Malik Ambar: African King in the Heart of India

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[Music] everyone loves a good underdog story whether it be the tale of a small country struggle against a great Empire or the tale of a boy shackled into slavery and left to fend for himself in a strange land welcome to our video on the life of Malik Ambar the remarkable story of a child of African herdsmen who defied the odds and rose to kingship fighting a defiant war against the expansion of the mighty Mughal Emperors in the heart of central India big thank you - Vikings War of clans for sponsoring this video the devs have asked us to try out the game and the members of the kings and Generals team are now hooked Vikings war of clans is free to play and the game is inspired by the famous strategy games of the 90s like the command & Conquer series that we all loved it played Vikings gives the player a deep strategic experience to win you need to combine tactical skill and team play the game has a great visual style with excellent 3d graphics paired with a fully immersive soundtrack which will make you feel like you're in the world of Vikings everyone will find something they love rule your kingdom build a town find resources and create an army or focus on expansion and conquer browse the complex team game is the most enticing feature help support our channel by downloading Vikings for free only from our links in the description box and get the special bonus of 200 gold coins and a protective shield the man who would become Malik Ambar was born in 1548 in central Ethiopia with the birth name of Chaput his people the r-mo were relative newcomers in the region taking advantage of the instability caused by an ongoing war to migrate into the country chappies childhood was a traditional or Amogh peaceful pastoralists life 16th century Ethiopia was a land defined by slavery while it impacted all communities Solomonic Christians and Adel Muslims in particular targeted the largely spiritualist or immers by 1555 over 12,000 slaves per year were captured and sold in Ethiopia stripped of their freedom and shipped out to serve elites from Cairo to the heart of Persia sure enough at only 12 years old Chaput was captured by Arabic traders becoming a statistic in an epidemic slave trade that spanned across the Indian Ocean the young boy was put on auction in a slave market in a port on the coast of Yemen young scared and alone the boy likely wondered if he would ever see his home or family again while auctioneers peddled him as if he was no different to the coffee beams musk ivory and silk on sale in the bazaar Chaput was quickly sold eventually ending up in the hands of a merchant named mayor Kasim who took him to the restored cultural center of Baghdad Kassim gave his slave a new Arabic name gamba he also taught him how to read write and manage the finances of his master's business after a decade in the heart of the Islamic world Ambar was taken on a journey with Mir Qasim who sought greater business ventures in more exotic lands in 1571 the master and slave reached the west coast of India a region known as the Deccan as a young man in his early 20s Ambar had finally arrived in the place where he would make his mark on history much like Ethiopia the Deccan was a land defined by war intrigue and a delicate balance between its various peoples and religions politically the plateau was divided into five Sultanate which typically were comprised of a ruling class of Muslim elites presiding over a mainly Hindu Marathi majority Indo Turks Persians and a smattering of European merchants also added to the lands social fabric the rulers of this land walked along a dangerous edge violent coos were the norm as Sultan's often found themselves slain at the hands of their own soldiers via the work of rival Sultanate to compound matters a new player had recently emerged in the game the Mughal Empire founded by ones are here it's deen muhammad baba the Turkic dynasty had swept into the subcontinent destroying the declining Delhi Sultanate in 1526 the Mughals established themselves as an imperial juggernaut in northern India and licks their chops at the prospect of expanding into these small land divided Sultanate to the south upon arrival in India Ambar was once more salt in the Deccan Africans were known as ham cheese and were commonplace as slave soldiers or free mercenaries and bars new master was the chief minister to the sultan of ahmed naga a man known as chingy's khan a name invoking the Conqueror of old changies had much in common with amber he too was of African origin and had once been enslaved since then he had earned his freedom and now commanded an army in the name of his Lord Murtaza of the Nizam Shahi dynasty in meeting changies embarked quickly learned that upwards mobility was possible for anyone in the Deccan even a slave Ambar began this new chapter of servitude as a soldier in training under his happy master he was resolved to earn himself a higher position in life through determination and grit he soon distinguished himself from the pack catching changies his eye with his impressive brawn quick wit and thorough education changies soon decided to make him his personal aide grooming him for leadership three years later and bars sense of security was shattered once more courtiers jealous of changies khan's power had framed the Minister for working against our mez Nagar inducing the Sultan to have him executed it was a harsh wake-up call to the reality of decades-- politics however there was a silver lining following changies his death Ambar was legally a free man after nearly two decades the r-mo was in control of his own destiny he traveled south to the neighboring Sultanate of B Jaipur and enlisted in the local army it was during this time that he met kerima a fellow HAP she eventually anbar would marry kerima and have four children with her as the Bijapur ruler passed away leaving an underaged son as his heir responsibility for the guardianship of the realm fell to the Queen Mother a woman known as chant VB this regent proved to be incredibly competent well aware of the cutthroat nature of dakinis politics she introduced the concept of fidelity to the salt which espoused loyalty to be land itself rather than any one dynasty the Sultana as she was called had many admirers chief among them was amber who saw her as a role model in time amber had risen up in the bishop early ranks and built a small but dedicated following of mounted warriors with whom he had likely distinguished himself in various small-scale border skirmishes his loyalty to Regent Sultana and his effectiveness in battle led to chant bee bees young son bestowing upon him the symbolic title of malik an Arabic word for chieftain or King the year was now 1595 and the mughal empire had finally turned their attention back to the Deccan after suppressing rebellions in the East for emperor Akbar it was a good time to invade himesh Nagar was wracked by internal strife the most recent Nizam Shah had died in a border war with neighboring Bishop or in the ensuing power vacuum none other than chant BB laid claim to the throne through her nephews Nizam Shahi blood this caused the reigning Ahmet nagari chief minister to make the fatal mistake of inviting the Mughals into his realm to protect his power sure enough a mighty Imperial host led by Prince Murad mirza son of Akbar to send it down on realizing he'd made a deal with the devil the minister fled the country and the warrior Sultana seized the mantle of resistance at four Tamez nagar chant BB met the mughal army with her own donned in full armor and an islamic fail she flung herself into battle alongside her men Ambar had not been idle either he has long since left bitter / with his contingent of cavalry Minh and joined forces with his Sultana he and his fighters harassed the Mukul army during the battle destroying provisions and disrupting supply lines exhausted and demoralized after a fruitless siege the Imperial forces soon withdrew for a scant few years there was peace in a mad with chant BB as regent but in a climate thick with paranoia it was not to last in $5.99 BB met her end in typical - canny fashion slain by her own soldiers who were fueled by a false accusation that she was selling am Edna go out to the Mughals without the leadership of this iron-willed woman The Imperials fell upon her Messner gar once more the next year easily taking it and capturing bb's young puppets nephew thereby decapitating the country's government it was now time for Malik Ambar to take to the main stage in honor of his Sultana he pledged his fidelity to the salt the deccan was his home and he would not let it fall with America's rightful heir in captivity and its army in disarray Amba took up the Herculean task of piecing together the tattered scraps of a nation while fending off mughal expansionism fortunately he has never stopped preparing for war by 1596 his relentless raids on mughal territory had brought 3,000 soldiers to his side by 1600 this number had swelled to seven thousand Persians turn have she's and Marathi Hindus all joins the Abyssinian commander for plunder and freedom the Mughals conquest of for Tamez Nagar granted them a tenuous hold on the Sultan its capital city nevertheless they found further ingress into a maze nagari lands consistently foiled realizing he could never take the Empire head-on Ambar employed the tactic he called boggy Giri the native Marathi Xin Amba's army were legendary for their deadliness as light cavalry once his scouts had informed him of a Mughal position he deployed be mounted Hindu warriors to strike like lightning destroying food and water supplies and harassing local soldiers the Imperial forces over encumbered with their heavy cannons and lumbering war elephants simply could not keep up and without provisions were forced to retreat Ambar had turned the mughal army's greatest strength its size into its greatest weakness even while fighting a guerrilla war Ambar still had a government to rebuild decani nobles could never accept an African as their king but Malik did not need a crown to rule from neighbouring Bishop er he fished out a young heir of the Nizam Shahi family and installed him as Sultan mirta's and Nizam Shar the second Ambar offered the new Sultan his daughter in marriage tying himself closer to the Royal line as expected the r-mo was appointed as a met nega's Regent minister by the puppets King he had installed making him the de facto ruler of the revived Sultanate from 1600 to 1610 Ambar walked on a tightrope balancing war with the Mughals with the inherent perfidious nosov decani politics in 1603 he puts down a rebellion launched by three of his officers all while feigning a treaty with the Mughals so that they would not take advantage of the situation 1605 saw the death of emperor Akbar who was replaced by his son Jahangir the new Mughal sovereign launched campaigns into the deck and with renewed figure but the effectiveness of Ambar Sparky Giri kept him at bay Jahangir would struggle fruitlessly against the Abyssinian for decades eventually growing so infuriated that he ordered an imperial portrait of himself shooting a decapitated Ambar in the head this painting remained forever a fantasy for the emperor would never capture his cunning foe in 1610 anbar was subject to more court intrigue up until then the puppet on a Messner gars throne had been a compliant stooge an bars daughter was but one of Sultan motifs as many wives and one of them a Persian woman had since turned him against the Regent minister with hushed words of sedition once he caught wind of this amber had both the wife and the Sultan swiftly assassinated installing the five-year-old Burhan Nizam Shah the third to the throne no one would threaten the Malik's control especially not the Sultan's whose power came only by his accomplishments later that year Malik's forces stormed and occupied for temed Nagar seizing it from the Mughal garrison galvanized by the string of victories that followed Ambar moved America's capital closer to the Mughal border in 1612 a treaty was secured with the Empire and the Abyssinian potentate was afforded time to build up his new city and secure stability in his realm over the next decade commerce flowed into the new capital which today is known as the city of a Ranga bed Ambar works tirelessly to improve the infrastructure of his realm overseeing the construction of an aqueduct system that fed clean water to his capital and its surrounding suburbs while actively maintaining and repairing the over 40 forts in his territory ensuring he had touchpoints to spot the next Mukul invasion under his patronage both Hindu and Muslim arts flourished and palaces and mosques were erected to increase the prestige of Ahmet Nagar over the next few years the truce with the Mughals was predictably broken and fighting continued once more in 1616 Ambar suffered his first major defeat against the Imperial host who used a system of trenches to entrap the MH nigari cavalry and devastate them with artillery this loss gave the Mughals a stable foothold in America once more and from there the situation continued to snowball the bigger person smelled blood in the water previously he had been an ally to Anbar in the war against imperial aggression but by 1618 it became clear the Adil Shah intended to collaborate with the Mughals seeing their conquest of the deck and as an inevitability he conspired to destroy America for the preservation of his own realm the noose was tightening around Malik's neck and he knew he had to act swiftly lest he be wiped from the pages of history a spree of Boggy Geary raiding invisible territory forced an allied mughal Bijapur army to meet Amba on his own terms on September 10th 1624 Ambar chose to make his stand in a fort with in the village of bat Verde the village stood on a hilly bluff overlooking the western shore of Lake Kalindi it was the rainy season so as the enemy's massive army approached Ambar ordered the lakes dams struck and the lowland flooded turning the ground at the mughals feet into a thick muddy bog as he had done his whole career Amba turned his enemy's superior numbers and heavier units against themselves artillery war elephants and infantry were holy a mobile in the wet hellscape that the malik had created for them night after night his Marathi cavalry sallied down the hillside while shrouded in darkness destroying provisions and picking off the enemy for the Mughal soldiers the effect was thoroughly demoralizing gripped by terror and starvation large chunks of the army defected to Amba who welcomed them only with his army swelling and the mukesh ringing amber adjusted his doctrine and began attacking with wholesale cavalry assaults by day devastating a foe that's remained stuck in the mire and psychologically broken thoroughly beaten and incredibly humiliated the Mughals were forced to retreat after sustaining heavy losses not only had an bar once more humble to the mighty empire he had foiled the attempts of his fellow decani sultanate to collaborate in his destruction and ensured the independence of his realm the Battle of bat body would be his greatest and last achievement two years later Malik Ambar passed away at the ripe old age of 80 unfortunately a met new gars rebel spirit died with him Ambar son succeeded him as regent minister but lacked his father's military mind in 1636 the forces of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan finally annexed Ahmet Nagar ending over 30 years of war nevertheless the legacy of Malik Ambar is still one to be admired a military leader of exceptional skill he consistently outwitted an empire he was thoroughly outnumbered and outgunned by for decades no Mughal Overlord no matter how many dark fantasy paintings he commissioned would ever get the best of amber his physical footprint still remains in the deck and today the modern city of irenka bad is in and of itself a testament to this where the aqueducts that he built during his reign still stand as does the austere tomb that he was buried in by and large they are a reminder of a time when an African ruled the heart of India we always have more stories to tell so make sure you are subscribed to our Channel and have pressed the bell button we would like to express our gratitude to our Rhian supporters at channel members who make the creation of our videos possible now you can also support us by buying our merchandise by the link in the description this is the kings and Generals channel and we will catch you on the next one
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 1,090,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ashoka, Rome, Roman, Chandragupta, kings and generals, full documentary, history of india, ancient india, ashoka indian history, indian history documentary, who is ashoka the great, history lesson, animated documentary, documentary film, decisive battles, world history, military history, ancient rome, malik ambar, yasuke, william adams, akbar, mughal, ahmednagar, mughal empire, panipat, malik amber, indian history, madhya pradesh, history channel, animated historical documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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