a constant source of encouragement see in verse 2 of 1st Samuel 18 there's something significant that most people read over and think that's not a big deal it's not a sign of anything but it says that Saul kept David in his house and would not let him return to his family this was a sign of the kind of control that Saul wanted to keep on David this was the red flag moment where David should have realized this King has a manipulative spirit he won't even let me go see my own family but David was so innocent so young fifteen years old he was there to serve and in verse five Saul gave David missions he said I want you to go and do this and do that and everything David did he prospered and he succeeded and in verse seven it says they were coming back from one of the battles that David had wanted and as they're walking down the street Saul is looking out of his palace and he's kind of excited because Israel is winning and David is kind of the reason that Israel is winning and and there's nothing to complain about until he hears this song and it says that the girls began to cheer Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands and I don't care who you are that would make any of us kind of feel like now wait a minute and the world will compare you all of us in this room have been compared to someone Paul's not like his daddy you're not like your brother you're not like your sister I wish you were more like them I wish you could act a little bit better like them I wish you could do this like that and the world will try to draw comparisons but you don't have to buy into the spirit of comparison you don't have to let that spirit of comparison get inside you because here's what comparison does Saul allowed that comparison to get so deep inside of him that it clouded the clarity of his calling comparison will always cloud the clarity of your calling as long as you're comparing yourself to someone else you cannot see the calling and the lane that God's called you to run in God's given us all a race to run and as you're running your race if you're looking over here you're gonna trip and fall you're gonna miss your turns as long as you're looking at him looking at her wishing you had what he had wishing you had what she had wishing you were a little bit more like them you're gonna miss out on your calling and the beautiful thing is God has made you uniquely you there's nobody like you in the world you are an original you are so valuable you are God's son and daughter and the more that you begin to see who you are in Christ the more you can celebrate the people that are succeeding beside you and you could say well done good job David and god I thank you that I have a calling too and I thank you that your hand is on my life too but instead Saul let it get to his head and it said in verse 8 they credit him with tens of thousands and me with only thousands what more can he get but the kingdom and from that day on Saul kept a close eye on David Saul's eyes got off of his race and he began to watch David and eventually this comparison led to envy led to jealousy the road to comparison is a road of destruction if you're on that road right now let me save you some years of heartache stop comparing your stop envying what other people have is if God missed out on blessing you if you'll celebrate what God's doing in their life I'm telling you you'll start to see the blessings God wants to bring in your life says that saw one day was in his house in verse 10 and David was playing the harp he was singing as the deer panteth forth Saul's on the side he's sharpening his spear the water of my soul so I was pulling his spear back David's just singing long a to thee David starts dodging Spears I mean Saul's not just throwing one but two and multiple times you know what what do you do when someone throws a spear at you what do you do when someone starts throwing spears at you now I'm gonna guess that most you don't have actual Spears coming at you unless you have a crazy person in your life that has Spears but I am gonna guess that there's people in your life that have thrown some verbal spears at you I'm gonna guess that the enemy has tried to attack you in multiple ways I remember as a teenager this preacher came to our church named Steve Hill and you could tell he had walked through a lot in his life he was a broken man but man did he have a powerful ministry and he wept through most of his sermon and he said this the title of his message was there will be pain and that's about the reaction that was happening in the service like everyone was just quiet like this is not a happy sermon where's my faith-filled sermon where's the sermon that's supposed to make me excited about life and here's the point with Christianity sometimes we're like looking for a Christian card that says everything's gonna be awesome and perfect with no problems but jesus never promised us a perfect life he did promise to be a perfect Savior through every season of life he never promised that you wouldn't have storms in your life but man he promised to be your shelter in every storm to be your refuge in your stronghold and one of the things that this preacher said is you can't go into ministry if you're afraid of pain you can't follow Jesus if you can't handle the pain because if you want to follow Jesus there is no crown without a cross there is no purpose without pain and God has a university it's a small school very few and roll into it and even fewer graduate it is the school of brokenness because God is short of men and women who will lead with a broken spirit see God's not looking for people who can pretend like they've got it all together I'm perfect I never have tears never have problems God's looking for men and women like David said God where are you I feel alone I feel like Spears are coming left and right I just need a refuge search me God created me a clean heart God take out my enemies you know the beautiful thing about David is he never picked the spear back up and threw it at Saul we'll see in the rest of 1st Samuel 18 that Saul throws one spear after another spear after another sphere and then Saul's daughter falls in love with David now Saul has two children that are cheering for David Jonathan's his best friend his daughter wants to marry him and then Saul thinks okay I'll give him my daughter and then I'll put him on the frontlines of the Philistine battle and I'll have my enemies kill him a lot of us in this room we feel like we have Saul's you're like yeah I got a Saul in my life it's my boss it's my parents it's my friend let me tell you what a saul is a Saul is not the guy in your life or the girl in your life who's challenging you to get to work on time that's a good boss you need to get to work on time it's not the person who's confronting you on problems or situations where you need to grow as an employee that's a good boss that's a good friend it's not the parents that are telling you to be obedient to forgive each other I'll tell you what a saw is the saw and this story was a mad man a mad man he had lost his mind he was so jealous and so angry he wanted so badly to kill David he was doing everything he could to maliciously get David out of Israel a saul is someone who trolls you and stalks you and makes up rumors about you and gossips about you and slanders you and cheers when you fall and prays that you'll fail and does everything they can to make your life miserable now you know who the Saul's are and how do you respond to them what do you do when a spear is thrown at you in my lifetime I've had two seasons where I legitimately was facing a Saul like situation one of them was about 13 years ago 12 to 13 years ago and someone literally came up to me and said I hate you Paul Doherty I hate you I hate your stinking guts that's what he said I was like who says that these days it's like a western movie or something major stinking guts I said what did I do to you he said I just can't stand you I don't like you he said I feel like you get blessed and you don't deserve it and I said man I didn't even know what to say to that what do you say to that I said I I don't know you're right I do get blessed and I don't deserve it and I said man I can't stop that I said I want to be your friend I had a real problem with wanting to be liked by everyone and man if you're gonna follow Jesus if you're gonna be a leader you gotta kill that spirit to be liked by everyone because there's gonna be Souls and there's gonna be Spears and there's gonna be tears but thank God greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world and little did I know that God was using this saw to break my heart so that I would never be like a saw when I became a leader all of us have the tendency I mean I want to just challenge you to stop seeing everyone else as the saw in your life and start to look a little bit more inward and say is there a solid me could it be that there's a Saul trying to surface in me that there's a spirit of jealousy and envy and comparison and paranoia and insecurity and suspicion could it be that there's spears starting to be sharpened on the inside because I want to get even with someone who's hurt me or offended me or someone that I'm threatened by David didn't even realize that he was being enrolled into the school of brokenness that God was using King Saul's Vadnais to break David so that David would never become a saw kind of King God was using see God's not the author of death he's not the author of sickness but he sure knows how to use the pain that you're walking through to create in you the heart that he's called you to lead with because he never wants you to become a saw God's deepest regret was that Saul became the king that he never called him to be his heart was broken and he had to make sure that David would never repeat that David was 15 years old when the Spears started coming at him between first samuel 18 and first samuel 21 where we're going to end today it's seven years of insanity it's seven years where david's prospering on one side of his life and on the other side he's being attacked by his very father-in-law his very king it was the best of times it was the worst of times isn't it crazy that you could be succeeding and there's someone on the side that just hates your success they're jealous they can't stand that you keep getting blessed ii saw like situation i face would be years later after the first one and during that time it was in my early to mid-20s someone gave me a little book a hundred pages it was called the tale of three kings you could read it in one hour it's in our bookstore in fact it just sold out after the last service because obviously there's some people in the room that are facing some sols but i remember reading that book and i wept i read it three times we wept all through it and even this week when I was studying these chapters of first samuel 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 i just i couldn't stop crying because i was remembering stories and moments that i could never share in a church service and i pray that you never have to face some of the things that others have faced and souls that have thrown spears but some of you will i don't know what your future holds but i do know there will be souls and i know that the longer you follow Jesus the more target you become for the enemy leadership is a target success is a target people don't like it people will find your flaws and your faults and they'll pray that you fail and they'll cheer when you fall and that's why God sent Jonathan to David God knew that David would need a friend in the valleys and Jonathan was there and first samuel 19 saul calls his son jonathan in and after this saul has tried to kill david multiple times and he tells Jonathan Jonathan we got to kill David Jonathan runs to David says David hide my dad's trying to kill you so David goes hiding and Jonathan stalks his dad out of it says dad please don't kill him he's an innocent man and in verse 4 he says please don't do it in verse five Saul says okay I won't kill him and Jonathan brings David back and in verse nine David's singing again and he's worshiping God you are my shield my strength my refuge my strong tower what more spheres what I thought you said you weren't gonna kill me again Saul keeps throwing the Spears finally Saul sends people to try and hunt David down and goes to his house and that night Michael his wife says David you've got to escape and sneaks him out the window and into the night David runs in the darkness alone afraid discouraged why is this happening to me there's a quote from that book tale of three kings and I want to read to you and I think it's important for all of us to hear he says what do you do when a spear is thrown at you everyone else in the world knows what to do when a spear is thrown at them why you pick up the spear and you throw it right back and in doing this small feat of returning throwing spears you prove many things church you are courageous you stand for the right you boldly stand against the wrong you are tough and can't be pushed around you're the defender of the faith the keeper of the flame detector of all heresy you will not be wronged all of these attributes combine to prove that you are also a candidate for kingship yes perhaps you are the Lord's anointed after the order of King Saul there's also a possibility that some twenty years after your coronation you will be the most incredibly skilled spear thrower in the entire realm and most assuredly by then quite mad you could throw Spears you have a right to do it because they threw the spears at you first but I'll tell you this you'll become just like Saul and you don't want to do that Chuck Swindoll said something that I thought was very interesting I'm still grappling with what he meant by it but I think it's an important word he said when god wants to do an impossible task God takes an impossible person and crushes him and I thought wait a minute I don't think God crushes people but you got to understand what he meant I listened a little deeper he said I'm not talking about in some sort of sickness or some sort of pain we know God is not the author of that but that God uses the adversities of people your life to mold your heart God's looking for broken men and women brokenness is such a beautiful place to be in God's presence instead of coming in like a salt I've got this I could do this I know how to do it I got the skills to come in like a David lord I need you search me Oh God take everything that's not of you out of me lead me in the way everlasting Lord I trust in you though the enemies surround me and though their slanderous reports Lord I trust you you are my Vindicator you are my refuge my fortress my strong tower and you I put my trust my hope is in you all the days long there's something beautiful about brokenness he must increase we must decrease it goes on in chapter 19 that Saul continues to try to kill David more Spears more attacks have you ever been to the doctor and he starts to press that one pressure point he says does that hurt you guys know what I'm talking about does that hurt and you're like yes it hurts and he's like what about that I'm like that's the same place it still hurts he's like does it still hurt I'm like yes you're pressing it harder does that hurt that hurt oh you ain't felt nothing yet does that hurt does that hurt you ain't seen nothing yet David you don't know what I can do to you it's a painful thing to go through this process but I'm telling you what if you don't get better you could make it if you don't get better you can become the leader that God's called you to be God's looking for people that can handle the pain and become broken vessels to heal a broken world he's looking for you to not run from the adversity so what did David do he didn't throw the spears back instead he served he loved he forgave he was loyal and he kept on prospering come on haters gonna hate but the train keeps rolling God doesn't bless hate God doesn't bless evil God bless dishonor but he blesses the men and the women who choose to walk in love when they go low we go hi baby come on somebody can I tell you what's happening in our world right now there is a spirit of Saul in the United States of America there's a spirit of salt around the nations of the world it's like the enemy is picking Spears up and say come on America why don't you throw Spears at each other this race against that race these people against those people this party against that party it is a spear throwing culture in our world right now and there is a challenge because the world says don't be weak don't be weak get your Spears and get them back as if that's what makes us strong but those who live by the sword die by the sword someone needs to hear this right now because you're tempted to throw the Spears back whether it's on social media or whether it's at that person get even get even get even but you don't get even you just become more like Saul and you lose that tender heart that God's trying to make that God wants to bless so what do you do when Spears are thrown at you you trust God you walk in love you honor all you stay focused we've got a mission to run and you don't quit Saul would try to kill David 21 different times and you know what David would learn that as long as he didn't quit man cannot overthrow what God has ordained man cannot stop what God has ordained they will try to kill you but they can't touch you no weapon formed against you shall prosper and any tongue that rises against you cannot stand I'm telling you you're anointed to prosper even when the spears are being thrown at you you just keep on prospering you're heaping coals of fire over there you just keep on running you just keep on running finally in verse Samuel chapter 20 by this time David is about twenty-one years old and it's been six years since he killed Goliath it's been constant dodging Spears and he gets with Jonathan he says Jonathan listen your dad keeps trying to kill me and I don't know what I've done how have i wronged your father and Jonathan says listen David he wouldn't do that to you what is Jonathan thinking for the last two chapters he's been doing this and finally David's just speaks some sense to his best friend his best friend Jonathan in verse three he says Jonathan you don't understand you're his son and he said to himself Jonathan must not know this or he will be grieved yet as surely as the Lord lives and as you live there's only a step between me and death have you ever been there before just a step between you and death just a step between you and everything being over finally Jonathan gets in says David here's what I'm gonna do there's a feast coming up and dad has a seat for you at the table and dad's setting up this dinner and he's gonna expect you to be there but if you don't show up I'll see how my dad reacts it's gonna be a few nights of dinners and he's gonna want you there and if you don't show up we'll see how he reacts and then I'll come and meet you in the field just hide in the field so we go to verse 27 at first samuel 20 and watch what happens and keys will you come out as I get ready to close watch this and verse 27 the next day the second day of the month David's place at the table was empty again and Saul said to his son Jonathan why hasn't the son of Jesse come to the meal either yesterday or today he's talking about David you can feel the drama starting to heat up Jonathan said well David earnestly asked me for permission to go to Bethlehem so Jonathan's trying to cover forms just to see what his dad's gonna do and in verse 30 Saul's anger flares up at Jonathan and this is a scripture that I probably won't read to my sons till they become like teenagers but Saul gets so angry at John it's you son of a perverse and rebellious woman don't I know that you sided with the son of Jesse to your own so he's like mad his wife there's like marriage issues going on he's like you're the son of that woman and the shame of your mother who bore you so he's really mad at his wife but he's really mad at Jonathon there's just craziness going on in Saul's mind he says as long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth neither you nor your kingdom hears whoa here's the route here's part of the route Saul was hoping that the king would stay in his family the kingdom would continue through Saul's family he wanted Jonathan to take it over but Jonathan knew isn't it amazing that Jonathan had clear eyes and a pure heart living under a crazy type of situation that he said dad it's not mine to take God decides who wants to be king God's hand is on David it's like Jonathan wasn't even trying to kill David to get the kingdom he loved David Saul said listen you gotta we gotta take him out this kingdom is yours Jonathan go get him he must die and Jonathan said dad what is he done why do we have to kill him and his dad picks up a spear throws it at his own son Jonathan and Jonathan knew that his father intended to kill David 21 times Saul tries to kill him in these three chapters and he can't touch them there's a quote from that book that I read to you I want to reach you again this quote it's so good you can easily tell when someone has been hit by a spear he turns a deep shade of bitter David never got hit gradually he learned a very well-kept secret one never learned anything about the fashionable easily mastered art of spear-throwing to stay out of the company of all spear throwers and three keep your mouth tightly closed how many I'll know that'll solve a lot of problems just stay quiet and smile and keep prospering in this way Spears will never touch you even when they pierce your heart don't learn the ways of salt don't learn it don't stay around Sol's that keep throwing spears if you're in the company of spear throwers shut the conversation down Jonathan met David at the end of first samuel 20 and wept and said david you got to go dad's trying to kill you and he's not gonna stop til you're done until you're dead till you're off the face of the earth he's gonna chase you the rest of his life so you got a run and you got a run far far away you can't stay in israel you're gonna have to flee to another country so david goes on the run and david before he leaves just weeps on Jonathan and there's this beautiful moment of friendship and it's like Jonathan just tells David the Covenant remains I'll always be your friend and in chapter 21 it says that David runs to this place this is interesting I want to end here today this is a very interesting way that David reacts after this it's like he loses his courage and he goes to the priest to him elec and him elec says why are you alone and David's on the run why is no one with you and this was rare because David wherever he went always had a huge group of troops like thousands of soldiers went with David he was never alone but here he was isolated afraid discouraged tired most of our mistakes we make are when were angry tired isolated or afraid and here David was and David lies to the priest Saul sent me on a secret mission I'm all by myself it's a secret mission you don't have to worry about it he starts lying because he doesn't want to die he doesn't want to look embarrassed and so he eats the holy bread and then in verse 8 he says I need a weapon I need something to fight with give me something is there anything I can use that's here and the priest says yeah there is something in the house now this should have been the green light moment this should have been the moment that woke David up out of his fear out of his anger out of his tiredness the priest said yeah there's a weapon in the house in fact it's a weapon seven years ago that you used why it's the very sword of Goliath the Philistine whom you killed where's the David that stood up to Goliath where's the David that was unafraid to stand up anyone who defied the armies of the Living God where's the David that refused to run away from problems yeah here's the sword it's the sword you used seven years ago as a 15 year old boy with clear eyes and a pure heart it's wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod if you want it take it there's no sword here but that one this should have woke David up but instead he was going down to rock-bottom I'm so glad that God doesn't abandon us when we hit rock bottom I'm so glad that God loves us on our worst days and on our best days that even when we miss it he's still with us and for us and He loves us so David took the sword give it to me he took matters into his own hands he ran to gap the town that Goliath was from and when he got there that the King looked at him and said wait a minute you're the guy that they sing songs about Saul's slain his thousands David his tens of thousands and all of a sudden David was afraid because he thought they're gonna try to kill me and he took these words to heart and in verse 13 he started acting like Saul he pretended to be insane and while he was in their hand hands he acted like a madman making marks on the doors of the gate letting saliva run down his beard man if there was ever a low point in David's life it was right here acting like a wild man drooling Khloe what happened to warrior David what happened to the David who took out the lion the bear and the Giant he was tired he was afraid he was angry he was discouraged he was isolated and there's a little bit of humor right here this is funny the King says why bring this crazy insane person to me don't I have enough nut jobs in this land like don't we have enough crazy people running around here why bring me another crazy person and we'll end today with first samuel 22 verse 1 david took off from there he ran and he hid into the caves of agilent we'll pick up next week into caves what do we learn from David's life here we learned this but oftentimes the ways of God are most unappealing when we are angry tired or afraid or isolated David was taking matters into his own hands because of these emotions most of the times that's what happens we can also learn that if we're going to do what God's asked us to do there will be cheers from people but there will also be Spears and there will be lots and lots of tears but we can also learn that there will be Psalms there will be songs of deliverance there will be prayers and there will be moments of intimacy with God where you find the depths of his love and there will be times when all the crutches you've been leaning on will be knocked from out under you David was leaning on the crutch of his pastor Samuel he was leaning on the crutch of his father Jesse he was leaning on the crutch of his position in the army he was leaning on the crutch of his best friend Jonathan he was leaning on the crutch of his wife Michael and it was like every crutch got knocked out where do you lean when there's no more crutches to lean on you lean on God and you find that God is enough to lean on and you find that God is with you when mother and father forsake you when friends abandon you when you lose your job at the company that you've worked so hard to keep when spears are thrown at you there is a shelter to run to there is there is an arm to lean on the arm of the Lord is strong David wrote this Psalm when he was in this moment when he was running from Saul and Psalm 27 he said the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear David was getting his courage back the Lord is the stronghold of my life whom shall I be afraid when the wicked advance against me to devour me my enemies my foes will stumble and fall David speaking by faith because it hadn't happened yet though an army besieged is me my heart will not fear the war breakout against me even then I will be confident David was getting his confidence back hear my voice Lord when I call be merciful to me answer me God my heart says seek his face your face Lord I will seek do not hide your face from me God do not turn your servant away and anger you've been my help or don't reject me don't forsake me teach me your ways Lord enroll me into the school the university of brokenness teach me how to forgive lead me down the straight path because of my oppressors don't turn me over to the desire of my foes false witnesses rise up against me they're spouting malicious accusations but I remain confident of this I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wait for the Lord take courage hearts be strong would you stand to your feet all over this room if you feel forsaken you are mistaken God is with you if spears are being thrown don't pick them up don't throw them back keep moving forward keep trusting in God for some this is a message for the season you're in right now for others this is a message to remind you of seasons you've walked through and for many in this room it is a message of preparation for what's ahead I don't know what your future holds but I do know there will be Saul's and Spears and Cheers and a whole lot of Tears but there will be incredible years of knowing God knowing is love following this plan becoming more like him growing into a deeper relationship with God and the joys of your future will swallow up the pain of your past and you won't have to worry about all the Spears that were thrown at you because all you'll hear is just the well done thou good and faithful you stuck with it you didn't quit God loves you Church he's your shepherd he's your shield he's your strong tower with heads bowed and eyes closed some of you have had some crutches knocked out from under you recently things you thought you could lean on people you thought you could lean on you're not sure what to do for some there's been Spears thrown at you words and actions and things done by family members friends coworkers David said my tears have been my food day and night God is looking for broken men and broken women to come into his school to come into his university that he can send out to heal a broken world with heads bowed and eyes closed if if that's you if you're walking through something right now once you could just lift your hand all over this room this message was for you it was tailor-made for you hands going up all over the room today maybe you're here today and you feel like Spears are being thrown at you if that's you just raise your hand you're going through situations that are out of your control secondly you're here today you say Paul I feel like I'm being broken for a purpose I'm being prepared for something if that's you just raise your hand some of you here today you've been tempted to get bitter it's like that person keeps on hurting you when you go to the doctor they keep touching that pressure point does that hurt does that hurt you ain't seen nothing yet and God's saying don't get bitter don't throw the spear back if that's you just raise your hand yeah all over this room some here today you say Paul I'm not right with God but I'm ready I'm ready to repent and get right with God I want Jesus to be Lord of my life I'm ready to follow him I'm ready to fulfill what God's called me to do there is a savior who went through the worst rejection and persecution for you he endured the Spears he took the spears through his hands and his feet and the crown of thorns and he died on that cross two thousand years ago for your sins Jesus loves you and if you're here today and you say Paul I need to surrender to Jesus I need him to be Lord of my life I want my name in the book of life I want to follow his plan if that's you raise your hand today this is your day of salvation this is your day of victory yes hands going up around the room praise God today is a new day in your Jesus here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna ask us just to stay for a few minutes we're gonna sing a worship song and if you raised your hand for that first call that I was talking about this message was speaking to you or if you raised your hand on that second caller third call or you're here today you just need to surrender some things to God you need to forgive some people that have been trying to hurt you you need to say God work in my heart I want you to leave your seat come and join me at this altar of brokenness right now come and join me at this altar where God wants to heal yet you're on brave men brave women brave David's brave families and couples that are saying God work in us lord help me not to throw a spear back lord help me to let you work in my heart and make me like you I must decrease and you must increase or be lifted up in my life can we keep cheering there's more coming all the way from the back you never know what they're walking through you never know what she's going through you never know what he's going through Jesus let's worship the Lord together let's sing that song [Music] all over the shrewdest worship together [Music] crosses [Music] he's gonna throw working in your heart just bring it to the altar bring it to the altar today [Music] I will [Music] we set our home on you home we set our hope on you God [Music] [Applause] [Music] become a purpose in your life he's gonna use that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Romans chapter 12 says vengeance belongs to the Lord vengeance belongs to the Lord Paul said what do you do would people show evil to you he says repent evil people with goodness repay those who cursed you with blessings Jesus said in Luke chapter 6 pray for those who wrongfully mistreat you bless those who curse you turn the other cheek and by doing this I'm telling you God is going to work in that situation better than you could with your violence better than you could with your revenge [Music] this week I was praying with one of my friends and we just kept weeping and praying over Tulsa and praying for our country and praying for people who are walking through pain and both of us were just crying and then the more we began to pray the more we just felt the presence of God take over and the more we just began to feel what AJ said earlier peace be still peace be still and I'm speaking that over your heart right now peace peace in the midst of chaos love in the midst of hate hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that so lord I pray for every person that's hurting I pray for our city god I pray Lord Jesus for our country I pray God for those who feel brokenhearted over what's happening and what's happened Lord I pray God for healing in our land and I pray God for healing and marriages and healing and Families and healing God in relationships and I pray for those who felt like spheres have been thrown at them God that the spheres won't stick that God been that even though weapons are formed against them they won't prosper and even though false accusations have come against them they won't stand I got a pray Lord that you would vindicate God those that have stood for truth and walked in integrity and chosen to take the high road when others took the low road and god I pray Lord that you honor those who honor you and Lord that your mercy triumphs even when we miss it and God your grace is sufficient even when were weak and in our strengths your power is perfect in our weakness your power is perfected in our weakness your strength is and God we bind any spirit that's tried to come against any person in this room a spirit of fear any spirit that's not at you and God we speak power love and a sound mind and I want us to pray this prayer say Jesus I surrender I trust you Thank You Jesus for dying on the cross for me I repent of my sins I receive your forgiveness thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] Lord I'm all yours I choose to forgive those who have hurt me those that will hurt I choose to forgive Jesus make my heart more like you less like the world and I'll remain confident then I will see your goodness I will see your victory in my life in Jesus name Amen amen [Music] you
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 27,236
Rating: 4.8301888 out of 5
Keywords: David, Sermon, Bible, King, Isreal, God, Tulsa, Downtown, Kingdom, Spear, Fear, Tears, Love, School, Inspiration, Hope, Message, Encouragement, Repentance, Salvation, Paul Daugherty, Oklahoma, Christian, Religious, searching, Jesus, Samuel, Psalms, highs and lows, life of david, Victory Tulsa, Victory, Victory Manford, Victory Downtown, What do you do when people do like you?
Id: CAJA3nsqzHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 8sec (3188 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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