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[ __ ] he spoke for me because there was a scene where he he pretty much he was me yo i said what's up with all this fighting we should be uniting egos need to flake stop i get backed up i gotta poop okay that was brother that was me 30 minutes ago [Music] hey everyone the double toasted live tour is coming to an end with our final show in dallas texas february 18th at viva's lounge i'm trying to get an after-party spot for all you vips and super vips so get your tickets now by going to and i'll see you soon it could be argued that jamie kennedy was at his height in the 90s the early 2000s and even then some people were saying you know i no offense i just don't get this guy i mean he was great and scream but outside of that i just don't know the appeal of this man you know what and a lot of that probably followed after a very very awkward attempt at comedy at uh one of the e3 conventions activision blizzard brought them out for their conference and uh he decided to come out and pretty much address the audience as hey you nerds how's everybody doing oh [ __ ] hold on you doing this place is the only place that makes the guys at comic-con look like ocean's 13 yeah all right yeah yeah yeah all right jamie j mckinney everybody yeah yeah thank you but i'm not done no it's first of all you failed by coming and having the attitude of hey you nerds he talked down to the people when he came out but maybe just maybe these nerds as he thought of them would have been more accepting had he been actually funny yeah exactly of course no no he walked out there as if he didn't realize the contract he signed yeah and then i was like okay fine i'll go out there but um like he at this time looked like he did not want to be there and nobody they didn't want it and nobody wanted his ass there i do think that he is funny and i think that he's done some i think that he's done some great things when was that e3 thing i don't remember but i think he's done some great things uh malibu's most wanted is not one of them and now oh there's a new player in town a rap offered you a snack not the whole kitchen this spring oh bill are you starting with the smacks i wasn't even looking at you i could hear it bill please don't be hating do anybody know where the driveway is because i ain't gonna even try to front on y'all i'm not gonna try to front as boy jk might have said uh damn looking at this appropriation the motion picture just in time for black history month yeah oh i know february 1st everywhere yeah yeah let's celebrate black pride i'm gonna tell y'all man man uh but some goddamn disrespectful sure is boy i i ain't thinking about that he said something i was like god damn february i apologize brother martin luther king i apologize douglas it was a coincidence show the democracy brought us here right uh listen but anyone who likes this movie i don't want to challenge them because i know a lot of people they grew up with this a lot of people say you know what i got better over time i know you like this you know yeah even re-watching today i was like yeah i thought i would hate this now i was like no i get it yeah i hate this i hate this movie man i despise this [ __ ] field man not that i'm i'm not challenging anybody i'm not challenging anybody out there and you know look i cuz i'm like because you know the movie's making fun of cultural appropriation it's still it still validates certain things that are not in my opinion that are not right uh yeah it's just because it's kind of like a starship troopers where it really is making fun of that yeah okay i mean we we're just going to have to agree to disagree because there are certain things that this movie did whereas like i see what they were trying to do but you failed in my opinion i just yeah i don't yeah i hate this movie man but you know hey to each their own i'm not yeah i was watching it today i was like yeah okay oh i'm not challenging you because i you look you i don't agree with you i can tell you right now i'm the paula i'm the polar opposite of you but you know i i got to respect what you think about the movie i ain't getting no fights when about films man i'm beyond that i don't give a you like something i have reasons for why i hate this [ __ ] but you know i'm not challenging anybody out there if you like it you know i hate this [ __ ] yeah i [ __ ] up just moving man i hate this thing film i'm telling you that can i emphasize that i hate this movie uh you know first of all you're taking in you're taking an extremely an extremely annoying character over here let me see if i can oh my god yeah i can't you you are taking oh let me see let me find your boy over here you are taking in let's just take out any other issues i might have with the movie which there are many but just based on this character alone be rad that is the one the most annoying characters to me and you know because the reason the reason why is because and i get what they don't get me wrong i get what they were trying to do i understand that he's talking is trying to make fun of appropriation but you know the film with this character here tries to desperately find humor and appropriating stereotypes then tries to give some [ __ ] ass message about acceptance and that's the thing that i have a problem with this movie right here you know it's one thing to make fun of the character and then sit up here and ridicule the character but to sit up here and try to validate it by saying some psa about hey but accept people for who they are nah with that uh you know especially at a time when diversity was lacking in hollywood you know we still i get that you're trying to make this message but you're still you're still perpetuating a certain thing even whether it's on the screen or off the screen you're still perpetuating certain things and messages and practices that that they don't help us you know they're not doing anything for us i'm sorry i thought you're saying something no uh now you know i don't as far as the character goes of a b-rad i don't com i don't hate the character uh i hate him in this movie because like as far as the character goes uh brad gluckman is the character's name and uh brad is uh who and he's more than more than happy to tell you don't don't call me brad no that that's my slade name so um computer doing this [ __ ] bradley yo why you keep calling me that what's your name isn't it it's my slave name all right yeah like oh jesus we got him what do you think tom hanks goes through with chat about that i've already thought about that [ __ ] believe me tommy's gotta be left already yeah [ __ ] i'm gonna write you another check you're on your own this i understand he's a clueless rich white kid who wants to be black so bad that he's taking on the hip-hop gangster persona b-red which is a a mix-match of all gangsters of every gangster and and hip-hop stereotype out there you know i i get it it's not the concept that i have a problem with here not at all because jamie kennedy has done this character should do it on his show yeah he did he he's done this character before he did it on his show called the jamie kennedy experiment back in the 90s and i used to watch that i actually thought that's one of the things that i thought was funny because a lot of people did not like the show i used to defend the show i like the show a lot and i love when he played the character b-rad yeah b-rad to me is a very funny character man uh you can't see this too well in this clip right here because this is the best copy that i could ever find of the jamie kennedy experiment it is not good quality at all but you can kind of make out what the blurs are and you can kind of get the concept by the audio that you hear where this is a setup where uh a girl you know looks like a kind of a you know up class white girl she's brought her parents in to meet her new boyfriend which you guessed it is be red and you guessed it the parents are like what the [ __ ] is this this is brad my name is brad what's up god damn it this was that show scripted or was it like ali g it was like well it was a prank show it was set up but it was improv too okay this is my mom promises brad it's gonna be dope this is my new album malibu you know what i'm saying she's like oh my god yeah she like love is this and the reactions from the people were real they were genuine because the character worked it for me because he was meant to be ridiculed you know he was meant to be kind of offensive uh and there are other reasons why the character worked there which i will get into in a little bit but you know the thing the thing with this man is that uh okay i'll just go ahead and say it the thing that really worked for jamie kennedy with this character in this sketch right here is that that's exactly what they were they were sketches they were short most importantly b-rad segments were short and i think it kind of worked better for me that way they do work better that way yeah i i love the segments on the show more than the movie yeah malibu's most wanted that's another case for me this is where you there's another situation where somebody took a a a four-minute sketch at most got a few laughs for it and decided like oh those labs feel good let's go ahead and stretch that out to an hour and a half you know the old saturday live syndrome which again works with some people did not work for me in this situation right here it turned a not so original but fun idea into one of the cringiest movies i've seen that i haven't seen it before but i get the feeling it's gotten worse in time i think there was a time where actually people like ah jamie kennedy's not these these actually funny and then it dipped down again what we have here i'll tell you something the movie is so bad again in my humble opinion the movie is so bad that it has to steal from other good movies to make a movie did you see that not sure what you're talking about what i'm talking about is i'm not talking about malibu's most wanted ripped off of the movies that are better re-shot them remade them no they went and actually took another movie flip some scenes out and edit it into this movie right here i'm gonna show you something i'm gonna show you does this does this look familiar to you growing up in the street saying no jump this crazy crime drug and mad violence anything look familiar to you there martin i know what it is you know where it is don't look familiar to you all right well let me tell me let me let me see if i can help you out there martin luther i was like you gotta be one more time i want you to i want you to take you yeah i want you to take a look at these fine gentlemen right here and remember their faces okay okay all right because they sure you you know what it is oh yeah yeah behold learn that [ __ ] that should get you killed [Laughter] you know you know i've seen training day enough to know that that [ __ ] is from training day i'm i'm right behind these many times i watched it you know at first i was like i think i noticed when i saw the brothers on the the mexican dudes on that car like that i was like that's it that's how i know what this is yeah yeah i mean they learn that [ __ ] but learn that [ __ ] to me sorry these [ __ ] maggots out here they eat your life yeah know where that [ __ ] came from yeah i mean i'm and i'm not saying i'm not even saying that they they they lightly took from training day no those fools they went into the training day store and just start shoplifting with garbage bag man is the movie warner brothers yeah it is one of the brothers yeah okay that's how they made me do it came down in 2001 came out oh oh martin oh like i said they they had a field day they went in the training day store didn't pay for a goddamn thing look at look at this right there and man yeah this piece is tough yeah the the streets from the movie you stole it right hit that denzel right down there yeah look look that that shot you just saw take a look malibu's muscles oh like man over that car got checks man it was like you could clearly see my face i got to pay me for that yeah come on now come on i know this is i know it's it's the same studio and they just said hey just we ain't spending that much money on this movie take from that but still it was just kind of like damn boy like a year apart weren't they it was two years two years apart i was like this is very close because i've never seen the billboards for this in l.a when i lived there they do decide to start making their own movie even then i'm not hating it's funny there's some there's some really funny ideas in here man some some genuinely clever ideas that are going on you know there's some uh there's some cleverness and how be red is really stretching it really stretching it to make malibu look like the hood this is my ghetto the mall east the abused children of celebrities and this is my crew but you know what you might recognize some of these faces right here like uh who are these people i i know cal pan and nick schwartz and nick swordsman yeah yeah okay you know what i can laugh at that some thought went into that you know it was funny i did laugh at them like i said my first first time seeing this i thought all right this is probably gonna be pretty good man but it really don't take long to start wearing thin on me you know i like i said i i understand that they got you know things i understand got a couple more jokes to do so i just said you know it's getting on my nerves but let them let them finish what they're doing you know let them do that thing over here uh which was which was the whole thing with his uh with his gang man you know i thought that all right you know that's pretty funny all these you know he's living up here in wigerville for real yeah you know i thought that that was funny man but this chet hangs but it did get to the point where it's like all right you know what okay i get it y'all want to be black got that but it's early still like i said it's it's early and uh jamie kennedy you know he's not even showed up yet so let him get here man let him get here let's let's see where this goes after all it is his it is his motion picture what's that his vehicle his vehicle let's let's see what he's got hey yo fool we about to have some hardcore drama go down right about nia that's right and they gave you the wrong aromatherapy candles okay i'm not gonna lie man at this point now i kind of want to beat the [ __ ] out this movie this character as i said is an annoying character to me why is he harming an old lady oh he you know the whole thing he's trying to be tough yeah so you think you'd be hard walking up to some other dude but turn that's an old woman which i got i got it it's just the character is immediately starting to annoy me maybe wiggle humor is not my not my taste you know maybe i guess yeah maybe because we live in a decade where we already have our own beer my followers you guys make set an appointment and get the vaccine if it ain't broke don't fix it i never had kovitz you ain't sticking me with that [ __ ] you know maybe i just had another one yeah yeah i think he is yeah you know we we i don't need the malibu one we got we got our own like i said what's what's worked in that skit that's not working here uh in addition to it being longer we just don't have any people reacting to this guy you know was one thing we see people in a in a sketch comedy you know reacting to someone who's just being completely foolish who's just being stupid you know i was that's what makes it funny to me you know having brad narrate his own story this is like all right you know that's not the that's not the humor you know you're the humorous people pointing fingers at you looking at how stupid you are but again again you know personal taste but i tell you it did work for me as far as reactions to him when we actually brought in characters that did react to him ryan o'neal and bo derek which i'm just like why the hell y'all in this boy for real well ronaldo on the one hand i'm sorry that ryan o'neill is in this he's kind of a hollywood legend and even both derek to a certain extent you know but uh i'm sorry that he's in here but on the other hand you know his reactions his reactions to to old uh uh be red are funny and i'm gonna tell you having having bo derek up in here actually explains a lot about be read and his appropriation i mean you know it's backwards she had all appropriation controversy going on back in 1979 she had some cornrows so you know i'm like okay i'll see where b red got it from the controversy was that's not saying that white people can't have cornrows that's not it what it was is that when black women had cornrows all this time it was seen as an ethnic thing right when she got cornrows it was seeing it it was seen as exotic sexy beautiful and sexy and trend setting so you know in that scene the movie 10 you do have dudley moore just jacking off the whole time she's jogging down the beach so i don't think we're saying that you know people can't do what they want to with their hair it's not that it's the image you know that is uh of who's wearing it and what is accepted and who looks good at it and who looks too ethnic um right right right yeah but i tell you man um having ryan o'neal in here he did his his scenes were pretty funny to me because again he's reacting to this to the the stupidity that is be read that was off the hinges i knew i had to show up in order for you to blow up so i oh damn i'm killing man y'all better get him somebody better y'all cut that's what he looked like too directed by that yeah he got one minute [ __ ] i've been working that too the uh the ryan o'neal reactions are are great they're hilarious man until you realize that your boy is stupid too between his appropriate mama and his and his dumb ass daddy we we again we see why be rad is in the position that he's in uh so ryan o'neill plays bill guckman and old bill is running for governor of california and you would think if he's running for politics and he's got this wiggle song running around potentially ruining his his image and his campaign you would send you a boxes fool up and send him to europe or something yeah for real you know that's what they usually do yeah give him money to go make a shitty rap cd or something you know in europe as far away as possible mexico or some get the hell away from me but know what what is what does old bill do bill says well you know what i think would actually work for my son right here what if i what about let him work on the campaign and this is actually kind of funny but it's it's also kind of infuriating too because it's like damn you you you're running for governor you don't know what to do with this boy he hasn't make a banner for uh to appeal to all the women voters out there and uh well bill is what he does my campaign has a new slogan [Applause] gluckman is down with the [ __ ] and hoes there's a new slogan which i refuse to look at before i've done before unveiling he's like the sound of that just don't sound right he says i know already i told you what to write they just they just took the one thing i was rooting for what what i was rooting for bill man i like bill don't get this boy he gonna get him in check nah he just brought him on board to do stupid things what the movie does do well though they do like i said there's some there's some moments in here that are actually funny some clever ideas i like the way they kind of they kind of lock down they get it how bad these campaigns are these political campaigns like these politicians that make these terrible commercials man like they have a commercial in here and it's you know in real life it would be insulting and in real life we've had commercials like this which actually they haven't been too far off no no not at all and this commercial is actually very funny in here because we've all seen this whoa whoa hey instead of thinking about what set you're from or what crew you're rolling with why don't you both be brothers shake hands well it's that simple right there just go through the hood yeah right up everything yeah oh boy we only had a bill gluckman to get the bloods and the crips and the crips together you know this world needs a he's a bill gluckman you see california is my family [Laughter] right there and you you know what's funny about this is that fake belly yeah and that fake ass pillow you got that shirt and the funny thing is they even you know it's phony well you know his phone anyway but they even try to hide that this dude can't even play basketball right yeah yeah yeah even that dude's back to like god damn of course that if you saw the trailer that we were watching that's where they get the idea all right you know what we can't get rid of actually it could if you wanted to but we but we can't get but that's where they get the idea to bring in uh where is it over here that's where they get the idea to bring in these uh these two actors i got these two actors here played by tay diggs and anthony anderson uh that's where they get the idea to bring in these two black actors to play thugs that will kidnap t uh b-rad you know and a fake kidnapping attempt take him to the hood and scare scares scare the black out get the black out yeah he ain't gonna block it well that's why the realest dude in the movies like what the [ __ ] you say they got one dude they got one black dude in this movie who was real who was real he's like what the did you just say you know it'll give him a little taste of what the thug life is really like it might just scare the black adam excuse me hey don't you have something to do of course they ran his ass off i feel like you're gonna ride on bills yeah even i know better than that yeah man i tell you tay diggs and anthony anderson they're not actually to me that's some of the funniest parts in the movie even with the anthony anderson wearing that tyler perry wig right there they are the uh the funniest thing into in the movie for me man all right oh [ __ ] that's right hold the phone buddy let me get this straight you want us to take this kid and scare him and acting like a little white boy again now if you don't think you can handle it then oh oh of course we can handle it i love i i love tay diggs in here man ego yeah well he's the he you know he's the corny black guy him and uh both him and anthony anderson they're the corny black actors and you know when like everything that they say they're trying to be reasonable to let you know that we're intelligent talented black man and tay diggs plays that role very well i thought man funny thing with the though is that so it's cool to watch them as they start out acting hard when they get into the roles uh because obviously the actors yeah and try it speaks to what the black actors have to actually go through to get these good roles yeah and they even say in the movie like we you know we are so tired of having to take these stereotypical ethnic roles and yet they take another radio which is the joke in the movie but of course because they're actors they're trying a little too hard you could tell that they are overacting way too hard dang why you doing this to a brother wha what did he just say brother no he didn't who's brother yours y'all and your perpetrating ass is taking the only thing that i got left you feel me homie you're hurt like the [ __ ] or regina they are the funniest things in the movie than me actually i like them but what's really funny is that so they're obviously overacting that's what they're supposed to do because you know that's they're bad actors but what's funny is that the actual gangsters in the movie because of course because of course uh you know this is they got a storyline where you know real gangsters come in they find out that b-rad is the son of a rich white guy so they hold him for ransom so you know you got the real thugs and the real g's that come in funny thing with that is that these guys are obviously overacting on purpose that's the joke but the real gangsters are over acting more than these fools right here they're very much movie gangsters oh they're very much movie gangsters man and they're but they not very good terrible if you asked me i thought they were horrible they they they they all they're on the level are worse than the actual fake gangsters in here if mystic oh [ __ ] hold on if mr governor wants to see his punk [ __ ] baby boy alive again i want 500 grand by tomorrow midnight he's like whoa that's terrible yeah [Laughter] yeah yeah he's uh he's marlins and damon's and all that yeah he's that nephew mm-hmm but you have some funny moments he directed dance flick just so you know did he direct dance i never saw dance flick but i saw a scene or two and that [ __ ] was actually kind of funny but i haven't seen the whole movie yeah you're right they're overdoing it and they're very much movie gangsters and if this was any kind of drama it'd be like right come on guys being a comedy i was like i get it you're playing it broad yeah well even for a comment i was just like god damn see this is what we're just different man i just maybe because i just wasn't liking it already but i was like god damn this a lot of [ __ ] he's like [ __ ] jd like jesus i can't work with this just shoot me now i suppose i could have played both roles never would have noticed i will say if they do have some funny scenes i do like seeing the fake g's and the real g's acting with each other because again that whole thing that tate diggs does he's trying to be reasonable you know he's smiling yeah yeah he just has some he just has some funny lines man allow me to clear this up for you my dogs uh my name is bloodbath it's [Laughter] because you see the difference between tay dick's character he studied at juilliard and anthony anderson was said so passing a playhouse yeah yeah exactly that's where gene hatton went yeah nice that's so funny i haven't had me laughing so hard let me include some my dogs that's the last thing you want to say some gangsters man uh but even then i have to say man uh even then that that joe grant thin for me i mean because it's a very that's a problem with the movie for me it's a very one one note joke movie it's like there's a lot of this stuff would work in a short film a short skit a lot of it's very funny but the more goes on the more it's just like either either this is getting old or you know what i've seen this already i mean this whole thing of them being you know two black guys who went to juilliard and all this kind of stuff you know that joke was it was out in the 90s man that was a that wasn't a sprite commercial oh yeah this talk to is like a child i played hamlet at cambridge once again you've ruined my concentration excuse me excuse me what's what's my motivation when you're thirsty trust your gut you know what i love to love that commercial i used to love that commercial too which is why i was like see that's short that's to the point now you keep doing this and keep doing this i'm just kind of like i get it man it's just not it's just something that just worked in with me um my concert [Laughter] uh uh what you call those little people when uh maybe it's because i've seen a lot of these hood movies these hood parodies uh that i already you know i've seen a lot of these jokes already you know like there's been a few hood movies parodies of them that i've already seen and they've kind of covered some of these jokes okay you know yeah because from here you know the move for me is just a bunch of predictable gags some of it's all right like when they do rip off certain gangsta films uh minister society is one of them that they that they kind of take a shot out here uh when uh be red is uh challenged to go in and rob some koreans yo i'm glad you got cash cause if you would try to jack me fool i was gonna have to lay you out with this and with this [Music] and with that below your that was kind of i don't think it was completely hilarious but it was like all right that's that's funny that's cute yeah that's cute you know that was funny that's all right but then it just gets to the obvious you know the places that i if i hadn't even seen the trailer i would know where this is going we already established that he's a wannabe he's a poser he can't rap so all right when we gonna get to the uh to the eight mile knockoff here well he's a he's a terrible rapper is too slow and i'm kind of faster you know that's so bad i just like i don't even i don't even know even even on a comedic level i'm just kind of like yeah i just i just feel sorry it's been so long as i've seen it i thought it was going to be one of those things where he turned around where like well you think he's gonna be bad but he's yeah he's actually really good i wish they had done it i was like no no i was happy i was happier with this i was like okay good it stayed consistent with who he is yeah that was so painful that ain't even work for me in a comedic level i just felt bad for it i felt bad for him when i said man i'm killing cringe i'm sorry yeah no yeah that's what that's a feeling i got i was just cringing it made me and i didn't not about the character for jamie kennedy yeah yeah cringe is the word that i had throughout this whole thing that's what they're going for in that scene yeah you know i i get where they're going because after eight miles so you think okay this is the eight mile moment like no yeah it's been like a mile and a half uh you know i i will tell you that they did have one funny scene from me with his rapping because your boy uh dante damon wins damien dante he she he spoke for me because there was a scene where he he pretty much he was me yo i said what's up with all this fighting we should be uniting egos need to flake stop i get backed up i gotta poop okay that was funny i'm sorry i was like no he's his head brother that was me 30 minutes ago that was some desperate [ __ ] right there he made he he made that [ __ ] funny man that was fun that was hilarious come out the coop stop i get backed up i gotta poop [Laughter] that was no that was genuinely funny man i i he was trying i'm politely asking you now i'm telling you now i'm begging you and not [ __ ] i gotta poop [Laughter] uh and then of course we're all waiting on the moment that we know he's gonna do when his clueless ass drops the n-word i'm that is probably the most unrealistic part of the movie because my man gonna sit up there and drop the n-word in a room full of hood negroes and what happens his ass would not be in a pile of wonder bread he'd be in a pool of his own blood i would tell you the irony here is that i do think a lot of black people eat one debris why is a bunch of wonder bread in there they call him wonder breasts yeah the joke is he's he's white bread you know yeah again a little obvious joke that i thought didn't work oh cause then so there's just happily wonder bread in there it just happened black people in this neighborhood just happened a lot of wonder bread man millions they're clear he might have died but he would have been if not if he had not died he would have been close to death i don't think the message got across very well here uh what gets me is that they bring in a chick who is really from the hood regina hall man uh they gotta so of course these two corner brothers they don't know about the hood so they go to her i think she's anthony anderson's cousin and they go to her to ask her hey will you help us infiltrate the hood so we can scare this scare this brother straight right here and i'll tell you regina king uh regina hall regina hall she's fine hell yeah fine as hell how about hooking the brother up with some pepsi and some french fries oh shut up stupid pj what you paying business we're in business you know i like that she's in the movie i think she's great i actually uh like her a lot she's so good i even like her character man she's good yeah she's just she's just a great actress um my thing is here's one here's my problem with the movie so after all of this insulting [ __ ] that he's done you know he's posing he's appropriating he's dropping the n-word i mean it's just insulting that this guy's just clueless and stupid after all that [ __ ] we got the black girl in the movie who still falls for him i'm confused well i definitely could use a little bit more that reality yeah [ __ ] you you know the thing is why is she with him because he's nice to her first of all that's that's that's that's kind of insulting that to a female character i'm just gonna go for this insulting god the guy that's insulting to my race i'm just gonna fall for him because he's nice to me and i mean they they uh there can't be other little nice bros in the hood right everybody's a piece of [ __ ] no her man is definitely a piece of [ __ ] and that's another thing all the other people who you know they left as clowns and they left as uh you know they left as a villains i'll explain that a little bit but nah my man here who is the very in the right conditions it would be a great character if they to me if they actually handled the character right but no they reward him i mean he goes in on regina king man i mean he he won it is open but you can put your hands in a sister's hand i don't know maybe if you got a real black guy instead of this bargain bin fake one right here maybe he wouldn't have to deal with that or get a white dude get a white guy that just got some sense i don't care what you don't care what you date what you got it's just like wow he gets more black ass in this movie than any other person than any other black character in this movie gets girl you know what you know i just tested positive for g-a-m-e all right all right you know everybody else in the movie whether it be black or white but you know this is a guy that's appropriate in black culture uh the rest of these characters here i love to be buffoonish even the guys that are supposed to be the ones that are that are a message against stereotyping tay diggs and anthony anderson they're left to be buffoons clowns uh boy uh uh blair underwood who is the campaign uh uh manager for bill oh bill gluckman here he he's turned into just a stone cold villain uh while you know this guy who's never been in a be red's life all of a sudden wants to be the hero the move and be be a real dad for a change are you trying to get outside of this i'm trying to win bill and you don't seem to care i'm his father fifth win he's right he's actually speaking some he's speaking some truth yeah and you're fired now sure he tried to have brad killed her fate killed early move but no there's a moment where he did say you know well maybe if he just doesn't come back right so he did put the kid in danger the way he might be killed but yeah we were all thinking but still you don't tell me that every character this movie didn't say i see where you come from man but you can't be jewish like that he's the one that got fired and everybody in that room said yes let's kill this [ __ ] everybody's else was on board yeah everybody was on board i was like that's right he's the one who insulted the guy's fatherhood he was already an insult to fatherhood because he was never a father that dude the man now granted the man tried to have the kid killed but everybody everybody in that room everybody was like that that's a good plan right there they want to keep their jobs oh yeah you know b-rad gets gets rewarded with all the all the black women in the movie and this is the other it's not because it's not even because he gets a black woman that's not what i'm upset about i hate movies where a character is obviously a problem and then they want to reward that character for being a problem because well you're just being yourself i think i can convince them to let you go but i'm being myself i am who i says i ams why won't anybody believe me [ __ ] you you know the worst part that's cause that's why yeah [ __ ] yeah that's what she said too oh my [ __ ] you you know what that exactly and the worst part is that be read he's a goddamn liar you know the you put a gun to his head he'll turn white he'll go back to white real quick okay all right okay fellas look i'm really sorry okay i'm sorry now truthfully you put a gun to my head i'm probably gonna turn white too okay i know i was gonna say but i'm still i'm still not buying that you know the thing is i don't think there's any convincing argument for be rad to be like he is first of all that is the biggest problem too uh he's being rewarded for being a problem character appropriating character he you know he's given you know he's given the spoils of black culture at the end of it all because well just believe and be yourself and everybody will like you off you know the i see you're saying because it's not like he grew up in south central he's white he grew up in malibu that is the that's the whole part of the film yeah yeah yeah that that the word is like like man there's all these white kids in malibu who want to adopt this gangster culture and and they're idiots people are products of their environments even stereotypes are products of their environment uh you know b b b b-rad was never raised this way man you know b-rab was not he's not a product of anything and excuses they give here is is pretty cheap but you know just i just that's the biggest thing too i just never bought that this guy was uh was like he is just because of certain things well mainly because you know uh he's emotionally abandoned by his parents and he adopted an identity yeah yeah no he did i just yeah you know i just again i just didn't see i didn't see it taken to this extreme you also kidnapped me carjacked me and tried to scare me white i'm gonna let that one go well because you always man here's why you know i can understand if you were actually raised in the hood or maybe with a maybe with the black family you're thinking about the jerk yeah the jerk made sense you scared a black maid or something yeah well they did they did jesus you know uh never mind but you were raised as a rich white privileged kid using black stereotypes as a fashion statement because you heard some rap songs what's the theme of the obamas those [ __ ] would be in jail the police would be called before they even got that backyard not that that's a thought that i'm nitpicking on that scene i don't care though but but oh but that's the other thing it's like okay so he had a he had a uh he listened to hip-hop that changed him around oh and he had a black maid that was too chicken [ __ ] to call him out on his [ __ ] because she don't want to lose her job even though she should be very offended at his actions too but keep it real and be proud of who you are gladys are they gonna leave all people alone i don't know baby i know when you stop doing this [ __ ] that is my problem with the movie everything some funny moments in here there are some real cringe moments i don't even think the movie is all that good in the first place but i just have a problem with a character that is doing a problematic action he's he's definitely appropriating in the most in the most offensive way taking all the stereotypes but then at the end of the movie as i said he's not turned around he's not a lesson learned hey just keep the movie literally says just keep doing keep doing this offensive [ __ ] because you're being yourself until it works out till it works yeah exactly you know just yeah it will because you're rich and white exactly i didn't i didn't like that part and it just didn't appeal to me but you know you know no hate against the people that do love the movie you know so okay yeah he clicked right over here i know what to tell you don't tell me anything you don't have to tell me anything man you got you know say what you feel about the movie no i i i look i i don't think the movies uh spectacular or great in any way uh but it was better than i expected i did even re-watching it i laughed a lot with it i got what it was going for what i was making fun of and at the end even though he you know quote unquote gets the girl it's a comedy all these comedies like this uh most of the adam sandler movies do this or in any comedy you start with an idiot character and they they win at the end it's not a great comedy but it is it is surprisingly better than i expected it to be because i think about the comparison to ali g was that same kind of thing where he did it uh uh sasha baron cohen did that that white wigger rapper character which he was funding the sketch comedy yeah yes funny in the sketches and when he did interviews and then he made ali g in the house and it is way worse than this one it's just one where you like can't i can't even watch this this is this is ruining what i what i loved about this character before so watching this i was like all right bringing in the whole idea of sure it's one thing to have the white guy who thinks he's black and appropriate in culture and making fun of all the the white kids who love rap and buy rap music more than black people do yeah but it's another to have that other element of the two black actors who always play hood characters who have to come in and do this and watching them go along with it as well and the move you know it's an hour and a half it's it's short i mean i agree with you it works better in small sketches plus it was nice to see something that was a lot more scripted than than um than improv i'm not saying there's no improv in it but most of it was they hey they they had they built this with a through line and it and it went all the way through and stayed consistent i think the movie has an audience and then you know different different sensibilities for different people as they approach this you know and i'm not going to even come back i already said everything that i have to say about the film you guys know where i stand you know where martin stands uh respect on both ends you know that's uh and i know there's a lot of people that like the movie yeah just you know just those things i couldn't get past but again no harm no foul on people who really enjoy it everybody's got different reasons why they like movies and why they don't um i will say there's some funny noticeable notables here in the movie all the actual people yeah yeah yeah no there's some uh that well let me see because there's some there's some funny things in here man first of all we were talking about training day and there are some uh they borrowed some other things from these days you know not that i'm saying it's a bad thing they just got some people couple of people you already saw today boy your boy terry crews getting down [Music] there's another uh another still from training day that got oh somebody already said in the chat you know who they got up in here that's right his name is hector i don't know what his name is i know it's hector yeah and every movie from from street kings and this no you've been looking him up on his wikipedia page oh so i knew his name but just look at him up there was like known for playing hector and several movies hector you know go down the list almighty yeah he's been acting everything stayed out doc excuse me yeah that's right i said you getting played huh you know what i was kind of thinking just a little bit to myself i think maybe i'll go next yeah that's some straight up training day [ __ ] you know when he's not acting he's a christian motivational speaker i believe it truly some random parts of the movie i did not like they were kind of funny out of context which in the movie that kind of seemed out of context they got a you know this part but they got a rat that comes in here they got a wreck that comes out of nowhere talking like snoop dogg down here dawg yo i'm ronnie rizzat rapper represents that ah hey ron why are you down dawg it's red just sniffing it yeah what are you doing this is so out of context it's stupid but but the way it ended made me laugh yeah i hated the scene you and i just couldn't what did you hit a rat trap or something there's something like him leaving like a good life it's like they just went in like so warner brothers training day how much of this can we grab yeah because snoop was in there yeah yeah that's right snoop doggy g let me ask you something martin you uh does this uh look familiar to you tonight as it flared on the streets of south central this hardcore gangster do you recognize that guy right there that that anchor yeah yeah i don't remember his name but i do recognize him do you recognize a movie he's from no okay which is funny because he's from one of your favorite movies yeah compounding the danger is the appearance of a strange black suited figure okay i knew i knew himself the same anchor from spider-man 3 because we said he looked like the the anchor from from the simpson system man you're wrong that dude some people he's an elf also he died of cancer somebody said so you feel like man y'all wrong they're still laughing though uh we can make fun of him for having cancer exactly look he played an anchor in several movies they're actually in a cause they got people like that uh in the marvel movies they got a guy who keeps playing the same anchor and he's been an anchor in other movies they got a compilation of him sure playing sure the anchor and all the other movies no honestly seeing him i was like okay i guess he's on cnn or something because like because i keep seeing him and stuff because that guy was he a real anchor because he plays it so well and let me ask you all something for both y'all uh does this scene remind y'all of anything [Music] [Applause] all right we going what a money resign yeah i have to i can't take credit for that i got to give nick diaz okay uh credit for that wow that was good nick nick yeah nick put that together very well we going all right all right we going where the money is all right can you there you go it's good to have these two different opinions on these movies sometimes uh it makes these discussions a little more interesting if you ask me yeah you know especially when you have to use passionate words like hating things like things i hated this movie but it's here good to hear that you liked it it makes for a good different opinion yeah yeah yeah the only thing that really bothered me was man he was pushing that catch phrase that don't be hating oh he's like oh it's it's not gonna catch on just stop yeah well for the time it was made like i said my whole thing for those who don't understand what i'm saying here and not that you have to agree not at all all i was saying was i don't think there was there's a person that feels like i feel like you're supposed to learn a lesson here and there was no lesson like i said he was rewarded for his stupidity and it was offensive stupidity but martin's like hey you know it's a comedy i enjoyed it have fun you know i did probably liked it better the second time you saw it i don't know about better but it's you know like with the faculty when i saw it again i was like oh i don't like this near as much as i did the first time and this one was like yeah i like it about the same yeah yeah hey everyone support our patreon which helps us to continue bringing you our live streams videos and podcasts while bringing you new content such as exclusive live streams and animated shorts [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 112,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Malibu’s Most Wanted, Malibu’s Most Wanted review, Malibu’s Most Wanted movie review, Malibu’s Most Wanted reaction, Malibu’s Most Wanted bad movie review, Malibu’s Most Wanted trailer, Malibu’s Most Wanted movie, Malibu’s Most Wanted scene, Malibu’s Most Wanted funny scenes, Malibu’s Most Wanted rap scene, Bad movie reviews, Bad movie review, Bad movies, Movie reviews, Movie review, Movie, Review, Trailer, Funny scene, Funny video, Double Toasted,, Doubletoasted
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 31sec (3331 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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