Making the Famous New Orleans Style Beignets

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why go to the donut shop never again we're going down there to Louisiana down there to New Orleans to make us some Beignets and these are going to be the best things you ever eat [Music] hey thank you all for stopping by the wagon the sun is shining and I am hungry and we talking about what Mighty Girl yes I got no beets where's my beads at Shin you've done anything to deserve them oh what do you got to do to deserve them you gotta You Gotta Dance I can do some dancing but I can do some cooking and what are we talking about we going to the French Quarter we are to get what a French donut and some of that coffee now the first time that I ever had me one of them Beignets is how you say a shin yeah was a good friend of mine Tony Osmond lived down there in Louisiana at Ruston and he allowed that he would send me a box that they got this mix in and some of that coffee what got that chicory in it I do know that Cafe Dumont was a coffee company purchased by this guy and his grandpa decided that they would make these little French Square Donuts called Beignets but these were named the Louisiana state donut 1986 so folks when you can get a whole state to name the donut that you want it is a good deal I have done this by trial and error to where I get the most pop out of them so we're going to show you how to make them and we ain't even got to go to New Orleans and the French Quarter folks we're going to get this put together first we're going to start off with 3 4 cup of warm water hot water will kill yeast cold water won't hardly ever get it active so make sure it's just lukewarm make sure that you have good yeast I prefer to use Rapid rice I think to me it works the best you know the the reason we do this is to proof the yeast now when we're talking about proofing it we want to see that yeast as it dissolves begin to Bubble Up if you've waited two or three minutes and you ain't got no bubbles in there at all folks chunk it out and start over look at the date on that yeast because this is extremely important we need this yeast in there to help give us that pop so make sure after it's stirred up just set it aside Walnut yeast is proofing the eggs is over there while the yeast is proofing let me get you the eggs okay now you know I was gonna have to film NBC well it's pretty close it is now the recipe folks calls for one large egg y'all seen me go out there and talk to Gladys and the girls even read them a story when they wasn't laying now to get one large Gladys egg I'm gonna have to take two of these eggs right here so go ahead let's get them cracked and in the bowl possums will have them skunk will have that one to that we're going to add what is it my favorite ingredient besides a jalapeno on the ranch pet milk we need three-fourths of a can we're going to add a half a cup of white sugar A little dab of salt we're gonna mix you should have already melted you three tablespoons of unsalted butter we need about I'd say two teaspoons a clever girl we'll go ahead and get this yeast poured back in there and then go to mixing did you notice how this rubber spatula is quieter than that oven I appreciate it that's why I'm using it just for you I don't want you to dip this cup of flour in there because you're going to pack it things need to be what they need to be measured precisely when you are making bread or Donuts now you can take that rake it off her but folks I need you to sift it when it goes in there I just don't want you to dump it because we want things to be light we want them to be Airy we're always going to start with the least amount that way we can add it if we need it but if it's too dry too late folks and then I just need you to take a spoon and let's just go to fold gingerly I don't want you to whip it with no whisk I just want to fold it until we get all that flour Incorporated well you know when you get this right it's going to be something that's you can sort of form into a ball but still has a little bit of wetness to it because we're going to have to knead this here in a little bit so let me get this part of this shook in there and we'll see where we're at Mike says he thinks it's gonna work you see it's sort of trying to ball up and be together anyway when it gets to that point shake you a little more on there shake a little more in your hands and let's see can we make it into a ball now you see a lot of people when they're making a ball of dough or something and they'll get to this point and then they'll stick them fingers down on the inside of that see if that's sticky no folks because you're letting some of that air out of there you're letting some of that moisture out of there I know it's probably sticky in the middle that's the way I want it so when you get it to this point to where you see it's not really sticking to my hands that much just wad it up in here now we need a floured surface and today the flowered surface is the chuckbox lead chin and folks it has been clean since the mouse tracked on it so but yeah tell us about what happened with the mouse well we've been gone for like 10 days on an event we come back and these people had moved in there was no sign here that said rooms for rent in fact it had a No Vacancy sign that lit up at night and it flashed come out here today what they'd moved in a whole family of about six little mouses everywhere I'll show the clip after a while so get you a flared surface dump this out gonna have to knead this for how long two to three minutes it's what we call exercising the glutens because we got to get them exercised to where they'll stretch out there and make everything pop later now I'm always cheating the need time so can I not cheat that do not cheat the need there is no need to cheat did you catch that I did okay well arthritis is beginning to set up just get it to a ball the same bowl that we had folks you can either grease it with butter grease it with oil try to get the excess flour out of it but just give it a good greasing we're going to set this somewhere cover it and let it rise until it's doubled in size now this usually takes about two hours and guess what due to the magic of Television we have a different colored bowl that the bread went in oh look at that now I need you to keep it covered when you're letting it rise not with none of that plastic wrap none of that stuff I don't want it to sweat and make moisture in there I just want you to put a cup towel on it to where it can stay warm in there it'll rise up quicker folks come that time now just punch a hole in there and let that sort of go down you'll flower you a surface here foreign I just want you to knead it back together a little bit just to get some flour on it and you can see and this folks you those of you who have made bread or made donuts you know what something's going to be just by touching it and this is so moist it's got a great smell that's popping out of there it is going to be some fine fine Beignets it is now if you can roll these in a square it is good if you can roll them in a rectangle it is all right too but if you can get them in a trapezoid you in good shape I'm telling you so how thick now the first time that I made these I was getting them pretty thick to where I would say that's half inch maybe 3 8 and folks them things when they fried up was still doughy in the middle so you're probably looking at pretty close we want to be pretty close to a quarter of an inch we're going to square this up and don't think that stuff is going to get left out it's not you think perfectly around or they ain't perfectly Square you know the homemade that's the best part just don't get them so big that they won't fit in your device that you're frying and if it's going to take you multiple friends especially if you're trying to do this outside I need you to cover this dough if you're having to wait so it don't dry out no more well we got us a dutch oven over got about that much oil in it folks this is not a shallow fry this is a deep fry if you've got a deep fryer at home and you want to do this in it preheat that oil to about 335 to 340. I like to stay under 350 because I don't just want to just get that skin so brown right there at the top of that then they'll be doughy in the middle so let's get to Frying do not over crowd the swimming pool so we're going to start with about four and you'll see that that is beginning to sizzle there just a little and jump back we're going in the temperature of the oil right now is 331 degrees and just sort of keep them things moving around a little as you're going remember I told you these were sort of like sopapillas if you want to go back and watch our sopapilla video one of the greatest things that I learned cooking soap is is begin to splash some of that oil up on top look how much the pillow has grown I mean that's what we're after you want them light and fluffy to where they got so much air in there roll them over get that it don't hurt to flip them folks it's sort of like cooking a burger you ain't gonna hurt that filler by flipping him over and over we want to get them good and golden brown both sides some of these little Fellers need a life jacket they don't want to turn over on their own I want a good Rich golden brown color to them because folks when you leave them like this one and white on one side I guarantee you he is a little doughy in the middle monitor your oil temperature if you have to get you a wire rack that you've got a paper towel or something under let's go ahead and get these four out or five the more they puff up the lighter they are the more air they got in them [Music] I have some Moochers living with me and I've asked them to leave three or four times now this has happened to me on ranches before but never to this magnitude now there is a lot of stuff going on here so oh my gosh see this so [Applause] oh God she was coming to see you I assume now if I had a good Mouse dog where's the mouse dog at Mike oh yeah come here now we all know that schnauzers were bred to be rodent dogs right but so I want you just to look around in there and tell me if you find a rodent huh do you find a rodent anywhere what he's right behind you no looker here I see he is [Music] whoa you missed him [Music] I have made a lot of bread and I've made a lot of donuts and I've made these four or five times but I had one of these while y'all wasn't watching and um goodness I'm telling you about but I do get these comments every while folks will be asking well I bet you don't feed that stuff to Cowboys maybe Shannon's going to have it there for you during the old Bell ranch when we was cooking out there I made donuts yes I did how do we cut the the middle out of them dump my medicine out of a little pill bottle and cut that out of there we feed Cowboy as well and a lot of what y'all see us cook on here Cowboys ever tried it before y'all got to so hey this is some good eating I don't even know which one to pick I'm trying to pick the one that I think and you have to powder them when they come out right yeah well it's best folks when you powder them when that when they come out of that grease and just Shan says sprinkle them lightly because it messes up the picture folks spray sprinkle them heavy if you have to get a five gallon bucket of that stuff and roll them around it see how this one is coated for is this one who who are you going to grab first I'll tell you I'm gonna grab first yeah see that good hole in there and folks that is all done everywhere there is air in there Cafe Du Monde Cafe on the back porch Cafe wherever you at folks fix some of these up because they're oh so easy and they so good and I got one participant here on hand today who was once a rodent dog today so Mage I know this is not on your diet but there you go buddy he do like a donut this will probably call for a little elegant French dancing because folks remember this is Cafe Du Monde French Donuts so we're going to start oh so slow be gliding back and forth making that dough rolling it out get to needing to going and then we're gonna go to cow I'm talking these Donuts be good folks better than anything you ever eat be on the lookout for some bonus videos because folks we fit and start putting some of them out on Sunday to where we can have a little more content for you but it is with pride and honor that I tip my hat and I salute all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying over us no matter where they might be we appreciate you so much and we just lift you up in prayer rest of you hey we wouldn't make it without you every week because what I can feel the hugs that you're giving back to me so come on in here come on love a hug God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the best French Donuts beignet Trail you've ever been on in your life you missed him he said this thing's alive are you gonna get him go get him [Music] your first rodent catch [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 155,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beignet, cafe du monde, cafe du monde beignets, cafe du monde new orleans, beignet recipe, beignets new orleans, beignet new orleans, how to make beignets, how to make beignets at home, how to make beignets easy, fat tuesday, new orleans food, new orleans beignets recipe, french quarter beignets, outdoor cooking, southern dessert recipes, cowboy kent rollins, kent rollins, cast iron desserts, cast iron cooking, donut recipe, doughnut recipe, fried beignets, beignets recipe
Id: mEd2LREpHuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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