Hiding 10,000 Zombies Under FRIENDS HOUSE!

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do you see that look at that that right there is a giant diamond play button in minecraft and i'm going to flip this lever and i'm going to blow it up because why not oh my gosh it literally just disintegrated well while the rest of that diamond play button blows up i want to let you guys know that i have three real diamond play buttons that i am giving away to you guys yes i said that right i'm giving away three diamond play buttons to three people and the giveaway is live right now the way you enter the diamond play button giveaway is you go to www.speakable.com and go ahead and buy yourself some merchandise it can be anything it can be a hoodie a hat another hat it could be a plushie a toy literally anything once you buy something from my website you'll get an order confirmation email and in that email you can click the link and it will enroll you in the giveaway it's literally that easy if you live in the united states united kingdom australia or canada you're eligible to participate in the giveaway the giveaway starts on march 13th and ends on april 3rd the giveaway is three weeks and each week we are going to pick a winner for the diamond play button and the best part about it on the back of this diamond play button you guys can see that it says unspeakable i'm actually going to engrave your name right on top of mine i'm giving away three of my diamond play buttons to three lucky people are you kidding me you could win a diamond play button this is real this thing's solid this is no joke guys you can literally win my diamond play button i don't need my diamond play button you guys can have it [Music] excuse me ladies and gentlemen yes that's me hello and welcome brand new house look it's going to the moon that's so ugly that's very disgusting i literally spent like two hours doing that i saw you guys rear build your cribs i don't know why i don't know why moose always makes the ugliest houses what is this that's a beautiful looking house bro it's a rocket ship way to die i don't look like a rocket ship at all it's so bad so ever since the two episodes ago when we exploded each other's houses we've all had some troubles rebuilding the community yeah yeah and i think uh moose here is struggling the most moose in the last video you actually weren't here for it we actually had somebody break into our town which uh yeah that same person is here helping us build up the town uh today and you might know a lot of progress that's been made he built literally this there is a retail space above here that you can rent available for rent bro someone can rent this and we can make a shopping mall we finally got enchanted i've been waiting literally this is kind of like well how do i rent this place uh you probably have to talk to the landlord yeah so while you guys were doing your thing you know me i was doing my own solo thing because y'all left me alone and blew up my crib you know how it is yeah yeah i do have some goodies that i came back with so i'm a little bit loaded right now what's that what do you have 27 diamonds baby all right you definitely cheated definitely cheated for this oh how does this house be looking like that but he's got 27 diamonds bro you can have fun with your 27. rooftop i didn't think so i have a structurally safe design in my house [Laughter] listen guys wait we got a lot of progress that we have to make in today's video and yes we do i'm gonna get working boys i'll see you guys later i'll connect with you guys a little bit but it's time to get on the ground i've muted those noobs and guys i love this new bridge i can't believe we finally got a bridge leading up to our beautiful house on top of the hill looking over the village you guys remember mogee right mogi broke into our village when he was invisible we ended up capturing him figuring out who he was and then he started building things and he's still building things he's been building things for days he's currently building a house over there right now but look what he put in my house do not tell anyone this i need you to be really quiet but i'm pretty sure mogi has been building all this stuff in creative mode which is fine by me because he's making the village beautiful and really nice for us but check this out he hid this in my house i think it's this one yeah look at this these are all zombie spawn eggs literally stacks and stacks of zombie spawn eggs so i'm pretty sure mogi is trying to get me in trouble or he's giving me tools to troll someone we are definitely going to be using all of those spawn eggs and someone's house is gonna get attacked by a thousand zombies this episode don't tell anyone i did this this cannot leave this video do not don't don't even think about it one thing i would love to work on this episode is making like some sort of farm so i personally think we should make another entrance to the house right here that leads out into a huge farm that just covers this whole corner of the hill the farm that is on top of our house is doing insane right now guys look at this so what i want to do is i want to make a massive farm all down here and then we open a store a farm store where i can sell bread food apples whatever and i can make moose and shark pay me either diamonds or iron for tons of food i can basically be the food supplier and then i can just be getting diamonds like literally every single day because they'll just keep paying me because i'm the food supply i'm probably gonna move this farm off my roof just because like i kind of want to turn my roof into i don't know something a little bit better just something um i don't know i would like to use my roof for something other than seeds oh flip back up okay hurry up plant these and then we gotta go all right you guys need to take a chill pill okay so this will be kind of like the entrance of our house we'll kind of cover up this in stones i'm trying not to get eaten by a phantom right now let's go out and chop down all these trees because we're gonna need all of this land bro tell these phantoms to chew dude this area is huge look i didn't realize how far it goes all the way over here we have a really good amount of land i'm gonna need you to back up bro i'm gonna need you to back up thank you we have a lot of land that we can make farms on i am super super excited for this boys i'm just gonna try to get rid of all of these trees so all the leaves will start decaying dropping some apples then we can start this farm why did you have to do that now i have to repair this another thing i think we should flatten out a lot of this land so see this like little uphill right here let's just we're gonna have to fly we're gonna do some landscaping boys there's so much dirt to be removed this is gonna be a big project bra i'm just getting beat up over here by these dudes i don't even have a sword i'm just like beating them up with my axe and it's kind of working come on come on come on oh oh okay you know what i'm gonna go get a diamond sword these dudes are are done i mean the we still got quite a bit of daylight yeah come at me bro come at me bro yeah take that loser come here big boy oh you wanna run now you want to run now you want to run now yeah yeah yeah how do so many of these dudes keep spawning it looks like the sun is about to rise so hopefully that will kill off the phantoms obviously this is a very huge area i want to start with one section at a time so i'll just leave this for now we're not gonna use literally this entire area right now let's just work on the first farm get it done get it flowing and get it growing sorry i'm really cringy sorry okay so since it's easy i think we're gonna start off with a wheat farm so i'm gonna make this pathway and i'm basically going to build all the farms kind of around this pathway so this is like our walking path this is how we get to all the farms yeah i like that i like that that's nice although i need another shovel because this one broke bro i had 27 diamonds oh you mean the 27 diamonds i'm holding on to give me back or die that's 11. that's jail time buddy is someone about to be sent to jail again we can't this is why we can't have nice things we can't even go one episode without these dudes fighting someone going to jail i mean then again i guess i'm about to spawn in like a thousand zombies and troll someone but still bro like come on let's just go at least one episode with some peace 09 sharkboy whispers to you take this for me i got a diamond wait what what what take this for me wait why are you giving me this what wait is this dude trying to set this up whoa whoa whoa is he trying to set me up okay okay boys here's what i'm gonna do uh shark just gave me these diamonds right i don't know why hey get out of my house looks like you just set me up i'm gonna put these in my secret chest and i never received those diamonds i have never gotten those i've never seen those diamonds in my life guess who's back i don't got beans back again but i do got security dude they're like they're like dishing it out right now here we go i'm just trying to get the first section of our farm set up just so we can get something growing there we go look at this dude i am so happy this is awesome oh my gosh it's crazy how fast this dirt just soaks up all the water they definitely improve the farming update in minecraft it is crazy how fast this stuff grows look at this look how much weed i have already all right i need to run up here and grab my chest hey remember when i replanted everything on my roof literally five minutes ago it's already grown literally every five minutes i'm gonna have to come out here and just replant stuff okay now for now that's phase one of our farm we're definitely gonna work on it a lot more but the sun is starting to go down boys we need to get this troll together and get all these zombies ready let's do it anything that you're seeing right now in this video do not tell anyone about this you guys are not allowed to tell anyone about this okay hey listen to unspeakable okay i feel like i want to do it next to moose's house because i feel like he's not home because he said he was gonna go mining moose is nowhere in sight right now all right let's do it boys oh my gosh i hear phantoms this is not good this is not good no i can't have phantoms with me right now i need to spawn in like 10 000 zombies i can't be having phantoms ruining my day right now boys this is not it all right i'm gonna start spawning these zombies in i'm gonna kind of cover myself up here so i don't get killed by a phantom let's just start spawning all of them in whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no they're getting out they're getting out they're getting out they're getting out they're getting out they're getting out oh flip flip flip flip flip flip flip flip flip flip flip all right we're good we're good we patched the hole there it is yo we need you guys to get your pillow all right i need to do this quick before moose notices all right there we go all right so i'm just gonna spawn these guys in oh my gosh there's so many baby zombies boys hopefully no one catches me doing this but i'm gonna i'm trying my best boys i have so many zombies to spawn oh my gosh boys look at all of the zombies that are right there this is absurd still going boys i i loki did not think it would take this long to spawn them all in also my minecraft is starting to lag really bad hopefully we don't crash the game okay boys i have spawned in all of these zombies now i need to successfully get out of here and let them roam free oh my gosh it's lagging so bad boys oh my gosh i can't even delete the blocks oh oh the baby zombies let out the other zombies come on let them out oh my gosh no no delete delete delete delete delete delete delete let them free yes okay they're free it's lagging insanely bad but once they start getting out and spreading out i think it would be much better oh my gosh boys delete all the zombies over here we're just gonna literally cover them in moose's house there's moose right there okay hey he didn't see me i'm running back to my house look at them they're all on his house i'm gonna go put back all the zombie eggs that i didn't get to use because i i saw moose coming towards us i thought he was coming towards us so that's why i stopped building but i need to just put this stuff back so no one knows about it so now i am not suspicious at all i also need to regenerate health really bad but it's lagging literally so bad boys i can barely regenerate health because of all the zombies in this world was what are you doing dude how's your building going uh well to be honest i didn't get a whole lot of my house done but i just finished mining oh i want to see georgia's shop oh wow look at this one gold block equals two diamonds oh my gosh coming soon i mean one ah this is nice oh this is nothing george this is clean bro this is kind of like all right i i don't know i i honestly though i read this like 10 times and i still can't figure out how to put these chests it looks really good so i will definitely be a customer whenever you get diamonds because i am in need of some diamonds you're probably going to go to jail you know what i'm saying yeah and i heard that movie over here is uh gonna be my new security guard ah nice bro i'm city builder and everything george i gotta say i am very jealous of your shop it looks very good i could be as cool as you with your shop oh thanks bro so what what did you guys do i was mining a lot dude i was just gathering resources i don't really want to work on my house that much because like yo where are all these baby zombies coming from why is there an infestation of baby zombies i don't know i killed like seven there's still more okay there we go there's more baby zombies oh we're getting literally swarmed by baby zombies oh there's more bro what yo wait what yo what's happening good yo literally yeah from my house oh my gosh nathan what are you doing over there whoa look at all these zombies dude i'm gonna die bro why are there so many they're literally walking out of george's house bro bro in real life dude oh my gosh yo what is going on with your house moose yo i'm gonna go leave this troll oh my gosh why did you guys put so many zombies in my crib i didn't do it i didn't do it uh moose i think your trash can is trying to tell you something anybody wants an exp because i have 500 zombies on me dude kill them all you'll get a ton of experience oh wait i'm trapping them you you gotta take care of your landscaping bro what's going on can y'all put a zombie spot on here yo there's so many zombies we just trapped where oh in here oh my gosh keep them all in there yeah there we go it's our new pet i don't want to kill him you'll get a zombie horse i've literally been working on my house the entire episode though i don't i haven't seen yo there is there is so many zombies here wow this is so messed up i'm gonna go live in my shop i'm out of here bro i'm over it moving into the shop yeah i give up i i just can't kill them i can't there's so many of them you know hopefully when when daytime comes maybe we can just have them all burn you know yeah yeah that would be ideal still more zombies spawning at george's house yo nathan what'd you do i didn't do this bro why are you blaming it on me i've been building my house this entire episode it's george's house bro i've literally been working on my farm the entire time because i'm trying yes bro come to my house i have a massive farm i've literally been working on my farm the entire episode because i'm trying to open a shop where i can be the main food supplier all right all right all right sure sure fair play but this is like a very sus amount of zombies here like this is way too many where would i even get a zombie spawner bro where are my diamonds at bro i know you stole them um i gave the diamonds to nathan and i burned them he didn't burn nothing bro i don't know anything he loves he's hiding them somewhere he's got to be hiding here somewhere i burn they're probably in his inventory honestly okay look look hear me out hear me out moose i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell you the truth no no diamonds but i gave them to nathan listen moose i'm going gonna tell you the truth so shark walks up to me he whispers to me in chat he walks up to me and he says hey take these from you and i said i'm not taking these he throws them at me then runs away so i didn't know the situation i did not know sharks stole them from you but i thought he was setting me up so if you guys came into my house and found the diamonds then i was gonna be in trouble i burned the diamonds because i thought you were setting me up i was just kind of i was trying to work like a like a finance deal with you okay i was just you should have diamonds up front you should have told me that bro i thought you were setting me up so i burned the evidence that i thought that was the best thing to do because moose if you would have came over to my house and found the diamonds you would have thought i stole them from you and then that would put me in trouble and put me in jail and not shark that actually stole the diamonds guys i'm just going to walk myself you're going down i'm just walking myself to jail yeah go to jail i love it our jail has been griefed thanks george freaking griefing our jail all right boys well i'm gonna keep working on my farm and i'll see you boys later in another so much sugarcane bro all right i just left the discord call so they can't hear me anymore oh my gosh we have successfully pulled off two trolls i almost got caught doing the zombie thing but i also profited 16 diamonds because shark just gave them to me but hey i was gonna let moose know i got 16 diamonds now i'm 16 diamonds richer and then i'm gonna go trade them with moose so i'm giving the diamonds back to moose he will have them but he's not gonna know those are the diamonds that are stolen so i'm gonna go do business with him whenever he gets some netherite and diamond ore cause i would love to trade with moose oh boy see my genius plan is coming all together i want to thank i want to thank you guys so much for watching this episode i am going to be working on this farm for the next couple hours and hopefully before the next episode i'll have pretty much this whole entire farm set up and ready to go so then we can open our store and start making some money as well i'm so excited guys thank you so much for watching leave a like if you want to see another episode on our smp and i'll see you guys soon in a brand new video yeah
Channel: UnspeakableReacts
Views: 1,408,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: nGxmkkVemlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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