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hey guys today I got some more freaky food either sphere specifically this guy over here who only only eats cheeseburgers imagine eating only one food your entire life like you love something so much that you eat it every single day the rest of your life what would that food be comment below holla is he collecting a milkshake poon I've done my research and calculations that is not a burger sir that's a milkshake so we're gonna have to watch to find out more victor lives on cheeseburgers and cheeseburgers alone I love burger he eats four burgers a day 28 each week which is nearly 1500 burgers every single year come collect him bring some broccoli I mean at least he knows what he likes and he sticks to it he a loyal man loyal to shoving cheeseburgers down the throat eats four burgers a day 1,500 cheeseburgers a year don't eat salad my oneis steak I stay away from chicken I don't need any vegetables worth Ruth I love fishing but there is no way in hell come on man how you're not gonna eat anything but burgers like you won't even eat chicken who doesn't eat chicken okay like vegans but like almost everybody likes chicken if you don't but I love chicken I love burgers too but I love chicken I feel like this dude has not had much to eat he's not had much food to choose from like it's just like Oh burgers are good I know they're good so that's gonna be all I eat forever I know a couple people like that from his burgers Victor consumes over 88 pounds of fat every year and approximately 1.3 million milligrams of sodium that's horrible you're not unhealthy this is there's a heart attack waiting to happen I enjoy cheeseburgers so much is because I know exactly what's going on inside simple simple food first simple-minded person man I don't know who's more culinary culture the chief foodie that eats unseasoned scrambled eggs aren't this dude over here who only eats burgers he's like I got trust issues with food you can't trust food out there you don't know what's in it but burgers you always know they're gonna be meat and cheese and some sauce Haga wasn't a special sauce but Victor keeps the extent of his burger obsession hidden from his wife of 11 years Adriana thinks maybe I'll have three burgers a week I'm really having over 20 ladies he's taken so he hides this burger obsession from her like not imagine your husband lying to you about eating burgers come home like hi honey definitely didn't need any burgers today I mean how are you how's your day it's so bad you gotta lie to her about it you know baby I love burgers but only like three a week folks like okay addiction under control in contrast to her husband Victor's wife loves nothing more than to experiment with new foods I'm going to culinary school I love all food I don't need anything she makes wow this is horrible man nasty dude got a cute ass white going to culinary school she didn't make some good ass food he's not gonna eat any of it let me tell you that hurts it's like what I cook a meal for somebody I expect them to eat it and if they don't eat it or they don't like it it hurts it's like a kick in the balls if I had some not there nine to ten times I'll stop on the way home let me get a cheeseburger plain and get rid of the evidence and come in the house and then I'll just kind of pick up what she made okay first of all I want to have me that with rice I would have made it with so I hope you saved the receipt for that culinary school Colleen you go get our refund so he orders his cheeseburgers plain no lettuce no tomato so he ain't getting any veggies he just need a meat cheese and bun every time Victor doesn't eat something that I make I take it very personal that's horrible it's like he's not even giving it a chance he's not even taking a bite and trying it and he eats right before he comes home to dinner he's doing it on purpose so he doesn't have to eat her food and yeah I take that personal too it's just straight up rude it's difficult for me to push healthy eating habits on my children Victor is sitting there with a hamburger Kofi yes that is so bad for your kids like they're like why doesn't dad eat veggies that means I don't have to eat veggies like kids are very impressionable they see their parents doing something they want to do it too thanks to you Ian's broccoli they don't eat broccoli that's why I grew up loving all kinds of foods got something to show you come with me all right so we got the help crew here they're gonna show him how disgusting his addiction really is I figured it wasn't gonna be good I assumed she was gonna show me or tell me something bad burgers in there Oh there's real burgers that there is it too late to take one may looking at them like oh what a waste I could've eaten that burger when the burgers fell out of the truck first thing I did is look over at Adriana Oh busted she knows now that this is how much burgers I've been eaten what do you think all of this represents I'm assuming it represents the amount of burgers I eaten a five-year span try a one-year span like nah it's like maybe five-year span like cuz his wife was right there but in a 1 year span this is what he's eating and this is all he's eating all he is eating his burgers how do you even survive how is he not dying what's it like to see him all here just disgusting he stuttered it's it's it's like heaven oh I mean I mean disgusting shocking and a little sickening really Victor is it any big shock that you've got diabetes stamms you all say how it is like is it a shock you have diabetes no but seriously a lot of diseases are very very preventable it's mostly related to what you eat if you're gonna push in your body you gonna get back like is not worth it it's not worth it to eat unhealthy the blind that's gonna sit in when you're gonna have to have something amputated when's the stroke happening or the heart attack Victor is in the midst of a major health crisis it's true he might think he's fine now but if he keeps this up like something might happen like heart attacks stroke you don't know that I feel like people continue their bad habits until something bad happens it's like a wake-up call you can't wait for the bad thing to happen you gotta stop before us like too late that's gonna take definitely gonna take a change I would like for you to order a burger with lettuce just straight lettuce just straight lettuce lettuce I like how we laughs ahem like lettuce that's green which means a vegetable no can do it made me extremely nervous how you feeling right now about it I smell the lettuce it's really grossing me out what y'all smell that it ain't the lettuce it's your bull maybe finally realized how disgusting his burgers are maybe it's the lard that they were cooked in lettuce doesn't have a smell stupid I'm used to picking off one or two pieces of lettuce this thing was covered down look a hella ball I can't have a burger without lettuce I've been trying so hard damn right I'm asking him to do something that he has not done for over 25 years you're telling me for 25 years she's only eaten burgers what I realized that I have to do this and if I want to get better then I have to take the first oh my god it's like poison this is so annoying seriously it's lettuce he actin like he on fear factor in a cockroach it's lettuce I don't know when it comes to healthy food I wish more people had this mindset where it's like it's healthy it's good for you so it makes it taste better to you you know is that just me I like eating healthy food I like having things that are good for me it makes me feel good and then do looking at it like it's the devil's lettuce and I ain't talking about weed I realize you know it wasn't the end of the world this guy didn't fall so what did you just learn that I can do this everybody give Victor a round of applause he didn't die after eating lettuce in his burger Wow baby steps guys baby steps next a salade JJ has Victor try a bite of each of the new burgers all right so this woman her name is JJ virgin I don't know who named her but basically she made him a ton of different kinds of burgers like turkey burger chicken burger veggie burger and she had him try all of them until he finds one that he can stomach turkey it's not bad sorry you can do that one it's got a lot of flavor in it it's like they're slowly weaning him off the beef burgers cuz it'd be fun they got the most fat in them and then you got Turkey and then you got chicken which are much healthier alternatives when I moved into the condiments and here are vegetables so she's putting veggie condiments in his burger and having him try it out okay let them even sound good honestly there's just so much going on I just don't know unfortunately that caused a lot of anxiety I don't know what's in the burger imagine this being your struggle in life I don't know wasn't my burger it's like healthy and it's like good for me and I'm scared of doing it it was too many flavors I couldn't wrap my head around you know I was just I'm not used to all of that so he starts crying over it like imagine tasting something it's like I don't know what flavor that is what is it what did you feed me and then crying my dude maybe because your taste buds are when you've had nothing but burgers and you forget what everything else tastes like this is gonna be your dinner each night now see I'm playing ball with you because I'm giving you burgers right but it's gonna be a healthier choice burger how you want to play ball we all do different kinds of burgers every night so you find one the true-life der is struggling with his healthy burger options the menu that Gigi wrote up started to remind me of burgers too much I wanted a real burgers I felt myself going through the drawers but I haven't cheated on this at all you so far I don't have to like food to you what do you mean I don't have to like food to eat it then you just need a salad or veggies or something really healthy Victor you obviously need to like it like you won't you refuse it to eat food that you don't like or you don't know what's in it grown-ass man literally crying tears over eating something that is not a cheeseburger let's do this thinking about eating fish is making me really nervous we got here I think we have bass okay it's really going through my head like her easy right now has this guy not tried it before like that's the problem he has not tried these foods you know with food there's no harm in trying something once like just to see if you like it or not a lot of things going through my mind like wonder why I don't really want to do this breaks apart really easy huh I'm really trying hard to keep my mind off of the fish that's good that's good he's never tried it and then in the beginning he was like I love fishing but it just makes me sick to my stomach thinking about fish when he's never tried it and now you give him all this food and he's like mom that's actually good you stupid ass you went 25 years living like this everything you're gonna be here know before starting this I came to the realization that I was gonna die yeah but now I feel like I can do so that's it he was just gonna accept it met all that burger grease made us wait to his brain and then he was just like whatever you know I don't care if I die yeah it's not like I got a wife and two kids this is a disease not only does he not care what he eats he doesn't care about his life he was just like okay fight that yeah okay I've accepted that fact I got diabetes who cares bro is it really that hard for Dow and JJ gave me my husband back and I owe it to them uh happy story okay I hope he stopped eating burgers or switch to like one burger a week anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video oh this video makes you want to eat healthier comment below and let me know what you think I know burgers are like really good but not that good time if you guys enjoyed this video and want more of these food addiction videos make sure you hit that like fight in the haste and subscribe you're the Wolfpack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,729,028
Rating: 4.8885841 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, burger, freaky eaters, burgers, cheeseburger, mcdonalds, burger challenge, food challenge, fast food, hamburger, food, cheeseburger challenge, cheeseburgers
Id: 1YXJ6bfnR7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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