Making The Taco Bell Quesarito At Home | But Better

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I always kind of find it irritating when YouTubers think everything they make food wise is better or the best. I'm sure it's good, but I don't eat at Taco Bell because I want home cooking. I make good Mexican food, but I eat Taco Bell when I want the exact taste of those TB items. The at home stuff is just different.

Not to mention that giant Quesfauxrito he made is too big around, looks hard to eat, way too much oozing out and that three inch dead zone of rice just looks like it'd be rough to enjoy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SadLaser ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This guy sucks. Just talking shit about TB the entire video. Pretentious and not endearing or enjoyable in the slightest. Imagine interacting with him in real life.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/HandsOffTheBayou ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He talks about "good" burrito in a smug way, but still. Includes rice.

Either do some type of crispy potato, or nothing. Rice is unnecessary filler.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Alphawolf55 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He is wrong about one thing that TB menu has not has and for the worst..

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ttouran ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 13 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

this guy built his career on recreating fast food and has the audacity to disrespect it like that. Someone should humble this loser.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/schwafflex ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Delete this YouTube garbage

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jamesanator9 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ahhn senpai

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ResearchCompetitive8 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
let's be honest this is an abomination to burritos everywhere so we're gonna make the best that's ever existed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right everybody i got the white elephant gifts you don't forget to pass them around all right guys let's open them it was 40 off and the link was in the description did i say more and a seven times new york times bestseller the link is in the description okay so today we're making the quesarito the name itself sends chills down my spine and not in a good way it makes me sad and depressed and it just shouldn't exist i understand what they were thinking right they're in the boardroom and they're like oh quesadilla but what if we made it into a burrito oh frank what do we do what do we call it oh my god well burrito and quesadilla quesarito really who got the pay raise for that terrible terrible but nonetheless people love it they've asked for us to do it making things the way that we do homemade tortillas homemade nacho cheese everything from scratch and you know what we're gonna have a fun little twist with the meat so let's make this shall we wow there it is taco bell i think we've actually been to this one but it's time for the three-point system just visually right off the bat this looks like a taco bell from 1995. is that when they were found there they were founded at this point in time it looks very old these are some nice screens though so you know what i'll give it a 2.3 75 out of 4.6 because of the sign can i get two uh quesaritos they'll do beef back to the three-point system so the next one service she seems like she's having a bad day she does not seem like she's having a good time so i'm gonna give him a five out of ten because i feel bad i hope she has a better day thank you these literally feel like two hot turds in my lap straight up the dog just pooped i picked it up and i'm like i'll take this home i guess to eat and then of course there's the menu it's relatively unchanged the food sucks but the consistency very good and by good i mean they haven't changed their menu in 430 years so i'll give it a two out of ten and a half two and a half out of ten that's how we go eat this so we have the bag this is good you know this is fine i like the way that these bags are made they're simple they're very cheap but that's fine no modern art thank you taco bell i can't believe i'm saying this it smells like absolutely nothing somehow which is actually kind of surprising i've never actually seen one of these in person so let's google a quick image of what this should look like this they're saying it's this where to meet at did i not order a beef is this the vegetarian version oh it's in there it's just kind of holy hi vikram this is single-handedly the worst thing i've put in my mouth in the last five years of my life i'm not going to analyze it because it is just that bad if what we make today is not better than this i will stand on the top of the empire state building wearing nothing but a taco bell flag ah a quesarito literally just the quesadilla used to wrap a burrito how ingenious i guess the elements are simple tortilla utterly perfect rice chipotle sauce papas nacho cheese and of course the meat so good that it practically descended from mount olympus let's begin with the element that is the least respected in this quesarito the meat i mean let's be honest nothing's really respected in this piece of rito look we're not doing ground beef pal i refuse this could be so much better than that so instead i made my birya recipe yes we made a got dang jw barrier quesorito this is the exact same recipe as the one that is in my uh well peria quesa taco video so if you want to make that the link is in the description but the short version is essentially fatty short ribs and oxtail braised in aromatics and chilis till undeniably tender the meat is then separated shredded into the most voluptuous beautiful glistening beef of all time the chilies are then blended with some of the consummate and added back to the broth the meat is then seasoned with salt a little bit of consomme and you now have meat for filling and consummate for dipping birya is one of those things that contributes to the world in a way that makes life undeniably beautiful and worth fighting for now assuming that's done let's make the rest let's go for a buttered cilantro lime rice it's easy using a rice cooker which you should be using one snag yourself and a half cups or 309 grams of medium grain white rice tired of saying it really am i'm sure people are tired of hearing it but wash your goddang rasp until the water runs clear i'm not running you through this for the millionth time so pop that bad boy in the rice cooker with equal parts water so one and a half cups or 360 milliliters close the lid and turn it on yes very nice once the rice is cooked fluff it and immediately mix it with the zest of one lime two tablespoons or 12 grams of finely chopped cilantro 2 tablespoons or 44 grams of unsalted butter then mix that until the butter is completely melted and incorporated in the rice season and taste with lime juice and salt and that's your rice please be careful mixing this so you don't you know destroy crush and break your rice it's no good next is a creamy chipotle sauce luxurious in flavor as it is in beauty in a blender add one seven ounce can of chipotles in adobo all of it two tablespoons are 26 grams of hot sauce which could be anything you want you like cholula great put that in there three large cloves of garlic turn on your blender then remember to plug it in and then actually turn on your blender people are always commenting oh josh there's no way you forgot that you did that for the camera you don't know what i'm capable of okay then just blend that until smooth as possible then in a medium-sized bowl add one cup or 228 grams of mayonnaise all of your blended chipotle puree salted taste then whisk together until completely combined and that is your chipotle sauce now i know this is simple but this thing will kick you right in the pants with flavor now for the tortillas this is the bane of the entire existence of this recipe you are going to have a hard time finding tortillas large enough because they need to be slightly larger than 12 inches something closer to 13 to 14 inches and for some reason you can't really find that so guess what that's why we make our own are we certain to get it god i'm trying to tell people make your goddamn food from scratch all right makes a lot better makes it easier to do whatever you want anyway we have tortilla recipes everywhere so i'll make this quick in a bowl add two cups or 300 grams of all-purpose flour one and a half teaspoons or six grams of baking powder and one teaspoon or four grams of fine sea salt whisk that together until thoroughly combined then separately we have three quarters of a cup or 180 milliliters of hot water mix in a third cup or 62 grams of vegetable oil then while constantly stirring your dry mixture with a fork stream in your oil mixture and once it forms a shaggy dough begin needing that filler to get a soft smooth dough about five minutes cover that with grease plastic wrap give it a personality that anyone could revere and respect and let it rest for 30 minutes once it's had a little nappy wrappy and it needs its mommy you're it's mommy then you need to remove the plastic wrap and divide into five even pieces of course you can use your scale if you want that ultra accurate like weigh your whole dough divide by five see what i'm saying here now just roll those into rough balls lightly flour one of your balls flatten your ball into a disc and then roll it out until you get a circle that's about 13 inches or slightly more in diameter and it should be quite thin but not so thin that it tears which i feel like is obvious but you know gotta say it anyway so what do you do if it sticks huh gonna run around and cry gonna go cry to your mama gonna go call papa no you just dust with a little bit of flour now we only have one issue when it comes to cooking this you need a big cooking surface so either use a very large pan ideally a comal would work great here or if you happen to have a giant griddle like me then use that heat that brother up until it's so hot you slap your goddang horse's behind and send it on home then toss the tortilla on and once it begins to bubble up and get some color about 15 seconds flip it and cook again for another 15 to 20 seconds yes this thing should cook fast pop that onto a baking sheet lime with a towel or if you're really lucky ulysses incredible grandmother will hand knit them for you thank you isadore besos parati now just keep those brothers warm and set them to the side last but certainly far from least is our nacho cheese is there velveeta in this josh no but there is a touch of american cheese which i guess is kind of similar but not quite the same in a saucepan add two half tablespoons or 50 grams of unsalted butter heat over medium heat until that's melted then add two half tablespoons or 27 grams of all-purpose flour whisk that together and cook while stirring constantly for about 45 seconds then whisk in a quarter teaspoon or one gram of cayenne powder let that toast for 15 seconds and then add one and a quarter cup or 300 milliliters of whole milk let that heat until it thickens and look if it gets too thick then guess what you do you add a little bit more milk like a couple tablespoons until it is not like a sludge once that's hot and beginning to bubble stir in four ounces or 113 grams of grated cheddar let them melt completely and then stir in 3 ounces or 85 grams of grated american cheese yes you can buy blocks of it stir that until completely season a taste with salt if needed and that is your nacho cheese sauce now set that to the side and keep it hot if it cools it will start to solidify so if it does just warm that up until it's melted again okay i think we're ready for one of my favorite assemblies i've seen here are you ready you better get your popcorn sit down on a chair right put the massage function on your chair light a candle turn the lights down poor little glass of champagne or sparkling apple juice if you are not of age now please lay down a big boy tortilla spread on enough grated cheddar to create a very thin but even layer of cheese drizzle that with your nacho cheese and look admittedly i could have gone a lot heavier here but it is what it is then another layer of grated cheddar now top that with another equally sized tortilla wow that's funny it looks like we're making a quesadilla hmm press that to adhere then on the bottom third add your cilantro rice be judicious on how much you put you know you put too much it's gonna be hard to close top the rice with more nacho cheese add on a fat stack of your juicy delectable berea beef hit that with a drizzle of sour cream followed by a generous drizzle of your chipotle sauce add on a nice little garden of fresh cilantro leaves for freshness if you're the type of person that complains about cilantro being soapy tasting get out i'm just kidding you don't have to put it on it's fine now stand back think about your life for a second and then do your best rolling job you have ever done in history make sure it's tight and well folded but not so tight it'll bust it open now heat up a 12 inch skillet over medium heat with a little bit of spray oil in it and i would recommend going nonstick for this stainless steel not so great then let that sit for two to three minutes undisturbed until toasted get a spat flip to toast the other side then after two minutes and both sides are beautifully toasted make sure your cheese is all melted if it's not leave it in the pan until it is and your masterpiece is done a masterpiece that i think we need to see a cross section on let's just get a little sound bite of that and good lord it's got the oozing cheese pull the anatomy of a burrito but hold on we need to get a little bowl of birya consummate garnished with fresh sweet onion and chopped cilantro and let's get a little dip into the consummate it has the drip the red hue that symbolizes flavor and a little bit of spice and good lord cross my heart spank my knee take my foot off and throw it out the window like a boomerang and hope to have a good old-fashioned bus because that is something you do not see every day i'm about to take this here burrito into the next room next door to enjoy its flavors in privacy so that others can't see the facial expression i'm gonna make right that's what i'm saying all right thanks for watching do i need to say more i mean really there's actually more beef in this one which is great good for you guys that smells like a foot this smells like if you were in a taqueria on mount olympus with lavender growing out of your shoes i don't know what the last note was i was just trying to think of something else theatrical so this has already been dipped a few times in the uh the birya consummate it's red hued it's got a scent to it i think i'd like to bite this by the microphone if you don't mind kendrick may i i'm speechless this absolute log has left me speechless i wanted to take that a step further but i'm not going to a dunk jesus christ maybe a little extra sauce and it holds together look at that i think something's happening i can hear church bells ringing and angels are flying in the air and they're whole oh they're dropping big pieces of beery and meat in my mouth ah ah it's a wonderland the point that i'm trying to make is whether this is a what is this a called a case of burrito quesorito i see how they created that name now whether this is a quesarito or not or cheese filled quesadilla burrito this is probably one of the greatest burrito taco related things i've put in my mouth in my entire life oh we won we're gonna need a taste tester yeah the little man is here he got a new haircut it looks so pretty so vikram uh can you tell us about how you feel about quesoritos never had one it looks disgusting appalled okay so we have number one coming straight for your tight little mouth open wide sweetheart are you ready to swallow number two that was awful all right yours is number one and better that was just an awful experience i could smell this coming and it smelled amazing the whole way through just end this all right let's end this um you want to know what else has a cheesy meat torpedo ready for launch b-roll [Music] our guys in that is it so we made our quesarito every time i say the word it's just like a little my hairs stand up immediately not right shouldn't exist and you know what i think that we made something that is worthy of existing should it be remade over and over and eaten on a daily basis probably not unless you want to go to the hospital but it is at least worthy of standing on a plate in front of people who care about food that's what this is all about so are you gonna make this probably not let's be honest who's making this are you gonna make a 14 inch tortilla if you have a plancha for it i guess i just wait wait in two to three weeks we're gonna see restaurants putting this out and be like oh we have a restaurant qui cerrito yeah i wonder where that came from anyway with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 3,833,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, Taco Bell, Taco Bell recipe, quesarito, quesarito recipe, Taco Bell quesarito, Taco Bell quesarito recipe, tortilla recipe, homemade tortillas, birria burrito, birria, quesadilla, quesadilla recipe, easy tortilla recipe, flour tortilla recipe, burrito recipe, easy burritos, cheese recipe, birria recipe, homemade birria, homemade burritos, homemade quesarito, cilantro lime rice, nacho cheese recipe, queso recipe, cheese sauce, nacho cheese
Id: WKEYre161XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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