The Best Way to Cook Bacon | How to Cook Perfect Bacon

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because y'all have been good help today where is the mage he is nowhere to be found sade duker the big oh there he is there's my little muncher [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by under the barn who is a little blustery evening it is we have backed up like an old horse to the barn to keep the wind from running up our backbone and i hear you saying kent it's just bacon frying bacon you can't be messing bacon up oh you can mess it up you can and i'm gonna go through here and i'm gonna show you the tips and the tricks three different ways you can sort of cook it to give you the best happy hog experience you ever had in your life so let's break out the whole meat and some of y'all might not be knowing it now but we have two videos out a week every sunday now at 4 00 pm central and every wednesday at 2 30 and you don't want to miss neither one of me yet because you'd miss out on some of these great ideals that we have but bacon is the star of the show but i think before we get to there i better tell you a bacon experience that i had in la so many years ago when i was cooking for the home and family channel they called and they asked what type of protein would you like to cook with now folks that don't throwed me for a loop i didn't even know what protein was its kind except you get from feeding cows protein she said i'm talking meat i said ma'am i'm going to use bacon she said what kind of bacon would you like what what do you mean just bacon now she said you want turkey bacon chicken bacon i said man bacon don't come from but nothing place that i know of and that off the belly of a hog i'm talking good thick cut bacon duke says i know it i see it but don't be going to the store and buying that stuff that says thin cut bacon you know what they use that for they use it at the doctor's office for eye exams because it will be right out here and you can see through it and read the chart a half a mile away get thick cut bacon that's what you need and then what do we do get a great vessel to cook it with what is that cast iron because it holds heat transfers heat pretty evenly and it is the best thing that you can cook bacon with now when you get started with this we just have the stargazer broke out here and it is cold well i don't say cold cold it's probably about room temperature just like the bacon is when i brought it in from the store now i don't need you to put him over the fire just yet no i need you just to go ahead and get you some of that bacon out we're going to place him right in that skillet right down the middle and one thing you can't do don't over crowd but when you get them in there and first start out make sure that it's not overlapping make sure nobody's touching and make sure that your pan is cool in here we're going to start out with a medium heat another tip get you some tongs so we can gently flip this bacon over medium heat we go cool skillet cool bacon now this is not going to just happen like oh it's in the microwave it's done in a hurry no we're going to probably go till the skillet gets warmed up and then i'd say three to four minutes aside after that depending on how you like your bacon shan likes her bacon cooked by me sort of crispy on the plate with two eggs me not quite as crispy as hers but what we're trying to do too here is if you cook this slower you're gonna let that fat render out just a little bit more and you're not going to get so many humps and waves in that piece of bacon and that's what we're after now some of you down out there be telling me right now they make a bacon press yes they do and i just happen to have one i do but you see this if you put it down here on this end it ain't covering another end i like to use another cast iron skillet that you can just lay flat down in there but you try that first before you ever start to make sure that it hits the surface of that bacon that you're cooking there hey you can see this is cooking right along don't be afraid to flip it because it when we flip it we're going to even that bacon out but also don't be afraid to change sides everybody likes to switch positions every once in a while you can see how the edges of this are beginning to brown so when you go ahead and flip that rascal in fact we're going to trade places with all of them here just a minute on this gas stove i am gonna have to turn the heat down just a tad if i can figure out which way that is well you can see in that skillet that the edges are golden brown the middle is cooking about right and why is that you say that we have got the perfect cooking going on here because we started out with that cool skillet cool bacon it gives that fat and everything time to render out now i like my bacon just like that i'm going to cook a piece that shan likes here okay so here's one i know shan would grab first a little crispier than that one there and then you say well we got a problem here ken we got all that bacon grease folks look at that goodness right there do not burn that stuff huh go ahead and take that off get it off the heat let it cool just for a minute get you a glass jar you can use a coffee shelter filter filter a coffee filter or a strainer pour that through there to sift out that let it sit over and cool off place it in a snap tight lid put it in the icebox everything you cook from now on will be better even if you put it in your hair you will be the talk of the town now i forgot to tell you right there at the first but hey if you got that cast iron skillet it needs to be well seasoned because bacon 2 will stick in a pan if it's not seasoned so make sure you're starting out with a good piece of cast iron that is really good in season if you have trouble with that or don't know what we're talking about check out our cast iron playlist it'll be sure and help you out now that bacon grease and everything that's in there like i was showing you a while ago i would just take one of the mesquite wood spatulas that we have and just rake all that stuff over there to one side wood against metal you're not going to hurt your seasoning now we made these mesquite spatulas just for that purpose but it'll knock that stuff loose so easy but do it folks when you get through cooking that is the best time don't wait 15 minutes don't wait 10 minutes as soon as you let that bacon over and that plate cooling off go ahead and scrape that skillet and you'll be good to go so i have one more method because i'm going to skip the microwave method so what are we talking about baking bacon in the oven now preheat that oven to 400 degrees take your little bacon sheet that you got in there that's b-a-k-i-n-g not b-a-c-o-n and line it with parchment paper yep now i like to put two pieces on there because we're going to catch that grass grass the grease off that bacon and if you don't and you just leave it sitting in there there's sometimes some splattering and then you hear that sound what the smoke alarm has went off and all the neighbors will be knowing that you have baked bacon we're not putting it on a wire rack we're just laying directly on there now we're going to bake this in the oven probably 17 to 20 minutes depending on how you like your bacon do you be liking it really really crispy or be liking it like this you just keep an eye on it that's where you know when you're going to pull it when you bring it out of there automatically right then transfer it what not to a wire rack but to a paper towel on a plate to where it can lay flat and it can drain well as always we thank y'all for stopping by camp whether it be at camp or under the barn or in the house we appreciate it we really do for y'all watching as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the folks that's been keeping us free and safe and all the product getting shipped to us and all the doctors and everybody out there i mean hey we appreciate each and every one of you we do for the rest of you get on in here hold up we can't get in on here yet you haven't had a bite i haven't had a bite the puppies say they need another bite ain't oh sad says that is some good bacon right there there's a duker there is the bee and there is the major [Music] we can do that to our bacon dance where you just be laying up in there letting that grease roll around all over you getting hot and then you just sizzle you pop then somebody be what flipping you next thing you know you're out of the pan you got done bacon and everything is good so like i say we appreciate you watching we do god bless you each and every one get on down here and i'm gonna walk you through how to make the best bacon in the world trailer [Music] hey all you hog meat lovers i know you'd be loving some bacon and we got two other videos out there that you might want to check out our jalapeno candied bacon but also how to make homemade home cured bacon be sure and check them out you'll be wanting to they're good
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 724,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best way to cook perfect bacon, cook perfect bacon, best bacon recipe, best bacon, bacon, cook bacon, perfect bacon, cook bacon in oven, best way to cook bacon, perfect bacon recipe, bacon recipe, how to cook perfect bacon, how to make perfect bacon, how to make bacon the best way, cooking bacon, cooking perfect bacon, perfectly cooked bacon, best bacon recipes, best bacon recipes for dinner, best bacon recipes breakfast, best bacon recipes oven, cowboy kent rollins
Id: f3DWurG5bwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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