Joseph Prince - The Secret Of David—A Man After God's Own Heart - 28 Aug 2011

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you ready for the word alright I did something I didn't bless you richly when I look into the life of David and find out a secret about David praise God and what I want to share with you is not just David's secret I learned it from him but really when God first showed this to me I was very very impacted when I when I received this true from God I I never heard anyone preach this behind a pulpit and when I when God first showed me this truth let me tell you this it was something that is out of the ordinary you know you don't often hear about this what I heard about David was this that he's a man of the God's own heart and every way I heard usually is because they say he's a man out of my heart God says he's a man after my heart because he's quick to repent now that phrase is not in the Bible all right we believe David is quick to repent but then there are so many other people men of God in the Old Testament they were quick to repent what was something special about David that the Bible says God saves of him he's a man after my own heart even the Apostle Paul in Pisidia Antioch and I was there last December is in Turkey Paul was preaching in this synagogue and I was there at the synagogue with my daughter I still remember taking pictures and throwing snowballs all right it's a beautiful place and they're in that synagogue the Apostle Paul preached a beautiful sermon that's recorded for us word for word and Paul says about David in acts 13 verse 22 when God removes Saul God raised up for them David as king to whom also God gave testimony and said I have found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart isn't it beautiful God God's own testimony he's a man after my own heart amen who would do all my we'll look at there what a testimony got himself testified this young boy I mean when God said it of him he wasn't a king yet he wasn't a king when God said of him you look at the context of this phrase Samuel aichi was the first one to say prophet Samuel when when saw sin against God the king then King Saul he turned to King Saul and prophet Samuel says the Lord has taken your kingdom away and given it to a man after his own heart at that time David was still a teenager so you think about it as a young man what did he find out all right it wasn't because he repented after the adultery but Shiva there was way after he was he was an adult in fact after he was a king amen but he was a man after God's own heart at a young age what was it about David when I found out about it okay praise God let me tell you something that God is a good God and our God really wants you to know that you can have the same favor David has now all of us have had that position in Christ once you are a believer you are highly favored in the beloved but there's something else that we are teaching this past two weeks last week we saw there is one thing to be accepted as highly favored in the beloved it's another thing that we are well pleasing another word is used highly favored is the Greek word carried too but over here God says he wants all our Labor's everything we do to be well pleasing amen and the word down days you are restos in the Greek you are estas means you are doing things that are pleasing so not only are you highly favored you are doing things that please the Lord so obviously David was not only highly favored God loved him but the Bible says God liked him I like that look at what David himself says in 1st chronicles 28 howbeit the Lord God of Israel chose me before all the house of my father to be king over Israel for ever for he has chosen Judah to be the ruler and of the house of Judah the house of my father and among the sons of my father he liked me to make me king over all Israel I love that you know the new king game put on there he was pleased with me it doesn't really cut it for me by like that the word rocks are in Hebrew like right like so God obviously loved David but God also liked David God loves all of us amen but you know that like a man who has a number of children he loved all his children all right but there's one particular one he likes of course a wise father would never let the rest know amen and you know and the thing is that but God loves all his children amen God loves every one of you God loves me but they're obviously some of you got really likes anyway don't find out why God like David nothing just love David God like David would you like to know would you like to be numbered among those that God likes amen so we're gonna find out David's secret and and how he's a man after God's own heart
Channel: Joseph Prince
Views: 166,751
Rating: 4.8821878 out of 5
Keywords: grace, gospel, jesus, joseph, prince
Id: euPR17ZvOpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2011
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