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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the workshop it is fantastic to have you here because today we're gonna embark on another education another episode of learning remember last week I tried the forged in fire challenge which involves one three-hour segment where you forge in hardened the blade and then another three hours segment where you finish and handle it well there was a little bit of an issue with that but despite that failure it was still an unbelievable education and just like that today we're gonna embark on another crazy idea the plan is to see can I make a sword in a day sword projects usually take me a long time from 10 to 15 days that's why they end up usually being very long serious the time right now is 928 in the morning a little bit of a later start to this video so we're gonna get cracking right away so we're gonna light the forge open up the shutter doors so we can let some air in it's gonna get hot and I am gonna work on this design in addition to just how much time I'm gonna have with each step one of the things I learned in the forged in fire challenge was I need to be rigorous with my attention to detail on time management and so I'm gonna outline my processes that's a lot of processes okay here is my timeline I need to have this blade 40 to 1020 ground at 11:30 the guard needs to be rough fit at one that's when I'll eat the pummels gotta be drilled at to the blades got any finished ground at three we've got to fit the pommel 4:30 to be sharpened by five this feels like a ridiculous undertaking even I mean this is absurd 935 and the forge isn't even up to temperature yet what would possibly haven't even done a design yet I'm going to cut steel and let's do it just wow do I cut steel do I do it does I don't know let's do a design right this is the one that we're going for we're going for a type eighteen a from the 1400s 31 inch blade I don't know if we're gonna do leather over cordon wood we're probably just gonna do a wood handle [Music] and I just spent 15 minutes designing this thing holy macaroni this is what we're doing type 18 a all right 1055 steel how much am I gonna need portrait thick granite thin I've just in case I'll add a little extra well that's cutting I now have 23 minutes to forge the blade I'm gonna design our guard remember do not work in the workshop the way I'm gonna work in the workshop today this is probably gonna get just a little dangerous I am rushing this is not how to safely work we have a limited amount of time so probably gonna get a little dangerous [Music] [Music] so look my time I just ran out I haven't even started boarding the plane well too late it's getting roughed out I think today is gonna get a lot more difficult than anticipated we're now going to come under this hammer it's go radius guys can help us move the metal quickly and draw bevels out get straight to it I'm already six minutes behind one of the things I've just learned and it's super evident it's all about the free form if it's too wide before you flatten it you then draw out the edges then it gets out of control you can't bring down the width so now I'm going to make sure I keep it narrow and draw those edges out to make it the right width calculating that freeform doing it right would be the best way to make this pot and I'm doing it wrong just cut a piece so my god gonna throw it in the Forge and start working on that between there we go let's watch these bubbles out it's 10:42 here's a timeline we're meant to have the blade forged twenty minutes ago we're still not that I mean this blade is just ridiculous it's so much wider than it needs to be which means we're gonna have a lot of material loss when we grind this I'm gonna have to cut off material on the sides and that's because the preform was too wide damnit for sure right it's gonna be a shorter sword I do not have time go let's go come on baby now that needs to be cleaner that God still way too thick not time to forge out the tack [Music] [Music] we got a lot of grinding to do a lot a lot of grinding I am so far behind my deadlines this is unbelievable I don't - no other time is right we can run some normalizing cycles on this I meant to have the blade grounded ready for heat-treat in 21 minutes oh my goodness all right with this thing close to be seven and three-quarter inches wide all right let's cut that puppy off we'll cut off the other end it's now 1116 I've got the sword taking its first ruff normalizing cycle in the vise I am exhausted I cut off this little hand that doesn't seem like it's enough material for the pummel right can't make the pummel yet we'll take another cut of this off and then we'll make a pummel from it yeah and utter chaos so I'm going to take a second normalizing cycle of this okay there we go how a pummel is finished cutting and she goes yes [Music] no no it's going away okay it's now 11:30 - that means we have missed one two three four oh boy we've missed four deadlines for deadlines okay and I need a drink of water will micro break right key things I'm learning preform I've said there's so many times in this episode if I had done a one little practice piece that would have taken five minutes I would have been able to save myself probably 20 minutes of cutting with a grinder practice piece on the preform would have been very helpful to know exactly what I mentioned to work - before we draw the edges secondly didn't get this long enough preform would have helped with that because then I could have taken the material and put it in the right place sadly this is really really stupid like a really stupid [Music] 59 over [Music] right that's it the grinding straight into the quench I've got a magnet so I can check it for magnetism would it lose its magnetism it's ready okay rumors huh non-magnetic non-magnetic non-magnetic okay just a little more beautiful beautiful a little more hair come on baby right let's check it for straightness its walked it's got a big warp that's bad see if we can straighten it come on baby it's a little straighter using my foot and a stone still got a bad walk bad walk that's a little better right we got a straighter in the temper look at that war starts right about here kinks off at least an inch but you can see we got that kind of martensite forming here and it won't get touched by a file 12:22 okay you know what that's not so bad 12:22 means we are right here which means that we should have a hard on the blade but when I wrote hardened blade I should have wrote heat-treated blade so we're here but really we're here because we still need to temper it so that means that when we temper it we're gonna be here which means that oh boy we are not doing great on time so since it's bent while it's cooling down I'm gonna make a straightening jig okay well since our last spoke I've eaten lunch I've tempered the blade I've straightened the blade and I've snapped an end bill and messed up our guard the former things were rather positive this not so much I think my little bit of stupidity there might have cost me this god I don't know if it's salvageable maybe so obviously that's pretty nasty what I should have done is I should have cut it or punched it or something like that to spread the material out as opposed to just trying to hog it all out snapping the end mill not very smart not very smart all around and for time it's 228 in the afternoon [Music] right that sounded like a lot of time it's for 19 in the afternoon and whereabouts are we with three hours and 19 minutes behind I was meant to be at this stage at one o'clock we have a rough fitguard and our sword is now ready for the final profiling I left that thick so that as it bends we can then grind it down straight and the sword is also ready for us to bring the edge to its final thickness so we have about 10 hours more work or so on the sword and 40 minutes to do it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's 548 p.m. why to reach the deadline does look pretty cool though the pummel is looking awesome the guard sits up there bevels are convex and sad about some stuff up here where it's rolled over this just makes it look really not so good and that's what I get for rushing all I got to do is cut this thread this drill this thread that make a handle shape a handle fit it all together thread this on ah you know another 10 minutes that'll probably do it right [Music] [Applause] righty-ho this is some master correct as many in black wood from greenberg woods check him out code Forge for 10% off I get a little kick back from that too and Ben's a great guy you'll get a great customer service and great wood we have our measurements we need to turn this into one beautiful handle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time to grind it and it's only 855 in the evening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen what an enjoyable day that was what an educational day I haven't worked so hard in a long time I mean I guess I worked similarly hard when we did the three-hour foregin fire challenge but all day 9:00 till about 10:30 11:00 at nights making this blade learning a huge amount focusing on speed TV terrible job at planning my way through the time courses we ended up six hours behind schedule but what an education that was if you're new here make sure to hit subscribe because sometimes we do fun one-day bills like this sometimes we're getting to the fine details the minutiae of crafts but all the time we're learning a lot and it's a thrill and an honor to bring you along if you have not follow me on instagram at alec steel you're gonna get all sorts of fun behind-the-scenes and opportunity it is a win free stuff grab yourself some merchandise like this supersoft process premium process tea how good does that look that is more some tea it's a comfortable tea Alec steel shut up calm and of course I hope that I'm gonna be seeing you at make us central May 5th and 6th I'm gonna be there both days hanging around chatting hanging out and on Sunday at 10:30 on sick I'll be doing a little talk which will be fun I can't wait to see you there thank you for watching see you tomorrow on the next episode
Channel: Alec Steele
Views: 3,058,539
Rating: 4.9047265 out of 5
Keywords: alec steele, alex steele, steel, alec, damascus, blacksmith, make, forge, anvil, mill, lathe, weld, tig, mig, engineering, blacksmithing, blade, bladesmithing, knife, knifemaking, sword, handmade, diy, craft, woodworking, forged in fire, axe, fabrication, art
Id: ilI86d20uJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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