Making Your First 1000 Krowns | Ironman Hard Start | Wartales

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making money is a metric of success here in war tales today we are going to be beginning a brand new campaign and trying to make our first 1000 crowns we're gonna be staying away from anything that feels exploit-like here in early access so the iranian refugees can sleep easy tonight no war crimes will be committed today we will be playing on the hardest difficulty setting and the video is going to play somewhere between a let's play and a tips and tricks guide which is going to blow the youtube algorithm's mind they have no idea what to do with this video but let's begin if you guys follow along with this guide then you too will soon become as affluent as an american civil servant who has spent years regulating the business of their largest donors here we are at our beautiful starting spot in tiltrin and these two wonderfully helpful blokes over here want to help teach us the basics of combat ah look a road leading past the stables to the lovely town off shrouded in the distance but that's obviously not where we are going conventional completionist gaming wisdom says that you always go directly backwards from where you are in the starting position because the developers always leave a wonderful little secret for you over here past the annoying drunks here we will be able to enter mount altis salt mine we just have to tell the foreman here to chill out to allow us inside and now we will be able to get to the business of money making iron ore time to appoint our miner which is going to be the real bread winner of the party so what'd you do before you became a mercenary well you know i worked down in the mines but i just had to get out of there you were a slave to the clock come into this time out at that time no respect from the manager yeah yeah shut up and take a shift with the pickaxe well now we're up a bunch of iron ore and it is a salt mine so we are going to rifle around and see yes appoint susan as our thief be able to get our hands on this salt always good to be able to steal cooking supplies because then you can just eat through the contraband rather than needing to try and sell it off later we get our influence back because we help them out and we can head off why hello refugees what do you have um i was hoping that they would have some food or at least some uh some grain that we could cook with the flour but i suppose that we don't even have the cooking pot yet so maybe it's uh better that they didn't our next stop here is going to be going off to the tiltrin jail we want to be able to grab the the methods of acquiring our fortune before we go and talk to the guards we want to pop into camp open up the workshop and be able to use all this raw ore for something that we can barter with just a little bit better the great irony is that the guards will jump at the chance to be able to buy our picks from us and we want to craft one of these fish hooks as well so that we get the knowledge boost there we go we have our very first point of knowledge we can try and teach our companions how to run oh we started out why why did we think we were going to succeed if we didn't even understand these basics four chains and a little bit of rope should be sufficient for this stop on our adventure and we can now head off from the jail coming up to strom cap it's about time for us to take our first rest uh but if we can make it into town we'll be able to pick up our very first set of bounty contracts as well so over at the forge we want to make sure that we unlock the new profession just because this is going to give us plus one strength i don't think we have anything that we want to actually craft right now no we do however want our armor repaired if you can call the rags we are wearing armor time to check the bounties here at the traveler's feast inn what have you got to emissary what do you have that's easy for us please please all right so here we have a nice easy gang that we can pick up pushing us towards the the western side of tiltrin and here the haddion gang that will push us south um that's actually very close by that's probably where we're going to want to go final stop is to be able to acquire a little bit more food here will that be all for you yeah i think so well if you want some tips if you want to do any cooking then you should really stock up on salt now because i heard that the mine managed to lose one of their entire halls so we don't know when we'll be getting any more in stock well thanks for the tip but i'm sure we'll be fine all right time to uh camp here get rid of any suspicious evidence oh no we're still wanted all right well about the dodge of the guards as well now thankfully i saw a band of sheriffs start off into the woods to try and combat a uh enemy party over there so they're caught in combat the hooligans that we are after though are deeper into the forest over here and if we do manage to actually count oh my gosh there's just bandits everywhere tiltron is a mess if we do manage to actually capture some and then sell them off at the jail we'll be able to cut that wanted level down so we can go back to our our thieving ways okay this looks like it could get pretty messy but we'll see we can actually use knocking out the enemies when they drop to about half health to our advantage here here in the early levels that actually does more damage than our weapons usually do which uh definitely changes it turns turns about face at the higher levels but for now hopefully we can leverage that to a little bit of advantage gonna try and drop the leader as quickly as we can because he is allowing all of his companions to guaranteed critical hits ooh the archer knocks us away from being engaged so they get leader's aggression back this hoodlum then is going to be able to crit wanted to make sure he stepped over that bear trap there's the crit and poison um is it worth it to bring lucy up maybe it is otherwise he's going to move around and he'll be able to do a multi-strike that's also a guaranteed crit so i think we're kind of locked into doing that try and wear down this hoodlum and then we get to watch this other guy come around and backstab us yeah there's the spinning strike for nine damage all right come on hang in there lucy the hoodlum comes in and poisons her oh great the boss wants to go again wonderful i think we have to go for trying to drop him right here so oh yes susan comes in with the crit let's go there is hope there is hope now okay uh we could pull lucy all the way around to be able to backstab this guy i like the idea of being able to focus our fire as much as possible now he is about to go and lucy's not in the safest position oh man another crit okay do i want to run lucy i might i suppose we do have a chance for edmond to be able to step up and draw the focus of these other two characters all right the hoodlum gets his attack off and now um actually i could run edmund down to be able to get the capture i think we do that so that we do get the capture right here there we go support yes i know game i know we're going to knock out the hoodlum see that swing is pure non-lethal as you can clearly see and then peter can actually be the one to come around and be able to re-engage with this hoodlum but the poison is starting to stack up on him which i don't love we might want first aid to come across just to be able to pull away the stacks of poison yeah he's gonna take three damage at the end of his next turn okay edmund time to stand in the gap once again here and then susan do what you do best take care of peter come across fire well not a crit but it's still pretty good here he gets the attack off i feel like that's still the best way i could have played it out then we step up go for knocking this guy out want to keep on advancing close distance with the archer oh i could taunt over i think we do we'll spend the valor point be able to get that across and then lucy can come in for the backstab uh actually lucy come come up just a little bit more amazing once again clear non-lethal hammer strike right to the crowd of the head and he's stunned oh we got the ring leaders dagger that's so lucky there there we go so we've got our three prisoners here as we all just absolutely limp along let's see if we can get them back to jail without the guards um hopping in and uh prosecuting us as apple thieves oh yes yes yes the guards are walking the wrong way we've got a free shot to the jail as long as these drunks don't decide that they have to talk to us come on no oh why because there's such a nuisance all right just leave hand over the prisoners very progressive justice system here being able to make 90 crowns a uh a prisoner here what would that be if it happened today so your wages are 18 crowns every other day so you make nine crowns a day we just got paid at 90 crowns for a prisoner so you're getting 10 days wages all right guys the level 1 so say they're working at minimum wage 80 hour uh for the two weeks of work comes out to 580 let me know in the comments would you guys risk your life to be a bounty hunter for 580 a prisoner well now that we've filled the jail time to head over to town to be able to collect our actual bounty that bounty puts us up to almost 500 crowns but now we've got to reinvest reinvest back into the business that is how you're able to get ahead so we have this lovely companion i've been spying out here in the tavern rant i'm with spearman he is hard working which is kind of nice he's going to be able to gain professional experience a little bit faster recruiting him is going to set us back half of our influence and 60 crowns but i think it is worth it to be able to start expanding our party fairly early here at least this way he's not going to be so far behind everyone else in terms of experience i mean they're about to hit level two but uh he'll be able to catch up fairly easily do you have any other jobs that might interest us nothing oh here we go help requested desperate refugees bans have been attacking caravans of travelers along the roads this must end now or merchants will refuse to travel through tiltren uh we might be able to help with that 140 crowns it sounds pretty nice it would take us to the east part of tiltrin is there anything good over there i actually don't know if we necessarily care about going for that i think what we take if this minimap ever goes away let's pull up a real map i think that we take this earlier contract that we picked up to be able to vanquish these guys we can still try and capture one or two to be able to pop into the jail be able to make some more money off of that and i i like this particular side of the map for some other opportunities that it will lend us on our way we're passing fedora mountain mine we would love to be able to unlock both minds so that we can keep on doing the cycle of mining and then refining out of the tinkerer um but that's going to be a bit of a fight and we should be able to pick up a bounty to allow us to get a little bit extra on top as we choose to liberate the mine out of purely altruistic reasons here is the wealthy farm i think we're well on track here oh man they're just so far out okay wealthy farm very fun because this allows us to begin working on the main storyline here in tiltrin uh we've got the the husband of the farm who is going to be hung and then his wife wants us to go find his friends who are nearby to come by and help him and then there's the village chief and let's see what else is in here ah we could take the wheat we could definitely take the wheat all right let's get in there pop up that pop open that wheat bag and then was there anything else doesn't look like it okay so his friends present a very interesting money-making opportunity the bandit camp that is hidden along here actually has a fence for stolen items you lose a lot of value of the goods but i mean thieves cannot be choosers until you open up the black market which is much later on as you progress down the path of crime and chaos so here at the lakeside camp uh we can speak to rhaegar yes rhaegar and also if we wanted to buy these goods for our own use he's selling them at a discount as well but right now we don't have a cooking pot to be able to actually cook with and i don't think we have enough iron to be able to craft one either yeah cooking pot requires four more iron ore so man because our things would combine so well to be able to make a bread and then we could save a lot of money in terms of food maybe we hold off but we're gonna choose not to progress this portion of the storyline right now because if we do they will end up abandoning that camp and then we won't be able to use him as a fence for other opportunities this could be good um we might have been missing an opportunity if we had been say trying to connect with all of the merchants along the road we might have been able to find something valuable that we could have stolen and then sold over there for a little bit of extra money let's see against the odds that the refugees would have anything worth stealing yeah i mean i could take the call but i mean that just feels mean santa already gives that out just to the naughty children and that's all they've got left now here we are getting very close to the gang we can actually see them right up there so we're going to choose to camp a little bit early because that is going to allow us to be able to come into the fight fresh and because we are looking to take prisoners it will mean that we can go longer without having to feed the prisoners like we fought them right now we would probably be able to make it up and do the battle but then we would be exhausted and we would have to camp immediately and then we would have to feed the prisoners this way we were able to feed only our own party quickly hop up here to be able to do the battle and then we should be able to turn things around and dispose of the prisoners hopefully without them taking as much of our own food actually i am very happy with how that combat went you know peter almost died he was down to two health there but otherwise we did great we were able to grab one prisoner here uh what are these injuries and dexterity reduced by 30 percent okay before we get into another fight we're gonna want to make sure that we heal those away uh but peter actually does get a level up here i think you take the double up in khan if he's going to be one of our front line fighters and then we have to decide where he goes protector fighter swords master i really hate protector fighter and swordsmaster are kind of my defaults swordmaster is more aggressive more valor point hungry which at this early stage we don't have any valor point generation i feel like we just go fighter now we pick over some of the natural resources of this oh so abundant land i come across i believe i saw some flowers down here yes grab the snow irises anything down here in the corner well a little bit of wood okay we'll grab that just every little thing we can manage but we don't want to spend too long we want to make it back sell the prisoner and also be able to pick up our bounty and then be on to our next thing okay please let there be two iron ore here so that i can craft a cooking pot that would be thin oh i got one okay we are completely out of food at this point maybe we'll be able to bum something off of these starving refugees now they just got more salt okay okay wilbert's fishery what do you have oh you've got the iron ore okay this is actually that's really good for us does he have other things here uh yeah it's over here okay i could take two dried food no we definitely take the war okay take his oar there we go we take that we hop over to camp and then tinkerer lucy please build us a cooking pot i think we actually start switching around the occupations a little bit peter is going to be the cook because cook is raw constitution and then our spearman here is going to go blacksmith because he'll be able to use this strength and i don't really want the constitution going on him because he's not supposed to be taking that many hits okay so peter cook us up something nice we can make five loaves of bread does that carry us through to another day yes it does it will get us into town we made it we also got rid of all these uh stolen goods we've got a couple knowledge points here so i really feel like we should be trying to better ourselves well yeah we're gonna we do it for the money and glory is also decent because it will allow us to it'll pay off later on down the road ah the cephalon ore gang has a risen up in the the southwest we can put a stop to that we were just over there if only we had known if only we'd known there's going to be a bounty out on their heads but we will take that but i think our next push is going to be going to help out these desperate refugees pass by the jail drop off our prisoner and keep on plotting along we haven't seen any animals which is a little bit bothering because i want to be able to hunt be able to cut out all the uh the cost of rations here but there we go three days of rations should be enough until our next stop we've got to pay our wages so let's go ahead pay those hop over to the cook all right peter oh i have to i've got to teach you how to make the wolf sausages there we go learn the wolf sausage and cooking the wolves has taught us that uh we can also do venison and a mutton but uh the wolves are the best because you actually encounter those as things that you can hunt the other meats you have to buy and over the prisoner another 90 to us it looks like the jail has reset to uh to some extent these guys are recruitable archer ranger i've already got those classes we're looking for a warrior i would love to be able to have one of our crazy axemen oh hey we finally found something to hunt we're after the bulls okay time to pay off some of the uh the setup that we had so lucy gets the double kill there uh i think she cuts across to be able to help out against these boars and the turn this guy tries to take his he has to go all the way around the rocks can't do anything he's caught up on the rest of the pack then over here edmund is able to pull a switcheroo attack both of these uh does rath finish him off five damage it does not so we'll just wait uh we will move up a little bit be able to get a clear shot over to susan so we take another goring there and then this guy thankfully it's still on the armor so we're doing we're doing pretty well now we want to drop this board before he takes his turn that peter's job we could capture him you want to capture one sure let's no no no i need the i need the two rope to be able to make the tent that's what i need all right there we go so this boar goes down and we'll just stand in front of the other one susan takes her shot brilliantly done uh oh there is poison over here yes lucy was lucy was spreading the poison with that ringleader dagger okay let's go the long way around these two friends will fight back to back and we are going to make ourselves some more bacon okay this guy wants to go we'll be able to drop him there we go very nice i could i probably do move up in case we can get the surround bonus on this board i think that's going to be lucy's job uh if lucy can you hit boat no you can't the two they're too spread out to be able to hit both so we'll take this around ah with the crit we seal the deal no no no this last one's not getting away i want the meat all right peter get in there make sure he doesn't get the runaway cut around the rocks slice slice off the bacon brilliant all the brilliant all the food that we can carry and two level ups oh amazing okay lucy where do we want lucy to go oh definitely the double crit double crit yes please conventional wisdom says valorous audacity is the default take for the rangers but i find that once you get up to the higher levels valor's victory can do just as much i still think that we take fellas audacity here also yeah i think the enemies will be durable enough that we should be able to generate some good points off of that so we'll grab that and then edmund levels up our brute where do we want to go with him a vanguard smasher or destroyer i think any of these are really good we got double up on strength as well this guy is going to be a killing machine now my favorite build is grabbing a smasher and then going down uh valor's chain cruelty and then picking up the legion two-handed hammer i think that build is just amazing uh but i kind of want to play something different right now so do we go vanguard or destroyer let's go vanguard i have not played around too much with the vanguard so we'll be able to experience something a little new oh he's also injured we should probably treat that all right we'll heal that up okay we are over encumbered that's because we are carrying 16 pounds of boar carcasses but here come the refugees over to see us bandits have been the desperate refugees help requested threw them off so is this just a battle you just have to fight them okay do i get a penalty for being over encumbered as i as i enter battle i know that you get the penalty if you enter battle and you are tired and you need to camp but we're not fatigued we're just hey we're able to pull it off okay brilliant we can spend our time today fighting then instead of hauling around all of those carcasses from our hunt okay edmund you can shut down this poacher right here use the ram shatter their armor oh we'd love to be able to pick up some of this armor we can do away with the rags that we have been stuck with here and then peter you can shut down the other archer should open up a lot of opportunities for us to be able to just put either focus them down or go in onto the hoodlums two damage back onto edmonds yeah nothing to worry about there this attack though let's see how much can we focus fire if we bring the spearmen across we get the fear that free spear throw pretty good damage and then we give him the given the poke probably run back a little bit because he is supported by susan how close do i want you no closer than you have to be there we go six damage pretty solid not able to drop him all the way but very very close we do have chains we would be able to capture a few if we wanted to lucy um hmm i mean i would like to be able to go and then get the poison but then you'll get engaged by this hoodlum but otherwise this hoodlum will either turn and a tag team over here or onto peter which also is not ideal so maybe we do just come down here and there's our valor point generation so that does make it worth it lucy gets poisoned that's fine because now they're both caught up next to each other and the ringleaders dagger will start to do work here we go yes all the crit it's the kill cloud of poison adds the poison up there now unfortunately i don't think that we would be able to get enough support in to stop that hoodlum from getting the attack off against lucy so then we make plays on the other side of the map here's our option come down with susan uh do i just finish off this hoodlum or do i really want to take them prisoner i think that we just finish them off okay now we can capture this poacher with peter [Music] i don't really want to run peter through all this poison but he's only going to take like one round of damage from it we should be able to end this very quickly from this point on come around here be able to make the stab okay and be able to capture ourselves our second hoodlum brilliant work yes we got the doublet okay light armor armor plus 10 movement plus two really nice stuff to see there susan levels up she's probably going to be the one to get the doublet uh we go valor's support here being able to get valor points from standing next to allies and we definitely take the double up on movement yeah to be able to start counteracting just starting out with sex movement these are so immobile okay is that everything that we wanted to do here i believe it is please have mercy good josh have mercy on us we didn't attack to hurt you believe me that was why then why were you stabbing me repeatedly so we can either execute them to be able to just loot their clothes for cloth we can give them a border pass to be able to get a hunter's bow but the hunter's bow is really not exciting or we can just pay for their border pass to be able to get the hunter's bow again i don't care about their bow get rid of them get rid of them and now after the battle is much later in the days we'll be able to camp eat these carcasses and also the slaves oh a new prisoner is here we go we feed you but you carry stuff for us when did i waste the rope to not be able to get the tent that's disappointing we already made the uh the cooking pot so we're looking to be able to make the tent next at our stop at the jail we'll pick up the rope to forge or craft the tent uh we want to eat a nail be able to polish off these carcasses um i do have salt but i don't have the knowledge point okay so we cannot be able to cook the pork up what i would have liked to do we'll just rest here once we pick up another knowledge point we'll be able to spend it on cooking the pork hey you we can appoint a new captain okay there's a number of great candidates for captain here i like being able to make our spearmen the ranger and archer are also good candidates we're gonna go with susan susan you are our new captain how does it feel captain susan i hope peter doesn't feel usurped there but it just makes sense in terms of the game uh tragically none of our characters actually even know how to use light armor well no no i think edmund would be able to okay yes edmund can because even though like i want to put medium armor on him to make him a little bit more durable as soon as you know how to use one level of armor you can use all the lower levels as well but he's the only one who has been able to specialize at this point well the jailers must be getting real used to seeing our ugly bugs but there we go we've even leveled up in trade and wealth that's amazing ah 540 crowns earned by delivering prisoners you gotta love it and now because we've leveled up we have the possibility to negotiate missions in the list of bounties which is going to help us make lose much more money i do want more rope so we have to use two units of rope to be able to make the tent and i want to be able to have just a little bit more on hand for uh whatever whatever might come about and you guys didn't happen to capture like a really capable warrior or anything did you no doesn't look like it all right oh there is we would be able to pick up our our lovely warrior friend if we do the uh the plagued man quest i probably should have done that well i didn't have a cure for the plague at the time i probably could have made it back to tiltrin in time to cure him but then we could have him yeah we'll do that a little bit later right now we're doing pretty fine with our party of five all right time to be able to craft our new tent there we go we are really moving up in the world we started out with just a pony and a campfire now we've got our cooking pot we've got the tent in place as well uh we're gonna apply the spearmint over here that'll give us more valor points every rest uh what's a good spot for the tent yeah we'll use it to kind of shelter shelter the the campfire or is it a better idea if like the um the tent opens up on the campfire maybe that's better there we go i feel like that looks pretty good actually and then we'll put our little workshop bench here in the foreground tie up the ponies and there is there's a little camp we're growing all right well for this easy fight the game decided that it should scale all the enemies to level two uh which means that now we've got two of our buddies dying and we only have one application of first aid we'll see who makes the cut to be able to survive uh we'll bring susan across i mean there's no physical way that we can get to peter so peter's down we're gonna be able to apply first aid over here to our spearman galvanized to be able to keep up with the valor point expenditure and then we can use shoot i think we want to be able to focus down this hoodlum i'd like to be able to put some more damage over here onto the commander but i don't think i really have the the opportunity to be able to do that yeah because we're engaged with the archer we just finished them off [Music] and now peter makes the sad walk the status walk right onto the bear trap at least he goes down clearing the battlefield for his friends i think the play here is actually that we slide our spearman across be able to apply some damage right here to the hoodlum he will engage with lucy and then um hopefully if the enemies come together on either side of a lucy well hopefully she'll be able to survive i don't know if she can actually take a crit out of the enemy commander deals 13 damage and guaranteed to [ __ ] nope she will not survive okay uh we're gonna have to be careful here we can use run to disengage and then we'll be able to use knockout against the poacher right here and we'll free up edmond and with the final movement points we can pull lucy out of harm's way be able to re-engage here when the time is a right now we want to make sure that we do engage with the commander um do i want to do relentless charge and apply slow down that might be our play next time be able to slow them down and then keep them out of range of being able to hit the rest of us let's see this poacher or this hoodlum i guess just want to kill him though i could move maybe we move susan down and we attack over here breaks the armor leaves us open for opportunities next round to be able to take as many prisoners as we can okay so he's got 11 health we have two characters able to take their turns should work out for us it means edmond is going to eat another attack but i think he can survive so there's the attack against the poacher and then spamming knocks him out with just you know non-lethal pitchfork to the back ah edmund's dying but susan should be able to pick him back up she's got first aid come across get your brother back into action and then we want to pile on here big swing relentless through wrath be able to bring things around to a quicker close that might have been excessive i don't think we actually needed that and susan there you go just finish it i get a second ringleaders dagger are you kidding my luck my luck on the uh the drops is amazing all right rest in peace peter we'll try and find another swordsman to replace you while he may take your place in the party he will never take your place in our hearts i was thinking about taking this opportunity while we were on this side of the map to go ahead and liberate our mountain mine even though we have not found the bounty for doing so yet but now that everybody is just lumping along and we just lost one of our party members i feel like that would be a foolhardy decision instead we'll simply pay mount ultras salt mine another visit i think some of the assault should have repopulated oh yep we get one of the deposits so the way that they repopulate is i believe they come in one at a time so if you give them just a few days you'll be able to hit one of the deposits and then a little bit longer you'll be able to hit two of them and then it feels like i'm not sure if this is really true or not but it feels like it takes significantly longer to be able to pick up the third iron deposit okay remember how we were talking about how progressive the criminal justice system is here in war tales what did the pony do really what did the pony do how did it end up here yes this is my question this is my question i can adopt him for 60 crowns we're so close to being able to hit 1k if we go back and we turn in the bounty we hit 1k but this i mean like we've got to take him we've got to take the bandit pony which secrets are you hiding from me alright guys in the comments let me know what is the name of the outlaw pony that we pulled out of the jail unfortunately the jail just filled up before we were able to dispose of our friend pert here and uh not that he i dislike his personality or anything but we've got to get rid of you i'm not feeding you up to the woodland farm and we should be able to get another awesome companion taurus over here so we speak to his wife taurus has come down with the plague she can no longer take care of him so she wants us to take care of him right taurus our level two warrior well we know what we're going for we're going for a berserker and we even get yes a double strength up so nice now he was famished and he ate five of our units of pork which is crazy uh but we want to go ahead and treat this infection now you can if he stays infected you can go up into the mountains and there is a group of i think inquisitors who are looking for him you get a special encounter with them uh but i don't want to mess with that right now we're just gonna heal him up and uh his wife doesn't take him back she uh just wants to live without him so maybe maybe it wasn't love and maybe he'll be better off with us anyway all right taurus you're level two that means you have earned a name and a place of the fire and i don't know why your portrait is still all plague infected after we healed you but uh i know you already had a name uh but we are going for a certain motif here as part of the party we have to give you a party name there we go something a little more fitting hmm the god outpost and the sinister cave that could be something i mean we're in the area we might as well help out a little bit uh that will mean that we should start dipping into our resources and ta the movement on lucy probably important damage is half yeah that's really bad and this unit can no longer deal a critical hit that's fine that's fine you don't need a crit i feel like mobility on lucy actually is pretty important so we'll bring that back on up all right now we're talking we can get some influence we can get some money and we'll be able to start progressing the fate of tiltron so we are going to accept here uh do we fight the guards or do we fight the uh the murderers holed up in the sinister cave the rewards either way are the same it's just what direction we want to take the story i kind of like helping out the refugees the uh the natives of tiltrin feel like they're kind of you know sticks in the mud all right the battle lines are drawn and the cowardly captain is way way way back which it's fine by me this guard wants to go next i think we see what our new companion is able to do so we're going to check the spear in first and then be able to engage come up with a slash and rampage away not a lot of damage when they've got 29 guard right now but it'll get better it'll get better 13 right back with the crit that's disheartening that's what it is probably want to help him out so that it doesn't get completely double teamed here we'll throw the impale hopefully that foot soldier will then go up against the spearmen and then i want to go ahead and engage the failing soldier so that he's not throwing d stabilization well do i care if he destabilizes anybody my guys don't have any guard values to be destabilized i've been playing my other game too long i just have level five tactics in mind whoa gets the hit over onto shasta okay he just joined the band i don't want to see him depart so quickly [Music] it's really annoying to have to pass up being able to attack multiple enemies here but i think that i have to engage the captain to be able to keep him from just leveling us with his big shots out of the war bow so we'll get him engaged and then we want to focus down this foot soldier as quickly as we can the other guys are holding out for now it could be susan's go let's see what she can do for us 10 damage pretty good pretty good indeed uh if she comes up around here she'll be able to generate we're full on valor points right now she'll still do it and then actually i can spend over here we get the one health back because we'll make the valor point back oh wow the captain punches hard five damage shasta is going down [Music] but i'll take you down with me and then we can use the slash and then oh we're one point short yes we crit we had to crit we crit and we came fury amazing he's a hero oh oh oh and now we can come across yes we come in right here that gives supported meaning that damage he takes is reduced by twenty percent so this next hit uh hopefully it doesn't just ko us edmund yeah swing your hammer but do i want to disengage you out i think i actually do so we're gonna reckless charge right through the enemy that puts the slow down on him oh he does reach he does reach that's unfortunate but we'll be able to come across and help support now okay only five damage that's supporting is is definitely helping out now we are able to push him back disengages him i mean i don't know if i care too much about that all right failing soldier is mad that we broke away from him i don't blame him we probably let's see we only have one turn before this guy the captain punches and then they both go together so we want to try and focus one of them down um the failing soldier i think is the is the choice here so we'll come around to the back be able to swing up this engages him facing this way so the other attacks can come in directly from behind so that can be considered ambushed give us that extra damage and i believe the extra crit chance that comes along with that so let's see if you're oh we can just knock him out we won't be able to sell him but we could just knock him out i mean it is way better than spending a bunch of valor points to uh try and kill him outright so we'll take that and we'll take that for sure and then we can still use rampage up against the captain here that's pretty fantastic oh lucy no shasta moved in too close so now lucy can't attack um gosh okay we come around behind lucy and we throw impale here very good that gives her the disengage they get leaders inspiration oh no he's just gonna engage okay he just engages lucy i mean i should have seen that coming the elvenar is the troops we need help uh actually no lucy has the chance okay so we use run we make a break for it and then we hit them with the devious devious whirlwind i always want to say devilish and then we can come right back around yeah give it to him a second helping oh yes now the poison clouds are already out there so we're not getting more poison on them this guy wants to go next who do i want him to try and fight i mean i would kind of love edmund to be able to step up here maybe well and he'll get poisoned poison poison clouds not my favorite feature in the game maybe we just come around with shasta see what we can do here the rampage takes up a little bit of damage slash takes him lower we don't get him low enough for wrath he's gonna knock him out but that'll be fine i guess as long as we're able to deal with the captain but i don't see any issue with that come on up set up the final kills for our friend edmund all right i had to drop them and wrath will seal the deal [Music] pretty brilliant showing out of us if i do say so myself we're able to pick up the guard game ascend to master doublet 24 crowns a training buckler and some cloth and then we are able to loot the golden key off of the captain time to talk to uh birthroom can't believe he is dead i really owe you one here take this you deserve it and there is 100 crowns for us ah it's been so long since i made my tiltron walkthrough guide i'm trying to remember which box is better to open up one of them just gives you a bunch of money and the other one gave you belt accessories i think the guards have equipment and if you go back in the cave you can open the chest for like gems and more crowns so we're gonna take the belt accessories because i like being able to yes we do oh it's different okay so it's randomized herbarium this comprehensive collection identifies almost every herb and grass from bellior to alazar readers can look up the dried specimens to easily identify various plant species troop a bonus has a chance to retrieve part of the resources used in alchemy [Music] these items are always quite good so that's actually a backpack accessory rather than a belt accessory and do we have somebody assigned yeah so right now the spearman is trying to fill in as the alchemist that's gonna change eventually but uh there you go and actually you get to level up my friend another valor's support for the team ah 2x critical hit or plus strength or plus con i'm taking critical hit if you do the math out the plus one strength versus plus two crit is about the same but i have also taken um yeah if we hover over here troop up bonuses our critical damage is increased by ten percent off of the starting option we took to be good at slap games so critical bills are going to be just a tiny bit better for us by by ten percent yes i now cannot open this other locked box and i don't believe they left anything else nope all right time to head back into town all right back in town time to check over where we stand here so we got susan up to level two this doesn't let her specialize to be able to use armor yet we have lucy up to level two also still just missing that specialization she's got the level two ringleaders at dagger and been up to level two now he has specialized so he actually will be able to use this guard game ascent we lose the extra movement um but we're gonna go ahead and take it so that he starts to get that little bit of guard value and a much better armor and then our spearmen oh you get you get your naming ceremony at level two you have earned a permanent place in the band welcome caspian and then shasta time for you to be able to improve you can drop that barrel lid it's not helping you that much all right so we have to spend 12 crowns on repairing what we've got then we're able to turn around and sell the barrel lid for 15. why are barrel loads that expensive then to be able to preserve our potions we're gonna go ahead and pay the apothecary 60 to be able to heal us back up definitely looking for a chance to be able to pick up more herbs to craft on our own we waltz into the travelers in collect the bounty and there we are 1045 crowns now that that red number that that 97 it doesn't exist guys it doesn't exist all right we're just going to take the contracts to be able to clear out this corner of the map and make ourselves a pretty penny for when we pick this up again leave a like if you have enjoyed the video we have gotten off to an excellent start here we are playing on hard and iron man no saves coming going on here we have been able to set up a fantastic foundation to be able to take our party forward here in this world we will definitely be revisiting the troop to be able to make many more crowns in the future but as the mercenary life goes you make your money and then you pay your wages and then you have to go and reprovision as well um and that all takes its toll until next time thank you guys for watching and have a good one
Channel: TeddyNinja
Views: 52,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wartales, wartales gameplay, wartales guide, wartales krowns, wartales money, wartales beginners guide, wartales starting guide, wartales starting tips, wartales money making, wartales money guide, wartales new game, wartales hard, wartales ironman, wartales hardest difficulty, wartales hard/hard, wartales hard mode, wartales mining, wartales prisoners, wartales hard difficulty, wartales teddy ninja, wartales steam
Id: 6UCwq2xLQAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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