Making Peace | Rev. Matthew L. Watley | Kingdom Fellowship AME

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hey kingdom family this is reverend russ i am super excited about all that god is doing in the life of kingdom fellowship as many of you know i serve as lead over i gather ministries and you've heard our pastor say and he's alluded to the fact that we're going to go back into in person worship and we thank god for this season of us being online but we are so excited about what god is going to do when we finally get back in to in-person worship on sunday we've been doing it already on thursday but in lieu of that and getting ready for that actually we are looking for some talented some gifted and some just servant-hearted people to come serve with us serve with us online with our online kingdom ministry whether it's in the chat uh whether it's here with us on thursday serving online or from your house you can serve online we're also looking for those who have skill or talent or even a want and desire to learn about how to work the audio boards here to learn about how to serve on camera here we're looking for you and then of course when we come back in worship uh we'll have our parking lot ministry we'll have our uh ushers and our greeters back our choir we're looking for people to serve in all of those areas and if you're interested in serving we're gonna have two meetings coming up plus a training we want you to text the words kingdom serve to 31 3131 again text kingdom serve to 31 31 31 our pastor always says it and he is correct that many hands make for light work and we are super excited about the work that god has in store for kingdom but super excited about those who are out there who are going to be a part of the serving team here at kingdom so hopefully you'll join us for that meeting don't forget to text kingdom serve to 31 31 31 complete that form you'll get more information about the meetings in october and we're just so excited to see what god is going to do here at kingdom fellowship as we remain that's right kingdom focus [Music] kingdom family let's celebrate 26 years of ministry two years as our pastor 26 years of giving 26 years of family 26 years of preaching join us on september 26th for a celebration of pastor matthew watley featuring guest preacher reverend dr william d watley upload your video thank yous by texting t-y pastor to 313131 they'll be a part of a special commemorative presentation online and join us for a drive up celebration on saturday september 25th from 12 to 2 p.m let's celebrate our pastor the kingdom way praise the lord kingdom family this is the day that the lord has made we are rejoicing and we are glad in it for the lord is great and greatly to be praised new mercies that god has blessed us with on this the lord's day if this is your first time worshiping with us go ahead and text kingdom guest at 313131 we would love to have connection with you on this day type in the chat room let us know where you're from again that's 313131 kingdom guest and someone will connect with you right away now let us pray father we thank you for this day that you have blessed us with god of grace and god of mercy and god of love we celebrate and salute you god because you are a god who continues to be for us that which only you can god you have been a healer you have been a provider you have sustained us and given us a measure of resilience that we can run on to see what the end will be lord we have had difficulties and challenges this past week but god this on this new day grant us your grace and grant us your mercy that we may see miracles wrought in our lives answer prayers on today deliver on today save souls on today god only as you can do the miraculous and blow our minds that is our prayer god even if things don't make sense god we trust in your deliverance we trust in your grace we trust in your mercy because your ways are not our ways your ways supersede our ways and for that we are grateful and we are glad because you have the best in store for our lives you know what we are in need of you know god what we stand in hope of god so be that which only you can be be god be jesus be love for us today we thank you and we adore you in jesus name amen now let us go higher in worship let's give god listen my mom used to say that you ought to have a little talk with jesus tell them all about your struggles [Music] let's do it again [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] talk with jesus heal is he'll give you strength just keep on praying the lord [Music] because the lord has promised [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] just keep on praying just keep on praying just keep on [Music] just keep on praying come on keep on praying [Music] [Music] we're kingdom focused we gather to worship the lord so glad you chose to join us [Music] [Music] [Applause] never broke it go [Music] we are we're kingdom focused we gather to worship to join us [Music] [Music] go [Music] we gather too much [Music] together [Music] [Music] kingdom focus listen we're excited about all that god continues to the midst of his people here called kingdom fellowship i want to invite you to be a part of our next semester of financial peace university we've had so many testimonies of members who have literally been able to pay down tens of thousands of dollars of debt to pay off uh cars and things and so we're so excited about seeing people freed from financial bondage and entering into financial peace i want your testimony to be next so please man please sir be sure to sign up for it also we're beginning our next semester of life groups and you certainly want to be a part of it certainly while we are physically still separated one from another this is one of the ways that we connect together as the body of christ at our and courage and our sharing our faith one with another so make sure that you sign up as well i'm going to ask your prayers for several members of our faith family who recently have lost loved ones please please be in prayer for sister talia givens who lost her brother-in-law and also be in prayer for brother herman gaines who lost his mother-in-law let's just be in prayer for these families right now father in the name of jesus we glorify you and we praise you that you are god of all and even in season of loss and grief you continue to be god and continue to provide for our needs we lift up these families and those whose names we have not called and asked god even as the death angel has visited their ranks that now god your healing bomb might supply for them the grace sufficient for them to move forward help us as a church family to support them during this season that they might be restored and brought into fullness in jesus name amen brothers and sisters we thank god that in the midst of death there still does life be in prayer as we are now considering a new uh date for our coming back to in-person sunday worship i'm not going to reveal it yet we do want to just follow it for a little while longer but we're also asking all of our support ministries to please check in because we are now beginning our training for our new protocols as it relates to getting ready for in-person sunday morning worship i repeat sunday morning worship because we already are having in-person worship throughout the week when i record and you can always be a part of that by texting the word gathered at 31-31-31 finally we're excited because it's time to receive our ties an offering for today grateful to god that we have it to give we pause to acknowledge the fact that our ministry is able to move forward with all the things that we're doing because of the tithes and offerings of our membership and those who are well wishes to our ministry if you're not yet tithing i want to extend you this invitation today to try god and become a tither literally to put god to the test because that's the invitation he gives to you in his word he says try me prove me see if i won't open up the windows of heaven pouring down blessings that you will not have room enough to receive you cannot say tithing doesn't work if you've never given god the opportunity to demonstrate his faithfulness by trying it for yourself so i encourage you to do that today i want to thank god for all of you that continue to support our kingdom builders ministry oh my goodness it's so exciting to see that building taking shape and taking form day by day you can go to our website and go to the section you can actually see updated real time the progress that's happening with the building of our new church so please continue to support that effort as well as continue to support our kingdom cares ministry i want to especially encourage nazis to sow into our kingdom's cares ministry but if you're local i also want to encourage you to serve and to volunteer uh with kingdom cares we've been going now for over 18 months and obviously life has happened and some persons have not been able to serve or have had to step back we need some new blood and some new hands so please would you consider serving on one of the saturdays with our team to make sure that all persons have the ability to receive food that are within our reach let's just pray one more time father in the name of jesus we thank you that in the midst of all that's going on you continue to supply our needs according to your riches and glory i pray now god that not will we give but we'll give generously not grudgingly or of necessity god we know that you love a cheerful giver so i pray as always that you'll bless both gift and giver in jesus name amen well brothers and sisters i'm excited about this next portion of my series make it make sense come on y'all let's have church [Music] come on kingdom let's make some noise for jesus he's worthy of praise he's worthy of honor hallelujah jesus we're excited to worship you we're excited to praise you hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] here's my worship all of my words [Music] here it is [Music] oh [Music] it's my testimony [Music] i know [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] let's take it again [Applause] yes listen i like this part i will not be silent i will always worship come on as long as i am breathing [Music] and i will [Music] [Music] one more one more i will determined [Applause] my hallelujah i thank you jesus [Music] [Music] worship is [Music] you lord [Music] thank you jesus all the things that you've done for me [Music] foreign [Music] well praise the lord we're excited about returning to our series that we have been sharing both on sundays and on tuesday evenings entitled make it make sense let's go right now before the mercy seat and the throne of god together in prayer father in heaven we bless you that you call us to worship you and in order to be true worshipers we must worship you with everything that we have god you've called us to make of ourselves a living sacrifice so god i pray that with the words that we have sung prayers that have been prayed one with another that your spirit has found a place to enter in so thank you god i don't have to ask you to show up my prayers that you'll tarry here a little while longer because somebody needs to hear from heaven right now all of the chaos and confusion the hurt and the pain of this world god we need to hear the signal clarion call from our savior bidding us to journey forward so i pray right now that you might speak that you might move because when you speak and when you move souls are saved and lives are changed miracles are wrong and the devil is defeated so now god i pray that you'll get the glory for yourself and we promise to praise you it's in jesus name we want to say thank you it's in jesus name i want to say thank you and all god's children said amen well let's go ahead and get into the word of god today want to focus in on judges the 6th chapter picking up there in verse number 15 judges the 6th chapter reading out the new king james verse of the bible it says so he said to him o my lord how can i save israel indeed my clan is the weakest in manasseh and i am the least in my father's house and the lord said to him surely i will be with you and you shall defeat the midianites as one man then he said to him if now i have found favor in your sight then show me a sign that it is you who talk with me do not depart from here i pray until i come to you and bring out my offering and set it before you and he said i will wait until you come back so gideon went in and prepared a young goat and unleavened bread with an ephah of flour the meaty put in a basket and he put the broth in a pot and he brought them out to him under the taberath tree and presented them the angel of god said to him take the meat and the unleavened bread and lay them on this rock and pour out the broth and he did so then the angel of the lord put out the end of the staff that was in his hand and touched the meat and the unleavened bread and fire rose out of the rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened bread and the angel of the lord departed out of his sight now gideon perceived that he was the angel of the lord so gideon said alas o lord god for i have seen the angel of the lord face to face then the lord said to him peace be with you do not fear you shall not die so gideon built an altar there to the lord and called it the lord is peace to this day it still is at ulfra of the abezraites now it came to pass the same night that the lord said to him take your father's young bull the second bull of seven years old and tear down the altar of baal that your father has cut down the wooden image that is beside it and build an altar to the lord your god on top of this rock in the proper arrangement and take the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the image which you shall cut down so gideon took ten men from among his servants and did as the lord had said to him but because he feared his father's household and the men of the city too much to do it by day he did it by night thus far the word of god is the spirit does speak and god does god i just want to use as a samonic subject for the next few minutes making peace making peace amen morning sam morning ralph was the repeated greeting shared by ralph wolfe and sam sheepdog as they checked into work having their times cards punched and a very classic cartoon from my own childhood you see each of them had a job to do ralph wolfe's job was to steal sheep and sam sheepdog was to protect them this meant that every day they were locked into a fierce battle ralph wolf seemed smart and slick always coming up with some complicated scheme to either steal the sheep or more likely trap or hurt sam so he would have free access to the flock sam seemed dimwitted but was cunning in his own way and always ended up on top yet no matter how viciously they savage one another at the end of the day they would clock out and warmly bid each other good night like any other friendly co-workers the lesson for me at least was clear just because you're trying to kill another person or another individual doesn't mean that you have to be bitter foes in fact there's no need to take it personally at all good night sam good night ralph they both understood it was just their job they had made peace with themselves and more importantly had made peace with one another brothers and sisters i want to share with you a concept that sounds kind of crazy but i pray that you will hear me out because i honestly believe it is one of the mysteries of life that leads to mastery in life here it is you and i must develop the capacity to make peace with our fear and with our pain here's the concept if i cannot prevent it i must make peace with it so you cannot prevent your past it's already happened you cannot undo it forget it block it or deny it if you try it will simply rise again in another place making peace with pain does not mean that you do not feel it it means that you accept that it hurts and then you learn to function with it i knew i wasn't going to be much shouting there so i prepared another example comes from a classic movie called roadhouse starring patrick swayze who's playing a character by the name of dalton dalton is uh playing the undersized head of security at this rough and tumble redneck bar and one night while breaking up a fight he ends up getting slashed with a knife and so after work he goes to see the doctor to get some stitches and he carries with him his folder of his past medical treatments for convenience as the doctor is about to apply the anesthesia he tells her no i don't need it and she looks at him at like if he's lost his mind she says you don't feel pain and he replies very easily pain don't hurt and and she kind of says all right and she brings out that tool and begins the stitches and with the first stitch you see him flinch he lets out a zen locks zen-like sigh and then she continues and he doesn't move again the implications of this simple scene are important for our consideration listen clearly this man has not become immune to pain nor will he numb himself from the pain but he evidently has learned to make peace with his pain he's become familiar with it he no longer resists it he accepts it and embraces it he doesn't desire or enjoy it that would be masochistic but he recognizes its reality its persistence and its permanence and he's developed the capacity to cope and to handle it well listen brothers and sisters experts of prisoners of war report that it's not those who are so hopeful that they're going to be rescued within a matter of days that ultimately are able to survive long periods of imprisonment but rather it's those who resign themselves that they may not make it out very quickly at all but they have continued to hope that somehow ultimately deliverance may come for them you see because they weren't hoping for a quick deliverance every night they don't go to bed disappointed which means every morning they rise with enough strength to make it through another day okay y'all y'all didn't shout on dalton y'all didn't shout on the prisoner of war i got more because i know my audience when i was in high school my basketball coach john mccarthy kept it 100 before kept keeping it 100 was a thing he would tell us straight up yeah tonight it's going to be a rough one that this team is bigger than us they're they're faster than us and i need you to understand that because if you recognize what we're dealing with here's what i want you to do men and he'd write on the board three words accept the challenge accept the fact that they're better except the fact that they can score more which means if we're going to beat them it's not going to be because we're more talented or gifted it's going to be because we outwork them because we outsmart them because we out want them in other words brothers and sisters at some point you got to make up your mind that no matter what life has thrown in my direction i'm putting my foot down and deciding to accept the challenge and do what i've got to do i know life hasn't been a crystal stair for many of us but but i come to declare it's time to learn to stop looking for the crystal stair and climb whatever is in front of you you better hear what i'm saying even if the boards are broken and the carpet is worn and the bend of your weight causes the board to seem as if it's going to break i don't care if you have no stairs at all put some furniture together climb on top of what you have to if you have to climb the wall but do whatever you have to do to keep on climbing and declare i'm not going to stop where i am right now for brothers and sisters that's the little lesson that i learned when i appeared into this passage found in judges the 6th chapter wherein we see gideon the bible tells us who has been understandably traumatized and terrified by the midianite menace that has kept his people the people of israel living from hand to mouth for seven long years somebody from behind your mask shout seven years and gideon's lift pain has developed in him a vibrant fear it's a fear that makes him to feel insecure and unequal to the calling on his life you do recall don't you how the angel showed up while gideon was in the wine press threshing wheat for fear of his enemy and the bible says the angel greeted him with these words gideon you mighty warrior and immediately gideon resisted this call by declaring if the lord is with us how come all this stuff has happened to us and then the bible says that ain't the angel continues to challenge gideon and and to cause him to move forward saying well if you got all that to say if you go got all this strength go in this strength of yours and and you'll defeat the midianite army as if they are one man and the bible says that at this particular point all of a sudden gideon's response now begins to shift he says watch this in verse 17 if now i have found favor in your sight then show me a sign that it is you who talk with me do not depart from here i pray until you come until i come to you and bring out my offering and set it before you now the bible says then gideon then goes and prepares a young goat and unleavened bread and broth and pot and he brings it to the angel and the angel instructs him to to put the meat on the rocking and to pour the broth over it and then the bible says the angel performs this sign somebody shout sign he takes his staff and he touches the offering and the bible says instantly the offering is consumed by fire now watch this typically y'all when we read this text we focus on the miracle of the fire but i want you to see the other fire miracle by confirming with fire a small fire began to burn in the heart of gideon i'ma try it again by confirming the fire with the fire that consumed the offering all of a sudden something began to catch on fire and gideon's soul see by asking the angel to stay by preparing the sacrifice by following directions getting is working himself into a place where he is able to accept what he does not desire he didn't want to fight the midianites but now he's created a path forward for fighting he says show me that you're real and i'll move forward despite my fears brothers and sisters i need to ask you a question what challenge is god waiting for you to accept somebody has yet to accept the fact that that the life you wanted is not the life you have and you got to decide today that you're going to make the most of it and make the best of it because this is your life somebody has not made peace with the fact that even because of the people who did you wrong and and stole from you and betrayed you that the fact that whatever they took did not work because you're still alive and obviously you didn't need it because god is yet moving and working in your life it's time to accept that there's some bad people but on their worst day god is still good god is still faithful and life is still worth living somebody needs to take the first step toward your calling your destiny your assignment your purpose and god even though the set the last seven years have been so hard bible says i feel like preaching now the angel consumed the offering with fire now watch this verse 22 says now gideon perceived watch this that it was the angel of the lord so gideon said alas o lord god for i have seen the angel of the lord face to face listen y'all when the sign was given when the fire fell watch me real close get in recognize the presence of the lord gideon right now is growing stronger he's making peace with his pain he's in the process of becoming a mighty warrior let's be clear getting is not the perfect picture of poise and courage under fire but he does ask god for a sign and gideon surely is not exhibiting great faith but god is building faith in him because he had the temerity to ask god for a sign let me try it again got got he asked god for a sign god provides the sign and that he recognizes the presence of god see what i'm trying to get you to see is with every step gideon becomes a little more courageous he becomes a little more assured he becomes a little more confident in god and in himself he begins to believe that life is more than just his enemies and hard times and suffering and fear he begins to see that god is real and present and able and willing to intercede and intervene in the affairs of his life what's your point here's my point that if you stop spending all of your time focusing on your bills and your aches and pains and your issues and your enemies you'll realize that god has already provided sufficient evidence for you to see that he has not forsaken you he has not forgotten you he is yet superintending the affairs of your life and he's just showing you the way forward if you have faith to see listen listen get in ask for a sign and god perform the sign and get in recognized the move of god and listen y'all i need you to know even in 2021 that god is still in the sign performing business so see when you read the new testament you see time and time again throughout the ministry of jesus that he's constantly providing sign after sign blinded eyes are open and stammering tongues are untied and yet we tend to focus on these acts of miracles rather than as signs try that again we simply focus on the miracle rather than focusing on the sign the miracle is the manifest power of god in this instance but the sign is what the miracle is trying to get us to see the sign is pointing to the one who did the miracle okay okay a miracle god of god speaks to the product of god's favor healing deliverance protection and provision a sign from god speaks to god's character capability faithfulness and trustworthiness in other words god performs miracles so they'll be signed so we can see who he is and did i tell you yet that even in 2021 god is still in the sign performing business that's why we share our individual stories of god's miracles in our lives god healing our bodies god turning our situations around god sustaining us when the bottom falls out of life god exchanging joy for our sorrows listen the miracle in my life is designed to be a sign in your life i'll try it again i said the miracle in my life is designed to be a sign in your life so see that's why we have to come together as the church of the lord jesus christ because when i begin to talk about the miracles that god has done in my life and when you hear about what god has done in my life it becomes a sign to you about what god can do in your life it is no secret what god can do what he's done for others he'll do for you too in church we call them testimonies and that's why the bible says they triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death in other words brothers and sisters when i can't see my way clear in my personal situation when i see what god has done in your situation when i see that god made a miracle in your marriage when i see that god healed your body despite the doctors couldn't figure out what to do when i see that god strengthen you after all hell broke loose then i realized that if god can do it for you then god can do it in my life too is there anybody here that's learning to make peace with your pain i said is there anybody here that's learning to make peace with your fear the bible says that i'm through gideon saw this sign from god and and when he saw the sign from god he had the faith to recognize the presence and power of god in his life and can i be honest tonight i mean can i be honest this morning can i confess that early in my preaching ministry i was pretty hard on gideon for for needing all these signs because when you read the text that there's a there's a hidden sign in the text the bible says watch this that for seven years the midianites terrorized israel and then the bible says that when god uh gave the sign to gideon then he told him this listen go and bring your father's second bull the bull that's seven years old and bring that bull down to the bail pole and use that bull to pull down the pole i'ma try it again y'all missed a good shot how long had the midianites terrorized the israelites seven years and how old was the bull that that god told gideon to get to pull down the false idol to baal when he was going to do it at night seven years that that's right that that god gave gideon an internal sign he said something that nobody else would understand or appreciate to confirm the fact that he was doing something supernatural in his life hold right there listen what i'm trying to get you to understand my brothers and sisters is that at some point you got to stop just waiting for the sign but when god sees you and gives you the sign you got to saddle up you got to get ready and you got to move forward and what god has told you to do here it is again i'm gonna give it to you and i'm done verse 25 now it came to pass the same night that the lord said to him take your father's young bull the second bull of 70 years old and tear down the altar of baal that your father has and cut down the wooden image that is beside it and build an altar to the lord your god on top of this rock in the proper arrangement and take the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the image which you shall cut down yeah god gives him specific instruction get in go cut down that pole to baal and he did it he did just what god said he took that second bull he took 10 men with him and he cut it down but the bible says he cut it down at night i told you earlier in my life i used to judge get in i was kind of hard on getting he needed all these signs and even when he did what god told him to do he did it at night why would he do it now cause he didn't want to be seen he was scared of what was going to happen in the morning and but i've learned not to be too judgmental to get in because because if you live long enough you start to understand human frailty when you mess up enough and when you fall down enough and when you see enough of your flaws you start to grade on the curve when it comes to grace and somebody else's life i get it now gideon's faith ain't perfect but gideon's faith is strong enough to cause him to move forward even if he has to move forward at night i'm almost done but but can i tell somebody that that when the morning came and when they saw what had happened to their false god the bible says they began an investigation and you know whatever you do in night will come out in the morning and it didn't take long for them to figure out it was gideon who had pulled down their false item and so when they came to get him to lynch him the bible says all of a sudden gideon's daddy stood up and said listen y'all gonna defend this foolishness and take my son and and put god to the test again and all of a sudden they became convicted and they backed away now watch this gideon didn't know what was going to happen when he did what god said but that's what faith is all about faith is not having all the answers faith is not knowing what god is going to do faith is believing if i stand up for god god is going to stand up for me and if i move forward in god god is going to move some things on my behalf all i'm trying to tell you is that if you're gonna have victory your victory is not because you're gonna have a pain-free life your victory is gonna come because you learn to make peace with your pain uh there's a 28 year old australian man named daniel skila who that who last week broke the guinness book of world records watch this for holding a plank for nine hours 30 minutes and one second now if you ain't never done a plank before that don't mean anything to you but those of us who have tried to hold the plank for 30 seconds are witness to the fact that this is a supernatural move of god hold right there and watch this what we found out later on about scala was watch this that he suffers from complex regional pain syndrome or crps which causes all almost constant pain in his left arm now he's holding a plank with an arm that's already in constant pain and here's what he said he said the pain is still there the pains aren't changing but my attitude towards the pain changes i'm done but that's all i'm trying to tell somebody my my goal is not to live a problem-free life my expectation is i'm going to have a pain-free life but i'm believing by faith that god can change my attitude to the pain that that god has shown me that where he won't remove the thorn he's going to give me grace for the thorn and his grace is sufficient for me and his power is made perfect in weakness i want to know is there anybody that can testify that you've been through some trials and you've been through some troubles and you've been through some situations but you're able to smile you're able to walk with your head up high because god has shown you how to manage your pain i didn't say to medicate your pain i said how to manage your pain to realize if you give it over to god he's got an extra strength grace for you he's got power to lift you up he's got power to kick dust you off he's got power to give you running on power and see what the end will be in the name of jesus it's time to make peace with your pain hallelujah father in the name of jesus i pray for those of us who have been held captive by fear by disappointment by betrayal god the worst of our past has become our constant in our present but god we don't believe that you saved us [Music] for us to live looking behind and so god i pray that what you won't remove from us you'll give us grace to handle god if you don't prevent it help me to make peace with it help me to accept that it's happened but you're yet real help me to recognize the signs all along the way that you've been giving me to show me that you're still with me and that they're still good in this life i pray right now in the name of jesus that you might grant me new eyes to see old problems and a new understanding of who you are in the midst of it god help to make it make sense in jesus name amen brother sister i just want to encourage you right now to know that the god i serve doesn't fix everything like i wanted to be but he's there present with me and everything that i can fix and i want you to know he wants to be present with you but he will not break and enter into your life he says this behold i stand at the door and i knock you have to choose to open up your heart and let them in and so if you right now are unsaved or are unsure about what salvation is all about then i've got good news today for you is the day of salvation i want to encourage you right now to give your life to the lord and allow jesus to become lord of your life if you're unsaved need to accept jesus in your heart just reach out to the number that's on the screen one of our prayer leaders would be happy to reach out to you within a matter of minutes show you the word of god what it means to be saved pray to the prayer of salvation or if you're saved you're a christian but you are a homeless christian you don't have a church home you're growing not covered not rooted i want you to know it's not enough to believe in god you need to belong to his eyes and we would love to have you as a part of our body of believers here called kingdom fellowship i'd love to be your pastor we'd love to be your church reach out to that number as well one of our members would love to welcome you into our church finally if you've fallen out of right relationship we want to pray restoration in your life you reach out as well and watch god do a new thing in your life come on as we just sing this song i want to excite you to make the most important decision of your life more important where you go to school what you marry it's who you're going to spend jesus my choice you know the road is i started out grace peace and mercy from god the father god the son and god the holy spirit rest will abide now with these your people both now and forever more people god said amen say it again save one more time kingdom god bless you as you go wasn't that another awesome installment of make it make sense by our senior pastor we are enjoying the sermon series readily applying it to our lives another word that we can continue to be kingdom focused we thank god for the word of god today continue to stay connected to us on our social media assets continue to join us on tuesday nights where we are continuing to break down the word of god with our senior pastor until then remain kingdom focused hey kingdom family this is reverend russ i am super excited about all that god is doing in the life of kingdom fellowship as many of you know i serve as lead over i gather ministries and you've heard our pastor say and he's alluded to the fact that we're going to go back into in-person worship and we thank god for this season of us being online but we are so excited about what god is going to do when we finally get back in to in-person worship on sunday we've been doing it already on thursday but in lieu of that and getting ready for that actually uh we are looking for some talented some gifted and some just servant-hearted people to come serve with us serve with us online uh with our online kingdom ministry whether it's in the chat uh whether it's here with us on thursday serving online or from your house you can serve online we're also looking for those who have skill or talent or even a want and desire to learn about how to work the audio boards here to learn about how to serve on camera here we're looking for you and then of course when we come back in worship uh we'll have our parking lot ministry we'll have our uh ushers and our greeters back our choir we're looking for people to serve in all of those areas and if you're interested in serving we're going to have two meetings coming up plus a training we want you to text the words kingdom serve to 31 3131 again text kingdom serve to 31 31 31 our pastor always says it and he is correct that many hands make for light work and we are super excited about the work that god has in store for kingdom but super excited about those who are out there who are going to be a part of the serving team here at kingdom so hopefully you'll join us for that meeting don't forget to text kingdom serve to 31 3131 complete that form you'll get more information about the meetings in october and we're just so excited to see what god is going to do here at kingdom fellowship as we remain that's right kingdom focus [Music] kingdom family let's celebrate 26 years of ministry two years as our pastor 26 years of giving 26 years of family 26 years of preaching join us on september 26th for a celebration of pastor matthew watley featuring guest preacher reverend dr william d watley upload your video thank yous by texting ty pastor to 3131 they'll be a part of a special commemorative presentation online and join us for a drive up celebration on saturday september 25th from 12 to 2 p.m let's celebrate our pastor the kingdom way [Music]
Channel: KFAME Church
Views: 1,691
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 14sec (3554 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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