Why Moorish African Kings and Dynasties (and their rule in Spain) aren't taught in history class?

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[Music] one of the things that I've noticed over the last 27 years is the reduction in awareness among many of our people regarding who we are and in kind of ebbs and flows instilling periods where I'll see some students come through and they have this wave of knowledge they and I remember when I first started talking about the moors while I was in graduate school at Temple and most people didn't know really the legacy this chapter in human history and for me it never made any sense [Music] I have high honors of course to all property I give high honors to us pretty grouchy I get high honors to all those who yours sought to live a life love with peace freedom so much of what has motivated me to continue this work this research is because I know how vital it is for transforming how we see ourselves we have gone through great deal in fact some of you may be familiar with all the celebrations that occur a couple of weeks ago I should say commemorations 1619 you may know what I'm talking about right 1619 is one the first Africans were brought to the British colonial America's ended up ultimately being the first service and then later the first slaves of African ancestry the fact that so much of our history tends to focus on this idea of the legacy of slate I would argue was is a huge part of why we're often so confused about our identity and one of the things that I was asked to do today is to talk a little bit about the history of the Moors in Spain one of the things that I found of teaching them since 1992 first at the University in West Virginia which is less 15 universities and then ultimately Berea College and believed in the Department of History Department of African American Studies part of Africana Studies one of the things that I've noticed over the last 27 years is the reduction in awareness among the many of our people regarding who we are and in kind of ebbs and flows and still be periods where I'll see some students come through when they have this wave of knowledge and then talk about people like dr. Venu economist for dr. I'm inventor or dr. Jacob Carruthers like people who were making contributions to the areas of Africana history africana studies and I remember when I first started talking about the Moores while I was in graduate school at Temple most people didn't know really the legacy of this chapter in human history and for me it never made any sense given the fact that the Moorish contribution to Western civilization is arguably the single greatest contribution to the advances in the sciences and what we know as the university system in large there would be no university system as we know it were not for the Moorish presence in Europe the fact that many people don't know it is not because it is in truth it's because most people are steering away from or they're given a whole different assessment of what it is they are understanding and talk about the Moors and those people see the Moors in the context only being Arabs but in fact and you have to keep repeating this but the Moors will not address the Moors for the most part were Muslim or Muslim but the Moors are not Arab any more than the Turks are Arabs by which would be many Muslims right but this idea of trying to confuse the identity of the Moors clearly has everything to do with the impact that Africans Moors had on Europe now I know most of us already have an understanding you know what that means when you say more we focus of course on saying that we're descendants of Moroccans and born in America the presumption is then we're saying that we're only descendants of the sea state which is what it would have been in the medieval period of Morocco we know that because we know it when he goes back to the Moabites and ironically one of the first things that I discovered when I was studying this history the Moors in Spain was that the old latin name for the ow more of these was the mojave taru Moabites the ow maura beads was one of the dynasties that invaded the Iberian Peninsula in the 11th and 12th centuries so to find out that the name that the Spanish and the Portuguese and other Latin speakers of the Romance language speakers was Moab be Tarun referring to how Morra beans was it another itself incredibly revealing because then that's when people talk about trying to find the real foundations of one's argument about you know who will build the Moors and what's the connection the other thing is the Moors are responsible for changing literally the complexion of Europe what do I mean by that because of this invasion in the 8th century and 711 ad and my view that coming of wars into the Iberian Peninsula which you known today as Spain and Portugal that invasion was not the first time that people came off the African continent or came in from areas of Asia that was the period however when they came in and established control over the region as long so basically this period that of a Moorish presence in Europe starts in the 8th century which is almost 1300 years ago but to this day if you talk to the average person and ask them the only thing about the Moors they don't know what you're talking about which is why clearly I see the importance of this work in the classroom and many times I have five students you know and outset say to me if they just know that I'm on campus I said it's our place so I heard your classes are really interesting I heard you you always talk about the Moors and I'm like oh yeah do you know well I know anything about before but I know about the Moors from a couple of students I want to take the class this includes Asiatic and your opinions in who are intriguing to find out about this this legacy so what I'm going to spend time doing over the next 45 minutes or so is outlining some of the key factors that make the more significant not just in terms of Spain but in terms of Europe and the Western world at large the this series and many others can only be found exclusively on am excellent quickly sign up with our three-step process to get started the link to access your trial is in the description below we'll see you in the next chapter peace and love [Music] [Music]
Channel: Amexem
Views: 137,326
Rating: 4.8801465 out of 5
Keywords: amexem, Moors, Almohad, Moorish Spain, Al Mansur, North Africa, African kings, home team history, moorish science, prophet noble drew ali, noble drew ali, drew ali
Id: 49XxtGQIG-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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