Making professional educational videos with Camtasia #camtasia #screenrecording

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hi this is russell steiner from today we're going to look at producing professional quality high quality educational videos now there's a lot of competition now because so much content being produced in education in the format of video and i want to show you the technology that i use to create my videos but also i actually make a lot of video content for other organizations particularly around screen capture so we're going to focus on the technology that i use which is camtasia i'm going to give you a real taster of just some of the things that camtasia can do so if you're thinking of buying it you're going to find this video really interesting or if you're looking at ideas for making your videos a little bit more professional then you really might like this video we've organized it so that there's a menu system so that you can navigate if you go to the description and click and jump to different parts of the video i really hope you find this useful and as always if you do please like the video please share it with other teachers if you can and have pleased and of course please comment on it let's get started so this is the recorder and notice it's like a box and i can decide how big or small i want it to be in fact i can choose from a whole range here of different sizes that's normally the way that i do it is that i choose a certain size and notice also that i can have on my camera as well and that means that i will be on the screen and i'll leave that on so that you can see that notice also that it's got the audio here and we've got this thing called systems audio on and that's a really useful button because it means it will record any audio that plays on your computer so for example let's say that you do a camtasia recording of a video and that video has got some audio in it well then the camtasia will pick up not only the audio coming from me from my microphone but also any audio that's played on my computer so let's do an example where we record ourselves talking over a powerpoint slide so let's imagine i wanted to record myself giving a a lecture for example obviously this could be anything i could be recording myself talking over some pictures or talking over a document or talking over some graphs could be a whole combination of things but i'm going to just record myself doing a quick powerpoint presentation now notice that i've got a few interesting settings here we're going to have the webcam on we're going to obviously have the mic on this one's really useful when you have systems audio it means that it records not only what you're saying through the microphone but also any sounds that are played from the computer so if you were recording yourself for example recording a video then it would also pick up any sounds that were being played in that video so that's really quite important once we got it lined up notice i'm not going full screen and you'll see why in a minute there's really no need to it's much easier this way because i can control the slides that i'm working on as well so i can kind of jump around through the slides but when i click on the record button then instantly it will start to record everything i say everything i do as well as me on the screen and if i jump to another page by just clicking like that then of course it will just record that as well so i can jump through the presentation really easily so let's just demo a couple of slides doing that so i'm going to click on this button here the recording is going to start don't take any notice of that that's just happening because i'm doing a camtasia of camtasia the recording starts remember i'm recording in this area here so good morning ladies and gentlemen and uh nice to have you uh in my lecture what we're gonna do today is we're gonna focus on working with digital technologies but particularly with websites and blogs and look how they can be used in the elt classroom fundamentally i'm going to ask three key questions and those are why might it be a good idea to get students to do blogs okay what would the are the benefits of that what types of things can students do what can they actually create and how about teachers how can teachers use blogs now i can pause at any time if i want and then click onto the next slide that way okay and then just carry on i won't do any more we've just done 43 seconds i can click on stop now and you'll see that immediately i'm recording in this area here you can get a quick view of it now what i'm going to do i could actually save that video and then do another video and do another one and do another one and then put them all together okay but what i'm just going to do for this one is just show you immediately how we could then start to edit and augment the quality of this video with various things that we can do in camtasia so to do all that all i need to do is click on save and edit so i click on save and edit and that will immediately bring that recording into the camtasia editing suite and this is where i can really begin to have a lot of fun with the video so there it is you can see on the screen now now one of the things that i can immediately do is i can decide how big i want this video to be the standard size at the moment that we're kind of using for things like youtube etc is this size here and what you can do is just then right click and click on scale to fit and it will kind of make the video bigger now let's show you a couple of lovely features are made immediately what i've done here is i've recorded myself on the screen and i can make this a little bit bigger okay just to show you but i've got a green screen behind me which has been very equally lit up okay so what i can do now is come over to visual effects and i'm going to remove a color and the color that i'm going to remove is that kind of green kind of greeny blue color in the background now i'm actually colorblind but it doesn't matter i'm going to click here and just click and then click and see it removes that color and if it does it really well then suddenly i'm now on the screen and if we play this video you'll see what i mean the recording starts remember i'm recording in this area here so good morning ladies and gentlemen okay you can see now that i've kind of cut my background out and that's a really nice feature that we've got in camtasia now another thing i could do with that video is almost just work out where is the starting point i don't want it to start where i'm kind of talking before i'm going to find the right place the recording starts remember i'm recording in this area here so right so i don't want that first bit so i'm just going to select that and cut it and i can delete that part of the video out so now the video starts straight away but what i'm also going to do is i'm going to add in a little introduction so i'm going to come up to what we call the library and i've got various things including these intros and actually there's a lot of these intros and the one that i used to use a lot and i'm going to use it now because it's so easy to use is this one called spinning computer so what i can do is i can drag that on as my intro okay and then i'm just going to pull that out a little bit further put it in front in fact let's just put that down onto the first track okay and move this down and what i'm going to do with the spinning computer is it just it plays this video but i'm just going to click on it now and change that to russell stanard so i can just click on it on click on it and change the text so it says russell stanhard instead of camtasia sorry i've just spelt that wrong so now i'm going to have a really professional introduction so let's just watch the video now you'll see immediately that because of camtasia i've got all these options to make this video a lot more professional so the video comes on you get my name on it the video comes off good morning ladies and gents and we're straight into the video okay so you can just see immediately how we can begin to augment the quality of the video i'm going to show you another couple of features that i make a lot of use of just a really quick super interlude hope you're liking the video if you come over to loads more free videos and there's a special section of camtasia videos as well as a special offer if ever you decided you wanted to buy a camtasia you get a great discount and it means if you're in education i think you pay 179 for the technology please make use of the videos and of course if you want to follow my work sign up to the newsletter and at the moment if you sign up you also get a or free part series about using technology in education right let's get back to the training now i could even add some music for example at the beginning of that so again coming up to this library this library is really handy i've got things called tracks and i can click here and i've got loads of free tracks that i can use let's just have a quick listen to a couple of them not that keen on that one let's just try another one [Music] yeah i like that so i'm going to use that then so i'm going to drag that onto the screen i'm going to have that as my introduction now i don't want it to be playing all the time i just want it to be playing up until where i start talking so i'm going to come here and i'm going to cut that video at that point and delete that part i don't need that now another lovely feature that we've got here in camtasia is we've got audio effects that we can fade the sound out at the end so i'm just going to drop that on i can even pull that along a little bit and decide where i want it to start so let's just quickly look at how this suddenly augments again the quality of the video [Music] good morning ladies and gentlemen okay very simple now obviously i need to tidy this up i'll just notice here there's a bit of a problem like what i can do is i can actually crop if i want to yeah that obviously needed to get just make that a little bit smaller in that way that's going to be a bit more professional and they can even move that as well over to the right now it does require of course to learn to use camtasia and camtasia is quite a sophisticated tool i'm going to show you one more feature that i really like in camtasia so let's move along to another sorry let me just move the playhead along and i want to get to here now what sometimes when the speakers obviously i'm talking i might want to highlight something on the screen we've got a couple of lovely tools and there are a few that you see me using all the time this one i particularly like okay which allows me to kind of focus and just and it draws its sketch mode it's called sketch motion just let me play a little bit of that just to show you what happens look at this idea to get students to do blogs okay what would the are the benefits of that what types of things can students do what can they absolutely brilliant i love that feature okay and we have loads of these different tools so we can even drag a call out onto the screen if we want to say something okay and again we can you know point on that and i even get the option of changing the color of that callout if i wanted to do a different color in fact one of the things that i do which is a lovely little trick i'm just going to show you is i click on it and sometimes i'll get it to match something for example what i'm wearing okay and you'll often see that in my videos i do that just to kind of make everything blend and look together now there are no loads of other features we can add real video in we can add pictures in we can add a lovely ending we've got all sorts of things like transitions we can obviously combine more and more videos onto the screen let me show you an example of a completely produced video now this video as you can see it's got lots of little bits in it you can also see lots of examples of me adding things onto the screen you can see them coming on you can see that idea here that i'm cut out and in fact what i've got in the background is a video plane so i've got a video if we come down here you can see a video playing okay which is basically the earth okay and then i've put myself in front of it but i've cut myself out so that it looks like i'm kind of sitting in front of now i'm not trying to claim that my videos are super high quality because they're not i don't have top quality software and lighting etc i'm basically working from a little office in my house but i've got fairly good lighting and a camera and a green screen and it's it's good enough to make a fairly good standard quality video and i make videos for organizations universities even publishing companies sometimes and they generally seem to be quite happy with the quality i'm not trying to make the claim that it's super high quality but you get an idea here and you can see that i've actually stitched together lots of little videos and the other thing that you'll notice here is that i have every so often in the video i have a little break where i kind of have a new title and the titles are really easy i just choose one of these here and drag it onto the screen and then add the text you can basically see how i built this whole thing now the idea obviously the difference between the example that i've just showed you and this example is here i've got multiple videos that are on the screen so when i've obviously not just made one video but i've made lots of little videos and then i bring them all in and drag them across the screen so that's how i work that's how you can use camtasia i really recommend it because i like the way that it does very good screen capture it also deals with the webcam it also allows you to do green screen it also has a lovely library with lots of things like music and intros and outros you can also add lots of call outs onto the screen as well and the other thing is you can bring real video in so if you've got real video content you can bring that in and combine screen capture with real video okay really hope that video was useful please come over to lots more free videos as i mentioned before there is a camtasia section if you want to follow my work and keep up with the blog posts and the webinars and the online courses and the new videos then the best thing to do is to sign up to the newsletter you'll also get a six part video series on using technology in teaching and learning and of course you can sign up subscribe to my youtube channel don't forget to click on the bell so that you get the notifications and finally if you want to contact me for me to do some training with your organization perhaps in camtasia or moodle or zoom then you can contact me from the website and thank you very much
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 3,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camtasia, camtasia tutorial, camtasia studio, video editing software, recording my screen, video editing, how to make an interactive video in camtasia, russell stannard (teacher training videos), russell stannard camtasia, screen recording software, screen recording for youtube videos, screen recording software for windows 10, screen recording on mac, techsmith camtasia, video editing software for beginners, camtasia tutorial for beginners, camtasia tutorial screen recording
Id: 4iv1pTHSWGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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