Kim Burrell - REAL CHURCH TALK (Gifts, Holiness, FAKES In The Church)

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you know one of the greatest things that god could have ever done for me was giving me a gift to sing and the reason i say that is because the gift to sing has been when i am now finding out the bait the bait to draw the bait to prove that you can have a gift that can be most popular and you can be most comfortable in doing it but god will use that as the bait to challenge you to do what he's really called you to do inclusive not to exclude the gift of singing because i still enjoy doing it and i do it and i do it well pop your collar why don't you and you know when you go through you really don't mind what people think of you when you know the truth [Music] oh she's so arrogant ah take your time label me however you'd like the things i've been through that god has brought me through causes me to hear and don't hear whatever it is i am such an overcomer and so are you so are you as a matter of fact we are more than overcomers through him that loved us first author stephen cosey some of you may have heard of that arthur before stephen cosey wrote a book called the seven habits of highly effective people it put me in the mind of bishop and in this book he reveals some truths that should make any believer who is conditioning themselves not just to be changed but to help to create great changes shift in someone else's life one of the things in this book that caught my attention was he said victories in your personal development precede your public victories i don't really like to hang with people especially from church the reason i've really never embraced that is because gifts and callings y'all gonna pray for me tonight gifts and callings come without repentance it's very difficult to see someone do well in the service of the lord based on their gift but then leave the four walls of the church and find out who they it is difficult to make the shift properly without compromising because when you really are living a holy and sanctified life set apart living a righteous life as unto god to only please him sin bothers you you're not comfortable around it and you absolutely are not comfortable with it in you and so victories in our personal development should precede our public victories you know that's probably why some times i don't say amen to everything that comes up because i don't believe in bearing false witness talk about me if you'd like because i found out when i tell the truth people judge me so when others are telling the lie i don't respond to that what is a lie a gift that ends up bringing being sounding brass and tinkling symbol can i tell truth a gift that is easy to do without being convicted a gift that can operate without fear of god enough to be anointed when it operates so i don't bear false witness it's like telling a child who's acting up in church you're doing good run again across the floor and chew gum and fall out that's what it is it's equivalent to that you're okaying what god doesn't like and so thinking about this great man of god and all that he has done i am truly impressed in my heart because if y'all travel like i do and i'm sure some of you probably do and probably more you know that everybody's not doing it like this i want to say to the members of this church please don't take it for granted what you have here we all responded like you spoiled there are some people who've been in ministry for 43 years and they have nothing more than the first two roles everybody has their own dispensation everybody has their own thing to do but when you can be this successful i'm not talking about just magnitude and talking about what he has done to affect lives it makes me think of this never be afraid to try something new remember that amateurs built the ark but professionals built the titanic i can do how that does what second timothy 3 16 you don't have to go there it is really the opening to every message that i preach says every scripture is god breathed given by his inspiration and profitable for instruction for correction of error and discipline and obedience and for training in righteousness in holy living in conformity to god's will in thought purpose and action i take no scripture for granted the bible is right from beginning to end there's no compromise in the word of the lord now if you'd like to go with me romans chapter 1 verse 16. i'm moving quickly if you'll let me for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek paul's letter to the romans is probably the most systematic presentation of the gospel in all of his writings and indeed in all of the new testament the letter can be broken down into two major sections namely doctrine and then application paul says i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for it is the power of god unto salvation but it's to every man that believeth the apostle paul addresses the roman church and with the use of the term apostle paul moves now from his allegiance to christ to his authority to speak on christ's behalf it was god who called him in history to become his spokesperson for the gospel may i encourage you that as god dealt with paul so does he have the right to deal with you there has been an unfortunate something in the kingdom of god for years now and it is called sedation many have been sedated by the manipulating words of people with gifts that don't carry god's anointing only talent enough to sedate you to believe in what they're saying at the time and unfortunately gospel is not preached enough to remind the children of the kingdom of god of their responsibility to god more than it is to material things praise him and he'll open doors and praise him and he'll give you a call the bible says seek ye first that's what i said matthew 6 33 the kingdom of god and what else what's going to happen and all of these things that you shouting and dancing and running for will be added they are prerequisites for the blessings of god but we put antics on it in order to render power to people that want to keep you sedated to believing in their gifts rather than the god who gives it it's unfortunate because it has handicapped the kingdom of god into waiting on someone to resemble their gift before they get on their mark to go it has the progress of the movement of the kingdom of god because it has set up intimidation in people who now compare their gifts to others no one in here has the right to sit down on what you know now i'm standing up god has imparted in your life because someone has intimidated you with the talent of their guilt music was a wonderful world that god put me in the reason that i sound like i was bragging about being chosen to do music is because in that world of music is such a free world because music is such a universal language anytime michael jackson can go to a non-english speaking country and sing english words and they have to pack them out because they're passing out oh music talks and it makes a difference in learning in this musical environment not just church but in the other side too there is a language that is spoken that is really driven by who it came from satan was something else in heaven being happened to be a part of this world called music i have witnessed so many different personalities that have been able to do their gift but not walk with god sing but have no power help me love it direct but have no anointing shout and dance but there's no deliverance after a while to your inner man that is set apart from sin you begin to feel sick i hope i can help somebody tonight i quit going to musicals because it was so redundant with the same stuff some of y'all are in here while you're acting like that you don't go to musicals now because you already know how it's going to go certain choirs are going to sing and they're going to react certain soloists are going to sing and they're going to have a certain kind of reaction and after a while when you want to do what god has called you to do but people have conditioned themselves to respond to a certain kind of gift it will intimidate you not to do what god has called you to do but i must ask this question who called you [Applause] there are no excuses to why let me slow down we are not doing what god has called us to do so here it is the apostle paul the term apostle is used with the general force in the new testament to designate someone who is sent it is also used by paul to speak of someone who is specifically gifted to communicate revelation from god and to whom the churches were responsible thus the apostolic gift was foundational to the development of the church you mean to tell me at the development of the church that the apostolic move was designated for ones who are sent that the apostolic mentor qualifies you when you operate with an allegiance to god to christ and you are called to god you mean to tell me that you don't have to be addressed as an apostle that you have to have a backwards caller and at least 20 people following you what are you telling me you get the name of an apostle because you pastored one good church and two boys started a church out of your church now you're an apostle can i just talk church talk please there has to be an awakening to the kingdom of god that shakes us out of this sedation because it looks like that we're getting in a position of i'm just waiting my turn are you kidding me do you not understand that when you woke up this morning god said your turn when you decided to serve god and lend your gift to god god said tag you're it that there is no waiting on validation from people who are still trying to find themselves oh god i'm moving too fast romans chapter 1 verse 8 through 12. now i like to read from the message bible because it tells the truth i like it because it's just right out i mean in your face and so romans chapter 1 verse 8 through 16 part of 17 it reads like this i thank god through jesus isn't the paul for every one of you that's first now that's why we're missing it because humility is too far in between in our gifts there are too many people who are high-minded and can operate in the things of god but they're not humble you can't shake their hand they're going out of back doors they have limousines and red carpets 99 pieces of security and have yet to touch god i'm talking about what has caused sedation and so paul says people everywhere keep telling me about your lives of faith it's talking to the roman church and every time i hear them i thank him and god whom i so love to worship and serve by spreading the good news of his son the message knows that every time i think of you in my prayers which is practically all the time i ask him to clear the way for me to come and see you when is the last time that you've heard a preacher male or female stand up to say i couldn't wait to come and preach to you i couldn't wait to come and see you the call up in my life makes me long to be with you because there's work for us to do that means that whatever i deliver while i'm up here should ignite whatever is on the inside of you to come alive i'm not looking for you to say amen to me by the time i get through preaching you ought to be saying amen to yourself [Applause] so that when you leave here you're not stuck on who was the guest you've been so ignited that when you leave you felt like you were the special guest because god has dealt with you according to his word according to the praise something has ignited in you to remind you that you're not waiting on anybody to give you who you already all you want to hear god say is go get them oh my goodness who is stopping you who said what they said to you where are they who told you that god didn't want to use you who convinced you with their behavior toward you that you were not the chosen of god that you're studying is not better than they're studying or that your god is not their god or because people respond to them more than they respond to you that you're not the chosen and the call and the elect oh the devil is a liar 2017 you're coming alive so yes 2017 may not be for all of you but i'm gonna talk to those of you who it's for 2017 you are going to rise up from the ashes and you're going to fight you're going to contend for the faith because this is not about personality this is not about who's popular this is not about who's on tpn this is not about who gets a conversation on cnn this is about the faith staying with god to prove his godness and so paul goes on to say the longer this waiting goes on the deeper the ache it's talking about being with the saints i so want to be there to deliver god's gift in person and watch you grow stronger right before my eyes he says but don't think i'm not expecting to get something out of this too you have as much to give as i do to you how many of y'all can say that with a clear conscience and a pure spirit that you can look up and down your road and say excuse me uh-huh see thank you you have as much to give as i do to you it's way too quiet i know hallelujah oh i'm getting there in just a moment i'm going to go to proverbs 6 and 16 in just a moment you might not like it when i get there but i'm surely going because my plane doesn't leave until tomorrow and then i can extend it to stay if i'd like because i'm not going nowhere until i get this word out of me here tonight not a place whatever it is you have to give as unto god for the service of the lord is it secure enough in you is it usable enough for god is it available enough to him for you to be confident and comfortable in saying to someone else just as much as i have to give to you i thank god for what you have to give to me too because even if you think a gift is not up to par when you're sanctified you'll learn from that too and if you really have it all together before you judge you'll help them how they looking at me look how y'all looking at me no when you really got it together you don't judge because you're so thankful that god chose you instead of exposing you you're so grateful that he looked beyond your faults [Applause] and saw that you needed him so judging someone else is not a part of your christian criteria you're over it when you spend enough time with god in true sacrificial ministry you don't care who's god on what you don't care if they sing in key or out of key you're so thankful to god for choosing you and you're so glad to be saved you're so glad to not be going to the club driving home drunk shooting up dope cussing people out getting to church late that judgment is far from your criteria i wish i had some delivered people to shout glory in this house paul is careful here he says in verse 13 please don't misinterpret my failure to visit you friends you have no idea how many times i've made plans for rome i've been determined to get some personal enjoyment out of god's work among you reminds me of bishop as i have in so many other non-jewish towns and communities but something has always come up and prevented it everyone i meet it matters little whether they're mannered or rude smart or simple deepens my sense of interdependence and obligation that's what you call maturity that's what you call being more than an overcomer that when you are convinced that you are doing what you're doing as unto god and he is completely pleased they can say what they want literally can i tell you to young people who have not yet walked at least to that age of 40 because i can't act like i've been like this my whole life when i turned 40 i lost the filter i just say what i want to say meet me on the slab whatever it is but let me tell you but but 40 wasn't the change criticism was hate was the change that made me embrace the truth of god more paul gosh i love him he says it made me dig deeper on the inside with discipline enough to hear you and look right over you enough to come back when you're ready to receive my potency talking crazy about me because you can't handle what i have [Applause] when you're ignorant of the thing you don't know how to intrigue that why would you reach the keys to other tesla to a three-year-old why would you give a two-year-old the keys to your rolls royce there are some people who absolutely have not sought the lord in the way that you have so they're going to judge you because your behavior as under god is unfamiliar and because it makes them uncomfortable it makes them feel less than you know why because there's something about you that they like they're just mad they're not in god dawg god bring good to me man you don't sweat people who don't get your anointing you tell them keep living i'll be here waiting for you when you wake up and realize he's the same god to me that he can be to you you don't have to be mad at my anointing all you've got to do is dig a little bit people in god's love forgive yourself and you won't have no problem with me half the time people that don't like you is because they don't like them because they're on their third version of themselves lord help me today so they're trying to figure out i kind of like who i was last month but this month is a little bit different and they didn't change which oh my god and so we ain't working hard help me and so paul says it's news i'm most proud to proclaim this extraordinary message of god's powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him starting with the jews and then right on to everyone else god's way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith not who you know oh man you know how much time we've wasted trying to get to know people who don't want to know us wearing outfits that don't fit so you can fit [Applause] it used to trip me out sometime because people who wanted to be found as a singer couldn't even speak to him say hey how you doing they're fine and when you've suffered to be where you are that's like a cartoon to you and you learn through maturity not to judge them because one but for the grace of god there we would be and so paul goes on to say the person in right standing before god by trusting him really lives you know we can really begin to live this life of god and enjoy it and quit all of this struggle singing okay y'all gotta just help me i don't do well with songs about struggle god is too much god now you know let's tell you we all saying getting waved side to side the struggle for you and then we want to enlarge my territory we're getting singing about having issues it's not a good practice for a christian to say you got to pray for me i just have issues no what you have are habits that uh you don't necessarily want to give up and you and you call it a struggle because you know it's wrong can we just be really real about it tonight you don't have issues you're making choices that causes issues in your life and so god's trying to mature us through his word so that we can grow and get rid of this sedation and do what he's called us to do it is true that we must show love for our friends not only by praying for them but by praising god for them there's no better look than to celebrate others you know i had such a joy in serving on sunday best i took joy in it because most of my work was done off camera because i love sowing into people god has given me a lot to do he's given me a lot of gifts and it's a bad thing when you claim to be a christian and don't want to help others oh i don't trust your relationship i don't trust your christianity when you can see a need and ignore it because you feel like all of your needs have not been met maybe the meeting of your need is by answering that need isn't that something to think about may i challenge you with this question what if god challenged you and said everything that you've been praying for everything you've literally everything you've been asking for all the private stuff all that stuff you've been talking to me about on those long drives all of those tears filled with all of those questions about why you're not where you should be and how come doors are not open and why people won't recognize your gift if god said what if i answered all of that by giving you the very desires of your heart but based on how long you could celebrate somebody else [Applause] [Music] tell somebody it's real talking here tonight i can't stand fake y'all gotta pray for me i hate fake bags i hate fake shoes i hate a gucci when it's really a poochy i hate coach that's a goat i hate everything fake i can't stand phony people that's my biggest pet peeve because why even waste time with me because i got a gift called discernment and i peeped you three months before we met so why are you giving me this energy when god showed me who you were because he knew we were going to run into each other and i would have to know all of them spirits that's on the inside of you [Applause] wouldn't it be a much better world if people just walk up to say hey how you doing god bless i'm jealous of your dress have a great day [Applause] wouldn't it be amazing wouldn't it be you could deal better let's tell the truth if a musician ain't doc i enjoy your plan man but i'm jealous of you i hope you don't get no more open doors my man [Applause] i enjoy watching you praise and dance today wish you would have broke your legs see you next week that is the kind of shade ain't that the word y'all using that's the kind of shade that darkens us and causes us to have this energy when we come to church because the truth of the matter is you do have discernment that's why you acted funny with them the following week although it didn't come out of their mouth their spirit said it oh of course it did come on as adult people we know when people don't want to be bothered with us y'all know they'll have her fine are you i hate finding you oh i hate it i hate finding you i hate it i hate please come in michelle i hate finding you let me tell you if i hey how you doing god bless i would like fine how are you i don't like hey how you doing god bless and it's this is so not genuine it's not becoming of christians it does not constitute love among each other it causes friction causes to have lack of trust because it's hard to understand how you held up service speaking in tongues but you gave me a finding you after church it doesn't match it doesn't match it just doesn't match and so so so there you have it now you keep coming to church every week with hypocrites say who can you judge i'm judging you because i saw you dancing and praising god and that's the reason i spoke to you after church because i felt like because you were given that much praise you were going to be kind after service but until i walked up on you and found out that's a schizophrenic nature you got you need pills that ain't the holy ghost you need a cocktail of a blue yellow pink crush it together chase it with some apple sensor [Applause] that's why it's called discernment gosh wouldn't it be better when the crazy gets loose and instead of you holding them like they're praising god you just whisper in the ear hey hey hey you yeah calm down no no really you're starting to foam at the mouth this is ridiculous i need you to calm down you should have taken all of you no no i'm talking to you while you're joking we let's just jump together you need to calm down right now because that's what you call changing the atmosphere somebody shot real church [Applause] we should always be ready in some way to impart to others what god who has trusted to us if you bake cookies if that is your god trust somebody ought to at least get one cookie a week somebody different can i help somebody the church just don't support well they haven't tasted the product because you're trying to be funny waiting on betty crocker somebody to reach out to you like you're just so deep that way you just make a little batch of cookies and bring them to the church and ask the pastor somebody can you give a little taste test or something and then maybe you won't be so bitter we should be ready to impart to others what god has trusted to us the word trusted in this regard defines itself as listen to this the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed a position of trust a charge custody of a thing care of it care of something valuable so the question is what has god trusted to you what has god placed in your spiritual and natural care to impart and how is it being entreated is it literally waiting on someone's validation that may never come is it perhaps next in line we ought to be rejoicing and making others joyful especially taking pleasure in communion with those who believe the same things as us if we've been redeemed by the blood and converted by the grace of the lord jesus christ we are all together his and for his sake we are debtors to all men to do all the good we can this is what our duty is sedation and manipulation of the small part of your mind is what slows us down to keep us from moving forward in the yes that we've said to god manipulation and sedation is what disconnects i yes from moving forward saying yes to god is a covenant is an agreement when you agree with the thing it qualifies you as taking a vow and taking about cause for integrity why are you on the praise team and you're always late it's integral to not even sign up for it if you're not made for the integrity of what it calls for i thought i was gonna get a chance to lead a song no you're gonna sing one phrase 185 times until the pastor laid his hands on everybody he'll work it out that's you he'll work it out that's you he'll work it out number two he'll work it out [Music] integrity says i won't complain can i talk good integrity to the vow of a thing says i signed up for this better yet i don't even see people because this is so as under god he'll work it up he'll work it up he'll oh yes see somewhere along line we got caught up and out he'll work it out and somebody must have hit a run that they thought was pretty nice and you needed security to walk you out as if you had done well what happens in the midst of ministry that we do one simple thing do you not understand that while you were doing it somebody had already done it a hundred times so where's the fluff really coming from how do we get caught up in ourselves with something that god has so freely given us to impart and to edify what i see should edify you even if it sounds good and you enjoy it you should be edified something in your spirit man should say god she sounds good but it's reaching my soul when you hear the preached word it's not about the eloquence of words and how many long letters that they use because sometimes i'd rather they not speak greek until they can make the english as plain as it needs to be i don't have a problem with greek and hebrew you can break it all down but the church hasn't gotten enough english to be that deep yet sometimes i want to tell them like i tell foreigners that come from other countries to come to the united states welcome to church now speak english y'all get that tomorrow you know why because the church is not exemplifying that we know enough english about god's word this spirit of impressing people hit the kingdom of god many years ago and everybody got into this brace yourselves because here comes another deep revelation to do what leave me talking about how many words you put together and my soul left here contaminated but i was waiting on you to call out my sin i grew up in the old church that's just they conditioned us listen for your sin don't come to the choir standing revival this week listen for your sin praise god yeah this is what you said come on to the altar i know it's your third night in a row come on up until you get it and the saints are qualified enough to tell you you did well come back tomorrow night say you mean to tell me all this sweating and all of this peeking out of one eye to see if my parent was looking at me didn't work see the authentic holiness of god detects truth and you're not well when people don't have it it doesn't feel good to know that somebody's going through spiritual something and there's something you can say or do can i just say this to someone who may be listening if you have ever said by anybody and you sensed that they needed something that you had to give and you didn't give it shame on you yeah tonight it's a calling to the carpet shame on you no one should ever leave church and deal with the spirit of suicide there should be an i'm gonna wake your world up there should be enough anointing on your role there should be enough anointing in you that senses i don't care if they're way on other end that'll make you stand up and walk excuse me how are you excuse me get your hands up i rebuke this spirit of suicide by the power of the holy ghost [Applause] our gifts are supposed to be active not tolerated our gifts should be endured our gifts should edify to the degree that people don't want us to sit down because the anointing has us so captivated in not only believing in god but believing in ourselves when it's all said and done church is not about one person and if it is it's only about him am i preaching good at all in anybody i'm about to go sit down and use it about now i'm holding my head and squalling and kicking my legs but i did that sunday this covenant of yes when we tell god that we're going to do something he wants us to do it right then i'll prove it ecclesiastes 5 and 5. am i preaching too long i'm almost done ecclesiastes 5 and 5 and you know what i'm reading from the message bible it says when you tell god you'll do something do it now long as one gets it i'm cool with it yeah that hey thank you help me out when you tell god you're going to do something do it and do it right then god takes no pleasure in foolish gavel vow it then do it far better not divide in the first place than the vow and not pay up that's why if you're in leadership you should not tolerate anyone who falls below the standard of integrity if you tolerate people coming in late they'll do it every time mouth covered in the flakes of krispy kreme doughnuts because it was allowed one good time ain't called me a hard task master but it has disciplined me to sing before kings and queens and travel the world and get on and off planes and not to be trusted see one thing i found out is that you don't show up when it's time to do what you do you show up before time and when you're really in ministry you don't just show up to do your thing you go and you sense where you are and then you obey god after that somebody say obey god those of you who are in ministry wave at me please wait for whatever kind of ministry you are okay have you ever been in a situation that god challenged your ministry you had it all planned out and then he flipped it on you at the last minute well i can congratulate you you did ministry just right because what really hurts the kingdom of god is a pre-planned preconceived notion that that that god is not watching or listening and that they are not needs to be met and all we do is carry out some form of godliness so that we can get through doing our thing that is gross it does not belong in the house of god it is outdated it tells on you it is not a good look if i'm hitting you move your toes and stay ouch all right i'm getting ready to go please understand that it's all good and beneficial to prosper in material things and it's great to have good health but some of us can't handle material things without a strong yes to god i'll explain some of you get a car i don't see you for three weeks because you're test driving while service is gone oh god say where were you i got a new car what's your point wasn't it because you came to church that god blessed you with the car so you mean to tell me you went in and out going in and out in this car no people can't be trusted some people will sing they'll do that gift is unto god and you can't touch them afterwards that's not that's not god that's not his nature that's not pleasant god's people should be able to be entreated and not feel like it's a loss after you've met them i run into so so so so so so many people in the name of ministry and i hate that i met them and can i tell you about me i told them everybody got their own thing but i told them say hey let me see for a minute you're coming to the city in concert this is a true story got that number and i called him i said you coming to my city in a concert let me honest with you when i saw you at the stella awards last week you were so nasty i did i said you were so nasty your spirit was gross because you don't owe me anything but an explanation of why you're singing god's praises and you were so nasty oh i did it's a true strumming house of god i say it burdened me to see you that way cause i've been listening to your music for so long oh kim it ain't like that yes it is it's exactly like that because i'm all the way in houston now and you didn't fix it while i was with you it's exactly like that because as you've been really sensitive to the god that you sing about you'd have picked up on me being offended by your nasty spirit where y'all laid in here where y'all at look how y'all looking at [Applause] [Applause] tell the truth hate it one of my homeboys from out here big time artist sang one night during the mighty unit i'm going to show you how long ago that was and the important person got through singing and didn't thank him and lord he went off i think that's why we're friends today because he was right i'm gonna tell you why he was right in his perspective now the words were totally wrong he needed to be delivered completely what he said was not the right choice of words but his reasoning because you didn't have a musician when you got up and you say i need someone to come and play for me and this person comes up and plays for you and you walk off like you're headed to the waldorf astoria in new york to go be somebody great and you never turn around and say thank you so much thank you for rescuing me thank you for not embarrassing me i thank you nothing so this dude waited i mean took his time pow pow pow pow i was just in there going wow look at the fireworks and at this point this person was embarrassed well you should have been i'm gonna tell you why don't ever allow anybody to do anything for you and you don't say thank you humble yourself before the mighty hand of god he exhausts the humble help me with the scripture tonight but he resists the pride i'm gonna close with what i tell you i was going to proverbs six and 16 ain't nothing like the bible these six things as much as i love the message bible i like to read this one out of kjv and we've heard this version for a long time and we need to get it so i'm gonna keep on reading this version till we get it then we get going on and go to the message bible these six things that the lord hate yay seven are an abomination unto him what's the first one what you say you mean to tell me that you can walk in the surface with your nose up because you're so important because you're saying good three months ago and hoping nobody forgot about it and now you walking in and you got your situation or you preached somewhere and and did two scriptures without fumbling over your words and now you got nine adjectives agitators i mean adjutants or whatever whatever whatever what i say [Applause] you mean to tell me you got caught up in yourself and it's just a look i was just looking god hates it if it's pride i don't care who bumped into you before church came in are you serious how christian are you one grace knocked you off of your christianity mark somebody can i talk real talk somebody cutting you off on the way here in the car knocked all your christian out of you come on talk to me they better watch where they're going and five minutes later enlarge my territory at the crazy house a bigger room it doesn't make sense see it's been tolerated so long until people don't want to come to church people don't want to be around that kind of energy that a hat turns you into that uh saint john did you like this you need to take that saint john off and read st john and the truth of the matter is you can find the saint john for real cheap i was at y'all thrift stores today talk to me how if you hear me you go through the right door you get the right saint john for a small price look at all the saints mad at me now i thought you had the people food strong 79 you'd be encouraged in here today this ain't john 2 500 not at the thrift store a proud look he hates it enter into his gates with thanksgiving what happened to that and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name why for the lord is good and his mercy is everlasting and when you realize the extension of mercy that we all have received there's no pride to have you're just grateful to be alive because if it really had not been for the lord who was on your side tell me where would we be it should have been the bullet that came through your window the night before where's the gratefulness in place of the pride he says i hate a proud look a lying tongue need i say more and hands that shed innocent blood heart that devises wicked imaginations i hate that one feet that be swift and running to mischief that's a common one a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord i love when the saints are finished among the rhythm that means ones who said it you won't be starting no mess at least for the next six months you'll be blessed tonight among my brother you will not finish that scripture and be messy at the same month that's common energy we finished scriptures with no allegiance to them i don't mean any harm we enjoy the word of god with each other and it sounded great but it feels worse when we say it but don't apply it feels worse can we just talk truth tonight if this bible is not embraced we're not only going to lose the church we're going to lose people who need the church there are people who pass by here and they want to come in because they know about this man but they run into too many of you [Music] who make them feel that they'll never get a chance to meet him when he's most humble who are we to covet people like they belong to us i don't let anybody serve me who treats me like they belong to me there was a young lady who was on the road with me bishop one time and she reached in to wipe my face and almost broke her arm i said don't you ever do that again that's just me everybody's different so don't you ever reach and wipe my face not those two that's why they're here but this young lady reached in after i finished preaching and i'm sitting there the church just going in they just haven't tried hallelujah and i'm sitting with my eyes and i feel something on my forehead and i open up and she's standing there wiping my forehead like like i'm sick first of all you were not giving instructions to do that right why did you feel like you had the authority to do that i'm about to help somebody if you want to be helped if this man of god would really truly tell the truth fulfilling your obligation to this man of god is not something you wake up just really truly looking forward to it's not to say you don't enjoy it but when you really serve someone with this kind of capacity of a ministry you don't wake up saying can't wait to get there you don't know if he's going to go preach 12 hours under a tent make you pack his bags to go somewhere else preach another 12 hours fly to africa in the same day then over to germany and come on back to japan preach while you're on the plane hug 30 people because of the heart that he has and you got to be there hold back the bible say yes sir back up make sure he's got food all of that kind of servitude anybody run into that doesn't have a clue of what it really takes it takes sacrifice ministry is true sacrifice it is not a moment to be identified with what looks popular because people who really do true ministry they don't like being popular because when you are the trusted of god god makes you do a whole lot and physically it's tiring it wears on you to whom much is given and much is required outside of the four walls oh my gosh when i first started doing musical concerts most of my time was spent in the hallway after the concert was over because i needed to hug the people talk to the people and listen to them cry and say oh your music brought me out and your music did this and i made it through college because of your music and i i couldn't what do i do with that god bless thanks so much to you the next concert god bless that doesn't fit ministry you stop you take a b-12 talk back to me true ministry you square your shoulders you smile you embrace every single word that's coming off of their mouths until you fall out because you've been called to this remember and when you're called to really do it the last thing you look for is comfort you're just thankful when comfort shows up can i talk to true ministry saints of the most high god
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 87,194
Rating: 4.8999596 out of 5
Keywords: kim burrell, Sundays best, kim burrell sundays best, kim burrell singing, bishop j drew sheard, Dorinda clark cole, twinkie clark, Twinkie clark organ, the clark sisters, mattie moss clark, Kierra sheard, praise break, pentecostal shout, apostolic shout, cogic shout, holy convocation cogic, bishop noel jones, serita jakes, td jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, jamal bryant, donnie mcclurkin, prophet todd hall, cogic, crazy shout, cogic praise break, cogic bump
Id: r0o9_DKmbso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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