We Will NEVER Raise THESE Animals Again!!!

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I bet you didn't know that there are three animals that we've started on her homestead that we never want back here again so two summers ago I decided that it was going to be a great idea to get a bunch of geese bring them onto the homestead and have them as guard animals for all of our other animals today I want to show you a quick video of the newest addition to our homestead some very ferocious guard animals that we bought these attack geese the plan was to get about ten I think we end up with twelve but I think we wanted ten we're going to raise them all together and then we're going to separate them into groups we're going to put two with our goats two with the pigs two with the male goats and one in the orchard yeah and put some deer yeah what's in the orchard and so that was the plan we were gonna raise all of these geese and then we were gonna put them all in their places on the homestead and I had it all planned out it was going to be the perfect plan except it was like a disaster from the very beginning let's take a little walk and see how big they're getting they were they were fine when they were like this big but as soon as they started to get big enough to get out from out like from in there brooder they just they weren't at all what I expected them to be they were extremely noisy extremely messy like Messier then it was like having like the Cornish cross around all the time here's the thing okay and let me tell you the deal Kevin was so excited to have these baby Gosling's and they were so cute and he would go out to the brooder and he would snuggle with them they thought he was their mama so after it was time to them to come out of the brooder all they ever wanted to do was to be by Kevin right so they lived like near the front door of the house right they would just wait outside the door for me to come out and they didn't want to go anywhere else I I taught them where the pond was we actually mowed a trail so we could show them how to get down to the pond but unless we physically would chase them down to the pond they just wanted to stay at the front door so front door geese were a bit messy because we had ten large full-size geese pooping right outside the front door right it was quite a mess so then we tried to separate them and put them like we had planned in all the different areas and first of all our goats and and the geese did not get along they both just tried to attack each other all day long not to mention that any source of water that we had for the goats the geese were trying to swim it which means they were pooping in it and everything else and when you're trying to milk your goats and keep them fairly clean having them you know infested with geese poop all the time is just not not a good thing now and really the final straw was that they really became aggressive not only to us but to people that stopped by and it was getting kind of scary we ended up selling them all I think we ended up even giving a couple away and so hey the people who got them from them some of them ended up feeling the same way we did but some of them actually loved them so you know every homestead is a little bit different but our experience with geese we do not want geese back on our homestead any time in the future no way the next animal that we will never have on our homestead again is actually probably going to be the most controversial animal because most homesteads have this animal but not for us and that is cats we moved here and thought hey we need cats every homestead needs barn cats so we contacted some friends and we got three kittens to bring on to the homestead to be mousers yeah but similar to the geese I think we made really the same kind of problem and that is that we tamed them and because we tamed them they no longer wanted to act like barn cats who just kind of you know stayed away from us and did their job just like the geese they wanted to be right up by the house all the time and not just like right up five a house but like right at the front doorstep so every time you open the door they one dirt in the house and let me tell you something we never let these cats in the house no never never but that was where they thought they needed to be and they would go so far as wouldn't we have the kitchen windows open during dinner they would jump up on the screens and like cling on the screens and try to come into the house right and they were actually trying to get on the school bus with the kids in the morning they were I would have to go out in the morning and feed them specifically right when the bus came otherwise they would follow the kids out to the bus stop and try to board the school bus with the kids yeah and and there were just so many problems with the cats but one of the big things for me was when we were processing animals when we were butchering chickens or you know I like to go fishing so when I was cleaning fish I mean the cats were just they were on your tables they were I mean it was it was a nightmare when you tried to grill anything outside they were they were trying to get in the grill to get food they were crazy they were even trying to jump at flames in the bonfire one actually almost jumped in the bonfire oh and then what really put it over the edge for us though was that they were starting to use our raised bed gardens as litter boxes and because we sell stuff at the farmers market I was saying yeah it's gross enough but but you know it's a liability to be selling food even really eating food that was grown basically in a cattle so just like the geese after not very long I mean after we tried a few things to stop that behavior they had to go time to give them away yeah we cannot have cats pooping on our food so the cats just like the geese we don't want captain our homestead anymore so the last animal that really we don't want on the homestead anymore but unfortunately we still have is the guineas this last summer we decided to get some guineas because as many of you know here in southern Missouri we have a huge tick problem and guineas are supposed to be one of the best things you can get for your homestead to help with ticks there were kind of two problems initially with the guineas the first problem was that when we fed them at the homestead they always stayed at the homestead and they wouldn't go out and look for bugs and things to eat because they were getting a free meal right from the home fresh there's no motivation to forage right but when we stopped feeding them all together they did go out and look for bugs and forage but it was on everybody else's property except for ours yeah they would pretty much get up in the morning and head across the road to our neighbor's field and they would spend the entire day over in our neighbor's yard or not yard but over in their pasture and in their woods apparently eating all the neighbors ticks but not doing anything to help with ours I don't think they have any ticks over there anymore no but the other thing with the guineas was that they are just disappearing and they're not disappearing overnight if if they were disappearing overnight we'd build a barn form or something like that but they're just disappearing in the middle of the day and I'm not sure how to control that problem if we put them in a pen that was covered or whatever to keep them in to protect them from predators then they do no good trying to you know eat the ticks so it's really a double-edged sword of what you do to you protect the guineas but then there's no point in having them or do you let them free-range what they're all gonna disappear but let's also talk about what everybody warned us about which is absolutely true the guineas are loud and they don't ever stop guineas you guys hear that in the background those are our guineas I'm pretty sure that's the first thing Sara's gonna hunt when she learns how to be a good shot she they're not really bothering me that much but Sara's already ready to put them in the freezer and they haven't even had time to make a dent in our tick population every day I count them and every day there's still nine yeah but I'm we're gonna keep them we're gonna keep maybe if she likes me no they go on and on what isn't bad now that we're down to just two of them because eight of them have gotten eaten by something or whatever but when there were 10 or 12 of them out there I don't remember what we started with I think we started with 10 so when there were 10 of them out there and they were just all making noise all day long it was I think I went insane yeah and it makes it hard what you're trying to record videos for YouTube every day sometimes we would have to wait like 20 or 30 minutes for the guineas to be quiet enough for us to even start a video right it was pretty insane so if you are a homestead who's gonna think about YouTube videos nokey guineas cuz it makes your life a lot harder so we do have two guineas left so we'll see how long that lasts right I do feel like the guineas could have some potential if there was just a way to keep them on our on our property but I've yet to figure out a way to do that short of maybe put them on a leash but I don't think any leashes are a good thing Oh we give a really long dish oh boy so those are three animals that we had high expectations for that we have completely changed our minds about have you guys had any animals on your place that you have similar experience with that you thought these are going to be great and then after you got them you were just can't wait to get rid of them let us know in the comments below we'd love to hear from you maybe you'll save other people for making mistakes too maybe you'll save us for making more mistakes right so you guys I hope you had fun with this video today we sure did if you're enjoying this video and enjoying our channel right now is the perfect time to hit the subscribe button below don't forget to check us out on social media including Instagram and until next time thanks so much for stopping by the homestead take care and God bless god bless
Channel: undefined
Views: 832,812
Rating: 4.7420096 out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing, homestead animals, homestead cats, cats, barn cats, farm cats, geese, guard geese, homestead geese, guinea hens, guinea fowl, homestead guineas, guard guineas
Id: oliusXGZh9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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