Making Strangers Choose Between A Free iPhone Or Free Android..

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okay so random question but i iphone or android iphone iphone um do you have the new iphone 13 yet oh my god absolutely not no well you do now it's for you wait what yeah no i wanted to make someone's day today so i wanted to give that to you oh my gosh what up guys welcome back to big dots tv today i'm in miami and i'm asking strangers if they would rather have the android or the iphone and then giving them whichever one they choose hey what kind of phone is that well what kind of phone is that an iphone iphone what xr oh man that's that's old yes would you rather have an iphone or an android iphone okay because i always use iphone and i like it okay well here's the iphone 13. and that yeah this is for you what yeah why because i love you what it's truly that's all that's all iphone or android iphone iphone yeah really why uh i have mac and everything yeah it's here to go from one see like iphone better do you have the iphone 13 i have the xr but i'm planning on getting the 13 soon yeah my bedroom yeah for your birthday when's your birthday in march okay well happy early birthday here's the 13 right now yeah yeah are you serious yeah wait why what's the cat what's up no catch no way you wanted to make somebody's day today dude you're awesome yo you're amazing can i have your husband of course i follow you on instagram or anything no no it's okay wait can we take a picture yeah of course yeah yo you are amazing you win my [ __ ] month um quick question iphone or android like what's better um i've never used an iphone so like if if you were to get like one which would it be well i've been using android my entire life so really oh yeah so you take the android yeah cool man there you go wait really yeah wait really yeah it's a new galaxy oh damn it's perfect because i see your phone's cracked so oh oh oh thank you so much you're welcome this is crazy apple or android android i see android you say android okay if you say android i got something for you it's the uh the new galaxy this is a gift seriously yeah just trying to spread some love so okay no stirring to touch no strings are judged man yeah [Music] no we're just we're just asking people apple or android and then i always say so it's your lucky day today man thank you i appreciate it yeah you're welcome it's his birthday tomorrow well happy birthday i have a question iphone or android i mean are you asking me which one do you think that you should get or are you trying to yeah no no i'm just asking like iphone or android phone why because it's just like i don't know okay this is the new iphone 13 so that that's for you you're giving it to me as a gift yeah why is it because i wanted to make someone's day today oh yeah yeah well thank you i'm trying to kill time for match open so this was a good uh killing time yeah of course no catch none at all not nothing [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey um quick question iphone or android me i got an android you get an android yeah because i'm trying to figure out which one's better like between the galaxy android and the iphone 13. i'll throw them up in the area and let them fall down so which one still works after that what kind of android do you got i don't even know i bought it a long time ago okay but you're an android guy yeah pretty much okay then that's the new android for you yeah man thank you yeah you're welcome i hope you have a good rest of your day man appreciate you yeah of course miss hi um okay so random question but i iphone or android iphone iphone um do you have the new iphone 13 yet oh my god absolutely not no well you do now it's for you wait what yeah no yeah i wanted to make someone's day today so i wanted to give that to you oh my god you're joking no i'm serious thank you you're welcome i've had like the eight for forever it's like cracked it's so disgusting and this is so nice oh my god what's your name dawson i'm maggie maggie nice to meet you well hopefully you have a good rest of your day yeah you made my day oh my semester can i get your honest opinion on something yeah okay iphone or android personally i'm an android person yeah but i mean i had an iphone before like because i i have i have one of each like if it was you which one would you want most likely android okay this is the new galaxy that's for you really yeah man thank you here bring it in it's crazy because i just cut my hand and i just took a 600 loss because i can't fight at 6 30. really you're a fighter yeah okay well that'll make up for it then thank you yeah man absolutely hope you have a good day iphone or android uh the iphone iphone yeah why i mean uh like i'm trying to decide between these two like which one is better the uh the galaxy or the uh the iphone usually the iphone the iphone because i'm tired of samsung okay oh you got it you got an android yup okay well then uh this is the iphone 13 that's for you right there are you serious yeah man [Music] thank you you're welcome cause i just i actually just lost my tablet my ipad and it had like a good amount of my work and stuff oh really yeah and i'm still looking for it i don't know like i believe like i'm 100 sure it's still a mcdonald's i'm still like i checked with them apple or android uh we're dividing android why android [Music] you know what uh iphones first came out yeah they were only on like 18t or something like that right sprint out of android and i just kept stuck with it since you're an android guy this is uh this is the new galaxy s21 that's that's for you it's for you as a gift yeah i just want to do a random act of kindness today [Music] there's there's a brand new phone in there no it's not yeah why are you down just because don't do what you do for a living i'm asking you all you know people we uh we actually do youtube he's filming right there this is the video for the day oh okay yeah we're doing a youtube video so we're doing like asking people between iphone and android and giving them that it's okay if we use that for our video awesome [Music] hope you have a good day is it cool if we use that for our video yes okay have a good one we're just doing a video like asking people and then giving it to them so is it cool we use that for our video oh definitely awesome man what's your channel big dos tv thank you yeah you're welcome thanks man i appreciate it appreciate it where is this gonna be um on youtube so we make youtube videos and today we're just asking people iphone or android and then giving them whatever they say yo what's your youtube channel big dodge tv what big dash tv yo i've seen your videos okay nice that's insane it's okay when you use that for our videos okay awesome have a good day all right guys that's it for the video thank you so much for watching let me know down in the comment section apple or android like this video subscribe to the channel and i will see you guys in the next episode [Music] you
Channel: BigDawsTv
Views: 339,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BIGDAWSTV, DONATING, PRANK, GIVE AWAY, VIRAL REACTION, FUNNY, COMEDY, BE KIND, mr beast, Mr Beast, Making Strangers Choose Between A Free iPhone Or Free Android.., iphone, android, apple, samsung
Id: yGg1NXtYK4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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