Things EVERYONE HATES in Geometry Dash!

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everyone has thinks they really dislike about Geometry Dash from a specific level you despise to a very annoying bug you keep dying at here however are things literally every single geometry player hates you include it they'll get worse throughout the video so let's see what they are enjoy 1. playing an amazing level with great gameplay and decoration but there's one part in it that is insanely laggy ruining your fun two all your steps being reset which could randomly happen to you if you don't save your profile number three getting very far in a level but dying at the final click number four playing a level that starts off very peaceful but after all makes your entire game crash with a mechanism that crashes your game intentionally 5. playing a good level and then seeing this Abomination a mirror portal which turns your game the wrong way which plays terribly number six invisible jumps number seven sending a message to someone who never replies back and leaves you waiting for a reply for your entire lifespan all right searching for a copyable version of a lovely you like to copy it and practice some parts just to see you need to enter a password before actually being able to copy the level number 9 trying to download the song for a level then noticing it is undownloadable then is pretty interesting you are on your way to get only 149 golden Coins in Geometry Dash but then you realize you need to beat some of the worst levels on planet Earth to get the final few the map packs in the map packs there are levels where you need to do really odd jumps and plus unreadable gameplay sounds fun 11. wanting to buy your favorite icon with the in-game orb currency just to realize you are off by a couple of orbs numeral 12 the daily chats do I need to say much more 13. randomly dying at the transition in a level 14. you remember those troll levels where the levels trying to trick you into jumping at the wrong time well these trolls are sometimes also implemented in normal levels and they are never fun to come across 15. finally uploading your level just for Bots to spam comments on the levels comment section don't you love it and since we are talking about comments a comment that might be even more annoying than these boss comments are the gg1 attempt comments when they clearly didn't BT level in one attempt 17s lying on the easy part of a very hard level numero 18 practice mode is most used to like mentioned in the name practice level it sometimes happens though that you beat the entire level in one go in these modes which doesn't make your completion count number 9 19. notifications when playing a lot on mobile on which you accidentally click and die number 20 extremely way to Art coins in very easy levels that you have no chance of obtaining without spending thousands of attempts on trying to get them when you want or getting the name of a really fun level you wanted to play no matter how hard you try you can't figure it out 22. the easiest difficulty in Geometry are Auto levels which like the name suggests are levels where you don't need to do anything still there exists a few other levels where you need to do something which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the old category number 23 incredibly buggy gameplay number 24 the worst achievement in the game is one that barely anyone has achieved because it's so hated and that is for a good reason in order to get the Justice achievements you need to rate 2 000 geometry levels meaning you need to go over this boring process 2 000 times 25 custom-made portals you can go through that don't resemble the original one at all so you're gonna be very confused once you go through on what to do everyone hates number 26 once they experience it a couple of times there's a small challenge that when entering a dual game modes a game would really need to control multiple icons at the same time one of your icons becomes invisible making it way easier to die to obstacles 27 creators using death effects in their levels which after you die makes them possible to see where you die too causing you to die at these same spots yet again 28. trying to get onto the leaderboards of a new level only to see tens of people completed it before you on to number 29 when it says keep holding in a level somewhere and you die because you actually kept holding 30. in practice modes the checkpoints always put you in the worst spots imaginable number 31 another hated thing about this practice mode always passing a part of a level in practice mode without any trouble and worship plays without checkpoints you die to it one second guys I just got a message from someone let me check it out how nice someone sent me a lovely message let me reply real quick 32 not being able to reply to a message since the other guy turned our messages off 33 extremely long end screens that take up almost half of the entire level believe me I am not over exaggerating even worse though is the complete opposite extremely long introduction screens once you die you need to keep watching the same intro over and over again number 35 obstacles being placed too early in the level making them very difficult to react to in time and most importantly very annoying number 36 levels ending right at the drop where the good part of the song often starts which you now cannot hear number 37 the main level time machine due to the large amount of travel spikes in it this is the most hated main level in the game 38. the Dual ship for some reason once you're playing with two Gamers at the same time this year becomes extremely heavy making it almost impossible to control it well number 39 after spending hours about hours on your Masterpiece of a level you decide to upload it however this screen pops up saying upload Fields please try again next time and once you actually try again the same thing keeps happening say goodbye to your level 40. straight flying while playing on mobile for some reason this is impossible to do because of your tiny screen and it is very rich inducing 41. checking out the feature Tab and seeing the crappiest looking levels being raided while your level still hasn't gotten any attention whatsoever 42 getting crappy loot from demon chests 43 this comments from the owner of the game wraps up I don't know why people don't like what he said but more than a thousand people dislike this comment and absolutely hate it 44. a level being way too over decorated with so much stuff going on in it that you don't even know what you're supposed to do 45. your daily chest with rewards not opening due to your Wi-Fi being very crappy 46. dying at the triple Spike at the end of a level making you start over from the beginning again without any Mercy number 40 7 dying at the same obstacle for a long time which keeps raising your anxiety every time you get near these deathly spots making you die again number 48 some levels taking way too long to load for no reason yeah this is not gonna happen anytime soon 49 automatically jumping in a level after placing a checkpoint down in practice modes which you cannot change other than to remove the checkpoints number 50 reverse slopes these are normal slopes used to make the gameplay for the wave game mode but Turns Upside Down making you instead die to this part of the block a piece of air 51 accidentally clicking on one of these three buttons when trying to open your accounts which leads you to rocks of a social media accounts 52 levels that are impossible in your device due to specific Parts only being possible on specific devices or 53 levels that are impossible in general 54. worse than a death far into a level is having all three silver user coins you can get in a user made level and dying at the very end of it losing all the coins you just obtained 55 jump scares in levels that are very normal titles so you open it and this happens we are nearing the antboys with number 56. the game being way too addictive so addictive that when your parents call you downstairs to have dinner you tell them you need to play One More Level which quickly becomes two three and after a while you just forgot about what your parents said however the thing I hate the most is people not being subscribed to my YouTube channel go subscribe right now goodbye
Channel: Waboo
Views: 1,248,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash
Id: azk_Rx3f5fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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