ROAD HOUSE (2024) MOVIE REVIEW | Double Toasted

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hey fellas looks like you're having a smacky that's him taking a club to this movie Man Conor McGregor comes in here man and you know that the little bit of character that I Lov that this I love this movie for it it just left when he came in he just sucked it all out he's nothing but a cartoon character in this movie man and I you think I'm joking he's such a cartoon character in this movie he even got a cartoon walk I saw that that you know what I'm saying yeah oh yeah yeah yeah one his arms are bigger than his legs you know he's he's turned into a light bulb like I was talking about and he's he's super bowlegged and bouncy and I was like okay so somebody just let a a rangang in here yes seriously or a baby gorilla he reminded me of that damn chicken hawk from Looney Tunes and I man at first I was kind of thinking I like I'm exaggerating but then I saw I saw a recent cartoon with that chicken hawk and he walk just like Conor McGregor Conor mcgreg was walking just like that except he was more cartoonish yeah yeah bouncing a little more with every step yeah yeah and I didn't look too close but I swear there was a stick up his ass R springz like you said he was just [Music] bouncing I cannot in good conscious talk about Double Toasted live in LA without showing that image right there Double Toasted live in LA that's from the art of moss he did that art right there some of y'all be getting that on a t-shirt but I'll let you know about that in a little bit but that show will be April 27th 800 pm at the El Portal theater for a night of Comedy games and that Afterparty get your tickets now by going over to DT there's a banner in the center of the page uh click that it'll take you to X1 entertainment or you can just go straight to xway you can also get tickets by going over to I love Roadhouse 1989 not that I had a choice because it was on HBO all the time there was a summer that that movie was on all the time oh 89 89 yeah okay I was living here and didn't have I did I have H I think I didn't have HBO at the time believe me I had HBO and it was pretty much the Roadhouse challenge d HBO would do that yeah yeah when I was a teen at that time I was probably about 17 16 but they had Road House playing all the time every night Patrick S was beating somebody's ass Patrick S is dog I thought you'd be bigger when he's around anything can happen that a there a dude over there did you see that dude dude back there just peing in the corner oh yeah couldn't make it to the bathroom beat beat his ass anything can happen as was a guy like you end up B just lucky I guess to not be nice so says the fighting philosopher oh Roadhouse is just a silly ass movie yeah I didn't see it till wa what maybe like uh 10 years ago yeah and people had always talked about it and then I finally watched it and I was like wait what it's ridiculous this is Road House this is the road housee everybody's been going on about yeah this movie is crazy it's a goofy ass film man it really is you know what it is is uh you have Patrick suy as you can see just a guy who can just knows how to fight very well but he ain't doing nothing with that he ain't doing nothing with them skills until he's offered a position to come in and help bring some calm to a very very very Rowdy bar uh kind of same thing that we have here you know we as they Hey listen they remake everything it was only Roadhouse's turn we always safe who who's next step right up yeah number one yeah you number 1,198 Jake J like oh [ __ ] that's me yeah folks now we have Roadhouse that was Roadhouse 1989 now we got Roadhouse 2024 you know I I looked at uh This Old roadh House and as I said this you know for as beloved as this movie is and listen I love roadh house I do I do it's just it's it's it's a goofy film but that's what's so likable about it you know just because they make a big deal you know bringing this guy who's pretty much the greatest fighter in the world to just protect a ratty shitty bar I guess that's my things I was watching I was like really why this is this seems like a lot of effort for not much reward yeah this this this this dude should be an Avenger yeah and they got him protected a shitty bar man you know I was like wow that's it yeah and I mean people are you know people are willing to die for this bar yeah they got super villains at this bar it's crazy but that's what's so lovable about this movie man just how ridiculous it is so you know I'm sure that's why they said this movie needs to be remade so we can try to bring some sense to this story you know Hey listen listen that's that's one of the things that's missing from that movie you know people acting like they got some goddamn sense and uh cuz you have the same story pretty much with uh roadh house 24 you have this place called The Roadhouse over in Florida it's a very Rowdy place I mean the place is already rough but now uh you know as always the case there some old villainous villainous ass rich guy who wants to make condos condos it's always condos or a resort I think this guy's making Resort condos over here going to you know going what's that and that that one little place is standing in his way this one little shitty bar that's made out of nothing ain't no ain't one ain't one solid brick or stone no a bunch of palm tree leaves stacked on top of each other this bar looks like it's made out of it's something made on Gilligan Island man you know it's all straw and wood it look like it if you go up to it Go shit's going to fall down anyway but yeah man U for some reason it's the you know it's beloved by the locals who for some reason always want to tear it up fighting every night but this guy this rich guy played by uh uh what's bil mag Billy Magnuson y' y'all seen him before he he wants to knock down this one bar that's holding back progress and so that's where Jake Gyllenhaal comes in he plays a fighter that because of a dark past he just doesn't want to fight anymore he's so he's so bothered by what he did he don't even want to be a part of the world no more lives in his car he's I mean he's like those Kung Fu Masters he just oh yeah he just goes from town to town trying to find some Zen something you know yeah you know the tragic suicidal hero yeah yeah but they always run to people who need help and so he's offered a large sum of money to help this bar and keep these henchmen from coming in and tearing it up every day and hopefully they'll get the point because this man is such what's his name Dalton what's his yeah um uh lwood lwood lwood Dalton you know backwards country ass name but a great fighter as you can see Jake gyal is in pristine shape for those Ro Tip Top Tip Top man and so yeah he's he's been called in to help protect the bar and fight fight off these goons that work for this man over here who's trying to build these condos and Resorts over everybody's favorite Watering Hole can he do it can he save the bar save the town Save the Day let's go ahead and take a look at this trailer for Amazon Prime's remake of Roadhouse 20124 and we'll be back with our review right what can't believe that stupid ass fell for that this man got all this money could H better henchman than this hey man it's Florida he he he can hire alligators that got more sensing these people over here he put the hand don't don't hit me so you like to fight I should warn you people have a certain way of getting things done around here hey fellas like if you saw if you caught this trailer at this point you think oh this is a Conor McGregor documentary right this is Conor McGregor character yeah yeah looks like you're having a smacking oh go Conor McGregor fool again exactly what bar is this he turn hey um maybe we should show him the script you do it yeah he don't know he's making a movie just told him go let's go get a drink hey everybody I got a tip for you don't let no one get this close Martin I'm eager to hear what you think about this Martin saw this if you were listening earlier you heard Martin talking about how he saw this South by Southwest and it was it was the was it the premiere movie it was the opening night movie opening night movie what you think about this movie uh so you know how it goes with these opening night movies yeah uh where the crowd is cheering and it's it's pandemonium you can barely hear it yeah I didn't see it opening night oh good yeah no I I one I was too busy and I wasn't even going to try yeah but fortunately uh they decided to do they never do this they decided to do a second screening of it at the Paramount and I caught it then where it wasn't so full and none of the stars were there and I talk people who' seen it I guess I talked to one person she was like yeah it's all right uh and then I go to see it and it ended up being my favorite movie of the festival really yeah I mean I just thought this movie was just so much fun fun and I love the update and the the humor and everything they did with it I really like this movie a lot too if you take a knife and cut it in half and yeah give me that first half right there you know that second I can keep that second half I just want the first half right here now I I know I do really love the first half of this movie because I think the first half of this movie had the right balance of everything for me that I saw in this trailer right here you know um first all this in the Original Roadhouse but even more so this movie is this is this this is just a a western it's a classic Western it's a total Western the setup is a western you have one character who keeps telling keep saying telling you yeah people yeah this is this is the the Magnificent 7even or in this case the Magnificent one you know that comes into town y'all know the story man uh you know these and this this kind of fits a lot of other westerns you know guy comes into town mysterious yeah mysterious stranger comes into town in trouble so he comes in to help everybody clean it up as you said Martin they they even mention it in the movie did you see Fred coming in knocking down everybody that talks to him trouble I guess and I'm uh here to clean it up that kind of sounds like the thought of Western local towns folks in for a hero to help clean up the Rowdy Saloon and she's right he he like Dam you just summed up the movie yeah yeah you know and she's right man you know this this guy come to town cuz a bunch of goons are causing trouble intimidating all the good towns people so and it's usually they're being run by a a rich land owner exactly yeah exactly which is the case with this movie except it's just a lot more land and uh you know he's the badass that's hired to come in and help the towns people clean things up and Jake Gyllenhaal as Elwood Dalton you know he's the low-key badass his skills so in the movie look his skills are larger than life all right I mean with this guy uh he don't even have to fight to earn money he just shows up and people like oh I ain't fighting him right he just collects he's like well I'll show it up ain't my fault if he's he's a [ __ ] and you know leaving but but um his skills are on a mythical unbelievable level but you you buy into it you know that oh [ __ ] sorry y'all because uh because the character you know with this character I think the character feels real you know mainly because they they don't they don't play up the machismo too much with him you know uh he like when I was saying earlier like he's a Kung Fu Master that goes from town to town there is something very Zen about him sure you know he's done something in the past when he was fighting UFC and he it was so bad that he doesn't want to hurt anybody anymore so it takes a lot to get him angry it a lot to get him angry but when you do watch out but um you know he tries his best to avoid a fight but when it comes to it and it will he will beat the [ __ ] out of you but it's an ass whooping that comes with a lot of care it comes with care he gives you an out oh yeah even along the fight oh he gives you plenty of chances to just say like I don't want to do this anymore yeah I don't want to do this anymore and as I said it's it's it's it's it's not only does it come with care but it's very professional you know he makes sure that you have insurance to cover this ass whooping yeah you know he want he Mak sure this Ade there's an adequate Care Center within distance that he can that that you can go to after said ass whooping he'll even drive you there yeah you know if you can't get a ride or if your fingers are broken you can't drive you let you know he and he like I said he doesn't want to you know the you don't mind embarrassing you in front of your boys but it's only because you brought it on yourself uh he even sits out a lot of fights yeah yeah he's you know much like these uh like these Western that we talk about usually the hero comes in it's like look I can't do this all the time because when I leave y'all y'all go you know so let me teach y'all how to fight and that's what he does he starts teaching the uh he starts teaching the bar staff how to take care of their own but with this movie I think what it has at least for the half that I liked over the Original Roadhouse is the bits of humor and character development that they have here you know this gives them the movie just a little bit more Humanity than the last film last film you know you I know anything about badass when you're a kid or you're teenager like I want to be like that you know but yeah I cared more about at least a couple of the people here and I think that like I said I think there's there's a lot of humor and character development that gives this movie a lot of humanity that helps the other parts of the movie that fall flat uh the the henchmen for one okay so the henchmen you know they they're the average boring henchman that you see in every movie but they are helped by one goofy ass henchman right here played by Arturo Castro Castro yeah when he showed up I was like oh okay this is this is the kind of movie this is going to be yeah he's he's he's way too nice and way too stupid to be a part of this group he's the straight puppet that they adopted I mean he gets an ass whooping he's still polite about it hey thank you thank you for breaking my you know uh you got the uh the the friendly towns folk uh especially the book owner and uh and uh uh it's a guy who is uh he's a book owner bookstore owner and his and his daughter you saw his daughter right here uh who really kind of helps those characters you know cuz really the Bookshop owner and the daughter are there just to be victimized later on the movie so it makes Jake Gyllenhaal's character manad but Hannah love is really good as a daughter she's very likable you know that's that's I like that character for the limited time that she's on you probably hear pics over here what's going on with her she's dreaming you know what she's doing she's uh beating up a bar right now her little legs moving yeah they are like a front leg she she's over there like she's defending a bar right now she's beating up a bunch of henchmen in sleep come on uh now I would tell you the the henchman the daughter and Jake Gyllenhaal those characters I like a lot I don't think that there are some characters who can be helped in this movie at all they just they are just flat one-dimensional characters that are just there out of obligation because they had to be part of the story or they were part of the original uh the love interest Danielle Daniela uh melor is the character I forgot the it's the actress I forgot the character's name uh her and Jake Gyllenhaal ain't got no chemistry I think huh I I I I thought it worked between them did you I did not I thought they put them together because they were just too Attractive people and had the romance in the first one because there's no leadup to them at all to having she to having that romance I I I will give you that I mean she sees him at the hospital next thing you know she's inviting him out on a date even he's like what the going on here I just don't think there was enough time for that I would like if I would have done this myself I probably would just put this out because it really doesn't make any impact on the movie it's just it's just uh I know plot wise I thought it did it leads up to something that they need plot-wise but they don't absolutely need it they could have done it another way they don't need it really if you think about about it uh Jessica Williams who I think is a good actress and beautiful she's gorgeous she's just she's the owner of the Roadhouse she's just there to hire doton just to get the story going and to give some backstory about the town and the bar in the movie but she doesn't really to me she doesn't get offer a whole lot in the movie and your boy Billy Magnuson who I like a lot I like him too but he he plays Billy mag Magnuson in just about everything sometimes he's nice Billy Magnus sometimes he's crazy mean Billy Magnus sometimes he's sweet goofy Billy mag Magnus yeah but here you know I mean listen he's just the the typical rich bad guy who who spends most of the movie Just degrading talking [ __ ] to his henchmen who if he wasn't paying in they would just beat his ass yeah yeah yeah I you know what I I felt two ways about him because at first I was I was like that about him I was like all right he's doing this again but the longer it went on the more I was like you know what I'm actually getting it like I see what he's doing comedy wise and it's starting to work for me like cuz when you talk about the second it becomes more cartoonish toward the end but it just it wasn't like we don't know what we're doing I was like okay this is this is gradually and and going into this this is what was planned yeah I like them like I said I just don't think there was there's a lot of things that that they are doing they're just typical action movie cliches or stereotypes or arst types Arc types whatever you want to call it uh and there's just not much behind their characters and I only say that because they did so much they did they they they did did so much with the other characters you know D his henchman that's grateful to get his ass beat you know we don't ever see that man you know this uh uh I thought he and I actually thought that uh that character uh was one of my favorites in the movie yeah yeah you know I liked him a lot uh like I said I like like Jake J Gyllenhaal he's in shape but he's not the biggest guy his skills are just that good and like I said he's just a really nice guy that humanizes this character there no he's not there just to you know beat the [ __ ] out of people uh I really liked him a lot is very likable to me uh now I will tell you something that's weird to me in this movie uh the whole the whole premise which was weird for the first movie but you know this this like I said this whole thing of defending this this this Roadhouse that's weird to me because the whole premise is she tells the owner of the Roadhouse Jessica Williams she tells Elwood Dalton I'll pay you $5,000 a week for four weeks a grand total of 20 $2,000 to come and protect my bar I'm like how the [ __ ] do you have that much money to protect this bar because this bar gets Tor this bar gets torn up every night every night they tearing this bar up and this and by the way it's not even by the henchmen most of the time it's just by the people go there to drink and that place is left in shambles and don't let the henchmen get in there cuz they I mean just get a bulldozer and just knock that [ __ ] down like how do you how do you have $20,000 it's barless like it cost about $1,000 how do you have this money to do that well she inherited from her uncle so maybe it's paid off yeah and the rest is just you know insurance and whatever she has in savings or they they make a good profit man if it's Insurance the insurance company be like now you you hiring people come here and te this [ __ ] up this is frog this happen this happens every night come on now but you know what it's okay I'll let it go I'm not I'm not listen that's one thing that didn't make sense to me and I still I really don't think it makes sense storywise but it's a remake of Roadhouse I'm not I don't yeah yeah I mean you say that didn't make sense to me if it fell apart somewhere it's when Billy Magnuson shows his plan his blueprints of like what he wants to do and he say if I just get rid of this Roadhouse I can start building all this and I'm like man the road house only takes up just build around it be like the dude and up yeah you know just just build around it you know actually and I don't understand this cuz even here where they're building all these condos and we got the Broken Spoke the histor Broken Spoke that that didn't want to sell and because it's so historic they just built around it somebody said she must be slanging meth or something in the back she must be doing dope because man this old shitty little ratty bar she man just buy her out I guarantee you she'll take the money or build around her and pay her you know make it make it part of cuz ain't nothing around there but a liquor store and a bookstore ain't nobody that dud even say a't making no money she said my dad got five different jobs cuz we ain't selling no books I I was kind of on the dude's side yeah knock all this [ __ ] down it's Florida and pay that alligator protect they got an alligator that you never see pay that alligator to protect the bar started getting this dude over here but you know what it's okay like I said man you know the first the first Roadhouse as I said man it's it's just goofy fun and and I'm expecting the same thing out of a remake I'm not ex you know I'm not expecting you know a huge Improvement in story anything keep the same tone and I'll be fine man uh it's not an excuse to not do better but it's enjoy it's enjoyably pass man you know I was like I'm having a good time with this uh like I said first movie is not a great story I'm really wasn't expecting that with this either uh this one like I said is even goofier you know the uh even even some of the fight scenes are done with humor you know like we said that first that first uh that first scene where he's slapping the [ __ ] out of people you know that's that kind of sets up to what kind of movie this is going to be you know it's pretty much a comedy yeah when you get down to it and action comedy yeah this makes it more of a comedy than the first movie oh yeah and the movie is not taking itself seriously it it is not so like I said I'm not sitting up here trying to take it too seriously either that actually makes it more fun in some parts but then something happens because like I said I'm I'm loving this first part man I'm like yeah you know I think you've actually kind of improved on some things with this movie man and over the first one then something happened is that made me say okay you ain't got to be this goddamn silly and you know and you know what it is hey fellas looks like you're having a smacky that's him taking a club to this movie Man Conor McGregor comes in here man and you know that the little bit of character that I loved that this I love this movie for it it just left he came in he just sucked it all out he's nothing but a cartoon character in this movie man and I you think I'm joking he's such a cartoon character in this movie he even got a cartoon walk I saw that you know what I'm saying yeah oh yeah yeah yeah one his arms are bigger than his legs you know he's he's turned into a light bulb like I was talking about and he's he's super bowlegged and bouncy and I was like okay so somebody just let a a rangang in here yeah seriously or a baby gorilla he he reminded me of that damn chicken hawk from Looney Tunes and I man at first I was kind of thinking like I'm exaggerating but then I saw I saw a recent cartoon with that chicken hawk and he walked just like Conor McGregor chicken hawk Conor McGregor was walking just like that yeah except he was more cartoonish yeah yeah bouncing a little more with every step yeah yeah and I didn't look too close but I swear there was a stick up his ass our springz like you said he was just bouncing the whole time yeah man and and listen he can't act but to his to his credit he knows that he can't yeah he can't he can't he's he's not an actor I I I thought he didn't embarrass himself that's all I expect from an athlete well thing about Conor McGregor is that he has a lot of screen presence and he has a lot of Charisma and he gets bond that but but when you just he just kind of overdid it playing himself yeah and believe me he's playing himself Conor McGregor is kind of crazy telling you that right now and sometimes it's you feel happy for him cuz when sometimes he he he was happy to do this movie yeah and people tried to interview him he just talking crazy what can you tell us about your acting debut obviously it's your first experience hard work hard work but you know we got to doing it's in the bank for life you know you put something in the bank some maybe it's not going to be there for life you might spend it like huh man I mean you know he's a crazy Irishman so you can't expect to understand anything he says oh man listen this fool goes to the bathroom starts acting [Applause] crazy at mu Muppets The Muppets like boy you got your goddamn mind so this Conor McGregor just amped up playing himself yeah I felt his excitement and his and you know just even the even the uh uh the gratitude for being able to come in and play this character you know and it's good it's cool to see in a way but man he cannot Act Conor is such a cartoon character in this movie that he brings the movie like you said there a cartoon he brings the movie down to a to a a cartoon level man you know with Jake Jal in the beginning he was set up as as an unbeatable character but he had an emotional vulnerability to him that that that that made him more human and more relatable uh Conor McGregor came in and Jake Gillard to be on his level and this [ __ ] just turned into goddamn Dragon Ball Z some cuz he's a cartoon character and Jake Gyllenhaal he just becomes like a he come he becomes a comic book superhero at this point you know what I mean like he like if you thought he was unbeatable before at this point he's a combination of James Bond and Batman and you know a comu master oh well okay uh yeah you're right about Conor McGregor because he's a cartoon character and he does bring things to certainly a different level where the movie wasn't before yeah but every but the but the scenes where he's not in in I thought it still worked now it did get amped up and yeah you said The more adventurous James Bond level and stuff but that's that's kind of where these action movies go it's almost like look we we've played it straight up to this point now now we go balls to the wall also I don't want to say what but with Jake Gyllenhaal's character there was a point where I was like huh it'd be really interesting if it turned out he was really this and then I was like oh [ __ ] it is okay all right cool let's let's go yeah no you know the action gets Wilder and zanier and and I'm fine with that I don't I don't mind that things get get crazy but um you know the charact characters go flying there's explosions everywhere now the thing I just I guess I had a problem with is that it feels like for one they just Dro character I get it gets to point where I don't think they even know what to do with Conor McGregor because Conor McGregor is there for a reason and then he's not there for that reason anymore so they just there to buy time for him just to have the final showdown with Jake Gyllenhaal uh and I don't mind the action getting getting wild I think my problem with it is that for a movie that was being so clever with this format before and even being clever with the choices that it made to be different from the first movie you know there was some thought put into that the second half I just thought was just a little predict uh you I but like I said man you know it's not that I didn't have fun with the movie I was let down by the second half but overall you know I still I still have fun with it um I even have fun with the second half to a certain extent it was just a disappointment to me because they did so well with the first half on myself and watching it in the theater I was like man they up by putting this to streaming because this is this is a theatrical movie it the the money is there it's got a great flow it it reminds me like why I didn't like uh a movie like the The Beekeeper so much cuz I felt like it kept cheaping out uh and and this and this didn't do that and yeah in the second half everything escalates uh often to a cartoonish level but I thought it it kept the same level of of fun I mean it was it was focused on that and it was always yeah not taking itself seriously even even willing to go you know that extra zany Mile and the Zess might have been too much but it was shot so well all all the action and I was like man this is I haven't enjoyed an action movie like like this in a long time and and I was you know and the first half like you say the first half is better but it seduced me enough to where I was willing to ride with it with the second half and enjoy that almost as much just on a different level and I came out going like wow this is who would have thought the last movie I saw was going to be my favorite it I I give it a low full price like I said I I didn't hate this I had I still have fun with it throughout just had much less fun near the end and even the stuff that I enjoy like the fights there are some brutal punches that are landed in here but then there like something going on with weird camera work and CG to the point where sometimes it looks like the looks like they beating up the cameraman instead of another character uh but you know I I would give this a high rental very high rental I I I liked it you said you felt like it should it was uh it would it should have been theatrical and I felt like they could have made some money theatrically but I also feel like Amazon's the perfect place for it for streaming I you know I I wouldn't put up a fuss if I left the theater but I would feel like man you know what this this to me it felt like a streaming movie in a way although some of the action like you said is actually pretty big and glorious and that looks good on the screen but yeah you know I don't know I don't want you to think I'm hating on this movie I did have fun with it I I had I had a good time I had a good time but uh yeah yeah there you go again variety there you go there you go if you like Martin you like what Martin said then hey you know what you know what to do with this movie and if you here what I'm saying and you relate more to that then hey or you know what don't listen to either one of us see for yourself go check it out for yourself man you know getting tired of telling these people man yeah and the words of Justice Smith don't listen to the critics go go see it for yourself yeah all the words of Jake Gyllenhaal stop listening to me you know I don't know what I'm talking about go see it for [Laughter] yourself well you made it to the end of the video that must mean you really like what we do so if you do check out these other videos just like this one check out our other YouTube channels and subscribe to join our wonderful toasty community and as always stay toasty
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 50,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Road House, Road House review, Road House movie review, Road House reaction, Road House 2024 review, Road House 2024 movie review, Road House review 2024, Road House 2024, Road House Conor Mcgregor, Road House fight scenes, Road House ending, Road House end fight, Road House fights, Amazon Road House, Road House Amazon, Movie review, Amazon, Conor McGregor, Movie, Review, Funny video, Double toasted, Double toasted review, Double toasted podcast
Id: Wc_MGWcv_yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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