The Perfect Beignet Donuts At Home (2 Ways)

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donuts come from many places but there's an iconic one that everybody needs to try and it comes from a place called new orleans [Music] we recently hit 6 million subscribers as you know a massive thank you and we have a special coming for that i promise but in the meantime listen up los angeles at amboy april 1st 5 pm we're gonna be dishing out a special burger the world has never seen for all of you to come try taste meet me i'll be slanging burgers signing books seeing you kissing babies maybe not the last part why do they do that if you want to go visit the link in the description rsvp totally free to do that and i will see you there you come to new orleans as i said we just landed we're trying three different beignets all their different accompanying stories try them and then make them let's begin so we're starting things off right in the french quarter at a place that i think you cannot come to new orleans without stopping at least two three times and what is the name of it cafe du mont oldest living beignets if not the oldest is it the first 1862 throwback cafe ole you guys know how i feel about coffee it's made with chicory jesus christ it is so god we just screwed this entire shoe oh my god vikram that is the hottest coffee i've ever put in my mouth okay oh these bennies look bad fried fresh already powdered sugar on the ground and that was there before i even took my first bite i will say not as fluffy as i expected but it's rich it's sweet you got the powdered sugars all over your lips and your mouth and falling and it's like where has he been a wall street party in the bathroom or did he just eat a beignet these are a little tougher than i imagined and i don't know maybe it's an optic i don't want to be mean about it i know that a lot of people have this close to heart so respect to that they say pillowy but i would think i'd rather have a pillow from prison but it's almost like a funnel cake type though this is a good first impression but let's move on to the next one right so just a ten minute walk away from cafe dumont and where do we end up a beautiful place loretta's pralines this is a classic new orleans place if you don't come here you're making a very very big mistake and they opened up just for us so that we could try their twist to the classic beignet they take a classic beignet and then they stuff them with praline now if that doesn't get your pants all pulled up and ready to have goddamn tango i don't know what i could do for you okay so we are officially inside the coveted loretta's tasha thank you so much for having us seriously it means the world to me that you would open up your doors can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do here so i'm loretta's niece unfortunately miss loretta passed away so i have taken over as the ceo of the business she was the first african-american female to start a praline business here she worked for a local library and she would make the candy everybody loved it she used to sell maybe about 1500 candies a day she had a cart and that brought us here 1500 candies a day she was working and you said probably right it's a problem okay not a praline i literally gave us two different takes outside because i was like i'm scared don't say praline here i'm not here is it pecan or pecan it is a pecan so a proline is a sweet candy creamy chunky piece of new orleans the heart wants what the heart wants i want that one that specific one right there you're too good to me i don't deserve it smells very good oh my god you kidding me there's a reason why they're the best this is the most balanced texturally sound best prawn i've ever put in my mouth and i'm not just saying that for the camera i'm not just saying sure i swear if i came here by myself my first opinion would be like people need to know about this and they already do and for good reason we're the best you really are the best and we know that this is a one of a kind i would love to be walked through this process with you i'm going with this so we use our copper kettles milk butter and sugar we let it cook about 20 minutes and then i'm going to add my pecans i didn't hear a thing i was lost it was like violence playing now you see why she quit that library job right oh yes mr jerry comes in he gets the dough preps it puts it in the fridge ready for them to go you pop them in the fryer there's a layering to it in a way i'm pretty sure you had cafe du monde theirs is more of a dough ours are more crispy we give them their props thanks for starting it loretta's will take it over okay we will take it over i'm entranced by this right now so this is our proline filling nice and crisp so not only are you getting the proline filling but you're also getting the pauline icing drop it off without sugar oh my gosh this is the best day of my life uh mom if you're watching you deserve this more than i do i promise to bring you back here i'm so sorry floating away it is so light unbelievable my god i'm not a good actor i'm very bad at lying so we know they're good we're trying to take beignets to the next level you already did oh my gosh i don't even want to go to any other beignet place any longer it's just the truth this is the best beignet i've ever had thank you so much loretta has done something incredible at the end of the day this is about food but it's also about the culture and she's hit every single layer and she's done it with excellence if you're coming to new orleans and you don't come here you're not my friend you're not his friend so we have fluffy beignets and crispy flaky beignets we're gonna go for something in between crisp on the outside but fluffier and airier than a goddamn cumulus cloud and while we do have traditional sweet we also have a loretta's inspired savory beignet for the dough mix together three quarters of a cup or 180 grams of water and half a cup or 122 grams of whole milk heat that to 95 fahrenheit then whisk in 2 teaspoons or 6 grams of instant yeast till just dissolve this oh and also a quarter cup or 60 grams of granulated sugar now snag yourself a bowl of three and a half cups or 525 grams of all-purpose flour and to that you'll add one teaspoon or six grams of fine sea salt and half a teaspoon or two grams of add one egg yolk and one whole egg whisk together until combined then while constantly whisking slowly stream in three tablespoons or 42 grams of melted unsalted butter full pause i've said this many a time there are little yeasty boys in there getting to work cranking down to provide your dough aeration please don't kill all of them with scalding hot butter make sure that it's no more than 100 degrees fahrenheit by the time that it goes in there now add your liquid to your stand mixer pop on your spiral hook turn that bad boy on to medium low and add your flour in at two tablespoon increments until all your flour has been added and you have a rough dough now just knead that brother till the cows come home for about three to five minutes and the dough is smooth and supple greasy medium sized bowl roll your little man into a toit ball pop them in there cover with plastic wrap and of course give it a proper name then rise at room temperature for two hours or until doubled look at him full of air joy happiness and just shh it's okay you're at peace once you've punched all the air out dump onto a lightly floured work surface adjusted it with flour and roll it out until you get an evenly sized rectangle that's about a quarter of an inch thick yes real thin then just cut that into two by two inch squares you'll first start by cutting two inch wide long strips all the way down your dough and yep you guessed it you'll cut across these strips at two inch intervals to get well two by two squares now depending on how good your rolling and your cuts are you can really maximize the amount of squares but at a minimum you'll get 40 to 45. any scrap dough you can push together rest for 10 minutes and of course roll back out now place each of your cut squares on baking sheets lined with parchment paper cover them with plastic wrap and rest for about five minutes there's no proof time required these actually fry a lot nicer without it so get yourself a seven quart pot filled with about three quarts of vegetable oil for frying heat it to 330 degrees fahrenheit then add in as many squares as you can without overcrowding and be sure to leave room to account for their rise now fry those bad boys flipping occasionally to color both sides about two to three minutes or until beautiful light golden brown beignets emerge filling your house with the scent of fragrant sweet beignet frozen batches treating them on paper towels as they finish and to serve while they're still hot generously dust them with powdered sugar if they're not hot when you dust them with powdered sugar it will not stick and when i say generous i mean generous now for the king crab version in a large bowl add a quarter cup or 56 grams of creme fraiche a quarter cup or 52 grams of mayonnaise 2 teaspoons or 10 grams of dijon mustard 2 cloves of garlic grated 2 teaspoons or 12 grams of worcestershire sauce which set together till combined and homogeneous add in one root of celery finely diced half a bunch of chives very thinly sliced salt and pepper to taste the zest from one lemon and of course lemon juice to taste for the crab you'll need one whole cluster of king crab which is usually three to four pieces don't ask me where the fourth piece went here okay i don't know to break that down separate each segment open up one end of a segment and this is my little secret with that open segment tap that forcefully on your hand and bing bang bam it should quite literally launch out of the shell i prefer to do it this way it's faster but takes practice once you have all your meat pulled out cut it into half inch chunks add all that to your crumb fresh mayo mixture and gently fold together give that a taste test make sure the salt levels are good now to assemble this one simply grab a fresh fried beignet still nice and warm cut it open on one side like a pocket and stuff that bad boy generously with your king crab salad fill up as many as you like pop them on a nice plate and just like the powdered sugar generously grate on some fresh parmesan reggiano finished with a little bit of sliced chive and fresh cracked black pepper that has to be one of the most luxurious looking beignets i've seen it's almost like a mix of a donut and a lobster roll can't complain now without further adieu let's pound these beignets and see how we did a massive thank you to new orleans for being so kind to us the culture the people the incredible food being made new orleans is really everything it's cracked up to be and more so from us to new orleans thank you we will be back in town soon [Applause] [Music] what it's what's wrong with that i'm just existing my apologies right so we have two beignets here i'm sure there are people like oh my god i can't do a savory beignet shut up okay they do it at loretta's that means it's okay you understand we'll start off with mr traditional first off the interior the fluff the aeration there's a big argument should it be crispy should it be fluffy this thin hemisphere is crisp but the interior is like a cloud it almost floats into your mouth it's a very good beignet now the savory one a little more sacrilege but also not really before i even get into it this is hands down a delectable little bite no matter how you look at it whether it's a bengay or not the flavors the texture it's aerated it's beautiful you have everything that you want from a beignet but it's stuffed full of a king crab salad topped with parmesan what more do you want not only are these worthy of love worthy of enjoying worthy of sharing with your family friends sitting down crying laughing farting it doesn't matter because we did the research and this was born and i want to give birth you want to know what else is covered in a mountain of papa's powder b-roll [Music] wow a good time in new orleans thank you loretta's the beignets came out fantastic i feel good about it do they live up to loretta's well they're different but they're still delicious if you want to make them at home you don't have time to new orleans you know what to do but with all that being said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 244,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, Beignets, homemade beignet, beignet recipe, beignets New Orleans, cafe Du monde, beignet cafe du monde, beignet mix recipe, homemade bread, bread recipe, homemade dough, sweet bread recipe, pastry recipes, fritter recipe, doughnut recipe, quick dough recipe, easy dough recipe, stuffed beignet, stuffed bread recipes, crab recipes, beignet dough, lobster roll, savory donut, donut recipe, sugar donut recipe, easy donut recipe, donuts, doughnuts
Id: DUaCTeNmY7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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