$270 vs $24 Ribs: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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I really want to know what this is I want like a shirt this print I'm going to need to scan this send it to my Shark guy [Music] hi I'm Frank I'm a professional chef and these are my 270 dollar rib ingredients hey I'm Joe I'm a home cook and these are my world famous 24 rib ingredients good luck with that chef Frank [Music] a lot less on this tray oh this is all stuff that I know except this this this um and these I was planning on making mustard barbecue glazed Iberico spare ribs with shave fennel and bitter greens this is going to be from something exotic these are giraffe ribs probably if I had to guess which I was gonna Butcher and braise in white wine chicken stock and a whole bunch of aromatics this looks like wine so I think I'm done I was gonna make two types of mustard one yellow and one Dijon which I was then going to use to make my own mustard barbecue sauce with dark beer and honey all 30 mustards that you have given me will be made perfectly don't worry about it Frank and finished off with a sprinkling of crushed are for pepper I don't know what any of that means these ribs were a force to be reckoned with Joe please use their power for good not evil the ribs look amazing they look better than mine I'm gonna be honest with Joe's recipe I have ingredients you might find in your pantry or local grocery store these might be on the simpler side but with a little bit of technique and a little bit of love sprinkled on they're gonna be great if I had a guess this would all cost about 20 22 bucks oh 24 okay Pig's not as cheap as it used to be huh if I had to guess the cost of all of this I would say 203.78 final answer okay I'm always I'm too conservative I'm gonna start dreaming bigger right here I have Chef Frank's recipe book and this is what I'm gonna be making today mustard barbecue glazed ibericos spare ribs am I saying that right Iberico pigs are from Spain they're fed acorns it is the best pork you'll ever eat if I'm a Spanish Pig I'm thinking what are the American pigs eating because acorns sounds terrible so Joe these ribs you want to start off with your rack the meat side down bone side up we're going to pull that membrane off this is so satisfying and I'm sorry to this pig why wouldn't why can't we eat this this is acorn fed Pig membrane now that membrane at the end of the day is edible but it does make your ribs a little less tender so we're going to pull that off throw it away that's my rent in a bowl right there I'm Gonna Save it and sell it on the black market after that you're going to want to cut the ribs in half because we're going to braise them a whole rack is not going to fit in the pot the knife just goes through like like a knife through ribs as far as seasoning goes I keep it super simple salt pepper and then we're ready to start the braids so Joe's recipe was pretty simple he had some baby back ribs he was going to put on some store-bought sauce cynical slaw side of toast I think I can change that and make it a little bit better I'm going to make a smoked boneless baby back rib sandwich on Texas toast with dill slaw Frank don't mess up my recipe it's perfect as it is this is going to be similar to a seasonal sandwich sold at a popular restaurant with two golden arches but better so in order to make this into a sandwich I have to take the bones out so I realized taking the bones out of ribs could be something that people get upset about but this is for a very specific sandwich that I want to make this is my vision as a chef my ribs are boned out now I'm just going to cut it down to size and here are our boned out ribs ready to be seasoned and cooked I'm ready to start cooking my ribs and the first thing I'm going to do is brown them in a pan when I make ribs they go just straight in the oven for like three hours or something I take a nap there's a lot of steps to this first we're going to Brown them then we're going to braise them then we're going to bake them in the oven and then we're going to broil them okay enough with the Spanish Pig they eat acorns heat up my pan throw some oil in there let the oil get hot all right let's drop my ribs in there I'm gonna Sue these until they're nice and brown flip it over do the same thing on the other side ribs are boned out it's time to season them I'm gonna get a nice piece of plastic wrap more than I think I'll need I'm going to take my ribs put them on and then slide them with mayo mayonnaise lends a lot of moisture it adds a little bit of acidity to this as well I think it's better than ketchup don't tell Emily I said that and it helps my spices stick so mayonnaise sazona on one side give it a flip a little bit of mayo a little more of my Sazon so cezone is basically a Puerto Rican spice blend you can buy in any supermarket and this is the key benefit to using the plastic wrap you can basically use it cut it off and wrap it without really making more of a mess I'm going to fold those ends in and I'm going to get another piece of plastic wrap just to seal up so you notice I went like this now I'm going to seal up those other sides so we're basically making a nice little airtight pouch on to the next one one quick note about the plastic wrap that I'm using it is restaurant or industrial grade if you use a supermarket brand you are going to have plastic rims and you don't want that plastic wrap that's professional does not melt the stuff in the supermarket does melt not only does this wrap them nice it also shapes them the first half of my ribs are just about done I'm going to take them out of the pan and drop them into my Dutch oven look at that it's perfect and you go and now we're going to grab this other little slab right here drop it in there oh listen to that cover this up so my ribs are seasoned and wrapped now we wrap them in foil when I wrap these in plastic wrap and foil I call it the poor man sous-vide basically it seals all the juices and seasoning inside and the ribs cook in their own juices is it a true barbecue no but you get a really nice juicy tender product my second piece is finished and it's going in the Dutch oven with the first one I'm gonna use all of what's at the bottom of this pan to make a braising liquid for my ribs basically braising is cooking in a moist heat environment covered with liquid I'm going to open up my wine and possibly light a candle they asked me if I knew how to open a bottle of wine and I said yes this is so embarrassing there we go the reason I want Joe to braise these ribs is because it cuts down on cooking time it basically cuts it in half and not only that it's going to make them super tender and give them a lot of flavor pens back back on at medium heat and I'm going to throw in my onions and garlic my onions are looking and smelling beautiful I think they're ready to put the wine in there this is called deglazing not usually a part of my rib routine but you know to use their own if you were trying to figure out which guy is the home cook which one's the pro Chef I can't tell I'm the home cook we're going to reduce the wine a little so we don't have all that alcohol once the alcohol is cooked off everyone back in the pool put some chicken stock put your aromatic spices on and you're good to go a little salt and pepper covered up so you line them up you put them in the oven at 350 for about an hour and a half and then you let them cool completely bringing this to a boil and then I'm going to put it in the oven 350 for a couple of hours time for the barbecue sauce Joe sent me just a regular barbecue sauce tends to be a little on the sweet side so we're going to Jazz it up just a little bit turn your heat on low we're going to add our barbecue sauce I'm gonna add a nice Hefty pinch of salt and then I'm going to go kind of crazy with the fresh cracked black pepper some white vinegar it doesn't need to be fancy vinegar this will just cut down on that sweetness I'm going to give this a stir and let it warm up before I add that butter and then I'm going to take my couple of knobs of butter throw it in there and just continue to stir until the butter is melted and Incorporated butter is melted and gone we could shut it off a super simple and effective way to make your barbecue sauce just that much better it's time to pull my ribs out of the oven they're all cooked up so I'm gonna go get them right now oh here we go get ready big reveal this smells amazing if you're watching at home I wish you could smell this take the ribs out and they are real soft real juicy I'm gonna strain this braising liquid into the measuring cup and I'm gonna save it for my barbecue sauce no sandwich is complete without some sort of a topping so I'm gonna take the dill that Joe gave me and the Mayo I'm gonna make it till mayonnaise Mayo goes into the bowl season with some salt some sugar because we want a little bit of sweetness black pepper a little bit of our white vinegar and a nice amount of our dried dill we just mixed that up I'm ready to go with mustard number one of 12. so Joe you're making two types of mustard you're making a yellow mustard and a Dijon mustard and we have to do that because their components in our barbecue sauce everything's just getting dumped right into the pot when put in the water mustard powder the vinegar salt turmeric a little bit of garlic powder and paprika bring it to a simmer let it rest done easy peasy right now I'm just breaking up the chunks as we say in the in the cooking world this is Joe's famous chunkless mustard I'm gonna let it cool and then it will be part of my barbecue sauce Thai time for the slaw Joe is going to make a traditional mayonnaise based slaw I'm taking the mayonnaise out using it elsewhere and I'm gonna do a vinegar-based slaw just going to take my cabbage and cut it in half take your core out and I'm only going to use half of this now what I'm going to do with this is just cut it into like six pieces and then we can go directly in to our food processor and we're gonna pulse I don't want to be mush I just want it to be chopped up nice and small second half the cabbage is chopped I'm gonna hit with a little bit of salt right now just to draw out a little bit of moisture and to also kind of break our cabbage down a little more so it's not like super chewy and crunchy let's set this aside for a minute or two and then we can make this slaw this is mustard number two and it's going to be a Dijon mustard Dijon mustard is mustard from Dijon France it's easy it's easy like last time I take all these ingredients I just dump them in the pot and I simmer it my wines I got sugar going in and some salt I have two types of mustard seed too I got yellow mustard seeds and brown mustard seeds why two mustard seeds for the Dijon well first of all I'm a little extra second of all the yellow mustard seeds give us a good base note whereas the brown seeds give us a little bit of that bite and then with the Dijon we can puree it to make it nice and smooth it is time to smoothify my mustard seeds with this thing I've never used one of these before and I don't know how but I am gonna do my best oh I think there's action happening in there it's kind of hard to tell I feel like a witch I've been told I can leave a couple of chunks not on my watch this is going to be chunkless as all gray Joe's mustard brand mustas are so now we can take our cabbage and put into a bowl we're gonna season it really well with some black pepper we're gonna take a little bit of sugar because we want a little bit of sweetness here cabbage could be bitter sometimes a little more salt some plain white vinegar and then that Dill give it a mix slaw's done let's throw it in the fridge this is done now this is going into a jar so ribs are in the oven for about 90 minutes they're out we want the meat to kind of cool off and kind of come together now all we want to do is take them out of the packets and give them a little glaze with our barbecue sauce you don't think I'm too crazy just a nice slathering like slather right everyone knows what slather means right the top side of the ribs are the presentation side give them a turn and this is where you want to do a little smothering rather than slathering go Max on the list here because again it's our presentation side it's going to look good it's time to make my barbecue sauce First Step we're going to heat up this oil in a pan and while it's heating I'm going to Brown up some onions and garlic I'm going to cook these up for about five minutes until they are soft and a little brown ribs are Sauced ready to go and now it's time for the fire and by fire I mean smoke we have a stovetop smoker and we're going to turn the burner on low we're going to take some of our wood chips this is a hickory wood chip so I have the flame on underneath but I'm also going to kind of jump start it a little here because I don't want a raw wood flavor or raw smoke flavor I'm going to lower my heat and now I can take this tray and kind of smother them lightly so you see I smothered the flame but we still have a lot of smoke so what I'm going to do while the smoke is happening I'm going to take my ribs put them on here and I'm going to slide the top on and just let it smoke for about 10 minutes so the barbecue sauce has a smoky flavor but I wanted to give these a little bit of a deeper smoke and that's why I'm putting them on the smoker onions and garlic are looking good they're ready to be Sauced so I'm going to start with my braising liquid that I made earlier we're going to put half of this beer in there I'm gonna throw in some apple cider vinegar a pinch of salt some honey honey has a lot of other flavors going on that kind of aren't just sweet and then of course Joe's famous mustards promo code cut the mustard I'm going to cook this for about 10 minutes until it reduces and thickens with the finished sauce we want it to be stick to the ribs not thick and gloopy it's been about 10 minutes my barbecue sauce is looking delicious and it's smelling real good so I'm gonna do what I always do and put it in a jar I'm gonna try not to spill I'm failing at that it's messy but that's the way we do it at Joe's mustards I'm not a sauce man I'm a mustard man all right I got most of it in there the barbecue sauce is done we've been in there for about 10 minutes let's see how we look slide it back oh it's like mysterious smokiness we can take these out my ribs are back they're looking nice I have my barbecue sauce right here I'm gonna cut them up into a manageable size these ones broke on their own so now I just got to do this one and then I'm gonna brush them with some barbecue sauce take a small bunch of Rosemary tie it together dip it in your sauce and use it as a brush added benefit have a little Rosemary flavor going on I could eat these now but I'm not allowed they have to go into the broiler first I think it'll crisp them up I think maybe it'll let the the sauce seep in a little bit you know I just I'm just trusting the process these ribs have been baked glazed smoked one last thing to do pop them in the broiler get them caramelized and hot the ribs were just in there a couple minutes and that's all they needed the broiler was straight fire so they are nice and crispy on the top right now I'm gonna turn these over and we're gonna sauce the other side all right back to the broiler so they've been in the broiler for about 10 minutes look how beautiful they look they're glazed a little bit of caramelization the sauce is nice and sticky all right my ribs are ready to come out they are smoking they're smelling amazing time to make a salad Joe now it's time to make your salad you're making a shave fennel and bitter green salad chef Frank look I'm sure you got a gourmet salad but let's be honest we're here for the ribs don't be ridiculous the dressing for the salad is a simple vinaigrette we got some white wine vinegar some honey the bonus here is we get to use those two mustards again and as a chef that kind of tickles my heart because when we can get double usage out of something we're really happy pinch of salt and then I have some fancy olive oil all right that's all mixed up I'm gonna slice my vegetables now this thing looks a little crazy but it's really the only kitchen tool if you want to shave your fingertips off I'm going to start with some shallot this is fennel every swipe is a little scary I'm gonna get this as far away from myself as I can we have fennel and three different types of Radicchio that is the funniest word I think I've heard Treviso tordivo Rosa de vanetto and Caso Franco each ridicuo has a different shape a different texture and a different amount of bitterness I should have trusted you chef Frank the salad is beautiful yeah I mean we're eating big hunks of meat we need to balance it out all right my salad and dressing are ready to go so Joe gave you some thick cut white bread normally this is served on the side of barbecue to sop up juices make a small salmon much but what I'm going to do is make some Texas toast at least my version of Texas toast Texas toast is generally butter bread put in a pan or on a griddle and browned not toasted which is kind of funny because it's called toast for my version we're going to use mayonnaise Not Butter I think it has better flavor for this sandwich while those are Browning I'm going to get the other side because I'm going to toast both sides so this looks good I like the color on it and my Texas toast is done all we got to do now is plate the sandwich up it's time to Plate first I'm going to dress my Radicchio salad toss that around I'm ready to put these on a plate all right we've got a nice looking salad there I'm going to throw my ribs on here time to Plate first piece of Texas toast on the bottom I'm going to take some of our barbecue sauce just a little smear then we go with our nice piece of boneless rib I'm going to put a little more barbecue sauce on top don't be afraid if you get some drips there because drips are for dipping Joe you're going to be finishing the dish with Eartha pepper first thing I want you to do is taste it and tell me what you think yeah it's got like a smoke to it it's got a cake I like spicy food but I don't like it to be too crazy so that's like the perfect amount of spice for me and then my other piece of Texas toast gets the mayonnaise slaw on top Bread on top look at that beauty you have never seen a McRib look this good this is my take on Chef Frank's recipe and this is my take on Joe's recipe can't wait to see how Joe did with my recipe Hey Joe nice meeting you Frank nice meeting you how'd it go think it went good yeah I think it went good it was uh I looked delicious that's what I hear good thing okay all right how did uh how to go with me oh it's complicated we had a good time a good time with it right I think when you see you'll be like that looks familiar you just Spruce it up a little bit though just a little oh oh that looks beautiful man look at that so is this I have a question what does it look like to you were you going for a McRib yes I love it I love it I told you to be familiar I love it I am dying for you to try this I want I want your approval it looks great I'm so excited about this cheers hey cheers so everything about this is absolutely amazing I really appreciate that ribs are like perfect I don't know if I could do better cooking the ribs myself stop it barbecue sauce isn't too sweet it's got some bite to it it's not hot so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna take a piece of that rodigio I'm gonna eat it with the ribbon okay all right let's do that great job man thank you thank you yeah I need to make rib now it is it is my turn yeah you gotta try what I do yes take the sandwich like kind of step back a little so you don't get it on your body and take a big bite okay [Music] this is amazing it tastes homemade it tastes like uh you know I keep the love here yeah just a little sprinkle hey you sprinkle it up yeah I was I was sprinkling Eartha I did want to ask if you were interested in investing I have a business that's Joe's mustards it's a monthly mustard Club that's an easy yes yeah all right you're in I'm in no chunks no chunks well done I mean uh thank you for sharing this one man this was beautiful too thank you so much for I think a long time excellent
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 1,445,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby back ribs, barbecue, barbecue ribs, barbecue ribs recipe, bbq recipe, bbq ribs, bbq ribs in oven, best bbq ribs, best homemade ribs, dinner recipe, dinner recipes, easy ribs recipe, epicurious, epicurious pro novice, expert ribs, how to make ribs, make ribs at home, make the best ribs, oven ribs, party recipes, pork ribs, pro chef vs novice chef, ribs, ribs recipe, ribs tutorial, short ribs, smoked bbq ribs, sticky pork ribs, the best ribs
Id: LrBSYGXvdkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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