Playing my 2.0 LEVELS!

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hi hello hi so today i have a very exciting video i've transported my game back in time back to like 2016. yeah so on my old mac laptop i had a copy of geometry dash and it had a really really old save file from yeah back in 2.0 if we go here you can see i have 13 demons here and 630 stars oh my god i think i changed these icons to this more recently but um i have not unlocked many icons you can see i don't even have all the coins in the main levels yet oh my god oh no okay so i must have come back and recently did finger dash because there's no way i beat that in four attempts back then yeah you can see 3 000 attempts on deadlocked oh my god but what i want to primarily look at today is in here the create section i have 142 levels that i thought i completely lost okay let's start from the beginning shall we let's start from the beginning but before we get into it of course please consider flying right into that 2.0 subscribe button i'd really appreciate it comm space pewter this was the first level i made on gd as soon as i got it on the computer yeah now this later turned into a level called club walk that i released um but this is an early version of it and oh my god look at this and that's the level oh my lord man so i even have a beta version of a really old level look at those mirror portals there oh my god dude okay here we have auto man let's take a look at this oh the sink oh skipped jumper it doesn't work let's give it a look these are all very very early levels you can tell easy oh my god i tried to make a free coin level no no my awesome level i can't think of a name yet nice i remember the beginning of this being like rainbow yes it is and of course to green because i loved green oh computer man okay this is a more finalized version of the level you saw earlier i got rid of the ufo spam thankfully that's the most obvious fake i think anyone has ever done these blind jumps are actually dreadful dude why did i make these oh okay this is another beta yeah okay this is yet another beta version of this level nice and that's it nice rainbow blocks gotta love them the best level out there that isn't out there yet but when it does it'll be the best out there okay let's give it a look then the best level out there you reckon i don't know about the best level out there but uh okay why would i make this i just put a block at the end a lot of these are just like garbage but you know i wouldn't expect anything different all right never be alone this is like an actual title level oh there's no sync whatsoever but sure but there's another never be alone over here so is this any different [Music] hi remember me low okay that's a timing i guess that's a tough timing okay why did i just put a block at the end of all these levels what why you can do a duel with two different game modes this is just like experimentation at this point this is sick demonic doom okay what the hell is demonic doom this level oh my god i remember this i was gonna have like ball timings as this gets like closer oh okay we've got a few here first of all take the world this is a sequel to this is the police yes this is a sequel to this is the police i was wondering if this was going to be in here nice i remember the gimmick look at my amazing creating ability back then look at all this copy paste it's awesome hell yeah look at this whoa that uh doesn't quite work okay so i think i can survive that if i do yeah that and that was everything was it [Music] portal this is a portal level okay i was a fan of portal always have beads let's see what this is like walk okay is this the finished club walk no it's not this is a different level i vaguely remember this though but this isn't the club walk i'm thinking of okay i guess i stole the name and put it in a different level all right sure oh damn look at that structuring bro looks hard but wha uh that's not that hard is this a hold from the beginning level it is i was making just hold experiments before anyone else alright i was the og i was the og okay here we go we have the worst level ever the worst level at least i was like self-aware enough to not create something like this on ironically right i think i watched like colin's video of what not to put in your level or something and then just oh there we go okay nice so i started making ages ago and decided to finish it okay so this is the official club walk here the level that we started off with comm space pewter this is what it is now baby and it's not amazing i will say that [Music] auto metronoronitune oh i remember this level i didn't know about the alpha trigger so i was just making things like black with a black background oh my god how do i remember that level that's amazing i don't remember many levels from this period but that's one of them the moving objects i was using them like an average 2.0 player does you know sync was a little bit off there but you know what it's fine ayo stolen gameplay from the nightmare let's go impossible wave this is my first ever wave challenge oh my god i'm actually excited to see this i thought this was gone forever i remember this okay so i think it goes up with like a your normal wave but it goes up on a like one of the shallow slopes and then it goes into a bunch of saw blades there's a gg there and you got a wave between that i'm pretty sure i remember that's what it is it is oh my god i remember this so vividly pretty sure i used to have swords like all around this gg you had to spam like really tight in there but then i died to and i was like i'm getting rid of that ayo back on mountain vibes half these levels don't even work man apple man oh i think i remember this it has some spherical objects maybe no no spherical objects oh you're meant to go down there nice this is a fake secret way this ain't auto oh my god i did it i hate myself dude i hate myself 2.1 oh my god this is a level made in the 2.0 update it's meant to look like the 2.1 update it's not the best bit enjoy this is a recreation i did of the 2.1 update okay i'm sorry i'm so happy with this let's check this out here nice dash orbs let's go except you don't hold them in this they just kind of do it this part can be glitchy nice spider oh my god that's so why did i think that okay whatever i mean to be fair like back then that's kind of cool though that's kind of cool is this the same i love that like fireball shooting thing that's great oh no shot this is an early version of eric van mergoplex that's amazing this isn't gonna work yeah i'm turning no clip on i wanna see is how far does this go oh it originally went into a wave part interesting i wasn't expecting that okay what about this one i love that i used to create multiple copies of levels that's actually like oh it's so interesting to go back now i didn't remember that i did that oh we have the ball part now the ufo part yes oh and that's incomplete now meow meow i think this was a level my cousin made yeah this is the official eric van mergoplex devoted to eric van wilderman and merg [Music] okay lots of decoration and i looked through this briefly like when i found this which was a few months ago this is one of the levels i saw and oh my god that's kind of tight not gonna lie also are you able to yeah did i think that's when i first discovered the decode wave and wanted to do something like that nice this is the police oh so this is the original this is the police yes i was wondering if this level is on here so this is my first level i was really proud of that i made i was really really proud of this level i'd remember this level very vividly still because it's well it wasn't on the servers but i re-uploaded it i think a while ago what is this bro this is when straight ufo was like a new thing in the community as well and i was like this is going to be the new straight fly bro easy level the x-files theme okay oh no no i can't do this dude no mlg level 4 the win lol no why incoming oh my god what is this oh this is the beginning of mlg or new circles yes oh my god see what this is this was a triumph oh my god i'm making and that's sick did i make that there's no way i must have copied that from somewhere surely success is hard to overstate did i make this level bro this could have gotten featured back then crying a demon okay this is a demon that i tried to make that was my demon gameplay i really made a whole loading bar i think i remember this level but i don't remember it with this song there's no way i verified that legitimately back then oh my god impossible challenge envy uprise yeah this is the one yeah i thought i thought i remembered it with a different song oh my god oh is this the pink yes this level oh my god i'm sorry there's going to be a lot of just oh my god this level but i remember this so vividly that's insane as you can see i wasn't the best creator back in the day but i you know what the colors kind of work well together here you know it's not terrible oh no how did i not die there effect level test let's see what this is effect level guys another auto level i really liked auto levels back in the day i guess long level okay this is a long level let's see oh my god this song really i feel like i've just hopped into a gd tutorial so i'm going to be showing you how to make a featured level first step structuring you want to make sure that you put in outlines this is kind of neat i hate ufo parts like this dude there's so many things in these levels that i just nowadays i hate so much but back then i did it this is the police too is this like a recreation or is this just that's so cool with the glitching spike i like that that's cool as oh my god i made this okay hang on hang on he's actually quite neat i kind of like this back into this is the police okay sure what on earth is going on here this would have been so cool okay i want to beat this i want to beat this [Music] [Music] [Music] nice that's the level okay that's uh this is the police too okay cool no shot is this an earlier version of water dynamics oh bro i think this is it's still i'm still like pretty proud of it this is oh it doesn't even have the decoration in there fake dash orb okay this part's mostly remained unchanged that's kind of neat oh this part doesn't have the background so i went in i guess i went in and added a bunch of details to this that's actually kind of neat i don't remember that that's different to what it is in the final level that's so dumb oh this is atmospheric so far oh the swords are slowly getting i was trying to make them rotate i guess but they just okay the sink the sink i like it back on track v2 this is back on track v2 guys i think i took inspiration because i was watching um eric playing the v2 levels at this point so i was like i want to make one of those it's we've gone back to the 1.0 style bro i mean it's you know polish 1.0 style at least but it's still not good jumps okay these are jumps update oh update no way this is the level okay so i don't know what happened i think i like synced my different levels across the platforms ah so this would have been going into the 2.0 update man that's insane so i was trying to work out how moving objects worked because i didn't know what triggers were that's insane oh man so this would have been just as 2.0 came out that's awesome insta-death i think i know what this one is yep straight fly okay can i do the straight fly oh my god i did the straight fly i'm insane i can't see i remember this one to be honest power power power impossible circles oh this yo oh my god i'm changing to 60 hertz just so i can see this okay so this is when silent circles was a massive thing in the community i made this oh my god that's so bad bro hey ufwm you want to uh you want to give this a go i think it would be a really fun level for you dude oh this is another early version of water dynamics i think yeah i worked on water dynamics for months okay it's actually got this part in here now with the gameplay okay that actually turns into a mini wave i think from that point that's interesting how stuff like that changed man hard all right let's see how hard this really is okay that's kind of hard here okay that's not that bad oh my god this is oh that's showing its age a little bit not gonna lie i did the 3d with that slope very nicely though i will have to say mlg circles here it is i did a speed build of this level on my youtube i did and i was going to release a replay of it but i never did here it is ladies and gentlemen here it is okay i'm beating this today i've not played this in years you have no idea bro look at this this is so like 2.09 circles level oh my god this okay yeah it may be painfully easy but they're nice okay let's beat this let's beat this [Music] my god damn son where'd you find this that was a bit dangerous but sure all right there we go that is mlg circles completed and actually nuked circles yeah there we go i originally called it mlg circles but i looked up mlg circles like just levels and i noticed there were heaps of them called that and i figured nobody would be able to find it so i called it nuke circles instead okay this is an intro huh and that's it okay nice that was kind of neat for the sink is there to be fair hey yo it's height wave part this is definitely when triple flask came out circles one oh my god this was when i was gonna do circles levels with all of the main songs i was really obsessed with circles levels back in the day if you couldn't tell i mean to be fair back then who wasn't oh my god i remember this level with the rainbows i really loved rainbow objects back then that's cool a 2.1 auto level what did i put that many portals there that i just i lagged so much just then what what how many jump pads did i put there bro oh my god talk about unoptimized jesus christ there are so many jump heads in there no wonder i lagged 15 000 objects worth of jump pads bro yeah i made these more recently because i was bored in class one time i mean i was working hard and these levels just made themselves i don't know what happened bro that's the whole thing all right well that's all of my created levels that i made back in 2.0 man that was uh that was quite a time not gonna lie i really wish that i could get access to some of the levels i made in early 2.1 because there was a period right after i beat jawbreaker actually where my stats just completely reset i can't remember why it was something to do with i logged out of my account for some reason and then when i logged back in i like forgot to save my data or something so yeah so i've lost a lot of levels that i really would like to go back and play like dysphonia which i recently looked at a video of because it's memory of course and that was a memory level i made like a long time ago and just levels around that period that i made i really wish i could go back and see but i am so so glad i could see the levels around this time period this was so so cool to go back and see all of the different levels that i made back then and i have to say they've got a bit of a style about them i really didn't know what i was doing in the slightest of course i was not good at the game at all but i had a really good time making levels back in the day and yeah i don't know hopefully you can see how far i've come in a way i made a video reviewing my attempts at decoration in the past but i didn't get to see these levels because i don't think i had even discovered them yet but yeah anyway i really hope you enjoy this video i had a really good time going back and looking at these i honestly figured i was recording like halfway through it i was just playing them and being like oh that's cool oh look at that oh anyway thank you so much for watching really hope you enjoyed and uh yeah i'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Tride
Views: 1,191,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, geometry dash 2.11, geometry dash update, unfinished levels, level, featured, tutorial, gd, 2.0, 5 years old, 5 year old, 1.9, old, old levels, 2.0 level, 2.0 levels
Id: QgU6052qIlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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