Can You Make Bologna from Dry-aged Steak? — Prime Time

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one thing we can't agree on we like baloney it's literally the only thing we can agree on that's it yeah I don't know why we have a business together at ten years we're also not able to sell every bit of this meat so we need to figure out something to do with it we have dry-aged strip loin here a pork loin here because we always have an excess of trim we don't always want to just make dried burgers so we figured today what the hell let's make a dry aged beef Bologna okay each loin after it's dry aged has a dark side to it we can't put that in the case we are going to trim this out and this would be the makings of our dry-aged burger but today we're making dried Bologna so again just taking the face off whoa man he made the movie reference in this one so this is about 30 days to try it right now so that's gonna be really really good it's also gonna be exceedingly good at binding water for our multi Bologna now the cool part about the fat that we need for our multiplication is we want this hard fat back this is a pretty hefty amount of fat on a pork chop most people are gonna want that which is great for us making Bologna because then we can just take that fat cap off that doesn't work as well it is that the best thought for binding this will actually hold structurally together a little bit better alright so pork chops go in the case we take a trim I'm gonna go downstairs so we have our dry aged we have our pork fat we have ice so we're gonna grind these things together and what we're trying to create with the myosin which is the protein in here we're trying to activate that myosin to create a really good bind with the salt all we need to do now to really get our bind going is we're gonna grind this five times so that it is really just a paste the same process goes into making Bologna as does mortadella or any other emulsified sausage so we have our meat and our patent here we like to add ice especially for something like this we're gonna grind five times there's gonna be a lot of kinetic energy and they're like just building up heat kind of like frying cause like an riffle mcadams in the notebook so we want to keep it cool we don't want our meat mixture to get too warm because that also affects our binding bingo bango let's grind [Music] or pasty yep not but not pasty enough so there are two principle protein strands that we're trying to work with your actin and myosin myosin is the more prevalent but those two proteins together are what give you contractions and muscles that's how I'm able to move my arm like this is because of those two proteins this is great so you can see now we have an almost completely homogeneous back you can also tell from like the second grinder was still like really watery and mushy and wasn't really holding together now it's very very distinct so all that fat and the water and the proteins have all all bound together so all we have to do is add salt we're just gonna take our mixture dump it in this comically big bowl attach this comically big paddle we mostly just got this because when brim makes mashed potatoes he really likes to make a lot of mashed potatoes just adding our few spices and then we just sit back and chill wait a second are we looking I think we're good what are you looking for just making sure it's bound you're well aware of this they're doing upside-down hand tests and if it holds for three seconds or more generally feel pretty good about our bind this is not going anywhere this guy is really good and then staying as one piece it doesn't want to come apart it's not falling apart speaking of science how we look where's the mustache go I just decided I wanted to try something new our viewers have a lot of comments about it I'm sure they do Jay Garcia been without the stache looks like he got older and younger at the same time I think Ben has lost his source of power it truly is the end times without that beacon of hope our dimension faces dark forces the likes of which have never and foretold you were a protector of our Wow just keep going that is highly accurate Matt Andrews never seen Ben's teeth before shoe house says Ben's mustache is finally gone turn out to be some hot daddy we got the horn on the stuffer we got the casing in the water we put the casing in the water just to open it up a little bit get a little bit loosey-goosey but this is an artificial casing so there's not be intestines you still kind of want to tree the same and we're done here she goes that's it pack her up I know those really anticlimactic but it really does just go that fast we're just gonna put this in a water bath out of 160 degrees for probably two hours two and a half hours based on the thickness and then put it in an ice bath and we're done this is you know proper 4-inch baloney casein mortadella sometimes bigger can be as big as 8 inches hot dogs there little guys different casing size but also cooking temperatures need to keep that consistent if you go too hot again you can break your sausage and it will be either greasy or crumbly Brett you got a water bath got it I got a big log a beaker dry-aged Bologna Cooper in the band there's gonna take a few hours so go see a movie all right cool okay we're done let's take this on the water bath it's time to eat it maybe we should make a mmm a charcuterie board Oh funny Sanchez meathook butcher and charcuterie cheese master Wow go ow we made you baloney I hope it's dry it should I only eat dry aged baloney very demanding but yes it is exactly that fortunately thank God it doesn't need to be fancy that's true it's basically an adult lunchable can you show us how to make a loaf eye picnic time slice it up you guys it's a it's not all that you can [Music] so we made what is essentially a fancy Bologna and then you took it and made an even fancier charcuterie board can we need some Bologna now Haley you know this it's got a good behind hmm that is great lot of flavor a lot of salt get the dry aged flavor mm-hmm the texture is perfect the texture is off it can be very very gross it turns out we have another way to get rid of all of that drives trim other than just doing burgers we can start introducing this more into like some of our charcuterie projects start making you know all of our ordinary like household charcuterie meats a little bit nicer give them a little bit more flavor a little bit more [Music]
Channel: Eater
Views: 819,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bologna, dry-age bologna, making bologna, making bologna from scratch, dry-aged meat, dry-aging, dry aging meat, charcuterie, dry-aged charcuterie, butchers, butchering meat, making a charcuterie platter, the meat hook, ben turley, brent young, ben turley and brent young, Prime Time, prime time eater, dry-aged steak, eater,, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, foodshow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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