COME ALONG to the FARMER'S MARKET! Our MOST Requested Video!

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hey guys we've got some great news for you today we are taking you along to the farmers market tomorrow so many of you been asking for us to do that for actually maybe over a year and so we've decided that tomorrow is the day but first we need to get ready for the farmers market getting ready for the farmers market to me first means to get these plants ready to go to the farmers market we still have quite a few plants for sale we started a lot of plants this Saturday we're gonna have a big sale on tomatoes we're hoping to sell out of all the rest of the Tomatoes it may not happen but we're gonna give it a shot it's the end of May so here in southwest Missouri it's getting to be about the end of the season to put your tomato plants in the ground so we're hoping that this weekend which is we're really going to be a beautiful weekend that people will be inspired to get their tomato plants and get them into the ground so I wanted to just you know show you a little bit of how I get the plants ready for the farmers market last week we had a lot of buyers and then we also had some stop by the homestead so there are empty spots in these trays that need to be filled up in anticipation of a busy tomato week I'm also going to be getting extra trays of tomatoes to go to the farmers market one of my secrets to having great-looking plants at the farmers market is to really give each plant that I'm taking just a tiny bit of attention to make sure that they look good to go to the farmers market I want to set ourselves apart from other vendors who are selling plants by making sure that our plants look great so I take a look at each one of the plants individually and just make sure that they look good if there are any unnecessary leaves on the plant that may not just look picture-perfect maybe they have a little spot on them or maybe some of the lower leaves are turning yellow I just snip them off I know it won't affect the way that they grow and I know that they are healthy plants but by doing that sets it apart from maybe other plants that are at the farmers market from other vendors in hopes that people will be attracted to our booth if I keep on top of that every week I shouldn't have to do much but I really do think that that makes a difference this week as I have trays ready I'm just gonna load them right into the trailer rather than waiting until the morning or waiting until later in the evening I've already set these apart as going to the farmers market so I might as well just load them right away [Music] I woke up in the middle of the night [Music] and I wondered I always write it gets me I can see what design [Music] but you showed me that the plants are all packed and ready to go [Music] hiding waiting for [Music] and I'll never understand [Music] [Music] it is hard to share my thoughts [Music] it's like adding on believing God it gets me but I know that [Music] so this is our normal setup you guys we're just bringing you along to show you how the market goes before the customers start showing up we've got all the tables you've seen the tables that we use at home these are the same ones we just take them down put them in the back of the truck and then bring them here and set them up so we're excited to have you guys along today at the farmers market and you guys get to see what we're always talking about so we got to get setting up [Music] Oh yeah so now that we're all set up I want to take you for a tour around our booth and just point out some of the things that we make sure that we bring along every week and that are very helpful you know obviously we have two of these canopies which helped so much with sunshine and when it rains we keep it high enough so that people can walk in and enjoy some shade on a sunny day and it just makes a nice little environment for people to come in and shop we have our tables arranged in the booths here so that people can come in and check out both sides but then we also leave a walkway in between the center table so that people can pass through from one section over into the other booth I try to organize everything so that the tomatoes are in one section the peppers are in another so that people don't have to look around and search for things if they don't want to they can just kind of come in and shop on their own you'll see that we do have signage on all of our tables so that people know not only the price of things but also the varieties that we're offering this week and as things run out or as we change prices then we replace those and I have them in these plastic sleeves so that I can potentially reuse them every week and it also adds a little bit more weight to the signs so they don't like fly all over the place when it's windy it's getting to the end of planting season especially for annuals and tomatoes and we have a lot of tomato plants ready so you'll see that we have a sale today and so we have extra sale signs on a different color to draw attention to the special price that we're offering tomato plants today anything specific you're looking for then I just suggest to beat we've shown you guys before our banners we make sure to have one under each of our canopies so that as people walk by they know who we are and from week to week they can recognize us and come back and shop on a weekly basis hopefully one thing that we have to remember every week our blocks for each one of the legs of our canopies it can get pretty windy and these easily will fly up and tip upside down and fly down the block so we actually bring either cinder blocks or the half cinder blocks and tie each one of our canopy legs to a block [Music] we also have a checkout station and a table that our customers can put their things on where while they continue shopping we make sure that we bring along bags to put their items in or if they have a lot that they're buying we actually bring some boxes that we collect throughout the year tape the bottom of them and so that they can put their plants and things in the boxes over time we've realized that there are things that we need every week or we could need and so we've started accumulating those things into a box I just keep a shoebox just all of the things that we might need it includes the pushpins for my signs a roll of tissue or roll of toilet paper for tissue if we need to blow our nose I also try to keep with me information about the plants that we are selling so that if customers have a question and I don't remember or I don't know the answer I can help them with that for instance I always bring along my Baker Creek whole seed catalog because most of the plants that we sell are from Baker Creek so if they have a question or if they want to see what the end result fruit or flower or whatever is gonna be I can just flip to that page we also bring along a binder to keep a lot of other information together as well as a notebook that we can write down our sales write down questions phone numbers of people that we need to get back to and then I can just keep all the information together in just one spot so I don't have to keep accumulating them every week there are two other things that I have found are very important to always bring every time we go to the farmers market the first is water or something to drink so that when we are in the middle of the day and we're thirsty we have something to drink and don't have to worry about how we're going to go to a gas station or to a store to pick up something to drink but also for us what is very important is to bring a long breakfast either the night before or the morning of this year I've been making burritos egg burritos with potatoes and some meat maybe some cheese so that we have a hearty breakfast to keep us say she ated throughout the farmer's market it's easy to get hungry and then start spending money at the other vendors which is fine if that's what you'd like to do but we need to bring home the profits and not spend them here on either junk food or food that may not be so healthy for us the hearty breakfast that will last us the entire time until we get home and have some lunch well we're back home from the farmers market I've unloaded all of the salt horses into my tractor I'm going to bring those around and set them back up then we'll start unloading the trailer and hopefully after that we can relax for a little while [Music] well you guys look we have some empty table space I know you can't see behind you over there but there's also at least one and a half tables that are completely empty so we're making progress you know we really had no idea what to expect as far as how much we would sell this year we just kind of guessed and for it being a spring that has just been so rainy and we've heard from so many people that they've just kind of given up on having a garden at all this year I think we've done really well despite those two things so we're very encouraged for our future doing this again it's been a lot of fun it's not quite over with yet there are still some people who are gonna be looking for plants throughout the month of June we've got some perennials still that people can plant at any time so it's been it's been great for us we hope that you enjoyed coming to the farmers market with us today I think we might have another one of these farmers market videos in the future when we're taking produce so if there are things that we didn't show this time that you want to see next time make sure you let us know in the comment section below and we'll see what we can do for you so you guys thanks for joining us today we hope you enjoyed it if you're not a subscriber yet and you're enjoying what you see on our channel please consider subscribing we would love that if you know someone else who would enjoy this don't forget to share it on all of your social media and until next time thanks so much for stopping by the homestead take care and God bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 264,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing, farmer's market, selling at a farmer's market, farmers market, farmers markets, organic food, eat local, selling vegetables, selling plant starts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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