Foreigner can't stop OVEREATING Malaysian food for 24 hours

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Good morning, Kuala Lumpur! My goodness, it's been too long- Since I've made a video here You can see we've got the Petronas towers Just right here- View from the window! We are in Four Seasons! Just got checked in my room Wanna bring y’all along with me But, you know- I don't come to Malaysia To stay in nice hotels... Yes, that's a perk- But I come here to eat. So let's go ahead, and show you this room- We're gonna get out there and we're going to eat, eat, eat, eat- If these pants... Right here- Still fit me- When I leave Malaysia... I didn't do Malaysia right... That's my rule of thumb! So- Here we go! Got upgraded- Uhh got upgraded with my Amex Card Got some benefits But I'm probably not gonna have time to- Use ‘em ‘Cause we're gonna be out- Eating... First thing you notice- Boom- Nice- Ooh! Oooooh! It's kinda like got this firm- It's kinda like got this firmness to it But I feel like my butt- Be sinking into it, too! Yup! That passes the suffocation test! if your pillows can't suffocate you- Well they ain't soft enough... Uhh got almost like a little reading area here... An iPad for just ordering food?! Or booking the spa... Or maybe just you wanna learn about the hotel And what all they got... Pool- Pool, fitness center Umm I probably gonna need that! While I'm here... I mean the service was- So nice checking in... And I like how roomy it is... There's just so much space! I mean, look at this- This is more I mean, this is more space than anybody would need, like- See, I got like- it's like- One Max Across- But then you kinda walk into the bathroom I guess like, a vanity area... And look Front and center- Right here! Coffee- Mini bar- Tiger beer! Let's gooooo One of my favorite beers- Tiger beer... Asahi- Tsingtao- Uhh Chong... I mean, those are just four... Of the many- Delicious beers You get in Asia Uhhh- Pretty typical... I don't know if these- I'm sure the water's free... I dunno about the snacks... What else? Do we got anything good? Chocolate on chocolate- But this is always going to be charged Which- Again man With a credit card and you travel a lot... Got them benefits with this hotel- Got a $100 credit so I could eat $100 worth of snacks- And still be free for me! “Free” Uhh- Yeah- I mean you know, this stuff's kinda The boring stuff for y’all I know you what y’all really want- Y'all want- The bathroom! And yes- It is nice! Nice, clean, chique... Seems Upscale, but not too upscale- That sounds kind of a little bit pretentious, But I think you know what I mean... Uhm Bath salts! If you got a bath- If they give you the bath- The hotel... And they don't give you the bath salts... They're doing it wrong! Kinda small- Kinda low... Looks like I'm going to fall getting out of this- Like- I'm going to try to get out I’m gonna fall I’m gonna hit my head :( And that's how I'm going to die... But... You know- There could be worse ways XD Got two doors! Door to my right- Door to my left- Where do we go? Left? Okay! And that's what you get! You went left, you get the toilet! Oh my gosh! This looks like a Tesla car! I mean, look how sleek and Designed this is! It looks like a Tesla. What brand is this? Color? Oh... Thought it was- Oh man! I think I almost broke it! Yeah, so... I think you're supposed to Let’s get into the uh You know in the airplane, they say- “Let’s get into the cockpit” What should it be when you get in the bathroom? Because I feel like cockpit Sounds a little dirty when you're in the bathroom You know, when you're in an airplane- “Cockpit” doesn't sound dirty... You go to the bathroom- You say you go to the cockpit- Hmmmm You start wondering like- Hey! Watchu doin’ in there? Anyways... We got the control center here... See temperature? Oh shoot! What's going on? Oh it flushed on me... I was- I was scared- The bidet was about to- Get my pants wet And look like I peed my pants... But you ain't cool- Unless you pee your pants Billy Madison? So you got front and rear bidet... Tell it to stop Got a dryer For your behind Uhh clean? I don't know what that does You can up the pressure- Change the wand it can spiral- Massage?! Full flush- Full flush eco- Okay. I'm so tired of this... It keeps flushing on me- So I feel like I'm just sitting here, wasting water... Hello? Hello! WOAH it's a remote It's a remote! Oh my gosh. It's a remote! I can do this- Hold on... Let’s see how far away it works! Ohhh my gosh! I could be taking a shower- Can I do this from the bedroom? Let’s see if it works Okay, cover I'm literally at my bed I'm at my bed And the seat closed! Up! That seat- I want to pee- Pee... Ooooookay- I'm done XD Technology is so cooool... Can you tell I'm from the country?! Man, I’m a country boy! I ain’t used to all this technology Oh that's so cool! You don't wanna have cold hands ‘Cause it can affect- The grading scale that I give- To the toilet paper, when you touch it- You won't get a true touch to feel, so- Warm my hands up a little bit... Yeah Let’s do a little rip test Okay. You see that? That is- Nice- Pliable- Thicc... Because you can see the layers You can see, it's a little thinner here because I got it in half, and a little thicker here 4.1 out of 5 ! It's a good score! Solid score- Very good score- It's- it's a very top- it's a very top tier- it's a very top tier score Do you really care about the fanny kits you get? Because I don't really- Umm Dental kit- That's all I care about! And then this was supposed to be the shower! Ohhh! Pull Coming from the ceiling- A little anti- A little anticlimactic But that's okay! And then finally- Put more hangers than you'd ever need! Because I only have like, two nice shirts And then all of my stuff! Slippers... Ah- So- That's gonna Wrap it up- For the room tour- I'm- These are nice plushy slippers! Gonna get ready- I gotta do some work- ‘Cause I didn't really expect to film much today- But- But time is too short not to go out, and eat So I'm going to take you for- One meal that I always eat- When I first get- To Malaysia! So nice! Now this is like, one of the meals I eat- The first time I ever come back to Malaysia- When I was in Pendang- I was there maybe two weeks... And I ate like 11 Of this dish! It's called Nasi Kandar And- One of my favorite dishes in the world! And I'm going to a place that It wasn't the first one I think I ever ate But it was- One of those- There are so many- One reason I love coming to Malaysia and eating Especially like Kuala Lumpur and Pendang is There's so many options- For places you can eat certain dishes in- While it's not the correct timing- Like an ideal timing for having this meal- I'm excited because they are open right now- And we can get in here... So we're at Yaseem’s right here in K.L. One of the best known- Nasi Kandar in all of Malaysia! Not even be in peak time though- They still got a- Plethora of food you can choose from! I might have to get the Ayam Goreng Uhh, what else do we get here? Oh the Sotong looks good! I think they got a little star rating- Showing you what people rate them Ohhh Telur Sotong So they got the eggs Okay, Ayam, Sambal We gotta get the ladyfingers I may do something crazy like- Telur Goreng or something like that... Hey boss! How are you? Can I do the Ayam Sambal? - Ayam Sambal, this? - Ayam Sambal, this? - Ayam Sambal, this? - Ayam Sambal, this? - Yes, yes... *Inaudible* - Yeah- And then can I do uhh- Telur Goreng? - Okay - Aaand - Will you eat here? Or takeaway? - Aaand - Will you eat here? Or takeaway? - Eat here! - Eat here! - Eat here! - And do you have ladyfingers? - Uh huh! - Uh huh! - Alright, let me get ladyfingers... - Okay - And then, can I get it Banjir ? - Okay! - Yeah that means like “get all”, right? Okay, perfect! Thanks, boss! - *Inaudible* - Yeah Yeah- Yeah... I want it all! Oh yeah- There are the ladyfingers over there! And so when you say like, banjir Banjir? Ahh! - To mix it! - Yeah, yeah, yeah Mixed, like flood right? - Uh huh - Okay, it's like a flood! So they take all those curries, and put it on there See, look at that right there... Had to get a fried egg- Yeah. Telur Goreng! -Telur Goreng? -Yeah I had to get a fried egg- Perfect! Do I pay here? Or pay over here? -Pay later Need a drink? -Okay, yeah Can I do Teh Tarik? -Teh Tarik This is what I- Oh man, look at that! Thank you, boss! We're good to go? -Yeah, thank you -Thank you So I like going here- ‘Cause you can tell people like- “Thanks boss” it's very, like- Kind of respectful Kind of a thing they do in Malaysia Ohh here we go! Hey boss! How are you? -I’m fine! -Heeeyyy! Good, right? Delicious! So I got a Teh Tarik I think I go and get it hot Because I forgot to tell him to- Bring it to me- Cold- Hot’s okay! I like hot Teh Tarik It’s just that pulled tea, right? “Tarik” means “to pull” Ooh it’s been too long! Typical kind of- Restaurant like this- You got like the- Almost like, aluminum chairs So it's going to hit that concrete- Or- The flooring like- Ohh! That scraping sound! You got the fans going everywhere- You can hear the full blast of the fans! But this is the environment you want to be in- When you come and eat Nasi Kandar! Let's move over this way- Just to respect some people- Get the camera going this way Because they don't want to be in the background And I gotta wash my hands Thank you boss! -*Inaudible* -Sorry? -Where country are you from? -Oh, USA! -USA! -Yeah, yeah, yeah! *Inaudible* You have the uhh- The Papadum? -Papadum! -Can I do Papadum? Thank you! Ohhh! Ah! I can't even- I'm so lost-tracked Of everything! ‘Cause everything just looks so good to me! Man! Let's get it! So- Only one way to eat this- With your hand! Come here- Experience it with your hand... Just use your hand- It's gonna taste better! Thank you! Thanks boss! So it's kind of hard- ‘Cause I've ordered so much stuff! You want to work it around... I'm trying to make a spot to be able to work on my rice... But it's almost kinda hard Because I've got so much on my plate! I know people love fried chicken But when you put that like It's called a- Chicken- Like Sambal, right? But to me it's got that tanginess to it It's just a spicy, sour tanginess to it! And I really love the mix- With all of these- Like curry sauces! Like I said, look at that- Oh my gosh! It’s just glistening- Glistening with flavor! It's not just the heat for me- That sour- That makes you pucker! I'm sorry y’all Even for 3 p.m. Pretty busy- Pretty packed! Family with kids- And babies crying XD But again- This is the experience! You wouldn't want it any other way! You want it loud, you want it intense If the food's gonna be intense with flavor You want your environment to be intense with flavor as well! And when you've graduated the Nasi Kandar School, like I have... Gotta get the Papadum with it! It's that little bit of crispy- Crunchiness... But I just like to eat it with the rice! There’s that egg, super fried! I just like to break this up And get it in here- And get it mixed in with the rice So you get like this hidden- Greasy Soaked little egg-pieced bites it sounds ridiculous- But it's insanely delicious! Fun fact- I've never Not cleaned a plate of Nasi Kandar! Lemme wash my hands, and I'll show you how to pay That’w what my plate should’ve looked like He had more stuff than me- I should’ve ordered more stuff! And right over here is your hand-washing station So- After you finish eating, just take your number up here We'll give it to him With the right hand- Don't use your left hand- Use your right hand to give things- Money- This- Whatever... Uhmm We're giving this, and he'll give us our total! Hey boss! How are you? -How are you? -Good! -You have a YouTube channel? Yeah, man! -Daily Max, yeah (Y’all subscribe!) -Daily Max XD Ohh all good people here, too! :D So funny! Gotchu brother! What’s your name? -Omar -Omar! -Uh huh! Card or Cash? -Cash -Cash -Cash Cash only. Okay! I'll have to break the RM50 then... Wow! RM15- RM30, So... That is a meal under $5! They got the Papadum and everything! So my plate was about 11- Almost 12- With the Teh Tarik and Papadum That's insane! That the meal is under $4! Thanks boss, terima kasih! -The video! -Hehe bye bye! Ohh- Oh I feel like- I don't know how I feel- Honestly, I'm kind of sad Because- I feel like my eating skills have gone down- When I first came to Malaysia and I was in- Penang- I could eat Nasi Kandar Twice in 1 day! That's right! Pick yourself back up- From the floor- That's right- I could eat 2 Nasi Kandars in a day! Now? That will probably hold me pretty good XD I still feel like I should have gotten- One more thing for my plate- That would have been- Perfect! That place is still amazing! Uhh there's About five that I would go to in K.L. I'm sure there's more, but five that I know of... And I'm back here to explore and eat! Let's keep moving on, though- That was good- But I gotta I gotta taste- Gotta cool down... Eat something sweet My lips- My lips- My mouth is on fire I'm on fire! I'm too hyper! Let's move it! Ohhh it's going to rain on us! Y’all So we came out to like, Star Parc Point- We're like, way out here Uhmmm Just ‘cause I came for some Cendol! Not any kind of Cendol- But Cendol Durian! Uhhh Runtuh They have one in Chow Kit- But for some reason this one had like- Waaay more ratings and everything- So I just had to come out here See they even say like- “Chow Kit” But this one has more ratings! And this is like, when I looked at blogs- They said to come this one- I have no clue why, but- Let’s get some Cendol! Uhhh so yeah- Pretty much. Yep Cendol right? But we’re gonna get the Durian in it Okay, so they got- -I’m sorry -Hello! No you're okay- How are you? Do I order Cendol here? -Yeah! Can I do the Cendol Durian Musang King? -Yeah! -Perfect! -We have a promotion now -Okay -Before 36 -36 Now 28 only -Okay -Can I do -Have it here? -Eat here, please! -Have it here? -Yes, please! -Okay Oh man, 28 looks pretty good! Haven’t had Musang King in so long! Oh so they got different types as well... Kawin Uhh Teka So there's like over 300 varieties of durian in Malaysia Uhh when I had to compare between Thailand, Malaysia And like- Vietnam, Indonesia I looove Malaysian durian So they let it ripen And fall Before they harvest it Oh sorry you need 28! XD Here’s 50 Is this the same as the one in Chow Kit? -Yes -Oh okay -Before, before... -Before! -Yeah -And now here? Now here! -Okay, perfect! -Okay, perfect! -Yeah! That's why! I was looking- I was like- I knew it used to be in Chow Kit! I was like “Why can I not find?!” -We al... We already moved Uhh here About 4... 4 years! Yeah, it's been- It's been that long! -Okay -Yeah, yeah -Terima kasih! -Okay, thank you! Oh and they're right here So you get your coconut milk, right? This is the cendol With the coconut milk- And then they got the pandan I kinda wanna call them jellies- But I feel like “jellies” is not a good translation... Ohh look at that- So there's our ice in there- And they should have the gula... I think most people- Gula, like palm sugar- I think the most famous would be like Gula Malaka So like, Gula from Malaka... Ohhh look at that right there! And then he's got like a little sweet Corn mixture on there as well- Oh- And here's where the gula is -Hey you can take your seat -Take it, okay! Perfect. Thank you! So everything’s answered That's why- It used to be the one in Chow Kit- Now it moved! That's why I couldn't find it on the map! I was like, “Man I knew it used to be in Chow Kit!” It’s been so long! You heard her, they moved four years ago! I'm disappointed in myself Just as you are! I still kinda wanna eat more! XD What’s wrong with me? Oh! Thank you! -You’re welcome! Oh nice! And this has uhh- Gula in it? -Huh? It has Gula, or Aren? -Mmm hmm -Aren! Okay. Thank you! Ohh you can smell that Musang King right here- I like the colors- I like that they used a vibrant green bowl... And I know like, the Musang King The Durian is going to be- Well- If you got the Musang King It’s gonna be like that That vibrant yellow... Really pleasing to the eye! Our timing was impeccable! It's raining right now... So you get the clouds, it's cool And then I’m about to have a nice cold Cendol So I think I do need clear some things up Because I was like- Hyper and talking a lot... But they had the gula They have- There’s Again- Like I was talking about- There are different types of Gula, right? They probably don't use a Gula Malaka Because we're in K.L. Probably more like a Gula Aren Which I would guess they would use in the Cendol And the actual Cendol is not the coconut- It is the green things in here, the little jellies And what makes me not want to call ‘em a jelly is- Is because you make them from rice flour! And so- I- I don't know why I don't think of a jelly is made from rice flour- Anyways! Too much rambling... More eating! To me, it’s the best when you get that almost like slushy texture right there... I think the reason they became famous Is just how well- I mean, the little- The pandan jellies are good- But to me, it's all about that coconut milk! I dont think you can call it a milk- Because it's so fatty! So rich, so creamy It's almost like, coconut cream And it's not too sweet! Another thing I was really surprised about is I thought it was gonna be sweeter! I kind of want some more palm sugar! But maybe that would be a shame- Since you get all that Durian in here Actually, it's just my fault I didn't get it mixed up enough... You can see that coconut milk changing color So it means that- That palm sugar is getting in there! Don’t get me wrong There's not much better Food experiences in life than- Going to the side of the street- Go into a Durian seller- Picking your Durian Them opening it up for you- And you’re having it fresh... But when it’s in Cendol I love what they've done here! Oh- Let me just double check Yup They've- Frozen the Durian I don't think it's just ‘cause it's been on the top of the ice- But then you get like this Durian Ice cream Almost kinda like creamy mixture... It's almost kinda like a custard And Durian ice cream In one bite Woah That's a pro-time move right there! I don't know how to eat- Don't you Photoshop this! I'm gonna have to eat this weird ‘Cause I don't want y'all Photoshoppin’ this- Durian like it’s something else... Oh shoot! Ow! Oh it seems like it'd be impossible to get a brain freeze In the middle of the day in Malaysia, but- I guess it isn't! Yesss Where do I need to put this? Oh over here- Oh there you go! Thank you, so good! Very good! Just like how I remembered! Ahh nice people- Glad I found their stall And glad to know this is the original one- The one you’re supposed to go to Now- Now, I'm gonna tell you something And you may not believe me... The time in my life- That I've been the fattest- Was when I stayed in Malaysia the longest! That is a pure fact. And maybe this is part of the reason tooooo! That I get fat here... They sent me chocolates! But I can’t Let’s move over here- It's dark... Ohhh man I don't know, after Indonesia- if I'm ready to- Go into mystery- Chocolate mode again.. So- I received the letter- See what this is real quicc, umm... I'm back- Because I was wrong in my card. With my card, I don't get a $100- Credit to the room But I do get a free massage! And ya boy’s gonna take that up! So I’m about to go do that... And then I got to do some work tonight- So I probably won't make it back out- Do anything film worthy- I may just uhhh Grab a little snack- Or... Eat something kind of small here- I won't be hungry for tomorrow Because this video's not done- We're going to continue to do Food tour / hunting Whatever you wanna call it In K.L. Ohhh! Wow that was really good! Oh! Creamy! Oh it's like Bavarian cream- Actually, no It’s like powdered Wow! Just powdered sugar- Frosting stuffed inside the white chocolate! Oh my gosh! Too much! Anyways I’m gonna enjoy the spa Get some work done We'll see y’all tomorrow I've got a whole day lined up with food I’m gonna start early- We’re gonna hit food coma Then we’re gonna blahblahblah We’re eating more food And then We’re gonna Be- Have babies... Malaysian food babies! Anyways, I'll see you in the morning! Good morning! Wow, I'm feeling good today :D We're over near Chow Kit Market Going for a restaurant That I've really been thinking about for a while “Kin Kin” for the- Chili Pan Mee! A spicy, spicy noodle! Uhh, I dunno if they're the originator of the Chili Pan Mee But I do believe they have lots of branches And this is the original branch Now, this is something that- There may be better Chili Pan Mee In K.L. It matters who you ask- But for me It's the only one I've ever had! And you know, I'm a loyal person And it's something I've been think about And something I want to try Since getting back here- To K.L.! Now you can see it right here- With the blue writing And then the Chinese characters in red underneath it! So it is a little more of a lunch busy spot But I came here kind of in the mornings- So I don't mess with anybody- We've got lots of tables We’ll just grab one right here- Satu- Oh here Oh we gotta go to the single person table Slipping in past the owner... Sit here okay? Uhh perfect! Can I get a... Oh perfect! So they'll have a menu here Pretty much gonna get it dried Can I get the dried Pan Mee? Yes, satu And... Can I get a water to drink? Thank you! So pretty much your own choice really- Do you want- Dry? Or do you want with soup? Oh wow and they changed the price! That's how long it's been since I've been here- They've actually changed the price! Even to sit here on the table, I can smell the fragrant chili oil to my right! Oh I've missed this stuff so much! Thank you, boss! And they crank ‘em out here It's almost like Malaysian fast food Because there's- Because there's really nothing you can order With like I said- Do you want- A dry or soup They all come in one sized bowl Now, this is dry- Pan Mee When we add the chili- It becomes Chili Pan Mee! Look at this, it’s like a bucket- Of fried chili oil This is what I need in my home! Get a nice scoop of chili- And just all over it! The best thing you can do to start off- Is take that poached egg- And break it- Got that runny yolk- Which is God's given sauce ;) Gonna go all over the scallions All over the anchovies Or the Ikan Bilis As they say here... And then, of course- You got that Hakka style fried pork- Well I should say stir-fried pork... Okay, I finally got it all mixed in perfectly Now nothing you can do but take a big old slurp and bite! This dish probably sounds like it's too much It's like runny egg yolk- Handmade, fresh, doughy Noodles Stir-fried ground pork But to me, the thing that balances this out- Are the Ikan Bilis They're crunchy They're salty- A little bit of fishy brininess It really balances the heavy components of this dish! But even if it is too much for you You get a nice little side soup here Man it just cleanses the palate! The fragrant stir-fried pork Just that- That smokiness that like- I came The way the ingredients are kind of caramelized on the pork Adds such a depth of flavor to this! Do they not sell that chili oil? I can't believe they don't just, like- Give you buckets You should be able to buy a bucket of this And take home with you! They would at least have one customer In me! I promise you, the further you work down in this bowl... The better it gets! That's what you want right there, the bottom bite A job well done by me! If I do say so for myself Oh you know already! There you go. He was ready for me- I didn't have to say anything Thank you sir! -Thank you! -Uh huh Okay I got the change. Let’s go! So it's pretty- Like I said, it's pretty- Standard- Back up in here- Is where they’ll do all the preparation work- So they'll blanche your noodles real quicc You can see the fresh noodles In the yellow bucket Maybe you'll can’t, but Still good after four years! You know, it is kind of like a- Come in, get out Not a lot of talking or anything, but that's fine Sometimes you just need a big mouthful Of doughy- Delicious- Noodles! And that's what you get there! So We're actually like I said, near Chow Kit Let's walk around, Let's try to work up a little bit of appetite Because- I'm feeling Nasi Lemak next- And If we're going to eat big And we're gonna overeat- We're going to have to work some of it off So let's walk around the market Let’s see if we can get it- Get our hands in anything! Smells like wet market- And CHAOS! So we're in the meat section- I'm going to go this way Because I'm not gonna buy any raw meat And take it back- To my hotel and cook it in my room! So it makes no sense to go down that way Aight, here we go So now You got more of the food stalls People making- Making Murtabak here People selling little fried bananas Oh it looks like a Rujak- Oh! Rujak always sounds nice This is what I was looking for! Ahh! We got the fruits and stuff over here! Legendary stinkbeans You can get a- Like a dollar shirt here 5 is like a$1.25 actually The stuff Get the full outfit for your kid for like $2 Oh I’m about to take down- The prawn crackers And if you take them down- You got to buy them Oooooh WOW! Maybe come here before you eat! Because you gotta squeeze between so many people! You see the fruits, they just keep going on forever! It's like a mixture of locals bargaining for their morning fruits And tourists taking pictures And vlogging! Got some beautiful looking mangoes here This is one of the reasons- Malaysian food's so good! Can you look at this? Just vibrant produce here Right in the city center too! -Hey boy! -What’s up? -What do you got? Mango? What mango is this? This is from Malaysia? -Yes From Malaysia, oh thank you! He knows hoiw it works, give a sample- Then you're going to try it And you're gonna wanna buy some! Oh, sarap! It’s good! 1 kilo -RM 5 -5 Ringgit? Ringgit? Hmmm Are these the same or different? -Same, same, same -All the same! Are these- More sour, though? -Sour! -Oh and this is sweet! Sweet mango! -Sweet mango! -Okay. How much for one kilo? -1 Kilo -Yeah -Can I try one kilo? Can Satu Kilo Oh, he gave me sample- I have to do him Yeah, he gave me a sample- Leem try this one Sweet, ready to eat Is that 1 kilo? -Okay? Oh, It's more- Yeah Looks good to me! And this is why samples work- He gave me just one little sample- And now I want to buy! Let's give him his RM 5 -From? -USA! -USA! Okay! USA! -Okay? Just okay? XD Is this RM 5? -Yes. Thank you! -You're welcome! -Ah terima kasih! -Okay, terima kasih! -Ah, sama-sama! -Sama-sama! Muslim? -Ahh no! Just speak a little Speak a little, speak a little XD Man, he got me with the samples! I knew somebody was gonna get me- A sample And it ends up gettin’ ya’ Every time! Every time samples work- 60% of the time- Every time! Oh and it looks like we could’ve done better Could get 1 kilo for 4 1/2 Ringgit I got mango already! Could’ve got it for 4 1/2 a kilo But- That's why that guy was almost sold out And other guy wasn't I think Giving the samples People buyin’! Got a guy selling rings Out of the back of his car- Go find your size- And he's gonna beat it down to that size In Malaysia, y’all don't do street food stalls Y'all do street food establishments! Would you look at the size of this thing? I mean, this lady's got Just an array of food- And drinks... And she probably sells all day, but I mean, that thing is bigger than Restaurants I've eaten in in Malaysia before! Massive! How’d y’all ever decide where to eat in Malaysia? There's just so much good looking food that I don't know how you ever know! I just Google! Honestly, if I walk past another- Drink stall, I'm going to go crazy Like I need something to drink here Hello! Can I drink? Can I get drink? Okay. Can I do the Soya Cincau? Yeah! I gotta get the Cincau ‘Cause it sounds like Xin Chao in Vietnamese XD Is this just soya? Soya, soya And this is Soya Cincau? Ohh this is coconut- And that is uhh, which one? -Cendol! -Oh Cendol! -Yes -Okay. Yeah -Let me try the Soya Cincau! And the- One please, satu! I've never had the Soya Cincau So a little- Sugar here... Then comes the ice! How much for one? -3 Ringgit -3 Ringgit! And see- I've got to stop here ‘Cause you can see all his coconut here! Is it okay if I drink it over here? Oh, perfect! This way- This way... Both okay! XD He said it's all good! Drink first? Or pay first? Drink? Or pay? 3 Ringgit Okay. Let me go ahead and pay There's one, two- There's three... And, oh sorry that's two! Sorry! XD I have one more! And then there is number 3 right there! Terima kasih- Sama-sama Oh look at this right here! So I got out of Chow Kit market- ‘Cause it's hot over there! If you go more eastbound- And cross the street... Look, you get all the trees- It's so much cooler here! I just saw this bunch of coconuts- And drinks! So I wanted to stop here- And just get a little something! Now, I have had soya I have had Cendol, all coca and everything But I've never had the Soya Cincau! And I keep saying that like “Xin Chao!” in Vietnamese Mmm Oh! I think I could have crushed- That whole thing! To me- it does still taste like a soya milk drink But it's got a little bit- I think the Cincau Are the actual- Little Black pieces in here How do you eat them? My straw is too small- And the jellies are too big! No, I got them Kind of flavorless, honestly... Oh! It just hit me The Cincau It's uhh It's like grass jelly, isn't it? That's exactly what it is! I drink this all the time- In Vietnam! :( He just got the soya with the gula! I betcha- I could have gotten this with the gula! I got the white sugar But to me- Gula- Over white sugar- Every time! All the time! Alright- I'm feeling like a new person! Just got a notification on my phone, too... That I made it to 10,000 steps- Already today- So I thought- So I thought “Hey, let's reward myself” Let’s eat some Nasi Lemak So we're gonna head to Village Park! Nah, I’m just kidding! XD Everybody knows- Every vlogger- Including myself Has filmed at Village Park... But- I wanted to do another hyped, Nasi Lamak! So we're over here- And we’re just a little bit away from it- But we're gonna go to Wanjo! So I really hope this isn't another- Overhyped, Nasi Lamak ‘Cause I remember doing Village Park Everybody gave me such a hard time! But we're dining in, so we're going here Hello! Can I get some Nasi Lamak? Okay So they got all different types of toppings here So they got all different types of to-oppings here So they got all different types of to-o-ppings here They've got the Sambal, the Ikan Bilis Cucumber... Ohh they got Tempeh! Got like another type of tempeh I do believe with- Uhh coconut! Can I do an egg? With the Telur Goreng Ohhhhh!!! Is this- What is this? Ayam? -Sweet and sour -Oh sweet and sour! Okay And this is Ayam Goreng And this is Oh Rendang! What's number one? The... The- Which one is number one? Which one you like? Can I do the- Okay. Can I do this one? Sweet and sour... -Thigh okay? -Yeah perfect! Yeah, I know. -Uhh I think that's good. I think that's all I need I got the egg, the Sambal Ikan Bilis What is this? Beef? Ahhh! Can I try just a little? Little piece! Okay, perfect! Oh my gosh- They filled me up! And they’ll give some of that- Extra sauce- Cool! Pay first? What drink do you want? The drinks are here Oh you have a drink here, but Do I get- -Juice over there? -Okay, different payment -Okay, different payment It's different. Right? Okay, separate- I'll go get that later... RM 17.80 Can I use cash? Ah! I need to use cash XD -Thank you -Terima kasih Okay. Grab our stuff and get out of the way We're holding up The line! Let's go back here with the workers Alright So like she said The juice, and their's is different- Hello, sir. How are you? -Good. I'm fine! Uhh so they got All different types here... Where's the mango? There it is, mango! Can I do one mango smoothie? -One mango smoothie? -Yeah! Oh that was fast! That was easy XD Hold on, let me Aight- -RM 7 RM 7, oh my gosh I wasn't ready for that XD He had it already There's RM 10 -Thank you sir! -Uhuh terima kasih! -Sama sama When you know you've got them ready- Made to go like that- Then you know- This has to be the number one seller! Ooh Okay! Got the hands washed So it's kind of awkward I didn't know, like the- The fried chicken- The sweet and sour Or the- Chicken uhh Rendang- Was the most popular- So I was like, “What’s your best seller?” Did not understand me... XD So I XD Ended up just getting the sweet and sour! And then she's like, “Anything else?” I'm like- I thought I had a lot! But she's like, “Keep gettin’ more!” I'm like- Okay, we'll do it! Let's try the mango smoothie- One of my favorite fruits, Mango! I would come here and get a smoothie, alone... Like that little bit of yogurtiness from it- But really, it's just a lotta lotta delicious- Sweet mango! I need a second sip! So let's talk about it- Nasi Lemak The literal translation I love Because the literal translation would be “fat rice” But you're supposed to interpret it as like “Rich” or “creamy” Because the rice is cooked in coconut cream And... Maybe not every time- But usually with pandan as well For that aromatic component And to me “fat rice” just symbolizes how I feel After I eat Nasi Lemak Like a piece of fat rice XD And then the rest, as you saw- It was up to us To choose! The reason I got the sweet and sour Was I could not resist- That glistening red sauce! And they do give you- Fork and spoon to use... But the only way I like to eat Nasi Lemak Is with my hand! It is a little harder though Because the Sambal of Nasi Lemak- Is a little bit stickier It's got a little more sugar in it When compared to other- Sambals I've had! Love the fried egg Extra crispified My problem is like It's just cold and- They've got a lot of plates kinda ready to go The chicken... First bite was a little dry- But when I work down here- Into the middle of it I start to get some nice juicy pieces Let's try to get it with some of- The boiled egg though, right here... Try that beef out! It's okay- Nothing special to me- Like again, Nasi Lemak Sometimes it's just best In its simplest form- Eggs, Sambal Ikan Bilis... And a really good Lemak rice Wrapped in a banana leaf... Not bad... Uhmmm Definitely not my favorite... Too sweet- Meat’s a little too dry... But you know what? Having the Nasi Lemak Is better than not having Nasi lemak I’ve not had Nasi Lemak in years! And those were very, very, very, very, very- Dark times- In my life... The shake though! The shake is a must! Okay, now... Just one more thing- Cause I am feeling bad... I do wonder too, if it's ‘cause Nasi Lemak More traditionally you eat for breakfast... So maybe it's fresher during breakfast I just felt like there was this- Like freshness missing- But That's okay, you know... They clearly have plenty of customers And employees- They're gonna be fine! Just- Just ‘cause it doesn't hit- What I want... Doesn't mean all those people in there don't- Love it! Woo! I used to eat Malaysian food 24/7! Now I'm- I'm feeling like a rookie! I'm feeling- I'm starting to feel full! And I don't like- I don't like feeling that way! When in Malaysia- ‘Cause I just want to keep eating! Oh no, y'all missed it! And you can’t I can’t walk in the road- Hold on- I’ll show you... Oh, I feel so bad for him... Oh, he collects cans- And his bag ripped... And he lost all his cans... I'm going to try to help him- Clean some of this up- Give me a second... You want help? Let's get ‘em out of this lane for him real quicc Like everybody's coming here to help him! Less vlogging, more picking up! We’ll wash our hands later... -Thank you! -No thank you! Okay- Check it out... Oh he’s got two holes- He's got one here- And one here I wish there’s like a 7-Eleven- We go buy a bag- At least we got ‘em all Out of the road now... -Okay! -Thank you! Uhuh, bye bye! Oh man He's going to put it here Go get a bag, I think- And then come back That hit home to me Because- I've been going on scrapyards- Selling cans my whole life- Well not me, my dad But anywhere we went Anytime he saw a can on the ground- You pick it up You gather as many cans you can- You take ‘em to the scrapyard And you sell ‘em for money- So I understand what that man's doing So seeing something like that- You know, when he's making- You know, pennies- Hard labor Making not much money, you know... And then you see something- Unfortunate like that happened to him Man, you gotta step out there- You gotta help him ‘cause- You know, nobody- Not many people want to do that But he's doing whatever it takes to make some money so Definitely when you see people- Going through hard times like that- Step up, help them out! Alright! Cleaned up and everything! Now- We gotta head to another part of town- And believe it or not- The place we’re at- And the place we gotta go actually connects With the metro system- In K.L. It doesn't always happen- ‘Cause it is spread out- But we're- Lucky And we got a little opportunity here Kampung Baru We're going to take the LRT And head on, down south- Where are the tickets?! Okay, here we go! Coins only... Okay, All these are going to be coins and notes Nothing takes card English- I think we need this one- Where are we? Maybe red Aha! Pasar Seni... 1 .8- So one RM 1.80 Not cents... Ringgit- But what would I don't know what you would call less than 1... Ringgit... That's a good question! What's going on here? Oh man It's not taking it! You know what? We'll try another machine! Please- Please take- Please take my- Please take my mo Please take my moo Please take my mooo Please take my mooo- Please take my moooney Please take my moooneey Please take my moooneeey Please take my moooneeey! What is going on here?! We're just gonna go over here and get it. Hello? Can I get one to Pasar Seni? One, two- -Four -Three, four -And five I gave you five! -Yes Then you get there Oh! And then I go over there and do... -Yah! Oh okay! Okay, okay XD -This is for Senior Citizens Okay, so I can't use the five! Okay... Terima kasih! Ohohoho XD I was like- I gave you a RM 5 It’s free ride? I’ll take a free ride! Let's try it again! Chances this works? I must have a broken machine! It works for this guy So it’s going to work for us! This is getting ridiculous... I mean, this- This transportation is going to take- 10 minutes, it took me 20- Just to get a- A token ’cause I don't know if I'm in a food coma or what's going on?! XD Thank ya’! I didn't know people still played Clash of Clans! I played that back when I was like- Pfft- 19... To the right to the right- Everything you own On the track to the right- Oh we're going to have 7 minutes- Which I feel like is pretty fast for a K.L. Metro! It's usually about 10 minutes per train From what I've seen- And what I've taken... Man, you better get out fast- Or you're gonna miss your turn! That was good- That was worth the money- Just for the AC alone! Ooh! l feel like a popsicle! So I was down in Chinatown- And I was like, meh I kind of just don’t want to be in Chinatown- I wanna explore- Different areas! The reason I went to Chinatown is because I used to live in Hong Kong, so I love claypot rice It seems like the most popular place is Hong Kee here... But the problem is it's Thursday Ans they’re closed on Thursday So I was like- Well, I’ll go to Hong Kee in Chinatown Then I went to Chinatown, I was like hmm- I want to explore somewhere else! So I came to another part Of K.L. which I've never- Never really- Explored! Because they have clay pot rice- Down here too... Now we're lucky- I thought this place opened at 4pm I just talked to the nice- Owner lady- She said- We can start early! She said, go ahead and place your order- They're startin’ early today- So we're gonna get our uhh Claypot rice Even sooner today! Unless I get hit by car... Then that means no- No claypot rice for me! -Oh you want to order? -Ummm For 2 persons Or 1 person? One person, please! Okay! Yeah And uhh Chinese sausage Uhh what- And a sucker fish- Okay, perfect! Okay? Yeah! And can I get a stir fried- Do you have a popular stir fried vegetable? Okay yeah Uhh let me do the Bok Choy Oh actually, let me do this one- I like this one- Yes! Thank you so much! Is it okay if I film him cooking? Okay- Yeah, ordered already! I will sit here! So here's where they got all their ingredients They got the chicken, they got the Chinese sausage It's like they've got some scallions here ready to go- And he's gettin’ it goin’ You can tell he's got- All of these little charcoal pits here He's got like 25 or 26 right here! I wonder how many he can actually cook at once! Oh- Hot! XD So what he's got and how he's going to do it is They’re actual little clay pots, right? We have the uncooked rice here- We have some water here You put in the rice Put in the water- Put it over the coals Let it cook- And kind of steam- And get it going, kind of like A traditional rice cooker, almost! And then what he'll do is add his toppings- So he's gonna let the rice cook some And then he's gonna add his toppings- Oh I don't know what this one is right here- It almost I'm going to guess, maybe like a little- I think it's too much, liquid for like a vinegar But it's definitely got a lot of garlic in there- You can see. the garlic has been Almost got fresh, and cooked down garlic! My question is like- What's the method to remembering- How long something's cooked? How do you remember? I mean, it's got to be a line system right? I've always been curious how they remember How they know- Like- He’s just walking off, right? Just another day! He’s walking off! I- I’d forget things instantaneously But I have “Ooh shiny!” syndrome Starting to figure out his system a little bit here. But this is why it's important to get here early- Because once you place your order- Be ready to wait up to an hour! It can take a long time- Especially when it’s busy This man has to have hands of steel! Ahh terima kasih! Beer- Or something else? Yesss I would love a beer! I’ll give you one! Can I do a Tiger beer? Yes, please! I love this lady- She's so sweet! Oh you knew I wanted a big one! No it’s okay- Small is okay Okay- How much is it? RM 20! No problem- Finally, after 24 hours- This is the last stop of the 24 hours! Terima kasih! Woo! Gorgeous! Very interesting ‘cause Again, like- I'm just comparing things to Hong Kong- Yeah I would look at it myself and put the lid back on And like wait And let that rice- Create that crispiness- Right? That crispy coating on the outside- 23? Pay now! Hehehe! Okay. I’ts a pay before you eat Which makes sense- It would be easy to eat this and take off! Do I pay you for this? Okay, so I pay them Okay- Yeah I got it here -Yeah! There he is! RM 23! Terima kasih! Thank you! I don't know- I mean, maybe Chinese descent *Local language* Or... What do you say? You know Oohhh! I'm gonna mix mine up! Looks good! Good, good! Still hot? Yeah. I need to stir more- Do you eat this? Yes, I do. You like it? I’m working here always I see all the time So normal, right? For me it’s so special, right? Oh yeah- You can see those- Black dark pieces- Perfect! Beautiful! Yeah You said. Yeah I got the nice chili- Is it soy sauce? Put it on a plate Cool down faster! Right! Thank you! You say- You’re Cantonese, right? Yeah- I love the multi- Cultures in- In Malaysia Ohh yeah- Everything I've been waiting for! Get a piece of chicken here With the Chinese sausage- And then right here. Well- Very good! It’s so hot! Probably got a lot of that salted fish Actually that was a huge bite- Of salted fish in there That even recognized it Let’s try some of the Soy sauce And chili mixture As well- Trying to figure out how this is- One person serving And where I'm going to put it. That's what I want right here. you can feel the crispiness that's I've been looking for right there. That right there. That's what I want No matter what culture, what country you go to, the burnt rice is always a prized piece for me. And that's what we like to call the money bite right here- You see how crispy burnt that is? That edge piece? It’s what I live for! It’s why I'm addicted to claypot rice! I mean, he's cooking the rice perfectly But to me- That kecap manis That sweet soy sauce- Which is I think that's what it is. I wish it was getting drenched around the edges So I get more of that crispy- Crunchy- Soy sauce Sugar- Crystallized rice! That's it for me. That's what life's about! And it just needs some green chilies! Yeah, It's good! It's a lot for one person! Oh I can pack? Okay! Good to know- You want your family to eat more vegetables- Blanch it Throw it in a wok With some fried garlic and oyster sauce and oil! And trust me, you'll be happy Eating all the vegetables in the world! Some of y’all call me crazy- Some of y’all call me a genius- But I'm stealing the garlic from my vegetables. I'm putting it on my rice. Bitter- Umami Salty, savory *Inaudible* That place had it all. And I've definitely overeaten! Can’t stuff anything else in there... Been about 24 hours That’s 24 hours of overeating in K.L. I guess I hope y’all enjoyed it That lady in there so sweet. Come see her, come say hi Buy a drink from her And eat some good clay pot Rice right here! Alright- Let's avoid that! Catch y’all on the next one! Peace!
Channel: Daily Max
Views: 179,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K7DeqmLxVFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 11sec (3311 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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