Malaysian street food tour in Kuala Lumpur- trying the *best* food in Malaysia!

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hey everyone we're nicole and mico and if  you've been watching this channel for a   while you know that one of our favorite ways  to explore a new country is to eat the local   food so to kick off our Malaysian experience  we have booked ourselves a food tour where   we will be walking through the streets of Kuala  Lumpur trying as many delicious foods as we can all right everybody we got San Jose here from a  chef's tour he's our foodie specialist here in   Kuala Lumpur and he's going to start us off  with some delicious fruits in the area the   first thing we're going to try this is what  we call it salad it looks like it's part of   a snake the steak thin fruit it looks like a  garlic bread not it does not taste like garlic   at all snake skin snakeskin truth when you know  when the snake sheds his skin yeah it looks like   that that's how it looks like but it's like a oh  that's so trippy it's like an orange peel yeah   well can predominantly can find this food  in Southeast Asia Latin America and stuff   like that wow that's really good it almost  tastes like a like almost like a really   dry pineapple because it's like sweet like a  pineapple very citrusy yeah there's a big scene in English thank you open the top yeah squeeze it ah okay  so we've definitely had mangosteen before I   absolutely love this fruit but I did not know  how to open it that is definitely not the way   I've been opening it I love it because it peels  away kind of like an orange but it is so sweet   and looks like white Flesh on the inside it's got  to be one of the most beautiful fruits honestly   it tastes so good that's just like heaven oh live  snails well I can literally see them moving so   we're just walking through like the wet Market  here in uh what's the area called chunky it's   really cool we're not obviously buying any fish  right now but it's neat to see everything laid   out like and um and have the dogs explain to us  like what the local fish is here well most of   the people eat like what's a really common Seafood  here well this is catching me a little off guard I   won't lie I've never seen this before we're not  eating any of this today are we oh my goodness that's an adventure sat down at our first restaurant and  we just heard that I think we're gonna   be able to go back and like see how some of  the food is cooked which is pretty exciting like that wow not bad not too bad nailed it okay for the  first time that's not too bad not too bad slower we need the Master Chef that  was hard man there was a wrist   action that you definitely need to like get down Okay so we've got a couple different kinds of  curries I guess we'll call them to go with our   rhodium chicken curry which is lentil and  then this is the fish curry so I won't be   eating that one but the rest looks so  good and I made this really okay guys which is something we've had in India as  well a little bit different than this but   here in Malaysia they call it Roadie and  the one I have has a bit of egg into it see how like so easy it is for to like pull the   I think I prefer it without egg personally  oh yeah because the egg is the egg tastes   a little overpowered I just love the  texture of the bread really really good so I'm gonna try the me Goring  next and me needs noodles and   boring means fries so it's kind of  like a fried noodle dish they have   different sauces in it including  soy sauce sambal and chili sauce spicy you want it I told him medium  spicy it's pretty good like you could   definitely go for hotter but  um I think if you want to you   could also ask for like a lot less  spice and it would have less punch wow so we're just waiting for the next couple  of foods that we ordered and they just showed   us around the inside of the restaurant I love this  style it's like a full restaurant but right here   look at that street side that's how you know the  food's gonna be really good and really authentic   when you can see basically like almost like the  whole family working in the restaurant guys look   how massive this pot is it's I think that even  maybe I could fit in there this is a huge Soup pot uh evening session almost finished almost finished  yes wow so this is Malay traditional soup Monday   traditional soup and how long does it take to  make around one hour one hour yeah sounds very   good so this if you can see full of fish full  of fish yes wow we have sour and fishy taste   spicy and spices wow look at that so Malay  Malaysian people love this including Chinese this one made of coconut and curry powder wow   made of rice you can find it in a McDonald's  like a rice porridge yes all right wow soup which I think is a really common  Malaysian dish is that right like I've   seen it all over the traditional Malay  food traditional Malay food and it's a   bone broth you can see chunks of beef  in here with is it rice noodles rice   noodle and I see some onions like  like green onion chopped up in here oh that's good   that is so so good I love the beef broth it's so  rich perfectly salty this is like a like a happy   hearty soup that you would eat when you're sick  this is really good and I got the mikari which   is like a spicy Asian noodle dish as well it's  got chicken broth was it and coconut milk shrimp   paste fish ball fish balls tofu tofu wow look at  this there's just so many things going on here I love the noodles oh and the broth has got a  lot of heat to it but it's kind of nice because   it's got a really uh I got a like a shrimpy  like under tone or under layer in the broth   and I love how there's like little chunks of  fish balls in there I love I love fish balls   you got to be ready for the heat though I don't  think this is a midday one too hot spicy and   warm it's like double extra spicy extra hot we've  just arrived to our next spot it looks like we're   gonna get some sort of durian dessert or dessert  and durian oh I'm nervous I can definitely smell   the durian if you're not familiar with durian  by the way it's like a very spiky fruit and   it's known for its flavor but more so known  for its smell I feel like it's in my nose   but it's in my nose durian can be such like  a strong smell that a lot of times you might   actually see signs that say no durian especially  like inside a hotel or in like Public public   transportation I think it's like the equivalent of  microwaving fish at the office you know everybody   knows what you're doing and it's like a no-go  yeah and it's kind of like ah should you be   doing that so that's kind of like what eating  durian is like in like a subway station or   something and how do I eat it is there a seed  inside okay just eat it kind of like a mango   yes all right guys durian in all honesty I'm  a little nervous it does not smell very good I'm not excited I won't lie I don't love the smell I taste the onion yeah it's like a buttery onion   okay one second make it like myself interestingly  I smell like hints of mango but then like there's   no taste of mango which is unfortunate is it  hard like it it's really soft I'm really fluffy   yeah it's really soft really gooey very flashy big  seed in there looks like I feel like it's acquired   oh actually maybe it's not I'm  not sure I like it very much that is a weird texture it is like a creamy onion   I can definitely I can smell the  onions the blue cheese or my mind I don't mind it it's definitely a distinct taste  and smell and the thought of like biting into like   an onion and then Allison the onion is like  soft and mushy that's kind of what it's like   I can definitely see though that like if this is  something you grew up with it would probably be   delicious like I'm sure you eat it with everything  but like it just feels so just so different just   like unlike anything I've ever eaten before except  for soft mushy onion since Malaysia is a hot and   humid country we like to have coal and sweet  Malaysian people they are very sweet people we   like to bring all the things sweet and what we're  gonna have here is made of palm sugar coconut milk   shaved Eyes On Top there will be green jelly made  of tapioca rice flour and pandan and then they   will be sweet corn I feel like everything here  looks like it goes really well together except doesn't like I shouldn't have vegetables in my  dessert I don't know that one's weird me out super good really sweet oh I love the tapioca oh  incredibly cold watch your teeth right right this   is a lot of food like I feel like I've been  drinking this for like an hour this is like   be perfect after you like a hot afternoon you  know you get home ready for just a little bit   of a snack before dinner let's be great it's like  a dessert before dinner this shop has been here   since 1980 and they are only selling all right  this is a cool dessert it's called putu It's   Made in like bamboo and steamed and it's mostly  rice flour rice flour rice flour look at that   there's like fresh coconut shavings on top with  lots of sugar this looks amazing so the one that   is green is because of the pandan which is like a  vegetable here that they they use especially the   juice from and lots of stuff from what we learned  today let's try the pandan flavored one first oh really good it's really gentle in fact  the flavor is coming mostly from the sugar   and the coconut shavings as I dig deeper I  found more sugar inside this is five pieces it's probably good now you're gonna try the chopped mackerel  common people's fish so they're gonna clean   the fish here they're gonna make the grill in  a traditional way yeah while grilling they put   a sambal the secret sauce look at this you  guys I got the chopped mackerel yeah I think   I'm saying that right this is how you say in  Malaysian it is just uh fried or a grilled fish   and then they put in their own special sauce  whatever that sauce may be they never told me   don't tell you ah I asked him if any time they  say it's a secret sauce oh that's good really like   almost like really juicy I mean usually when you  have grilled fish like this it's really dry and it   flakes off so easily this is a fall off the bone  good but fish version really really moist comes   with a couple special sauces as well green one  is the spicy one oh can I try with the green one it tastes spicy that was a lot of Spicer that I expected  gotta get some sweet sweet thai sauce in there we are headed into a new community  and I guess Village there's still   a few Foods left and oh my gosh I am so  full we're getting more selective of how   much we eat we try to stay away from the  spicy foods now I'm trying not to drink   water like right at that point of the sewer  and look how dark it is wow that was fast look look how gorgeous the tower is like I  don't think I'll ever get over how beautiful   those towers are at night they're just  glowing they're like Christmas trees I'm gonna try it Malaysian style Satay  now so these guys have like uh in the   beef there's like a chunk of fat in the  middle of two pieces of beef I'm gonna be   fat and then the chicken there's a piece  of skin in the middle and I guess that's   one of the ways you can tell that it is  Malaysian versus the Indonesian Style oh that is so good it was very  peanuty I really like this one chicken with a little bit of skin in the middle um this is also very good but the beef is my favorite  oh it's delicious so this what we have here is some turmeric curry powder palm sugar they  put in a palm leaf and they Grill it so cool   I love how it's prepared I've never seen  anything like this before it's like a palm   leaf that's just been grilled and the fish  like mixture with some spices it looks like   um is inside it's so interesting fish  and palm sugar turmeric turmeric and   curry powder and that makes it gives  it that little the red color in here it's just like almost like a  bite-sized chunk of fish so   interesting never seen a street food  like this it's like a paste tea yeah we are going to try the national  dish of Malaysia it is called so this Wendell place is apparently a really   famous place to get nasty and  everybody here seems so friendly thank you wow it smells so good look at that  this is why it's the national dish   look it's just perfect rice chicken egg  deliciousness spices and even this the   plating on like what I think it's a  Banana Leaf or something like that very gentle nothing overbearing very  easy to eat there's definitely a meal   you can just eat every day personally you  normally have for breakfast and dinner you have this for breakfast and dinner this  Shop sells for breakfast lunch and dinner I   mean I like chicken rice I just couldn't  eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner oh and your drink is here thank you Nico understood this this is like a really gentle   um but very coconutty Curry it's got a little bit  of sweetness to it actually the closest thing that   I can think that I've ever had before is actually  like a Thai curry kind of reminds me of a Thai   curry or different of course Malaysian style but  like that's the closest thing that I would say   I've ever had it's got that kind of heat to it but  it's still somehow sweet underneath yeah yeah that   is excellent there's always an issue in preparing  the rundown Indonesian gas Malaysian cream is gas is from Malay Indonesian S no point of fighting it comes from both brothers I like this wow this is excellent I think what made this video was so amazing was  not just the food but all the Malaysian people   that we talked to today they were just so warm  and welcoming and they just loved us trying new   foods and learning about Malaysian Foods I think  maybe best of all was the dog like our guide he   was just phenomenal he was just a wonderful person  to be around and so good to learn from we had an   awesome time with him as always the chef's room  is just phenomenal if you guys would also like   to book a food tour with a chefster we'll put  a link down in the description so you can book   this one we hope you guys enjoyed this video  we'll catch in the next one thanks for watching I have never used okay okay he's  like all right you're burning it he's like stop stop you're burning  it yeah thank you so much thank you
Channel: Nicole and Mico
Views: 47,790
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Keywords: malaysian street food, malaysian street food tour in kuala lumpur, malaysian street food nasi lemak, malaysian street food 2023, malaysian street food kuala lumpur, malaysian street food vlog, trying nasi lemak, kuala lumpur food tour, tourist eat malaysian food, malaysian food tour, malaysian street food tour, trying malaysian food, kuala lumpur travel vlog, malaysia first impressions, kuala lumpur first impressions, kuala lumpur malaysia, asian and white travel couple
Id: xaslTYvQSd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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