Making My Friend RAGE Quit With This TROLL...

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what the how am i supposed to play minecraft without a keyboard and a mouse whoa there you go an unspeakable mouse and an unspeakable keyboard let's go and i found diamonds wait how am i going to hear the creepers that's nice that's what i'm talking about new unspeakable headsets keyboards and mouses available now what raid the bridge attention is listening there has been a case of stolen beans in this territory beans make you fart i didn't steal the beans i just said i farted there's no beans in my inventory our squid died horrible owners they're truly horrible owners guys get to the point shark boy i ain't got all day listen we're lacking resources in this town and i would put my hand up to argue that we need to go on an adventure to bring back many resources [Music] millions of diamonds did you guys see the new mine that's here yeah so mr shark boy built this entire mine totally not a sketchy mine don't worry and um yeah so we're just gonna hop in here george almost died oh my god oh my goodness you should have thought wait why that's so dark yeah i'll use magma blocks to make it brighter hey george uh george if you actually keep mining down there there's gonna be another amethyst uh crystal mine down there if you want to go get it it's super rare and it brings you to the amethyst dimension i don't feel like you're trolling me you just keep going you just keep going right now i can't it's bedrock okay mine all the no you have to mine 100 blocks straight and you will get to the end i could hear the lava bro i'm not death either stop it eat the lava eat the llama eat the lava you do shark eat the llama we're trying to find more iron more coal more diamonds as much as possible so we can start our journey and we can be safe whoever get the most amount of resources will win say i don't know double whatever they get so if you get say five diamonds and five pieces okay bet you have the money then you get you can double down and you get double what you originally got i'm down i'm down i'll take that challenge double down the double down challenge the double down challenge now wait is it just oars overall like redstone yeah like well we'll have like uh we'll have like the rare oars as well you know what i mean mining together is so much fun i love yeah it's so much fun i love mining with my friends i'm gonna mute up so i don't have to talk to you guys anymore okay wow i just want a mine in peace i'm gonna plug in my headphones and i'm just gonna go mining i'm gonna film a nice little time lapse for the audience you guys have a have a funner funner time funner than fun i have now muted up on the call okay i'm not doing a time lapse that's not what i wanted to do i have observer blocks tnt and i obviously have some oars see where i'm getting at this remember when moose stole my diamonds he still hasn't returned the diamonds but at the same time yeah the dude went to jail but excuse me where are my diamonds nowhere to be seen my goal is to plant some gold ore or diamond or if i can find it hook it up to some observer blocks and then kaboom when he mines it the only thing i need to do is i just need to get ahead of george's path so he thinks the gold is authentic and he thinks oh wow look at this gold so that's what i need to focus on right now moose just tried to swim in lava nice what's up shark boy okay bye shark is everyone trying to troll me today all righty okay the only thing i need to do i need to make a furnace so i can smelt some of the stone so i can put the stone back okay so all i gotta do is smelt some stone so i can piece everything back together guys this is gonna work these guys are literally out of battle right now moose has an underground tunnel what why'd this man just teleport to me why is he looking at me like that ah you got torches you noob should have turned your gamma up okay so moose is mining that way right oh wait look there's some gold up here but this one isn't a trap this is like real gold okay so he's mining around this way oh my gosh he didn't even take this gold right here oh he's coming this way if i do anything oh my gosh this man just landed lava this man all right so put the tnt all down here come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on okay there we go boys the observer is set wait what nathan george is griefing your house i got him doing it on screenshot they just sent me a screenshot there is a lava in my house dude why why does this dude hate me so much oh snap shark is trying to get moose in trouble oh wait but moose sent a screenshot that looks like shark is doing it so a shark trying to i've been framed i've been in prison i ain't going back oh my gosh hey everyone get out of my house teleport to me right now we get trolled teleport to me right now it was shocking did you find any diamonds i didn't find anything what shark why aren't you teeping to me are you trying to fix the lava that you griefed in my office you're a little sustenant let's do this let's do this all of us let's mine let's try to find diamond gold iron right now all right that was the whole point of coming into the mine yeah you're kind of right and then hey and to be fair yo i yeah oh man i could be a big honestly though you guys just want to follow me i have a really really nice yeah that's fine all right let's go yeah let's go let's go i'll follow you let's go focus on you i'm jumping in first [Laughter] all right boys let's all go mine nathan you go the other way go the other way go the other way you noob i found these no no oh i got him no i caught him i flipping caught him one got him i caught him hey really you caught him i caught that diamond nathan you've got something explaining to do your observer did not work why am i lying to get back here i don't know what you're talking about oh my gosh oh my gosh george this whole time nathan was trying to do something bad what do you mean bro that was not me you guys are trying to frame me or something no it was certain nathan you're right why why are you running i touch you i'm not running i'm just in a different mind go check my base try to find sandwiches these videos are posted online at yeah i know that the footage will be there i realize that maybe when the video goes up we can figure out who the true tnt observer block troller is fine then you're right okay great then why don't you why don't you come up here and get all the diamonds that you deserve how many do i get right behind you first let me see if my house is okay considering we caught screenshots of you griefing it let's see what happened to my house okay everything's all right down here okay everything looks okay because yeah in the screenshot there was a bunch of lava right here just making sure there's nothing under there oh by the way here's the diamond that you want oh you guys just throw the diamonds away yeah and i will spend five hours getting so much tnt that your trash can will no longer be trash do you want your dog fresh and it's gonna be even more trash it only helps diamonds you guys are so sausage i can't okay here no they're in your house i'm not kidding i'm not kidding i'm not kidding oh wait your house is oh your house is made out of wood yo yo come on don't blow it come on please please please come on shark your house is made out of your chest they're in your chest are they are they really in my chest yes go check go check go check it out what you gonna do right here oh you got anything oh what is that another entrance to your house that i could troll one day you guys seem to have a lot of friendship problems i think we need to all have therapy together i think we should sit down and speak with somebody stop looking at me so suspicious every time kill a lot of creepers bro it's not that hard i'm just gonna go mine i'm gonna i'm gonna mind my own business and if i come up to my house yeah get it my own business yeah i'm just gonna mine boys i'm just trying to find some diamonds but i will warn you if anything's missing from any of my chest you're done mr moose i would like to ask you a question where were you two minutes ago underground mining next to you look up where were you four minutes ago underground mining look up six minutes ago underground mining look up that's a lie because you were at my house because i have a screenshot six minutes ago at 11 30. you were at my house you meet at 11 26 a.m so why are you lying to me that's not six minutes ago that's ten minutes ago what do you mean no sorry 13 minutes ago where were you 13 minutes ago uh in your house with shark and he tried to put lava in your house wait i thought shark was at his house and you were underground moose i'm underground with moose now i was just at my house i am right next to you look up look up check this out look we have a we have an xp spotter this could be a potential community thing boys you're not even next to me so you're definitely lying i'm literally right i'm looking at your name tag i'm gonna just come back to you you'll never catch me you'll never catch me i'm the fastest miner in minecraft and you'll never catch me for the xp farm boys look we can literally make an xp farm and then solve all of our problems of being broke on the server did you find a mob spawner yeah yeah there's like three of them around here i saw oh i found one oh no a bunch of things i think we should like definitely make a spawner and we should like have that crazy efficiency five yeah pickups got diamonds but this time there's like five of them oh there's six six diamonds let's flip and go boys codename macaroni oh you want to do pizza instead of coding pizza okay codename pineapple go ahead you guys have code executed execute execute uh nathan execute what did you not read the code word book wait wait hold on this is a code workbook i was just playing around i was just saying random things since i know you guys are working together if there's anything that has happened to my house both of your houses will explode 64 divided by 2 is 32 pieces of tnt per house that's enough to cause a kaboom all i'm saying boys if i walk into my house when i'm done mining and something is wrong with my house 32 pieces of tnt will be sent to both of your homes i'll build a cannon i'll set it under your house i'll do whatever i have to war i really have no idea what is going on here i'm just trying to get diamonds i found two though finally five more minutes nathan can i just can i just say something real quick dude you win other stuff are you guys just like instantly granting me the the winner i just know you're waiting on the challenge with you i don't think i have that much i do have like well i mean dude this is like a there's like a nametag count uh my whole inventory is full of wars you try to kill me half the video guys i don't think you did anything bro hey i still got i still got luke though that's the thing any sense shark that i what were you doing this whole time uh i was just hanging out with my friend would you rather me not hang out with you you know no you don't like me like that they accused me of things i didn't do tnt in your inventory you stole from nathan's house i'm not accusing i'm i'm literally stating facts so there is something missing from my house what is this oh golden apples for me i am exiting the mines i'm on my my journey back to victory civilization how much iron do i have like all my inventory or in my chest that you stole do you want to see what shark is doing you just want to see this already yeah send me a screenshot what is the action about us just just just just meet me here just meet me about house just tell me what to be wrong i'll just know what he's doing all right boys how many orders did you guys get let's see who who won this challenge i got 36 iron ore okay all right so uh you got 36 iron ore that's three gold ore and then two diamonds okay all right uh shark how many oars did you get i got twenty hundred gold lapis 25 redstone 13 coal there we go all right let me let me count mine five diamonds a stack and a half of iron three stacks of lapis three stacks of redstone 49 gold ore all right so i'm just gonna actually donate did you donate some nope hey friend you remember when i gave you diamonds at the start of the series buddy opel yeah thanks i appreciate it okay no one come near my house if something blows up you're done zones oh i'm trying to explain something we should get the beacon thing you know what i mean i just heard tnt oh oh i know what you did oh you guys are done to me you really didn't know anything at all you guys are done to me nathan jason nathan nathan guys i told you guys if there was something wrong with my house i would be exploding both of your homes i'm gonna split the cnc happened please but just before you blow up my house can i show you please oh my god what did you do i didn't do it why are you blaming me there you go this is the real proof no no no no kidding let me see it let me see it you know you're done now all right so we're in the mine right all right hold on i gotta see this and you can see tnt in his hot bar watch watch his hand there it is my question for you is you really didn't get anything on camera yes i did my question hold on hold on hold on hold on what i was doing beforehand i was looking for someone i was going to see what they were so shark that that's great and all okay but you see the problem is is you were with him so look look at you it's not like you know what i have assistant i can't believe you listen he told me he whispered to me in the chat and then i said all right finally help you out and then yeah i was part of it i'm ready to go to jail i'll admit it i'm a terrible friend whatever it is i teleported to moose i was even at your house yeah i hit that cell phone he literally whispered to me like hey man you want to blow up his house i'm like all right i'm down i think moose should just go to jail he should serve his punishment but i think i think you should go to jail as well shark because you have assisted him on this you see where i'm going with this police we're twins no you're not sharks yeah bro you literally assisted you would not want to go to jail with your best friend no well that's too bad you should have thought about that before you blew up this house and told me about it and kaboom what sorry yo it's gone bro yo shark what happened to your house bro oh he left the game yeah that was that was a nice troll bro this whole time right shark was trying to blame it on you bro why would he be with you muted bro he's done he's out you're so quiet we can't hear you bro you weren't like i wasn't at nathan's house when he placed all the tnt i totally got his crib doing the same thing he teleported to you because you were inside of his crib hey man honestly bro i really don't care just because like this is this house is trash and i was ready for a new one yep wait where did you store tnt from what would you guess get out of creative phone bro i'm not in creative mode what do you mean i told you guys i had hidden tnt in my house and i was going to use it it's a blog real quick real quick boys how many episodes has it been since we've already destroyed everything we've done all i'm gonna say is you guys are suss i no longer trust you guys anymore we literally i had to do what had to be two weeks ago and we've lost all of our progress wait your house is not even broken that bad bro my hot tub's gone my first floor is gone my literally everything my whole my whole downstairs is gone if we all go to jail we just kind of like you know let's just kind of connect there and like rethink our process on how we're going to it's kind of like four years ago when we were jail and who's your daddy you know that i like that idea i like that idea let's just all go to jail we're all suss shark you blow up my house moose help you and then i got revenge is fine let's all go to jail let's just have a good time in jail man complimentary snitch seen as the snitch here doesn't want to own up moose has an underground tunnel leaving jail so he never stayed in jail no more she gets out ready let's make i'm sorry what i have an idea he's got look here check this out down here break this board yep break right here right here right here this block this one right there oh moose made an underground tunnel to escape jail no it's rare it's rare it's very sharp it's rare shark it's very shark stop stop stop start trust your trust but trust me seriously just give it away wait is this what she wanted to do this this blackstone stuff no it's actually we need that we need that no no we need that for the future videos oh my god all right boys let's all get in jail we got 24 hours in jail we can talk about our problems there i i can't if you guys want to see another episode leave a like but we're probably not going to make one so you better leave a like 20 000 likes and i'll destroy the entire series
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 1,096,933
Rating: 4.9289742 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp, smp
Id: RJ_fqmY_8pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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