Malachi ~ 3:1 to 4:6

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word Malachi we're going to finish the book today if possible Malachi means my messenger and it is the messenger that our Heavenly Father sent this is kind of a dispensational thing and by that I mean we have one type of messenger that came prior and we still have the messenger that is to come as we will find out what is a messenger well one that carries the message of God and will give naturally who was the forerunner of Christ in the flesh it was John the Baptist okay so and Jesus taught the same so listen what that having been said chapter three verse one let's go with it verse one reads behold I will not maybe I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his temple even the messenger of the Covenant whom you delight in behold he shall come saith the Lord of hosts now even the messenger of the Covenant this can be the second Advent because messenger can be translated also angel that's what an angel is as a messenger so we have both the first in the second Advent involved within this and and how interesting it is let's go with verse 2 but who may abide the day of his coming question and who shall stand when he appeared for he is like a refiners fire and like Fuller's soap in other words in the in the end times there is a testing and you know how a refiner refines that's the way God tests people okay like and let's describe one type of furnace whereby we have the heat put to the dish the dish turns the slag spins off because it's lighter and the very good stuff the truth holds to the center and is separated the old slag going off into the ditch and the good stuff remaining who isn't here that he's talking about refining what is the subject of this book been preachers it involves men also but basically well let's take chapter three and let it explain and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and he shall purify the sons of Levi that's the priest okay and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer unto the Lord and offering in righteousness in other words I'm gonna get rid of the false preachers I'm gonna get rid of the priests that do not teach according to my word that's what the subject of the last chapter was about you know our Father will only go so far and he lets people go so far but when you start misleading his children it gets his attention he does not like it and he told you in that last chapter those that will mislead I've got a curse waiting for them they're going to get it and it won't be in the eternity it'll be that everything they go to do is going to fall because it's as a curse pronounced against it coming out the gate if you're claimed to be a preacher and do not preach God's Word verse 4 then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord as in the days of old and as in the former years that's the ancient years even our Father loves his children he loves them very much and this is why he chose them it's why he chose that Adam through whom the Christ would come to lean truthfully we're by the children of God are not misled abused and have the total freedom of choosing from the real truth fed to them whether they follow God or whether they follow Satan do you understand how important that makes truth God is totally fair and he insists that his children have the prerogative of choosing between truth and that that is false if you get a bunch of preachers that all they bring is the false then that throws things out of balance and that's why God move things and purges out the slag gets rid of the junk and gives the people the opportunity to hear the real truths God's Word and it pleases him as it would even in the first Earth Age verse 5 and I will come near to you to judgment and I will be a swift witness against the Sorcerer's that's to say the druggies and against the adulterers and against false swears and that's false witnesses and he and against those that oppress or defraud the hireling in his wages the widow and the fatherless and that turn aside the stranger from his right and fear not me that's to say they reverence me not saith the Lord of hosts in other words quite frankly our Father is going to take care of judgment it is his judgment and if you fall in any one of those categories without repentance you're in a heap of hurt my friend he made it so easy for us the real truth is that on believing upon him and repentance even being guilty of one of those sins you have a fresh start the truth will set you free that's why you want to learn the truth and that's why God is so important to our Father that the tribe of Levi or to teachers or preachers bring forth the real Word of God again so that the the individual has the prerogative the choice of good or evil because they're gonna be judged by that you know if they never had an opportunity to hear the truth then how can God judge that without the Millennium of course verse 6 for I am the Lord I am the Yahweh I changed not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed why because I picked that family I loved them What did he say Jacob I loved Esau I hated I hated Esau but I love this Jacob I loved his children and if I were not the father that I am I just I'd wipe them out I'd do away with them but he's not going to why but he is her father and He loves us and most people on hearing the real truth do repent and come in good stead and standing with our heavenly father and receives his blessings instead of the curse the choice is always yours and that's why it's so important to hear truth and to hear the word so that you're qualified and amply taught that you know right from wrong whereby you can make that decision the reward is that you can overcome even in this earth age instead of having to stay with a mortal soul all the way through the Millennium it's a great difference it's ever so very important that you hear the truth and the truth is the Word of God verse 8 he continues will a man or what verse do we have here we got verse seven okay even from the days of your father's you are gone away from mine ordinances way back then you went astray and have not kept them returned and to me and I will not maybe I will return unto you saith the Lord of hosts but you said we're we're in shall we return in other words I didn't know we'd gone astray if you haven't heard the truth and if you've been listening to some fake you don't realize you're not in good standing with Almighty God okay you if you you know for example let's let's get an analogy going here or an incident even if some Minister tells you you don't have to understand the book of Revelation you're going to be gone and you believe him over the word of God because God gave the book the title revelation which means to reveal or uncover because he wanted you to be intelligent enough to know it was uncovered to you and you should understand it because it gives you the chronological order of events that consummate the end of this age and and that should be very important to you but where did we go wrong I go to church every Sunday every Saturday that won't cut it friend it's what that Church teaches if it has a false preacher at the head of it we're by the Word of God chapter by chapter verse by verse is not taught whereby you have the chronological order of events or the deep truth which is so simple to have the privilege of being able to choose good from evil then you're a lost soul even though you claim to be religious Christianity is not a religion it's a reality they don't even realize that they were in good standing with God because they listened to the traditions of man that makes void the Word of God verse eight will a man Rob God question yet you have robbed me but you say brilliant we rub the questioned in tithes and offerings you know if you this is this gets to be a little deep right here if you support a work that never gets around to teaching God's Word God didn't get your tithes and offerings it's as though you never gave him anything and we could even go one step further than that if there's a little book titled the second little book of John and the second little epistle of John right before the great book of Jude and revelation that it stipulates that if if you tithe and give offerings to a group that doesn't teach exactly as Christ taught then you become a part of their evil deeds that I thought I was tithing to God well I don't know was it God's work was God's Word taught there you see this you you can Rob God very easily if it's not a real true house of God this is why the father has given you in this book the messenger my messenger the message that you better be careful of preachers you better make certain they're not under the curse and have the blessings of God okay that becomes very important whether he teaches the Word of God or not that's what a house of God is about is bringing forth the word the instruction and the love of Almighty God okay verse 9 ye are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me even this whole nation in other words when you robbed God the whole nation can be robbed of the truth because the truth doesn't come forth verse 10 bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house not not milk meat in mine house that means truth and prove me now herewith saith the Lord of Hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it that's what he's saying when but you know I never teach a great deal on tithes and offerings why well I'm not a beggar okay God doesn't send out beggars and we are blessed enough that when F of our students are intelligent people that know to support the work because what you really do and the rule of thumb is you tithe where you're fed the Word of God therefore God receives the tithe I'll say that one more time we do not talk a great deal about tithes and offerings because God does not send out beggars but people that are well taught always support the ministry and are blessed and that's all that need be said you always tithe or you're fed period that's real simple verse 11 and I will rebuke the Devourer for your sakes you know who the devourer is that Satan and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast our fruit before the time of the field in the field saith the Lord of hosts in other words God says I've got your back okay I'll protect you but it's got to be honest it's got to be forthwith and it's got to be from the heart okay and and so it is this is this is another place that God gets upset with ministries that spend half their time begging if God wanted them in the the art of teaching God's Word they wouldn't have to beg okay so when when one spends most of their time or half their time doing something that's what they have it minded in art is begging so that won't cut it father does not appreciate that verse twelve and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall be a delightful 'some land saith the lord of hosts i am so proud of this great nation i know a lot of people get a little upset when i say that but this nation has many rights under our constitution that sets us free gives us freedom of religion freedom of speech and protects our rights to teach that word of god and we are a blessed nation in god we trust' and so it is i know sometimes the people will come along and try to change that and but it'll never be changed god still on the throne and God always blesses those that love him verse 13 your words have been stout against me sayeth the Lord yet you say what have we spoken so much against thee and here comes the apostasy when the very in comes and an antichrist cast of this earth and people begin to try to to understand things and they worship him thinking he is the true christ why they haven't been taught they haven't been warned they didn't understand the messenger of god and you know see anyone that has really studied the Word of God knows that the true christ doesn't return in any fashion until the seventh trunk and they know definitely that the false christ comes at the six they've been taught they know they have to brace themselves and be ready because the Devourer comes first that's why christ would mention him back in verse 11 got your back but if you don't have that warning because of some false preacher then that's the apostasy and the great apostasy is coming and they have no idea that they've turned their back on God or that they've spoken against God this is why that Jesus himself would say some of you are gonna run up to me and you're gonna say oh Jesus Jesus we've waited for you we've healed in your name we've cast out demons and he says I never knew you get away from me that's a hard thing for Christ to say but not when you understand they were in the sack with the Antichrist supposed to be a good Christian person yes deceived because of false teaching not warn of the end times verse 14 you have said it is vain to serve God and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinances ordinance and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of hosts we've wore these black robes and tears and crying and sadness and serving God what profit was it if you're worshiping the false will not much you didn't gain anything you want you when in reverse verse 15 and now we called the proud happy yay they that work wickedness or setup yay they that temp God are even delivered it seems they always win if you go against God or if you mock him the press won't laugh at you okay if you just won't even mention the word Jesus you'll be a lot better off okay you know there's a little acrostic in the thirty-seventh song that lets you know the curse is already pronounced and the Hammers waiting to fall on those that would teach such a thing or that would lead people into that of Lies and that psalm says the good the bad never went or get ahead they're gonna be like the fat of a lamb's leg on the spit dripping into the fire and going up into smoke forever and we that do what's right or gonna be there to see it okay that's what the acrostic says they never get ahead they fool themselves to think that they are verse 16 then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another and the Lord hearkened and heard it he listens and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord that loved him revered him and that thought upon his name the true name not Satan not the Antichrist not deceived but knowing the truth how to separate sheep from goats to know the real from the fake why because they had the truth the simplicity in which Almighty God teaches absorbed verse 17 and they shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts in that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare them as a man spirit spareth his own son that serveth him in other words that works in his service you work in God's service he's going you're his delight he takes care of his jewels as that's his special treasure is his election that's why the elect might be ready to witness against the false one to help lead our people and give them the truth the true knowledge I want you to remember this eighteenth verse this is melikhaya the messenger chapter three verse 18 and I want you to compare it against chapter 13 in the Book of Revelations verse 18 I want you to always remember that in Revelation 13 18 it identifies the wicked one who you should follow here that you should not follow here you find out who you should follow in 3:18 of God's messenger listen then shall you return and discern between the righteous and the wicked you're going to know the difference between him that serveth God and him that served with him not that's the question my friend that's the apostasy those that are educated in our father's word and know better know the truth now chapter 4 verse 1 let's go with it always remember that verse always choose the good and down with the baton chapter 4 verse 1 for behold the day cometh it's comming friend that shall burn as an oven and all the proud yea and all that do wickedly shall be stubble and the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the Lord of Hosts that it shall leave them neither root nor branch in other words they're blotted out our father is a consuming fire and the the terror certainly at that time or destroyed we're talking about the second Advent that's what the messenger is saying here okay verse 2 and unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves from the stall a good old agriculture term first let's take the Sun of righteousness s you in many said well who is this son of righteousness well who's the light who is the light and is the son of Almighty God our brightness that that we look forward to naturally there's only one son of righteous that brings the righteous he that has the power of healing and that is the Lord Jesus Christ that is our Messiah and our Messiah is do I like this that go for it there's calves from the stall you know up north where they have to keep cattle indoors all winter long especially little calves because of the severe cold but in the spring when it warms up and they turned those calves loose they pitch and Buck and run when they find that freedom what are you saying I'm gonna turn you loose into the very heaven itself we're about you can run and rejoice and and celebrate the Sun of righteousness because you know we've overcome we've arrived we've fulfilled we're written in that book that he mentioned in the prior chapter and by that book you are judged what a precious time to live even at this time okay verse 3 what happens to those that are celebrating that are rejoicing verse 3 and you shall tread down the wicked and squeeze them for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this saith the Lord of hosts do you know what happens to the wicked they're gone they're ashes the only and what are the the ashes the spirit is God speaks and something becomes nothing as he spoke ins nothing became something he blot out and even the remains are ashes under the feet of the righteous there will be no more wicked that's God's message you know this is a very stern book it is written specifically or primarily most of the correction goes to preachers that Hope makes them told the mark to preach the message that save souls whereby they're not embarrassed by being misled that the truth is set on the table for anyone to partake of that so chooses that's what's very very important verse 4 remember ye the law Moses my servant who appeared with Christ on the day of Transfiguration Moses did is one of them okay Moses was right there with him that law it's very important to our Father Moses my servant which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel with the statutes and judgments brought it forth it was important verse five behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the Great and dreadful day of the Lord before the Lord's Day comes I will send you Elijah now most people believe that John the Baptist was Elijah and I must show you why that is not so John would be asked in the first chapter of John are you that one Elijah no I'm not but he did come in the spirit of Elijah as it is written in Luke chapter one verse 17 I'm gonna read Matthew chapter 11 I'm gonna start with verse seven real quickly and as they departed Jesus began to say at the multitude concerning John this is John the Baptist what went you out in the wilderness to see a reed shaken in the wind somebody that blows one way and then another no he was solid but what went you out to see a man clothed in soft raiment behold they that wear soft clothing are in King's houses not John he was down by the river but what went you out to see a prophet yea I say unto you and more than a prophet for this is he of whom it is written we just read it we love it he of whom it is written behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee and he did prepare the way six months he was older than Jesus Christ verily I say unto you among them that are born of women there has not risen of greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he one because in spiritual body of course and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force they tried to say listen carefully this is why we came here for all the prophets and the law prophesied until John he was the last prophet and if you will receive it you understand there's a condition there if you will receive it this is Elias this is Elijah which was for to come he that hath ears let him hear you know did they receive him no they did not they beheaded him a king had him beheaded because of a sexual dance he wanted to see his wife's daughter perform who was really his brother's wife what a sad state of affairs you see there would have been a first Advent had they received Christ they did not receive him what did they do they crucified him that is why he comes in the second Advent and that is why that Elijah returns that Elijah ministry that turns less let's read the closing verse just before the Great and dreadful day that's the Lord's Day that's the Millennium what happens verse 6 speaking of Elijah and he shall turn the heart of the father's to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers that's plural lest I come and smite the earth with a curse for those that have the truth there will not be a curse and for those that do not have the truth there will be a curse you rid of that curse back in chapter 2 and here we have that one well what does it mean turn the hearts of the children back to the father's plural well the real truth does two things it will turn the children's heart to one father of the other well who are the two Satan and Almighty God which God if anyone that has any intelligence at all that is familiar with the Word of God knows that God is even the father of Satan he created his being so there's really is still only one father but some people like to be deceived and the real truth will drive some to the false one and the real truth absorbed by one of God's children will drive him to the heavenly Father because he sees the hand of God and the very lettering of the word the word that leads people into the eternity those that serve God rather than the wickedness as the eighteenth verse of the prior chapter so stated and so it is that it's your decision the Lord's Day is coming where are you going to be are you going to be standing for the Lord against the false one that comes even before that Lord's Day comes at the sixth Trump not the seventh we have work to do against him as is written in mark chapter thirteen very definitely so here we have the truth of God's Word any ministry that teaches the chronological order of events has a touch of that spirit of Elijah Elijah that appeared with Moses with the Lord Jesus Christ on the day of Mount the Mount of Transfiguration in their spiritual bodies they shone like a new star that day is coming do you want to walk romp and celebrate and be happy then serve God you have been warned from his word a beautiful word a word easy to follow turn your heart to the truth father Almighty God all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravatt arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii hey all over Canada spirit moves got a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination or organization let's don't judge people we do not have the right to judge people our right is to teach God's Word let the chips fall wherever they may never never never apologize for the word of God it is the truth that sets people free it is the truth that gives one knowledge and understanding we're about you can find peace of mind even in this generation those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again it's always a pleasure got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking he truly does he knows your heart you don't have to say it out loud and within that he loves you may not love what you're doing but boy does he love you okay repent and let him know you love him that's what he wants from you father around the globe come we ask that you leave guide to read father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time we're gonna go to Canada Newfoundland Sheila from new foolin pester Marie can you explain to me what is meant in second Timothy chapter 3 verse 2 for men shall be lovers of themselves the explain please it basically means just that they don't care about family a man that will not take care of his family as it's written in that same book Tim and in the book of Timothy if he doesn't take care of his families worse than a heathen but when one thinks of himself he only thinks of his fleshly desires and impulses usually and that is bad have you ever met anyone like that I've run across a couple in my lifetime Tommy from Georgia since God said love your enemy but God hated but God himself hated Esau please explain well you know I do not understand why some people don't understand tough love okay what God what what you do he hated Esau but he was still his father so he corrected him but you know he had tried many times to correct him and finally there had to come a payday you have to let some people go to the devil whereby they can learn the hard way you know correcting them won't do any good it is not our right to even just because God hated he saw the things he did because he did he didn't appreciate his heritage he could care less about God so God set him aside and gave him a rough trip away from the fat of the land as it is written in Genesis 27 and but he still gives Esau even as an individual every right of repentance that he did even Jacob because when Christ went to those that were imprisoned as it is written in first Peter chapter 3 verse 18 he saw had an opportunity to hear that message and many of the prisoners believed so it's not our right to judge Esau but father corrects those that need correcting all right period that's just the way it goes and father's jealous he can't help it he's jealous of those that offend his children and certainly Esau did okay Norman from Norma rather from Canada thank you for learning from the questions would could you tell me the meaning of the number 15 Norma from Canada the number number 15 usually stands for rest okay it has to do with rest spiritually physically and otherwise Donna from Kentucky when Jesus comes back for the Millennium will he bring back the people from both sides of the Gulf will the prophets come to help teach absolutely God always uses the best and they were the best and we still teach those prophets even to this day we just got through preaching teaching 1 Malachi God's messenger and those prophets still hold good to this day and they'll certainly be teachers in the Millennium all of God's elect will teach in the Millennium revelation chapter 20 verse 5 documents that for a thousand years that's one day with the Lord that's the Lord's Day those the full Godhead does not return until after the Millennium so we can assume that many of those written of in in Chapter 7 of the great Book of Revelations that have washed their robes in the lab the blood of the Lamb will not necessarily be press until the millennium is over but all those all those that are on the opposite side of the Gulf that didn't make it that still have mortal Souls will be here during the Millennium because many of them had no privilege or opportunity to learn the truth boy are they going to are they going to have discipline taught lawyers from Wisconsin is it harmful to say God bless you when someone does a kind thing of course it's not harmful to say God bless you unless there are one there are limits to this and I mentioned it earlier in today's lecture concerning the second epistle of John just before the book of Revelation there's a dire warning there and if God brings your conscious to that warning then you have to be careful when when someone teaches a different doctrine then you would be a lot better off if a kind thing is done just to say thank you rather than God bless you because if you wish them as it is written in that second epistle if they teach any doctrine other than the real truth that Christ taught if you as much as wish them Godspeed and well then you become a partaker of their evil deeds so you might want to cover that book but if there is any doubt of that simply say thank you I appreciate it when a good thing is done Christine from Oklahoma I have a question concerning the Old Testament prophets before Jacob and the establishment of the twelve tribes of Israel through Jacob seed since Abel anak Noah Abraham Isaac and Jacob and before God established the twelve tribes do they have a family association other than the son of their father all the way back you have to realize the family these came from the family of F ha Adam which is a different family the families created on the sixth day you asked an in-depth question but from Adam s Haddam I have to say it in the Hebrew tongue so that it's accurate which was the Adam who was the husband of Eve who was the mother of all living why because through her would come Christ and you're either in him or you're not living eternally so it is that one family yes oh this is Louise from I don't know where Louise is from okay well that's all right also can you tell me how old was Adam when he died thank you he was 930 years old 930 years old God told him in the day you see in you shall die and a lot of people say well boy father really missed that because he's sinned he was very he was a lot younger than 930 and when he sinned but then they forget how long is the day with the Lord the day with the Lord is a thousand years and God loved him enough that he lived 930 of them he was getting pretty close to making it the day patty from Kansas question I don't feel like I pray good enough but I think of God in Jesus every day I try to pray every night and before we eat but I don't feel like our prayers are good enough of course they are you know it's obvious to me patty you're honest okay because you're even umbly as you bring forth this this statement what is a prayer is not some long written out dissertation that some artist has written it's what you say to our Father from your heart just like you would be talking to your earthly father our Father loves you and what he wants more than anything even your words is your love from your heart and I can feel that love from your very letter toward God that you think about him a lot through the day so you're showing that love to him and as it is written in Hosea chapter 6 verse 6 that's what he wants from you and he wants to hear it from your lips not somebody else's just in your own language I'm saying father I love you boy that makes his day it doesn't get any better than that for him so I want you to put that aside thinking your prayers aren't good enough he loves you for that okay I do two routes from North Carolina sometimes when visiting one church they will have communion service and we partake I think this is alright since we do it in memory of Christ but my husband is a little unsure since we are not members of this church my question is what is the correct thing to do we would appreciate your input well as long as the local church does not object then I know one thing if if a church were to ever object to me as a Christian taking communion I would never go back but at the same time if I'm a guest in some house I'm not going to be rude either in other words if they asked me not to take it if I'm not a member I'm not going to but as long as they don't mention it it's fine okay quite frankly the Lord will accept it and that's what's important but tell your husband relax it'll be fine if as long as the house itself does not object it's fine alias from Texas is it okay to have guns in our home for protection as long as you are trained and you are qualified and you know then that you know House Rules especially if children are present how that children should be taught also concerning guns that is to say leave them alone and and if necessary have it in a locked place if there are really minor children that do not know better and that you do not listen carefully that you do not break any civil law there are certain communities that it's against the law I wouldn't live in one of them but there are communities that would have a law you couldn't possess guns there but that's one of the that's the reason I wouldn't live there is because I live in a nation that guarantees our right to bear arms and it is your natural right to do that it certainly is and a lot of people you know I don't know they feel subservient to someone that might want to break into your house and do harm to your children I can't understand that but I have a good Christian no you're not Timothy makes it very clear the man that won't protect and provide for his own family is worse than an infidel so if a man will not stand up and protect his family he's exactly that he's worse than an infidel that's not a Christian thing to do you must a father is a Heavenly Father he's jealous he always protects his children you should too okay now I'm not coming down on my buddy here okay because we speak the same language but it's perfectly all right just don't break any civil law but always be trained also to handle firearms and and there's always firing ranges in your area that whereby ask your local police officers where the nearest firing range is whereby they have instructors if you're not trained and qualified and they will assist you area an L from Texas when the Antichrist comes will he be here for a while before he reveals himself as the savior I know his time will be five months but will he live on earth for a while before he reveals himself to no he's gonna come in a splash okay that's the way he does things is really in a splash but there will be a half an hour we know that there's silence in heaven because he's tossed out so but the two witnesses will give us warning but at the same time we know God's Word and we know what to expect and that in itself if it were all the warning we would have we would not be deceived okay Annette aneta from Virginia I am a widow and I'm having trouble with tithing what do I do well you know when and I know being a widow you're probably aged or you're a single mom and things don't reach to good in hard times so make sure that you have food that your bills are paid and just if you feel you have to give an offering give give a love offering there's a difference in a tie than an offering when an offering is all you've got then don't do without food God would not want you to do without food or medicine so make sure those things are taken care of okay adequately and we we take we take care of God takes care of widows and people that need that help he's got your back don't you worry about it okay Marty from South Carolina our church teaches the Word of God but not in depth as you do I feel led to be there so I can teach my Sunday School class deeper truths as I learn from God's I want to be real careful that I don't give away I'm concerned about God's laws and the original church that Christ stated and as he we have we drifted away from the original Sabbath please explain this but you you might order my work on Sabbath Christ became our high okay you could redo that in first Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 and 8 if when Christ became our Passover that's the highest Sabbath of Christianity okay and Christ became that Sabbath and as it is written in Hebrews chapter 4 he is our Sabbath what does Sabbath means it means rest you're not going to find any other rest other than Christ himself you're doing quite well but you want to read Colossians 2 and pay strict attention to what was nailed to the cross that is to say that Christ became and you'll do real good okay thank you for caring enough to teach the children that's great Dean from South Carolina we're in the bible does it say Christ is our Sabbath isn't that ironic that this would follow right behind that question and it was not arranged that way if you should think it were I think I've just explained that the best place you're going to have is that our high Sabbath you see Passover is a Sabbath day just as Pentecost is a Sabbath day whatever day of the week it falls on it becomes the high Sabbath it is possible to have two Sabbath's in one week okay if Passover happens to fall on a different day of the week but that Christ became our Passover and the Passover the the Sabbath was made for the for the Lord okay he is the lord of the Sabbath and when we worship Him priests work on the Sabbath okay well that's when we thats when we teach but I feel that every day every day in Christ is a Sabbath day that's where we find our rest okay he is our rest there is no other and no one need ever try to but my work on the Sabbath might help you and that Jimmy from Texas my question is I trusted a young man that works in in this Christian apartments where I live to fix the floor of my father my bathroom he took money from me to buy the floor and kept telling me he was going to do it finally I just have been working on it myself so I told him to forget it and he said he had already spent the money should I keep asking for my money or just let it go well I you know I you know the situation I certainly wouldn't give him too much peace about it unless he came to you and said I'm on a hard times can you forgive me but as long as he lied to you and misled you I don't see that you have to forgive him other than you must forgive him that but by the grace of God there go I a liar a cheat and passing himself off as a Christian and Christian apartments that doesn't fly very well and it sure doesn't speak very well for him but it is better that you not let it build up and use than to and to become a problem okay he's not worth it Yogesh from Georgia I'm having trouble understanding Genesis chapter 30 verses 37 through 40 to 41 why would Jacob color his livestock all white and why would Laban keep a speckle goat and you you misunderstand okay you you must not be a farm boy okay this is probably one of the first examples of M animal husbandry Jacob was only going to get the Lambs that were speckled so he set up shoots white shoots so he could keep a speckled Ram on the path to the water animals have to have water and naturally when a good you came up he put her through that chute where the speckle Ram was and naturally her offspring was going to be speckled and it belonged to Jacob okay so it just is just a little practice of keeping the use with even the white ones headed by the speckle Ram where my he got most of the Sheep especially the healthy ones as it is written good lecture in animal husbandry as I said you must not be a farm boy you'd have that and looks like I just got signed out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our fathers word but most of all God loves you for it you know it it makes his day when you take time to dig into this letter that he's written to you to understand the simplicity and that that he expects of you he loves you for it he truly does and when you make his day boy is he going to make cures we are brought to you by your ties and your offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you but most important you listen to me now you stay in his word every day in his word you know what it's really a good day even when there's trouble it's still a good day do you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the shepherd's chapel family bible study hour with pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one-sixth gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,394
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: iOQEd5SzsL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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