Making Geometry Dash In Roblox

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all right so 79% of over a thousand people wanted me to make Geometry Dash and with the brand new update the game looks very cool and the gameplay is very nice uh I literally have not played this game since I was 11 so I don't know what I'm talking about 2.2 just came out how are you going to make all the features how dare you disrespect the best coda in the entire world obviously can make all of the Geometry Dash features flawlessly yeah no I'm not doing that [Music] first off instead of the normal Avatar we have to be the cute I made this quick design based off the original game and then like always I went into Line run and I stole this script next I gave it a body velocity and the movement is already done I tried giving it a jumping animation but uh uh I think it's something we should worry about later now is time to make all the blocks and all the spikes and whatever this this is along with that I also tried to make this death animation yeah that's good yeah that's good but can we jump can we jump over it though okay maybe we can't jump over [Music] it there go that's a lot better this one isn't that [Music] bad yeah I like this I like this I'm going to use this as the first level so now we had the first song which means it's time to make the first level I had zero experience in making levels when I was young I used to spam portals and then I would publish it as as a demon level I really hope I'm not the only one who did that anyways a lot of it was just kind of trial and eror and I was just kind of learning as I go I [Music] [Music] guess a bit more further out it seems anyways after that I've began working on the jump pads the first one worked perfectly fine but I started having problems on the second one I tried to make a code which sees if you press the space bar while you are touching it and in the past I've had problems using touch events because it mostly just sucks and so the code mostly only worked if you just got lucky instead of using Code I just put a slab at the bottom so uh do whatever you want with that info I guess I did try other things like get par in part I think I forgot what it's called I tried that but it's mostly just roblox's engine just kind of sucks at timing at times I don't know what I just said but yeah if anyone has any better alternatives to touch events I would love to hear it because I really hate using them anyways after that I started working on the rocket ship after borrowing code from my Jetpack Joy Ride game the rest was pretty easy to make and yeah it worked that's really cool uh I'm going to add the rocket in later so uh ignore that I did try adding in a rocket attachment but uh that's just going to be something I'm going to also worry about later and the last thing I did was just use tween service so that I could change the color of everything after that the level was pretty much done now uh this is only the first level so uh don't have your expectations too [Music] high [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] it loses at the very end but I think that's enough for now so next up I started working on the main menu I tried to base off the original but I also kind of did my own thing with it anyways just buy that open it up in studio [Music] install there you go all wait yo yo did I just get scammed all right well looks like I got to buy this one cuz I know it works and they won't scam me out of 370 [Music] Roo now that that was done it was time for me to start working on the second Lev [Music] dude all these songs [Music] suck this is the song this is what we [Music] need who made that now that I knew the basics on how to make a level I was able to start making it harder I increased the speed and added jumps that even I was having trouble on dude I keep there's no way I'm having trouble on my own level there we go this time instead of the rocket ship I added uh I I think this is a UFO whatever it is uh it's in and now after that the second level was already pretty much done he nice nice there was one thing we had to fix at that very end though anyways after that I tried adding in a UFO and a rocket model and I did add them in it's just um this is the best you're going to get okay so there were a few problems that I did try to fix mostly when it came to lag I switched the background to a texture instead of a model and when it came to these Spike cluster things I also switched that to a texture and every time there were multiple blocks placed by each other is always scaled it was never a bunch of like single blocks all just by each other or whatever so yeah if you're still lagging um I tried so uh don't go flooding my comments with it the second thing was uh I tried to have the music Beyond beat the best I could but uh it's it's not easy and a few things which will get you offbeat is lag and also the timing of your jumps so uh if your game is offbeat uh I tried so don't go flooding my comments with it and another thing I did try to read that jumping animation it just looked really weird no matter what I did so yeah I did try to Reit but uh it's just going to stay out for now so uh don't FP my comments about it anyways for the last level I don't really want to spoil it but uh I will say uh have fun because I didn't maybe you will be better than I am I don't know but uh yeah uh it's hard I feel like a lot of people are going to agree with me on this I feel like this should be the bluefaced guy and this should be the green face this can stay red that's fine only thing is I would have to add a whole other level and uh I'm dying over here I always talk about upd to dating these games so uh if I will update it sure I'll just add another level if I update it that is shape sink Adventure we are not calling it that we're going to call it shape Sprint there we go shape Sprint as always up here link down yeah yeah um I could fix anything I would definitely add a better I definitely add a better rocket ship and UFO thingy um yeah what the dude every time I go on here I always see something there might be another poll if there's another poll go vote if there's not uh then uh I already know what I'm going to make next [Music] yeah um
Channel: JimboRibz
Views: 152,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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