FIRST NIGHT Minecraft SURVIVAL Challenge With Friends!

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do you guys see what i'm looking at right now derp it's unspeakable derpy holidays on the minecraft marketplace store you guys can get 14 rare derpy skins right now we got unspeakable santa we got aswd we got a bunch of derpy holiday skins and even ugly unspeakable sweaters if you guys want the limited edition unspeakable derpy holiday skin pack there's a link in the top of the description or you can go over to minecraft marketplace and type in unspeakable and it will pop up thank you guys so much on to today's video bum [Music] why are you putting me in a hole oh this is your whole song dude is this my home oh this is my home oh there you go enjoy yourself there you go no i don't want you to move in i don't want you to move in all right what's everybody welcome to minecraft ladies and minecraft guys george is stuck we're in the new minecraft update so there's a couple new ores in the cave systems and today we're starting a new series for you guys minecraft survival with the boys that's what we'll call it boys that's it boys this is very important if you guys want to turn the boys into a series you guys all have to slap a like on this video yeah leave a like and we'll turn is this gonna be our playing field this is for where our brand new town is gonna be yes we're gonna probably just drop some nostalgia real quick yo who remembers the old squad survival series comment down below everybody comment down below like ten thousand comments of people freaking out oh yeah we gotta hype it up now all we need for you guys like shark said we need a like for episode number two and we also boys have a challenge for episode number one that i have come up with the first person to find diamonds right now will receive 32 diamonds on top of the diamonds that they found wait wait who's donating these diamonds the diamonds will come from the server gods oh they're going in they're going in they're going oh my god oh it's okay i'll find these diamonds first but here's the deal we get a night vision please night mission that is you minecraft noob i don't have the minecraft grammar my friend not today emma not grandma moose that's it no i got rid of my brother wait what do you think you have a problem here's the deal boys so we need you guys to comment in the comment section below what kind of challenge should we do next episode okay we're gonna need a challenge every episode so let us know in the comment section below and whatever the best challenge is we'll give you guys a shout out i think that's a great idea i see everything i'm just gonna be featured on the video yeah it's a good idea you know every single video we can have a different challenge and you guys submit and you'll get a shout out for it oh that's cool what yo i just found a new ore by the way yeah there's new ores did you find copper what are you finding i found copper we got something i can't mine it you have an iron pickaxe for copper apparently yeah really see i haven't really experimented with the snapshot so i don't know what they all do you have to click alt f4 ll oh yeah yeah for the copper so if you if you press alt f4 whenever you get a new piece of copper you'll actually turn it into a diamond and you'll be the first one [Music] oh wait you left the game dude what happened to it i didn't get any copper guys what the heck did you not get a diamond no i didn't maybe you just gotta like restart your pc or something i don't know just did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in if you just leave your house and drive to mcdonald's i think it might work yo you right yeah i got some coal nice nice not too far i'm a shark yo i see a b i see a b i'm so scared i don't like b we should we should do our town like we should make our town really sick about that next challenge whoever builds the best house wins that would be sick you know me i've been building a lot i know man those new verse pros man you gotta you're building a lot listen i'm kind of scared like sometimes i think about like me and like microphone while i'm dreaming i'm building things you dream so have you guys found diamonds yet or what's up no but what can i do with these copper can i like what what is copper what's the point of it looks like there is so much iron oh my gosh stop all right let's see how quickly it will take me to find these diamonds all right everybody's be racing i'm over here like casually mining copper this is the first this is the first cave system i've walked into all right hold on yeah dude i got redstone so i got enough to uh plan my first trap on you guys oh oh we're doing traps we're doing traps you wanna you wanna if you wanna venture into that field shark we have to if everybody wants us to roll we could always bring back you know a little controller okay shark getting a little risky here no risky yo risky taker bro risky taker which i'm just gonna dig in iron that is in this world is so sweet dude yeah i know i literally have probably passed a hundred iron ore like i only got like six pieces i'm at bedrock right now and i've still yet to find diamonds down here all right well let's see how long you will take your boy and speakable to find diamonds your boy and speaker who's about to be on why level 11 you already know oh you're a y 11 are you going to find diamonds i'm not even oh oh wait wait what do we got down here slash game mode crazy all right i can't smell the diamonds i can smell them i can smell the diamonds bro he's about to like cheat them in dude i do i do smell the diamonds where are these diamonds i mean where's the cave at first of all i can't even find the cave yet before i go in i have found a massive cave system on y level 12. why 12. but you're going to find me in a brand new village and it's going to be built it's going to be like a full-built village there's no way there has to be diamonds in here there has to be i uh i uh tell teleport to help no no no no no one's gonna teleport to me and if you teleport me to me i you know what you know what you know what teleport to me do it fine oh you're standing over no no teleport yeah moose is here he's good shark it's your turn i didn't game nice try no he's here he's standing with me bro dude i'm i'm fine i'm right here literally i'm my next up truck he's mining iron right next to me i don't want to say like i feel like you don't believe me sometimes like you know i'm not like like always try to get me to do something right do you want diamonds or not bro there is literally this cave system is huge oh i found it i literally went i can't find the end of it it's on y level 11 and there's 15 different lava pits there has to be diamonds around here oh my gosh this is huge we must be we might be in the moose we're going to find we're going to find these diamonds together what's wrong with you moose moose if utp to me we can find these diamonds together and then we can split the diamonds you get 16 and i'll get 16. how about that yeah let me just let me just alter for my minecraft and just throw it off the you know you don't want to split the diamonds yeah i think he's actually telling the truth and he's just gonna mine it right now be like a no you're lying no he found diamonds no you know what's funny i'm right next to some diamonds too for sure i'm in a ravine are you kidding me all right okay the minecraft gods have rewarded shark boy with 32 diamonds he was he was try harding this whole time darting dude i'm trying to get him i need help with all this iron i'm gonna be honest with you i'm in a really good cave i'm in a dungeon and i'm just getting everything in here tp to me hey just teleport to him real quick look i've been trying to do that for so long bro i just wanted i just wanted to see if it would work it didn't work if you find diamonds now you just get the diamond shark now has 37 more diamonds than that star exercise didn't kill you can it can he like like generally like four almost yeah you're not gonna give me any diamonds you know what now i'm kind of magical sure because you're not giving it to nathan he's my friend so like tactics yeah bro that's kind of messed up if you think about it i'll give you both diamonds see i'm nice yeah give us both diamonds bro that's only fair but it needs to say donation to shark and moose cause they're the best oh look i found redstone i controlled people now oh look at me oh first one to make a copper block wins 25 emeralds to make a one block a copper block a copper block guys get lots of gold because with the piglets uh we can beat the ender dragon real fast what do you mean because when you go to the nether you trade the gold with the piglens and uh you uh you played minecraft everywhere in this new cave update they have increased the amount of iron how many new mobs george oh you guys have another this episode boys yo it'd be a little risky but it we could definitely go to the nether this episode i just feel like we don't have a need for it yet bro the nether update has been out for a long time you haven't even seen the have you not seen the new nether update yet another update okay i was about to say bro you have not seen the new netherlands i don't even know if i can consider you a minecrafter anymore i'm gonna go build my house how about that whoa whoa who just blocked me up in here bruh what you want boy i'm gonna slap you silly that hurt i heard it all right i'm going whoa we'll get some fun diamonds did you find no i don't i'm waiting for the achievement i don't believe it oh man typed it in chat man typed it in chat bro can you stop blocking me in here you gotta have like unlimited ire like yo beacon two blocks you know i mean vegan two haste blocks with diamond efficiency all i'm saying bro if anyone comes into my minecraft house and steals any of my iron or any of my oars i will place a tnt block in your living room crosses or minecraft houses if anyone comes into wait bro there's a mine shaft up here anyone walks up into my minecraft house and thinks they can just steal my oars you will have a tnt can we get access to x-ray real quick does that look like that that seems totally moose what's going on do you have anything tell us man why do does moose craft need x-ray i don't need x-ray i'm just saying do we have access to x-ray like i'm just you know i'm checking the rules you know no hacking on my minecraft everybody needs to comment this is acting a little suss right now dude what's going on i'm not sauce i didn't just vent to your backyard bro you really are he's recording this video in my backyard in the snow whoa i found a huge ravine no don't give me any idea shark i'll fly down there you know i'll do it for a video mine shaft you found mwah beautiful i know i found a large ravine as well i think this is going to be my new home i found the extraordinary uh ravine yeah we you can't you can't describe something why levels 16. we're at diamond level boys for this ravine did i tell you the second person to find diamonds also gets 32 diamonds no no no no first person that gets 32 the second person gets that question and y'all said wow you see any diamonds honestly no i'm like at like wide how is there no diamonds down here bro i'm actually very surprised honestly this i know this is actually really crazy did you check uh for any chest in the uh in the my and um you know cut like hey we'll be right back and then you know we just yeah hey we'll be right back oh look there's diamonds right there now this doesn't work it doesn't it doesn't work i found purple blocks guys is that one of those i swear i don't know how many new orders there are i think there's only like a couple i need to learn what's amethyst do that is a new ore as well i don't know what it does but you're going to look at this crystal where amethyst came oh yeah isn't it cool let me tp to you ah look at this isn't this sick dude i'm gonna build the biggest house so so more emerald guess what you're not gonna believe this until you hear me if you get all these crystals and put them together and get a flint and steel you can go into a new minecraft dimension actually yeah that was also a new thing i am not even kidding i'm not kidding it's legit i'm not kidding so get them get them all together get them all together i'll get a flint and steel or i'll try to find some gravel and we can and we can go to the new dimension right now okay and then next step let's go we'll build our house how about that all right i'm down all right let's go check out this new dimension what's calcite it's like cows but with sight yeah yeah it's like the cows get like extra supervision yeah basically yeah they you know they they see they move farther away well there's so many blocks can we like get like a little house place or something like so we can like place things in the second episode we will make our houses boys i want to go see this new dimension because i haven't been here yeah yeah grab this last one down you're kidding me like hey if you want to go to a new mockup dimension of course i'm down on my way on my way from what i've seen from the screenshots it kind of looks like the nether but it's basically like purple it's kind of weird it's like a mixture here let me let me get an iron how many crystals you have because don't you need four of them or is it no you just you just need to you just need the blocks that moose is standing on crap wait hold on mine the crystals did i actually give you anything from the crystals i don't think so i don't see you all right moose wait here come over we'll spawn the new dimension here oh i'm not even next to you guys go to go to nathan real quick digging out an area here where we can spawn the portal because i don't know how big it is no you just it's just a normal nether portal bro yeah get some gravel and then uh so you can get some flint from that yo these new blocks isn't that the only one you make do i have permission to put you on fire shark just no no no you don't you i do not consent to that point okay i got a piece of flint i got a piece of flint i'm coming oh all right yo what's calcite what does that do like i said cows move far farther further away you hear them mooing moo my god how many crap how did you get enough purple blocks i think so but i think we have the wrong block all right hold on we can make a soul campfire i'm just looking really real quick oh we got a block once we go to the new dimension those purple blocks that you got they're everywhere that's what the whole dimension's made of okay okay so we can find a bunch and then you know deck our house is out boys we're ready to go to a new minecraft dimension guys i don't think you guys are ready for what we're about to show you this is the first time i think this is the first time you guys haven't been in it yet right i have not this is the first time i've been in it once all right so nathan do you know just make it like a normal nether portal it's literally a normal nether portal that's a little bit uh that's too wide that's too wide big big all right guys you know nice try let's try all right now dig up that one side all right you got the fl hold on all right try to light it it's probably triggering so many people they're like what are you doing all right go ahead move slide it and that didn't work oh we don't look so smart now come on maybe this thinks these blocks are messing it up i don't think you've been pranking me try it again guys what are you talking about can we come clean there's no new dimension you noobs [Music] oh my gosh man went so hard man made a whole set of iron armor to fight this amethyst mobs honestly that's so mean i don't like you know what i'm upset oh i'm sorry moose all right guys we're making our houses in the next episode all right we had to surface and just find the area where we can make our houses and we can call it and let's do that let's let's find the area all right boys what do you think about this area to build our houses the thing that we were mining the amethyst block only makes what am i gonna do tinted glass this man's researching the block now the coolest house listen guys here's the thing let's uh let's build our houses all connected to a like a big town like i wanna dude imagine episode 10 of this series how cool this town's actually gonna look like i'm down here i'm completely down all right guys so let us know in the comment section below what challenge we should do for next episode let us know the winner or the best challenge idea we'll get a shout out thank you guys for watching we'll see you soon in a new episode
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 1,625,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: OnFmRZ20d6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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