How I Got Into A Collab With A Famous Geometry Dash YouTuber

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In this video i managed to get into a megacollab  with a famous YouTube by the name of XcreatorGoal   with 30 other people now will I be able to make  a masterpiece of a level or will I fail and   make the most hideous level anyone has ever  seen well I'll let you be the judge of that so basically what was going on here was I  responded to XcreatorGoal with some of my   best work which is actually this is work I'm  using a featured level and I'm not going to   show you the video here because of spoilers but  anyways he responded basically just asking if he   could see any of my other platformer stuff so that  he could decide now the only platform level I've   actually ever built is an escape room platformer  level which I'm actually making for an upcoming   video so stay tuned for that but I didn't really  have a choice so I had to send him that video he   then said this looked polished this needs more  detail and then asked me if I can make a 60 second   platformer level is 4 days which I responded  saying yeah I could probably make a platformer   level and then he added me to the member list  meaning that somehow I actually managed to become   a collaborator and now had the opportunity to make  a level for someone with almost 200k subscribers alright guys so now I'm finally in the  editor and for the song I'm going to be   using Playground - After Dark by Dark-Frando  and basically what I'm thinking the theme of   this level is going to be is kind of like abyss  dark dimension-ish and I actually already have   some pretty cool ideas I want to try out but of  course first we gotta make the basic layout of   the level so I'm just gonna put a platform  here so I think what I'm gonna add here is   just a sort of bridge so its gonna be a little  broken kinda like this and then kind of what   I'm adding here is I'm adding a green orb which  will switch your gravity then you'll have to do   a little bit of parkour and then I think I'll add  a dash orb right here which you'll actually have   to dash all the way over here and basically what  I'm gonna have the player do is I'm gonna have   them come over here dash and then collect this  blue orb which will actually be a light source   so that they can go over here and then enter  in this secret deep dungeon alright so I just   added a couple of orbs which will take you to  this platform which then you will have to drop   all the way here now this platform will then  take you through this doorway where you will   turn into this ball spikes there and then put a  green orb right here and then I think what I'm   gonna do here is I'm gonna add a black orb and  then maybe some pads down here and then add just   like a little platform here and then I'm gonna  add a portal over here with a couple of purple   orbs add 3 spikes right here and then make it so  that the ball can come down here and then this is   where I'm gonna put the cube portal so they turn  back into a cube ok so I think what I'm gonna do   for this section is I'm just gonna kind of spam  a bunch of different orb random orbs here to   kind of give people a lot of different pathways  and shortcuts alright so after working on all of   that I think I finally finished the basic layout  of this level and now what I think I'm gonna do is   I think I'm just gonna work on adding some small  details maybe make these orbs flash a little bit   maybe come back here fix some things add a bit of  movements some shake sound effects you know all   that kind of stuff before I move on to the block  deco so yeah I'll see you guys in a little bit ok so basically the only thing that really  happened on day 2 was that I continued to work   on some small details and I joined a discord call  with a few other collab members who were actually   really nice so shout out to them and shout out  to their beautiful and amazing work that they   made for this collab ok so I finally finished  added some details basically what I just added   is I kind of added this little effect with the  orbs where they disappear and then they reapear   back and I also changed the light up a bit and I  made it so that it flashes like this just pretend   this spawn trigger isn't here I added a little  lens circle which will make it really really   difficult to see unless if you have a light and  then when you enter in this portal it will zoom   out a little bit and at first there's nothing  here right well once you grab this checkpoint it   will go into this cutscene where it pans down and  pans back up and it flashes these lights and plays   intense music but now that I got all of that done  it's finally time to move on to the block design alright so for the block design I thnk I'm gonna  do some sort of brick pattern along with maybe   some symbols on it that will get brighter  depending on how close you are to them I'm   just gonna add like these little brick textures  I'm gonna add some lines up here ok I added a   little bit of glow the line looks good but I'm  gonna be honest it still needs a lot of work ok   actually that did help that defenently did help  that looks better I think what I'm gonna do is   I'm gonna add some black glow on top of this but  with a really low opacity yeah I think that looks   a lot nicer that black glow is subtle but it adds  a nice little texture now I'm going to add these   symbols ok so apparently my OBS wasn't recording  for like the past hour or so but basically what   ended up happening was is I ended up scrapping  the original block design and I ended up making   this instead and right now I'm currently filling  up the rest of the block design over here but yeah   I'll see you guys when I'm finished with that ok  so unfortunenlty it doesn't look like I'm going   to be able to completely finish up all the block  design here but I finished doing all this block   design and I think for these floating platform  things I'm gonna do something simular oh yeah   and also I added this big white glow thingy but  anyways I'll I'll see you guys in the morning ok guys so unfortunately it is now the last day  day 4 and well I still haven't even finished the   block design yet I mean I still have a second  block design luckily though I think I know   exactly what I want to do so it shouldn't take  as long but today I'm just gonna really have to   grind really hard to get the block design done  and get the background done and then some extra   effects ok guys so I finally just finished the  block design and what I kind of did here is I   created an enter move effect with the second  block design that I chose and then If you go   right here so if you go like this they kind of  enter and then when you step on one of these   they move and they pulse white which I think is  pretty cool I'm really proud of it and then I   also used an area tint trigger for these symbols  right here kind of tint as you get closer as you   get closer to them but anyways next I think  I need to work on the interior here and then   after that I'll probably work on the background  alright so I just got the interior done basically   what I did was I used these pillars right here  and then I used these torch things with these   purple flames which you can't see cause they only  activate once you grab the light over here and   then I also have a added a GUI text that spawns  in and then when you come out here it disappears   I also added an elevator so that if you ended up  coming this way and you don't have the light you   can go back sorry for not commentating on any  of that I just kind of forgot to to be honest   that's my bad but anyways for the next section I  will try to do live commentary on what I'm doing   ok so for the background I think I'm going to  try recreating some sort of ancient castle-ish   theme I'm just gonna make a big-ol thing here  actually you know what I think I'm gonna take   a break I'll definitely come back to this later  but I wanna work on the middle ground and just   adding some particles alright so I just added  some cool little particle effects and I added   some black glow down here I think I'm gonna work  on the cutscene now alright so I actually have a   really cool idea I wanna do for this cutscene  what I'm gonna to do is I think I'm going to   use these semi-circles to create an eye and then I  think I'm gonna stretch it I'm gonna use something   like this there we go I think that looks really  nice gonna add a glow right here and then I'm   gonna have it rise up gradually so you have to  be quick when you're hitting these orbs to get   to the end and if you don't make it on time then  this black glow will kill you alright so here's   the full cutscene alright I added a lot more  details to this gianormous thing I think it   looks pretty pretty cool actually I'm actually  pretty proud of the design I know I'm using ver   simple blocks but I think it looks really good  however I think it could use with just a little   bit of atmosphere glow alright finally finished  adding atmosphere to the level and this is what   it looks like ok guys Imma be honest I don't think  I'll be able to do it currently it's almost 1:00am   in the morning and I still have bugs to fix  and I still need to finish this part and just   I don't think I can make it oh ok I guess we have  an extra day I guess I can still make it on time alright guys so it's now day 5 and the  first thing I think I'm going to do is   quickly fix this bug over here alright guys  so finally after some bug fixing and adding   more lights here finally completely finished  with the level the only kind of cool thing I   added was this sort of flickering effect  as you can see like right here but other   then that I didn't really change or  add much and here's the full gameplay oh yeah and Gandolf I mean Galofuf commented on  my level honestly I'm really proud of what I did   and I definitely gained a lot of experience with  this collab I met so many people all of whom are   very creative in their own and unique ways and  I've honestly connected with a lot of people   and even though it was pretty stressful I had a  lot of fun doing this and I'm so glad I had the   opportunity to I mean I pushed myself farther than  I've ever gone before so anyways huge shoutout   to everybody over here and to XcreatorGoal and  I'll see you guys in the next video wait hold on   I just got a message here wait a minute what's  this one of the other collaborators is holding   a mega collab for a potential legendary or  first ever mythic oh boy this looks crazy
Channel: Purp
Views: 6,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: purp, purpleplanet, gd, geometry dash, xcreatorgoal, collab, collaboration, How I Got Into A Collab With A Famous Geometry Dash YouTuber
Id: e7YYnnJMvnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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