Making Perfect Risotto As a Beginner (2 Ways)

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you know there's a reason why the gordon ramsay's the world praise this dish that and also you can stuff it with cheese and deep fry it so [Music] okay so today we are making risotto not just any risotto but the most basic yet proper way that we possibly can not gonna over complicate it we're just gonna look at the basic flavors put them together and take our hand give it the love that it deserves and then when we're done with it i'm gonna show you what to do with the leftovers which if you can already tell it has to do with deep frying and cheese pulls and all that good stuff so with all that said let's make this shall we okay risotto can either be extremely simple or unnecessarily complicated so let's choose the the good one first off quick note make sure to cut your vegetables nice and small so here you'll need one to two shots which will be peeled sliced in half and very finely diced like this i like it where they almost disappear in the risotto same thing with the three cloves of garlic except i just very finely mince mine now in a medium sauce pot add four and a half cups of chicken stock place it on the stove over medium high heat and bring it up to a boil as soon as it reaches a boil turn off the heat and just leave it there so it's nice and hot ready for use guys keep it simple just keep the darn freaking chicken juice hot all right next get a medium sort of large-ish saucepan heat two to three tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat until shimmering then add your shallots and garlic season with salt and saute that for about three to four minutes or just until the vegetables begin to soften add one and a half cups of arborio rice yes i use arborio oh my gosh josh what about carnaroli well how about you just okay anyway toast the rice for about 30 seconds stirring often then add half a cup of white wine and a pinch of saffron threads that have been lightly crushed turn the heat up to medium-high and boil that until it's about 90 evaporated then turn the heat back down to medium now this is the moment of truth that everyone gets all freaked out about man your gosh darn stations you got your base you have your hot chicken stock now begin by constantly stirring your base add a nice half cup ladle full of your hot chicken stock and as i said constantly stir do not stop stirring look guys breathe relax just get a nice glass of wine or sparkling grape juice if you roll like that play some nice music and do not stop stirring doesn't have to be vigorous don't death grip the spoon just relax your hand and stir without stopping as soon as that liquid has been absorbed by the rice add yet another half cup ladle full of your chicken stock keep on stirring tap dancing to jazz and dreaming about your future then just rinse and repeat that process by adding stock stir stir until it absorbs add more stock and keep on doing that until the rice is cooked to an al dente and no crunch is left now once it's done please ensure that the consistency is not too dry i'm tired of seeing weird over-absorbed risotto should be like the rice is suspended in a thick custard that holds it all together but not runny necessarily once your beauty is done turn off the heat and stir in two tablespoons of unsalted butter until fully melted and emulsified and a third cup of grated grana pidano or parmigiano cheese once that's done add a thick mound of your risotto in the center of a flat plate give it a few taps on the palm of your hand to get a nice even relatively round circle on your plate hit it with some additional grated parmigiano-reggiano then fresh cracked black pepper and look if you're feeling mad luxurious you can also add a hefty drizzle of aged balsamic vinegar this one is a truffle balsamic from da boys at regalis now let's taste test this so we have a saffron risotto i actually uh started to run out of stock and i used a little bit of ramen that was in the fridge and i gotta say i'm already excited about that finish it with a little bit of black truffle balsamic from our friends at regalis uh shout out to them by the way that's not sponsored okay stop saying it is they're just homies and they send me stuff because we're homies anyway oh my god oh my god this is ridiculous this embodies what every human heart desires during the winter times and yet there's a quality of luxury to it yeah i don't really have much to say then this is a perfect food this is the simplest way to make it you can add all sorts of flavors to it but this is the baseline you want it doesn't just stop here what do you do with leftovers of risotto long story short it ends with cheesy fried balls so let's do that okay we have a risotto but let's talk about arancini orangini one of the two also known as fried risotto balls filled with melty cheese and dreams to make these you either gonna have to have leftover risotto otherwise you'll have to make a new batch specifically for this recipe which is completely worth it and i recommend it now spread that all over silpat or parchment set on a baking sheet cover it with plastic wrap and let that chill in the fridge for at least one hour or up to overnight once it's nice and firmed up get some of your solidified risotto shape it into balls that are about two inches thick and then flatten them into a nice thick patty then repeat that with all of your risotto and try to keep those balls even then get some low moisture mozzarella and cut it into three quarter inch cubes again keep them even just like your balls take a risotto patty place a cube of mozzarella that's for the new yorkers out there in the center and gently wrap the edges around and crimp it shut so you have a ball with no exposed cheese whatsoever and do that with all of your risotto patties now these guys are gonna get breaded katsu style which is very simple one and a half cups of all-purpose flour in one bowl two to three eggs beaten in another bowl and a package of panko bread crumbs in the final third bowl now run down your station in this order first coat every last inch of the ball in flour shake off the excess toss the coat fully in the egg wash and last toss in the panko breadcrumbs so you get a nice crumbed up looking ball geez that sounds gross but it's really a good thing once you're done and all of your balls are nice and evenly breaded heat up a pot filled with about two and a half inches of oil that's fry oil like vegetable oil or something like that once it reaches 350 fahrenheit add about three to four risotto balls at a time do a nice little dance and let that fry for six to eight minutes or until a deep golden brown fish them out of the oil with a spider and drain them on a wire rack set over a baking sheet then fry the rest of your balls and those are your beautiful get ready for this aren't you how did you do huh italians all right that was disrespectful i'm sorry serve these bad boys with a nice marinara or tomato sauce of your choice and let's see that cheese pull oh yes yum yum papa want in his tum tum anyway let's taste this it is time for the key [Music] it's literally just fried risotto balls stuffed with cheese and you just give it a little dunk oh my god look i've had orangini before so it's no surprise to me how freaking amazing this is it's crispy and crunchy on the outside creamy on the inside you've got that beautiful risotto which if you spent a long time on the love will reflect in this and it's all brought together by the tomato sauce that's all i have to say so i think we need an opinion from somebody who's never had one before [Applause] first impression is um wow it's like one of those things where there's like what do you even say i don't think i can say anything except just continue eating and y'all need to make this with that said risotto two different ways you've got the basic risotto you gotta have that skill set you can't skip that as a cook ever and then you have what to do with the leftover risotto there's no other way around it you gotta make that goodbye you wanna know what else has both creamy stuff and crispy balls in it b-roll [Music] [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made our risotto two different ways well really one way and then we use the leftovers but the point is this is such a versatile dish it's not just like oh you got some rice and some stock in your no you can use different kinds of liquids it doesn't have to be chicken stock it could be beef stock it could be a ramen base it could be far broth you do something crazy with this the point is risotto is something amazing and that should be treated with respect but also maybe break the rules a little bit do something fancy use this moment to learn it practice it try the balls as everyone should and go on your merry way so with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,445,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, risotto, risotto recipe, how to make risotto, easy risotto recipe, how to cook risotto, perfect risotto, easy risotto, italian risotto, homemade risotto, recipe, cooking, food, basic risotto, risotto ball recipe, risotto rice, risotto basics, rice, arancini, arancini recipe, arancini balls, easy arancini recipe, how to make arancini, mozzarella arancini, joshua weissman risotto, italian food, rice balls, youtube recipes, josh weissman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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