Making the World's Hardest Mobile Game

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two weeks ago I made the hardest rage game ever now so even more people can suffer I'm gonna turn it into a mobile game and how about I only get 24 hours to do it alright the current time is 7:25 let's get started because I have my priorities straight I first made a particle effect for when the blob sticks to something yeah I think we need some more particles hmm maybe a few more there we go oh yeah if you don't know stick with it is a game where you control this squishy blob guy that can stick to stuff and you have to time this moving arrow to jump in a certain direction the goal is to get to the top of the map but a small mistake can force you to start over and yeah [Music] my accent [Music] this might actually be the hardest game ever I don't think anyone's actually completed it and most people don't even get past this second level but I do want the game to be slightly fun to play so here's my plan for this mobile version we'll have two difficulty modes the game as it currently is will be called impossible mode and then I'll add in an easier version with checkpoints and a slower arrow called hard mode all right let's get this implemented I first made a checkpoint object with a trigger Collider then I added on a script that detects when something intersects with the trigger which will save the player's progress after placing checkpoints around the map and throwing together some more code we've got a working checkpoint system in the last video I made some spike objects that would pop the blob and force you to restart but then I decided to remove them from the game I don't think the spikes really fit the game too well but now that there are checkpoints in the game I think it's safe to bring the spikes back there we go now if you're in hard mode and miss a jump instead of falling to a lower level you'll just hit some spikes and can reset to the last checkpoint wow we're actually making pretty good progress so far I think I'll actually be a wait do you hear that when actually building the game and running it on my phone it had a lot of issues first stuff it takes about 10 seconds to load the game after pressing the play button and the ground doesn't load apparently so I'll need to track down what is causing this like an hour of debugging I finally tracked down what was causing the long load time it turns out trying to load in 60 megabytes worth of music tracks is pretty slow so for now I just removed the music and later I'll probably try to add in some smaller compressed versions of the tracks all right now the game loads fine but it's only running at 30 frames per second and yeah I'm not actually this bad at the game it's just just the low frame it just lets me out okay after another hour and a half of optimizations and questioning why I made this a 24 hour challenge the game is finally running at a smooth 60 frames per second which you can clearly see in this 30fps recording okay now hopefully we can get back to making actual progress because the player can now actually die we're going to need an end screen with a button that lets you restart at the most recent checkpoint [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're impatient like me and don't want to wait for the end screen animation I also added a smaller checkpoint button in the corner so you can just restart whenever [Music] next I worked on making a more mobile-friendly title screen and added in a settings menu and because I like torturing myself I did some more optimizations alright every mobile game needs a monetization strategy here's my plan players might get angry when they miss a jump because they have to restart at the last checkpoint so what I'll do is include a button that lets you undo the last move if you watch an ad so yeah it's just monetizing players frustration so I got to work implementing the ability to roll back to the last position here's what I eventually came up with we've got a ghost soft body that is a copy of the original but without the texture every time you jump the exact configuration of the soft body including the positions of each component and the joints that connect them to the platform are copied and applied to the ghost if you want to undo a move the reverse process is applied setting the player soft body to the exact configuration of the ghost soft body with this working I made an undo button and a little watch add confirmation window just so you don't play an ad by mistake and finally I created an ad manager script and started implementing unity ads this should probably be a pretty straightforward process but because my code never like works it ended up taking a while next I completely revamped the visuals for the check point by changing it from a circle to a spinning circle at this point I'd put about 15 hours of work in and felt like I was going to die so decided to call it a day the next morning I got up at about 6:00 to finish things up I first got the settings menu actually working so you can set the difficulty mode and checkpoint and turn sound on or off cool but changing the difficulty mode doesn't actually do anything right now so I wrote a few quick pieces of code that will disable checkpoints and spikes and adjust the arrow speed if impossible mode is selected and with just one minute remaining I pressed build so yeah somehow I finished the mobile version in just 24 hours well if you if you ignore all the bugs that I would later find and have to fix is that everything oh yeah we actually have to publish the game okay let's get started with the Android version it's actually pretty easy you just create a new app in the Play Developer console make a few promotional images fill out some metadata then just sign your app with a key store whatever that is and upload the apk oh yeah and spend like an hour trying to resolve all the errors and warnings that Google Play throws at you but after getting all that fixed I submitted the build which was approved in a few hours unfortunately I was unable to get the app working on iOS just kidding here it is running on the very latest iPhone 6 but the process for Apple is actually a little bit more involved than for Android so unity can't directly build an iPhone app that you can run instead it exports an Xcode project Xcode is Apple's IDE which will only run on a Mac so I just have this 2012 Mac Mini which is extremely slow and can't even run the most recent Mac OS but this is fine because its sole purpose is to compile iOS apps which as far as I can tell is the only reason someone would actually want to own a Mac also there are restricted areas where you can't put buttons on iPhones with these weird screen shapes to deal with this I found out about this cool device simulator packaged in unity and grabbed this asset that adjusts your UI to fit the safe areas to actually publish on the App Store you need to have an Apple Developer account this is the App Store Connect portal which is where you manage all your apps and stuff finally I uploaded the build filled out the boring metadata stuff and submitted the app for review all right it's been 24 hours and the app has been approved so there it is a mobile game very cool download links are in the description if you want to try it or you can save yourself some frustration and not download it [Music] you
Channel: Sam Hogan
Views: 3,098,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, game development, soft body physics, unity, devlog, unity devlog, unity3d, gamedev, unity game dev, indie game dev, programming challenge, devblog, rage game, getting over it, I made the hardest game ever, world's hardest game, indie gamedev, dani, brackeys, pogostuck, jump king, programming, I made minecraft in 24 hours, I made a game with intentional bugs, hardest game ever, mobile game, stick with it
Id: d04OMBNGfjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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