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This was borderline pornographic.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/rmcoach90 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

Did anyone else notice the subtle change in the handle hole? Potential Bran warg???

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheWallIsFalling 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen welcome okay take two well I did it again out out out my back out out out out ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the workshop it is a pleasure to have you back here again because on today's episode we're going to be taking this solid piece of steel and we're gonna be making a warhammer but not just any warhammer we're gonna be making an interpretation of the warhammer the Gendry from Game of Thrones was seen with on last week's episode I hope you enjoy thanks for joining me this is gonna be a lot of fun first things first I'm gonna take this piece of steel we're gonna throw it in the bandsaw and we are gonna zip off a little piece if only it was as simple as ipping it up we're gonna zip off a little piece here this piece of steel that that I got poking out this is probably going to weigh 16 or 17 pounds it's a heavy block of Steel [Music] what I've done is we've taken this piece of round stock and I've ground a chamfer on it so that now when I take my MIG welder will then be able to get a really nice really nice strong MIG weld on this the reason that we're doing this is so that I have a handle from which to hold on to this ginormous piece of steel here we go probably should turn the gas on now here we go [Music] there we go that's a nice solid world I can now throw this into the Ford here we go I'm gonna open up that brick slide that thing nice and nice and far in that into the middle now we wait we let this thing get hot then we start playing around with it on the power [Music] [Music] so what I've now is doing is I'm using both these guys that I made yesterday in yesterday's video and I'm putting this be in that we're gonna cut off the ends once we poured it down a little bit but that angle is what we need for that far ends the fate of this war great so what we're now gonna do we're gonna throw it back in the fire I'm going to change the dyes on there and we're gonna Forge your taper coming back down into the pieces of steel with the second set of dyes that we made on yesterday's video [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what we're doing now is I'm taking this square here I'm marking 35 millimeters from my isolation point and we're then gonna just center punch ourselves a mark where I ball in the center laterally and and getting that where we want it and back into the forge we go [Music] right so this is my my 25-ton hydraulic press and we're just using this to punch a hole in it obviously you remember I made up this tooling for it yesterday that plug is almost out and the reason for that tooling is here thankfully it's working it pulls it off of the punch it strips it off of there okay plug it's almost out one more hit here and it should fall out [Applause] there we go there's the plug there's the hole now we're going to start working on the power of the hammer [Music] so what I'm doing right now I'm decided I want to move that transition between the cheeks and the face of the hammer back slightly so we're you see where it's closing up there what I'm now gonna do I'm gonna take a ninety jangles grinder and we're gonna smooth it all out otherwise it will fold over and it'll create a crack [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm just gonna sing this up now and now it's ready to go back in the Ford and we're gonna use those butcher guys that we made to form that fir to reverse taper and we're gonna kill back an inch and we're gonna Forge with them again [Music] [Music] okay so now we're back at the hydraulic press because I'm gonna take this drift here and get it started with a hand hammer we're gonna let up on these blocks and we can enlarge the hole 25 tons of force certainly makes it easier [Music] so I've just poured the isolations between the cheeks and the rear side of the half of the pole of the hammer I'm now gonna round it out so I'll go to an octagon and then fix the inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen today is the next day and here is where we are with this water hour today guys if you've been George watching this video please make sure you drop a like below please make sure that you should what why would the blood come on okay the blood won't come up anyway this is what it looks like the next day guys if you enjoyed this video make sure that you hit like make sure they subscribe if you're new to make sure and love it guys if you share these videos your with your friends it's a lot of fun to make this I can't wait to see you tomorrow on the next episode every hope you're having a fantastic day by the way guys listen to that wanting to enter in the t-shirt competition once you got one of the August t-shirts just a little refresher as to what it is that you do you go ahead and you go on Instagram you post a photo use hashtag Alex teal t-shirt link in the description of course I'm looking forward to see you guys tomorrow it's gonna be a lot of fun I can't wait to bring you a long putt to is right there if you're watching in the future there's a random video up there make sure you hit subscribe and I will see you tomorrow bye bye
Channel: Alec Steele
Views: 2,681,495
Rating: 4.8269019 out of 5
Keywords: GAME OF THRONES, GENDRY, FORGED, HAMMER, GOT, MAKE, TESTED michaelthulu reforged Blacksmith, blacksmithing, forge, forged, iron, steel, handmade, craft, diy, fire, forged in fire, bladesmithing, man at arms, knifemaking, art, sculpture, welding, mig welding, fabrication, hot rods, axe, tomahawk, hammer, wranglerstar, wrangler star, learn blacksmithing, vlog, daily vlog, youtuber, alec steele, forged steele, daily, cinematic, artisting, new, battle axe, viking, sword, KNIGHTSWATCH
Id: dPZ8wA1rh7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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