Making Money – Dr. K. N. Jacob

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we live in a generation where people want to make instant money it wasn't very difficult for me to figure out what to get thousands of people through this conference the subject of money excites people if you don't believe it try to grab the wallet or their path of the person it's like the next to you and let's see how excited they become on assure we do some 5 facts about money to open this moment or subject 1 money has no own kurata money takes the character of the processor for instance if someone is a drug dealer and he's having money we are likely to call him all other to call that money drug money but the same money will change hands find its way to church charity or any other good cause man is not bad I hear people saying money cannot buy you happiness please show me what poverty can buy you know someone said where there is a wheel I want to be in it that makes the two of us money is good the love of money is idolatry the love of money is the root of all evil first Timothy 6:10 fact number two money is powerful more than any other factor money determines who gets into power who rules money dictates the values in a society money spreads ideas the songs we listened the movies we watch the news we consume are determined by whoever has the money sometimes somebody with a life-saving message that can literally save as we say no case never get his message across simply because the messenger did not have the means and does the essence of the golden rule whoever had the gold set the rules you see someone can commit atrocities and gross crimes against humanity and be elected into national leadership if they have the money money subverts justice in many societies there's no justice for the poor man is powerful undeniably so but number three money reveals people it's easy for you to tell me how much you value the needy how much you love God until I check you expenses you expenditure reveal your true self reveals your priorities add your values man it doesn't change people money just reveals who they are money revealed that the writer was not in love with Samsung she was a murderer money review that Judas was not a disciple you will say thief a traitor and a murderer money changed the resurrection story the first eyewitnesses of the resurrection story what the soldiers who gathered a tomb of Christ it was not Mary Magdalene but what bribed to say that the disciples told that body at night but number four it is God's will for you to have money it's God's will for us to be wealthy some people confuse poverty for humility others erroneously teach that Jesus was poor never once in Jesus ministry did he lock anything in fact even his parents were working-class parents the only reason was born in a major is because the inn was full and Mary was due only once was Jesus poor and that's on the cross that you may become rich the Lord takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants some 3527 beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things bridge onto even in your health and your soul you are never designed to live sufficiently very making ends meet you are critter to live a garden tree that they may have life and have it more abundantly John 10:10 fact number 5 in every generation there will be rich people and poor people indeed Jesus say the poor will always be with you the question tonight must you be the poor in your generation the enemy controls you to the degree of your ignorance that's why he is called the Prince of Darkness he thrives in ignorance what you don't know has the capacity to kill you so long as you don't know your privileges you live below your privileges if you don't know what you're entitled you rot in poverty and live in misery so longer than air is that child he doesn't qualify for inheritance so long as an heir is immature Atlas will rule his father's estate and God will not allow you to possess that which can potentially destroy you some of you listening to me here tonight are we turn on God to bless you and God is written on you to mature up because the blessing of the Lord makes rich and he added no sorrow to it you see the primary reason they are poor people is because a lot of poor people one don't even recognize the uproar and here they are sit test if you always fight everything expensive you fight the expensive in a hotel you fight cost expensive you fight clothes expensive don't look for other poor people if everything is expensive for you you're the person I'm describing you see the primary reason we have poor people in the society is because the poor never understand wealth creation follows certain universal laws that cannot be broken and I want to share those laws because a good man raise inheritance to his children children proverbs 13:20 - you see wealth creation follows clear laws that the panel is spoke about for example and I said it's very very respectively in the long history of mankind there has never been any single person who made a million dollars through us suddenly did I say that oh my god there is a law the law of enterpreneurship you cannot plan today and expect to reap tonight there is a law the law of sowing and reaping what others took 20 years to master you can learn in one year there is a law the law of mentorship and that's primarily why we are here if you're waiting for capital for you to get started you may be stuck for life there is a law the law of use what you don't use you lose the talent you don't use you lose if you can't be entrusted to you how you can be entrusted with much and tonight and I'll share with you five of such laws this message will entirely change your life I want to share with you some five principles all of them starting letter T so the first team our quarry tree T ar e we ask very humbly by a show of hands how many are Ted in my life audience for the very fast I maybe you've been watching me on youtube or facebook but if never come to my life audience how many by a show of her I just want to know please carry up your head my goodness that was like 80% for your sake our honor demonstrates something it's an illustration I know Marie use every single great teacher has some teachings that are very close to their heart and I have three of them purpose family parenting so not teach you one right now so if you can give me your eyes wherever you are I want you to assume I'm holding an axe I don't want to cut down a tree I sharpen my axe and I hit this tree one two three four five I get tired a redox I sharpen my axe today's Wednesday I repeat the century same spot tomorrow on Thursday one two three four five I get tired I repeat on Friday Saturday Sunday Monday next week but one Monday Tuesday one is the Bruce Sonny please talk to me each of you if you can the tree will I can't hear you you're too quiet the tree will oh my god you haven't eaten lunch one what I the tree will thank you now some trees might take two years others two months others two weeks but Sharia the day follows the night that tree will fall one of the greatest tragedies in sub-saharan Africa including Kenya we try 1 2 in January let me give it a name you register a consultancy firm in hey char to help cooperate in staffing and recruitment you don't get any assignment for six months so in June you reduced another company for general surprise because your neighbor bata we activate unfortunately there is no data that is going through in December you suddenly get fresh revelation people need clothes for Christmas you bring them from Turkey you're hitting every single tree in the forest but not tree is coming down your hands are full of blisters but no tree is coming down does this make sense let me try I gotta mention a few names and you tell me what you hit them with just to see whether the eggs make sense ready Bill Gates Microsoft fantastic some of you are late comers let's try one more time Mark Zuckerberg Facebook oh now we are talking let's cross to the east Jack Ma nasty lot of Kenya has come back home and try some few names are you ready dr. James monkey oh we are doing well we are doing well James or Rango one day I say that in Kisumu they told me rs.50 professor Guadiana literature oh you mean you're nameless sibylla kuraha let's try some more Churchill Jeff Queen Anya Wow put your name now what's your name who is Victoria in Kenya if your name is missing in Kenya solofill you have been cutting the whole forest I'm telling the truth what's your name what we have you been cutting the forest Simon taboo bonfire where is your name where is your name now let me tell you why your name is missing in Kenya's Hall of Fame you've been cutting the forest you'll be chasing money when you stop chasing the wrong thing you begin to attract the right thing you are never designed to chase money you are designed to pursue purpose fish never enroll for swimming lessons birds never enroll for flying school they just flow in via gift your gift reveals your purpose your purpose easier to me your purpose is your natural element your purpose is your space your purpose lies somewhere between your deepest passions and the world's greatest needs when you begin to solve real human problems when you begin to pursue your purpose money follows you man is a byproduct of solving people's problems outside your purpose is pushing rocks uphill outside your purpose is swimming aganist the current outside your purpose is flying again is the weed outside your purpose is self resistance outside your purpose is fighting against yourself outside your purpose you trade on qualifications and guess what qualifications are available in anyone else and if they don't have them we can get them when you trade on qualifications you're like any other kid in the block you can leverage on qualifications and this is the acid test tomorrow that's the morning the 18th of April new tendered your resignation would you employ a collie for a lien negotiation where it'll be Fuchs finery she's gone now we can hire young a person more energetic left the mud in less subtly if they cannot renegotiate with you you are similar with any other kid in the block you need to high honor to trade on a higher platform on your purpose in your purpose you cannot be duplicated you cannot be cloned you are your only kind you are your only type others may try to copy you they may look like you they can try to talk like you but you'll never become you in your purpose you enter rest you look forward to Monday morning a lot of people hit madam Oni because they are up to something they don't like but they must do it because of the reality of the bills in your purpose you do what you love and you love what you do what you love is what you do what you do is watch alive because you operate in rested rest does not mean you don't work but you flow in your work you seen the garden of rest the Garden of Eden according to some estimates that garden was as big an entire continent of Africa God doesn't play games how was Adam required to work in such a vast piece of land with no workers you see Adam was limitless he could travel at the speed of God name the birth in the air the animals in the tropical rainforests the sea urchins on the seabed and even the ones in the ground you were born knowing about adult limitations are self-imposed you decide how much you want to make in this life all limitations are self-imposed when Adam got out of the Garden of rest weeds don't fly us every time you don't operate in your purpose you're outside God's master plan for you in your purpose you are within the design for which God made you the reason for your existence that is your first assignment or not your second assignment is to pursue that purpose to master your craft I found my five that brings my tree down every day I pray every day I learn every day I journal Hotel on every day I reflect on what I learn and number five I speak things into existence let me see it one more time you don't need to write this down this is about my tree my tree is about transforming lives through teaching coaching preaching these are my five every day I pray because I realized I'll never transform destinies unless god is with me every day I learn because I realized I can only give what I have I can give what I don't have number three every day I journal Hotel long I write I never sit down to write books many of you know our published several books but I never ever see them to write any book all my books are the messages that I deliver they are my spoken word translated into books every day right number four every day I reflect I never go to any meeting not even this one without reflecting without putting myself in the eyes of the audience and more importantly in the eyes of the audience the one audience who gave me this mission and finally number five every day I speak things into existence before I allow this meeting I began to speak each one of you into this hall because I realized how not achieve what God wants me to achieve if I only operate with what I'm able to see so I exercise the faith run every day I speak things into existence and people tell me doc there's so much money in oil let's go to truckin can't you see how they are doing like other in Nigeria that's your tree I found my tree so much money in computers that's true go ahead with your computer science this is my tree what a beautiful thing if we all focus on our tree one lady attended my 3d training along the River Nile now's teaching for three days about purpose and name is Beatrice PhD - the director with the TSC and she connected with her purpose what we were doing that cruise and she loved nobility house in her long career as a teacher she realized how many teachers struggle with drugs drunkenness silently and she learnt nobility house to rehabilitate them she connected with her purpose I believe it was dr. bitters mangas in our midst as bitter can be as bitter easier you could wave thank you so much Beatrice a gentleman by the name son heard about me and organized a meeting in Coventry in the UK and I rendered I thought horn I'm teaching you tonight then I was doing another meeting in Manchester and he chose to drive for over four hours together in his soil I started them over dinner and what was supposed to be 30 minutes meeting went into about four hours and then they connected something bigger they have been in the UK we have lived there for over twenty years and they decided to come back to Kenya and put up a full-fledged hospital this was 2017 and they put up a hospital called st. Joe Community Hospital along Limu Road with four words with for what and they did it in a record eight months and I believe Sam is in our mid East he told me he'll be coming for this conference yeah thank you so much thank you Sam and I'm saying this because I realized some people may not afford some of the cruises we do so I decided to launch a 12 hours crash program just to help you connect with your purpose it is wanting to hear that you need to connect your purpose then what next so I do a one-day crash program known as twelve hours of transformation I do it once a year and we did it in much but because of this conference I like to do that class again because there are many people who are here in this voice for their very first time so I'm going to repeat that class 6th of July and connectedly of god-given purpose I'll help you monetize your purpose I'll come up with some models I've taken a lot of people through it you're interested you can join us 6th of July and connect with your god-given purpose but sometimes I receive emails from Kenyans saying they want to learn about public speaking and training and public presentations well host a class for those intro theory presentations and public speaking on 27th Saturday 27th we only take that to people on first-come first-served basis the second tea time time the famed French entomologist Jean Hanif Abba conducted a series of experiments on some processionary caterpillars so named because they follow each other forming and never ed in psycho and Dean Henry Ferber decided to put some food of Caterpillar some delicacy some food they really like right in the middle of the procession despite the food being so near them about 6 inches away they went round and round and round in psychos believing they were getting closer and closer and closer to the food they could sense the food they could smell the food but 7 days later they all dropped dead out of starvation and exhaustion why because they confused motion with meaning they confused movement with progress they confused activities for compressions they confused processes for result busy busy busy but not evidence of what they have acquired there are three years and some of you listening to me here if I ask you to be honest and text talk of the last five years what tangible thing have you accomplished it's not enough to be busy so are the bees the question is you're busy doing what there's no point in Michelin speed if you're headed in the wrong direction you see time that's not much time time will not wait you to correct yourself only collect who you are time moves on time has no emotions we cannot teach time emotional intelligence 10 doesn't care emotions you're going through and let me just take a case assume they are two farmers one is going through a very exciting emotion that daughter is doing a wedding on my left another farmer who is pairing his loved one his house the love of his wife these are two extreme emotions in these farmers come from an area where they plant cabbages cabbages don't care that this farm is money and this one is celebrating time moves on it doesn't get into your emotions toward you about time honestly some three quick tips number one account for each day account for each day I believe it on my heart that the greatest difference between the rich and the poor is not how they spend their money but how they spent their time on Sunday night I was coming from Kazuma I was peeking there the whole weekend we had an amazing amazing weekend I did a phone call around 8:30 from Tamira unfortunately I was already in the plane so I told I'm in the plane can I call you when I get down she agreed and when I laden arabiya called her and she wanted to know what time we'll be finishing because she has another engagement at 9:00 do you know what was happening though she didn't tell me I realized she's checking her weekend's agenda she's trying to put her week into perspective so she's checking day by day and then she realized in the course of the week she was meant to come for this conference meanwhile there is someone listening to me here tonight who is not sure what we'll be doing tomorrow if you can hear me and you're not sure what you'll be doing tomorrow as Dennis will put it your day and your time is up for grabs by the highest bidder you are disaster waiting to occur my conviction is this decide what you're gonna do in your life every single year have some clear goals because that the first of this about this year irrespective of what you do or do not do you will have results decide what results you want by data fast of discipline then every single quarter every single 90 days then bazinga we've planned every week that week before plan everyday the night before don't wake up to decide what to do today because you're going to adjust your priorities conveniently planned each day the night before plan each week that weekend before my second advice about time learn to say no learn to focus focus is the ability to say no wisdom it's not just knowing what to do but more importantly knowing what not to do retrain your social networks that you're not an abuse in waiting for their emergencies every time you're looking for someone to fix their issues you are just a call away Dudley don't do major activities on minor time and don't do main activities of major time for instance don't get into social media during your working hours don't time stealers to sneak through gadgets learn to work offline switch of that TV you know when I was going through a rosters book get your heart password I came across some very powerful truths about time arises please could you just share two of them with us there is no importantly than the other every day has 24 hours the difference is the choices you make and what you do within the 24 hours every body is always available but you choose who have to be available you choose to be here you are only unavailable when you die when you take care of a day you take care of the year time cannot be stored it cannot be renewed you cannot stop time you cannot negotiate with time you cannot plead with time you cannot ensure or be a steward by time in fact you cannot borrow or sell time you cannot even learn time you cannot buy there is no amount of money in this world that give you back your time the only thing you can do to time is to spend it in fact you cannot even save time all those time you can only spend the difference is you spend it doing what when you do nothing you have still spent time by doing nothing and when think that nothing is happening the clock is still ticking that time when you think that nothing much is happening remember something is happening somewhere else you cannot hold the hands of time and you see time is reka riba you cannot touch the same flow twice the flow that has gone is already gone that is why some of us as business people we have gone to an extent or even right within a business premises that if you have nothing to do don't do it here if you are very busy having a project called nothing and you are looking for a venue where you want to go and implement this big project called Nadi please look for an alternative venue because people who have nothing to do should not be doing it here because when you do nothing nothing will happen as an event that nothing will still happen so unless you take care of the time unless you get your success in your work through the unit of a day and grab a day you look at your annual goals and realize that you didn't achieve anything because the way to measure time in the best way is to look at it in terms of a day no no minute is more precious than the other no day is important and any other day they are only important decisions it is not Monday to Sunday that defines who you become it is what you do with the Monday to Sunday that you have decisions that make the difference time is an equalizer but our actions are the differentiators the rich and the poor both have time both have 24 hours but they don't get the same result even if you remove the batteries you are watching the time will still move on time has the greatest element of integrity the negotiates with no one he respects no one it just moves on whether you show up or not time just moves on when you think nothing is happening something is happening at the clock the clock is ticking take us to the next element the Train because you have to take time to train yourself nebari train are you number three train you know unfort eeeem applet mine team tore the Titanic hit an ice bag 2:20 a.m. the following day 15 of a play they began to sink Greta bleah 1,500 people are lost on his 700 was saved out of 2,200 onboard it has been found out later that that which was seen above the sea surface which is now known as the tip of the iceberg was only 10 percent 90 percent of the iceberg was submerged in water and a cognize many of you might not be able to see this because the hole is so big and I'm holding a glass of water and a pen right in there and what you can see above the surface of the water is just a tip of the pen ninety percent of the pen is submerged in water your subconscious mind reveals who you are what we see in your life is just a tip of what is deep-rooted within what is hardwired within you if you've been driving for 15 years 20 years 30 years then you know you drive subconsciously perhaps you pick your phone you read your newspaper you prepare for your seminar notes while still driving because you don't drive with your conscious mind you drive with your subconscious mind your subconscious mind doesn't decide what is good or bad for you your subconscious mind does not act in your best interest the subconscious might simply perform your conscious orders how they have been repeated over and over and over again until they have given those instructions to a deep-rooted some mud system I'm saying in plain language you don't have a mind you are your mind your life is another flow of your thoughts your world is a creation of your thoughts Madrid please if you'd come please with the permission of Erastus could you come on stage and that's the Rastas wife and I wanted to pick this concept very simple concept a name is Margaret and I'm saying you don't have a might you are your mind if you pick my mind right now and put it in Margaret she's gonna deliver the speech I'm having tonight if you pick Margaret's mate and put in me I'll start applying lipsticks I'll stop wearing high-heel to look taller know the things you girls do you know only men don't change at night when they go to bed or women change you see doctors have conducted kidney transplants interesting transplants leap and transplant amazingly enough even hurt transplant but never ones as any doctor ever done a might transplant if they did that would end up with a different person all together because you are your mind magnet you see thank you here's the deal it'll never hit your wallet until it hits your mind it will never reflect in your bank account until it registers in your mind you can change your clothes you can change your name you can change your country of residence you can change your skin pigmentation and go for plastic surgery but if you don't you can even change your job you can keep on changing businesses but if you don't change your mind you will have the same results for instance under me in Kenya we call them house girls can raise a child thirty years later the same baby employs the nanny many of you here believe time will fix issues time will never fix your marriage time will never fix your relationships time will never fix your business time will never fix your money you keep hoping things would be better hope is not a strategy now they will change until you change the path you know time will never change your reality and unless you identify the missing link the passing of time you'll never alter your outcomes you'll have the same result here in year out so how do we change doc you change by changing your mental inputs a piece of land doesn't care what you saw it doesn't care a CD so you seem pretty harvest from the CD you so lard doesn't care what you saw the best of controlling tomorrow is before it becomes today the better of controlling tomorrow is before it arrives I can see it with any of you talk to you for five to ten minutes and our Terry exactly how you will be doing in your life five years from now because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks we the only two gifts of immortality bestowed upon man is my dell speech anything else can be found in a cat or a dog or a horse then you've got to take care of what you see and what you hear don't consume every piece of media learn to filter stuff the eyes are the windows of the soul and their ears are the Gateway to the heart learn to switch over TV refuse to consume and share trash on social media replace that time and energy reading useful stuff studying successful people reading an inspirational thing even in wrong on an online program it will change your life you know your - elastic it continues to grow as you feed it and they can commit to you one online program i have very many honoring programs in fact I'll give you an offer for one one one online program because it's relevant for the theme of this conference I'll give you an offer starting business without money we normally sell these programs for 10k if you're going to buy that program today I'll give you for 1k 1k I'm sure in the West if they had I saw the program for ten dollars they will not believe it just ten dollars but I know Africans some of you still prefer to drink three beers some of you still prefer to buy chicken and chips but let me tell you what you can learn in a program ten modules for 1k 1k 10 modules the first module I'll I teach about why businesses fail in Kenya and I give you eight reasons the second module I teach you about having a business might set how do you cultivate a business method the third module this idea how do you generate a business idea from scratch to frisson the fourth module and by the way my mass in my own wife listened to this program she listened to me teach about it she used to work in Safaricom and one day she decided she's gonna be an employer from an employee he decided to invest in the beauty industry and I supported her and she opened her fast shop at tomboy she opened her second branch in restaurants she opened a third branch through negara she opened her fourth branch very a kid she opened the next branch bhr a street and this year she has opened another branch gum root she has been an employee for many years now she has employed over 100 people each one of you can do it you know the most difficult thing for a speaker is for your wife to believe your message you know when master told me she wanted to start a business I was short lived there for many years I never saw any business in our life and our supposed to sponsor her ideas but today when I see over a hundred people benefiting from what she is doing I tell you this you too can generate an idea and I remember telling I just think about the things you like doing the things you love and I knew the one thing that makes me almost broke is her nails in her hair because she will now spread in time in the salon so anyway there's a module on how to generate us our business idea number for business timing I gonna teach you that because timing is everything in business if you do the right thing the wrong time you don't get rewarded you repay the third module is called business madhuri and i teach you some 10 business models number 6 business system how do you cut wit a business system that makes you and when you're not there number 7 product differentiation it is not enough to have good products the idea is not how superior your products are but how different they are from the rest in the market number 8 our teach about competitive advantage how do you read a competition irrelevant number 9 time execution have discussed 10 things on how to renew your team you see great entrepreneurs don't your business they view people and then the people build a business i've given you 10 ways to do that and the last module is business funny and I've explained 10 sources of business funny and maybe I may mention also I know some of you love our books and we mentioned two or three books we have so many I recommend one book for all of you this written by Erastus guard your heart password he'll show you how to get your ears your eyes your mouth your heart and your mind the Bible says above all things guard your heart out of which comes issues of life this is a very powerful book you enhance your emotional intelligence the one that is relevant to the meeting tonight is called you don't need a job this book is for the strong it's not for everyone if you employ somewhere and you have no intention to do business avoid this book just avoid it if you resign I'm not responsible I'm a writer the power of the spoken words ten chapters many of you have this book how to speak to children but the most important chapter is called a power self talk if somebody's podcasting was to you and you're growing up as per share words of a father I've shown you how to break those classes and achieve your god-given destiny we have these books I've read about five funny book those who are keen with personal branding I have a book I wrote on reposition in yourself it focuses on four areas - the broad so Teddy thinking how to start a business and UPOV an idea then I wrote a book on gifts called blue sky strategy the only book I wrote in full color blue sky strategy then I have some books on parenting and others on purpose are not mentioned let's go to number four team team napoleon hill's spent about twenty five years studying success and then he concluded you can have anything you want in life if you just help enough people get home the world an idea that was little popularized by Zig Ziglar and all of us are like pilots in the sea connected in the deep but separate on the surface I wanna make three simple suggestions for you as a team player because you'll never succeed in your business until you become a team player number one learn to work with people stop complaining people difficult God works with everyone he uses righteous things like King David and weekend Kings wreck Nebuchadnezzar and King Sada's who does not know him God uses righteous people like job and prostitutes reclaim him God uses Jews and Gentiles like cruel children and adult men and women goddesses all people including a donkey plan to work with everyone you know in my when I'm relaxing I love watching animal movies and one of the things I found out in the jungle a lion cannot attack the puffer of boos so long as they are together so the lion does is to roar to scare them away it was the get scared they get separated once he separates them he easily overpowered them isolation leads to termination isolation limits imagination when you stay alone you minimize your capacity to reason you encourage hopelessness as we said all thoughts are manufactured when you retreat your own cocoon learn to work with others as a team player number to review your associations periodically review your other visions periodically today the 17th of April 2019 I am part of your story I'm playing a particular role in your life for many of you here we may meet again but chances are there is someone hearing my voice tonight who may never hear me again this was the only role I was meant to play in your life I'm removed from the stage of your life your story goes on land when somebody's role in your life is over and let them go learn when somebody's season in your life is over and let them go stop hanging on to those high school relationships and college relationships some of them are used for two of them focus on opening new frontiers reveals to walk with people who judge you from your history and walk with people who see the promise in you walk with people who see their destiny in you language somebody's role in your life is over that doesn't mean they're bad people they're precious people in the sight of God they are valuable people to their families but they may no longer be adding value to your life let them go if somebody walked out on you let them go it could mean your destiny does not require them if somebody walked out on you maybe that was done for you to realize you did not even need them in the first place at some point when Jesus began his ministry he's taught with working with people will be who has seen him as a carpenter and he began to others it with people who saw him as the Savior people who saw them mission ahead as a team player my dad advice for you none to give and they're busted I spoke about it earlier giving it only evidence that you are not under the curse of greed mother Teresa said if you can't feed a dollar feed a soul in the long walk to freedom I read somewhere Nelson Mandela wrote sometimes city falls upon a generation to be great you can be not generation I ask you tonight will you be that generation that can plant a tree whose shade may never shelter you doing something to people who may never repay you you will never receive a burden tree until you learn to give Liberty if God cannot trust you when the literary has given you to support a needy child he may not trust you to start a foundation like wings to fly and it's nothing that brings of the power of a team than an orchestra Dennis how does an orchestra play out you know the turi life is like an orchestra life he's like an orchestra and I'm sure a lot of us have watched an orchestra and you see what happens with an orchestra is this you will probably find one guy who starts the music and it's probably gonna be the promis'd and he starts to just heat the drum and begin to build a rhythm you can hear the rhythm and it begins to build up with him and with him no time the keyboardist guy connects with what is going on on that Orchestra and it begins to just strum his keys in line with the bassist and and and they beginning rhyme that particular music and before long man that that saxophone guy just comes on mean and the bassist and each of them begins just to play their big can you hear the music in your mind they begin to play they're beatin that drum each guy is just hitting his drums the bassist guy is just flowing in his bass and in the keyboard guy is on and the lead guy is and the mic guy is just and they're all building such a beautiful piece of music that said that the audience is just drawn but just a beauty of this music and if you look at them closely you'll just find that the best guy while he's just strumming his strings he's just looking at the keyboard guy and he's not saying that I want to play the keyboard he's just saying when you play you're keeping it's so good that you make my bass sound even greater in fact for my base to keep sounding good you're gonna have to keep on doing your keyboard just exactly the way you're doing it the thing about them is this none of them crosses rulings each of them stays in their own space and each of them knows very well that the better I keep doing my beats the greater he makes my other bandmates sound and in fact the more the bass guy sounds good and the good and the drums sound good even the vocalist just brings up the beauty of the music and at the end of the day all of us are just drawn in all of this particular music and the thing about the orchestra is this they may look at each other and indeed they will look at each other from time to time and they are saying man how you play it and how you play it makes mind sounds so good keep on doing your stuff and I commit to you I'm gonna keep on doing my stuff I'm not called for the base I'm called for my drums but your bass makes me look really really good and the thing about life is this the more you keep doing your bit you make me to look absolutely great if everyone in the team just does their be real good then it makes all of us it sounds really beautiful and you know other end of it when each of us is doing the beauty of our pieces it all comes together as a sweet-smelling aroma even before God and he looks at us and he says I am so pleased that each of them kept to their lane each of them did their thing and they did it so beautiful because the power of a team is in the beauty of each of them but you know for this to come out real good each of them has got to trust each other to do the beats that they must so can we talk about trust Thank You Dennis the faith law and the last one trust our last point tonight trust TR UST Trust is the glue that keeps a relationship together Trust is the main blood that you need to manage Trust is the currency of business without trust they are not transactions to own ask you three questions about trust and we close the conference question number one who trusts you who can trust you to put this in perspective I'm asking you in plain language qu can you make a phone call tonight and tell them I want a million shillings and without blinking an eye they wire the money to you by Swift how many people can do that without telling let's do some people like let's get a lawyer you know there's some people listening to me here nobody can even trust them with 50k here's the deal imagine if you wanted to be a car dealer in Kenya and you to Japan and you said you can sell a fast-moving kind Kenyan any fast-moving car maybe let's call it wit and this guy gives you ten units believing you're going to pay him on schedule remember they are there primarily to sell vehicles the only reason they may not sell you is because maybe they don't trust you remember Trust is never given trust his and imagine if a poor today entrusted you with smartphones a full container maybe you're looking for capital at all you need is to build your trust bank personally much of the things we do is based on trust I called Kaz say I give them the date you're going to do the conference without a dime they reserved all the places we go like origins and Lillian towers many times we pay much later my printers give me books in thousands and thousands without a dime and some of you are stuck simply because no one can trust you it is time you begin to build your trust bank deposits question number two do you trust God can you trust an unknown future to unknown God and say like the singer because he lives I can face tomorrow you see Abraham was called by God leave your country of our and goes somewhere where I'll show you where I'm 75 years of age I'm preparing for retirement where you telling me to go just go how would I know when I read there I'll let you know just go and it trusted God can you trust God you see the fact that you're broke doesn't make you qualified to receive from God the Father that you're poor doesn't make you qualify to receive God is not moved by poverty God is moved by his promises God is moved by his covenants he's a promise keeping God can you trust God that's the question I'm asking in the parable of the talents talk to me if you came the master was good on a decent country he gave the first guys some five talents he what very hard return opening total talk to me how many 10 and the Masters say we're a time thou good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the Lord the second gap given to talents walked our return how many total for but is one character who did not utilize talent he feared to lose his talent he took precaution he decided to hide it just like some of you fear to use your literal salary and savings to start something you fear it's going to get lost when the master came he judged unfaithful we can lazy and what is servant go out to the outer darkness where this wailing and gnashing of teeth why without faith it's impossible to please God in business they call it risk in scriptures we call it faith without faith you will never achieve anything because life has no certainties when we plan this conference I'd not make any contract with any of you to come we did it by faith question of opinion perhaps the most important question can God trust you can God trust you can God trust you in wealth can he trust you that if you receive well not you're not going to destroy yourself can God trust you that your hands can be channels of blessings to others children who couldn't go to school go because you receive wealth do you just want the blessings but you don't want the blesser your transaction with God is that of use in him what shall it benefit you if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul ask you one more time do you know him do you know the blesser or you just know his blessings no one brings out this question in a more preferred manner than dr. SM Lockridge it is masterpiece he asked this question do you know him do you know the king my king was born King the Bible says he's a seven-way King he's the King of the Jews that's the ratio King he's the king of Israel that's the national king is the king of righteousness he's the king of Ages he's the king of heaven he's the king of glory he's the king of kings and he's the Lord of lords did you know him King David's of the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth Sunday work my king is the only King in whom there are no means of measure to indicate his limitless love nor fastened telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of his show less supplies no barrier can block him from pouring out his blessing do you know he is enduringly strong he's entirely sincere he's a Tanner a steadfast his immortal gracious his imperial powerful his impartially merciful do you know him his godson is the sinless Savior he's the centrepiece of civilization he stands alone in himself his August his unprecedented his unparalleled he supreme he is preeminent do you know him as kanaeva do you know him he is the loftiest idea in literature he's the highest personality in philosophy he is a supreme question in higher criticism he's the fundamental doctrine of true theology he's the Cardinal necessity of spiritual religion he is the miracle of the age he is a suppurative of everything good that you choose to call him do you know him my King is the only one able to supply all our needs simultaneously he supplies strength for the weak he's available for the tinted and the tried he sympathizes any saves he's a strong god and he guides he heals the sick he crunches Filippis he forgives the sinners he discharges the debtors he delivers the captives he forfeits the favor he blesses them he serves the unfortunate he regards the aged he rewards the diligent and he beautifies the meek do you know him my king is the king of knowledge he's the wellspring of wisdom he's the doorway of deliverance he's the pathway of peace he's the roadway of righteousness he's the highway of holiness he's the Gateway of glory he's the master of the mighty he's the captain of the congolese he's the head of the heroes he's the leader of the legislators he's the governor of governors he's the overseer of overcomers he's the Prince of princes he's the king of kings and he's the Lord of lords do you know him you know his office system manifold his promises sure his light is much less his goodness is limitless His grace is sufficient his mercy is everlasting his love never changes his word is enough his yoke is easy and his burden is light do you know him what I wish I could have scribe him but is indescribable he's in comprehensible he's invincible he's irresistible I'm trying to tell you the heavens and the heavens cannot contain him let alone a man tried to explain him you can't get him out of your mind and you can get him off your head you can't live without him and you cannot outlive him I know you might not be comfortable with this but I say it with no apology 2000 years ago wise men went to seek Him and when they found him they or shaped him I look at you and tell you this wise men still seek him today I had many fads many fads or the first PhD in Kenya in project management that I can look at your entities who are more than 100 students that graduated alone wise men still seek him on that fateful afternoon that turned out to be your victorious afternoon Pontius Pilate asked a very serious question what shall I do with Jesus Christ and now I tell you tonight the eternal destiny of every human soul depends on your response to this question what shall I do with Jesus the Christ you have a choice to make you can choose to crucify him away with him a his blood be on us and on our children as the juicy that Tottenham or you can choose to embrace him as Lord and Savior as his disciples did and millions of believers in all ages the road toward the edges and Gethsemane Jesus cried with groan II that words cannot utter with grones that words cannot describe father can you remove this cup from me what Cup was Jesus talking about what cup was he talking about was there about death certainly not there are many people before and after the cross who died for their faith but throughout eternity Jesus in a perfect harmony with his father for the first time that hamon will be interfered by our sins and God's wrath is multiplied on Jesus the man Jesus could not fathom how to live without his father's fellowship remember Jesus was a hundred percent man although he was not God and was a hundred percent God other was not man he could not imagine how do I go through that our Father is there another way for their salvation is there another way for these people to be saved and go there for the answered this is the only way you will not come to God through your terms Jesus and his cross is the only way because it is so simple many of us have taken it for granted maybe had God told us for you to be born again you have to go to Everest crawling on your knees maybe just maybe most of us would have given it a shot but when you're told that is a great exchange where Jesus takes away your sin you take away his righteousness he takes away your poverty then you take away his riches many of us take it for granted I don't pray for you right now and I want you to make that choice right now yeah many things have told you in the past but if I wanted to tell you one thing maybe you're the only reason we came here maybe you're the only reason all this was portable that you may come come come to Jesus sorry go ahead Florida prayer each one of us our gracious lord I thank you tonight for your grace I thank you for what I shared with these people I've never hidden than a truth that you are the truth and a lot I pray that he may bless those who are looking for your blessings I prayed tonight the father God those who came here struggling in their finances they may know you are the only supplier they may know you as Jehovah Jireh but those who may have come here and well we call upon your Lord our healer the Ramirez told him I pray that they may be healed that they may know you you are now a minute tonight but those who are struggling their relationships love is God and God is love I pray that you may set on such a one that they may experience your love tonight what we're praying I know this someone would like to give their life to Christ and they are connecting with my message they are connecting the message of the hour if this describes you and you don't want to receive Christ as we are seated every eye closed I like to request you to lift up your hand and I'll pray for you tonight I can see a couple of hands many hands keep it down this side you know I can see a hand right there I can see how don't my extreme let anyone else keep it down I've seen you I've seen you anyone else those who go say what I'll give you this gift forget it easy please step forward on agree to your hands shake your hand give your gift is that okay awesome and before you leave share with someone what you learned at least one point share it someone one point those who are receiving Christ I'm waiting for you right here as the others go I want to shake your heart and give you a gift [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dr. K. N. Jacob
Views: 205,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money, how money works, how money is made, starting business without money, tips on business, how to start a business, money secrets, magic money, bitcoin, cashless, money in the bank, saving money
Id: sHhvWPy5dAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 43sec (3943 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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