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hey how are you good to see you happy holidays we're doing something a little new I haven't made a uh tutorial in a while so I thought hey why not make a tutorial yep that's well a guide a tutorial of educational piece of footage I thought I'd start doing some educational stuff once in a while because I felt like doing it and I think it's fun I'm going to show you how to make a quick little wardrobe a barrel and then a chair the most common uh props you would ever find on YouTube you know the barrel being probably the most common one and most people would probably be like start with a chair when you're learning blender or 3D modeling so I thought hey why not let's just make a chair so it's gonna be a fun little video You're Gonna Learn a few things maybe or maybe you'll you know degenerate and learn less now here's the process we're not going to be using substance painter we are going to use a reusable textures and materials uh which would which you would do typically in a game asset workflow anyways you want to try to minimalize the amount of unique textures if possible so objects like these there you could tell they're pretty consistent they all use wood they have wood fibers going along it maybe different types of wood different type of color wood we're going to stick with one color wood for this one I don't know maybe some sort of like oak or something some maybe like a desaturated wood kind of like this or something but we're going to stick with that so you kind of know what we're going to be doing all right so let's start with modeling we're going to go straight into modeling first once we're done that we're going to go into uving and honestly uving for my workflow when it comes to these kind of textures or these kind of models is super quick which might help a few people I might do a little bit of manual work here and there I can tell by some of the cylindrical objects here I'm gonna have to do a few seams but it's honestly these objects are super simple they're nothing too crazy so if you if you're new to blender I would say this isn't exactly like oh here's how you make a cube and then you extrude the cube like maybe you learn a few things but it's not going to be exactly like a UI interface tutorial if that's what you're looking for you're in the wrong place buddy you got to go somewhere else but this should help you nonetheless if you're trying to figure out the workflow in terms of like why what part do I do you know we're going to get straight into it we're gonna start modeling these things uh we're gonna do a block out first so that we have the general shapes and also the sizes I got my trusty old ue4 mannequin here I would recommend you get yourself a human scale or a scale for your game or whatever very very helpful this dude's like six foot seven I think or six foot three about my height also for those that are wondering this program here is called purif I highly recommend grabbing it I'll put a link down to uh to it down below alright so I got a quick little scale for the Wardrobe over here that's it it's a cube you can tell we're almost it's almost like I'm building an Ikea wardrobe I feel like I'm at Ikea right now I just unboxed my furniture and I'm building it right in front of your eyes something I'm gonna do I always like to do this with my models because sometimes these scales are inconsistent and usually you want to zero these out um because it could cause a lot of issues for example if you look at this one it's 0.019 once you start getting into things like beveling and whatnot this actually uh these values here could screw up your bevel because it does utilize the scale so what I like to do is I like to select everything do control a rotation and scale and that kind of resets everything that way it's nice clean slate doesn't cause any issues if I were to go in here and start bubbling things it's not going to be all screwed up and there we go we have the beginnings of our wardrobe we just need some handles and honestly this object's pretty good to go I think if anything the next few things would be adding in some bevels and whatnot but we're going to cover that later once we're done with some of the other objects so let's quickly make these handles and then move on to the next thing that is our wardrobe it looks pretty good we're gonna bevel it later but for now we're gonna move on to the next object which is the barrel yeah the barrel yeah this is um it's gonna it's gonna be easy this is gonna be an easy one if anything we might add some details for these little metal parts so that it kind of actually looks like they're attached in some way generally A good rule of thumb is to do little details like that in my opinion because then it kind of gives the model a little bit more life when you rotate it and randomize it people will see these in different spots so uh it looks a lot cooler but let's get to it we're gonna quickly just slap a cylinder and scale it up a little bit and that's it that's that's the whole model all right here is the beginnings of our Barrel I just did a bunch of bevels and stuff like that kind of got the beginnings of this very easy to do this you just I scaled it up a bunch fattened it up a bunch and beveled and then set clamps uh that way it goes up to the top and then I merged everything um all we need to do now is kind of just inset these you know these two spots here extrude merge collapse and that is it the rest is metal look at that we already have some metal it's looking pretty good and then the wood of course what we're gonna have to do with the wood to really make it seem like they're different planks is we are going to essentially grab all of these edges or alternatively we can just grab one section here and then go on ahead and do a little beveling a tiny little bevel that'll make it look like it's an actual separate Barrel piece of course in reality I would probably texture this in substance painter but if you're tight on budget this is probably the best thing to do is to just add the details through bevels and whatnot but uh yeah that's the process you technically don't need to add bevels you technically don't need to what you could do is just select each one of these and you're gonna when you're in the UV stage you're gonna you're gonna kind of move them along the wood fibers on the uh on the z-axis or whichever direction the wood fibers are going you're going in the other direction that way you can kind of randomize uh where these are because these are technically different pieces of wood kind of put together now of course for our little method we're probably going to be missing out on little details like this these kind of darkened spots and whatnot that are consistent throughout the whole thing this little deep damage you can add this damage through some sort of like vertex painting and stuff like that so you can you can definitely make it so you have these details while still you know using the same textures which I would definitely recommend because then you can reuse that material throughout your entire game and you end up saving a lot on you know memory and stuff like that but let's go ahead and finish up this metal and kind of go from there we're not going to add any bevels yet we're just going to kind of focus on these little clamp sections maybe add some screws in and that'll look pretty cool if anything I might also separate these wood panel pieces and add some very very slight bevels to it we're we're going to separate these top and bottom because we're essentially treating this as it's as its own piece of wood we're going to separate that we're going to grab one Edge Loop we can do that by holding alt and then right clicking or left clicking whichever button you have and now we have one of its own things from here we can inverse the selection and delete the rest now something very important you need to make sure that you remember your Edge Loops or how many uh faces you had around if you don't remember it you can go back to your model here before deleting it and then we can count that we have 20 Faces so that means this is a 20-sided cylinder let's go ahead and delete this and now Ctrl a so we clear all that and we're going to do shift s cursor to select it that way we have it right here and we are going to hit spacebar and add an empty this is basically going to control our entire array now we're going to do some math I know you probably hate this and don't click off yet it's very easy okay we're going to do 360 divided by 20 18 that means we're going to rotate this by 18 degrees that's it it's as easy as that so from here we're going to do an array relative offset we're going to turn that off we're going to go to object offset and we're going to select the empty and you can see that it perfectly aligns now we set this count to 19. look at that there's one one piece left over 20. there you go that's it so now from here what we can do is we can easily just bevel this part here and this this thing is going to look absolutely beautiful so what I'm going to do is I'm probably going to think add a facing here temporarily and I'm going to Bevel this piece ever so slightly this also means you could probably add some damage and stuff around the entire Barrel if you wanted to on each little wooden board piece and that way that adds even more randomization throughout this whole thing highly recommend doing that if you really want to go even further with this prop but for now you take a look at that that looks pretty good that already adds a nice bit of a bit of oops you know what I mean so I'm gonna call that basically nearly done we just have to do the final detail these little clamp sections on the metal all right there we have it we have our little piece there um of course we are gonna bevel it really quickly all right so now that we finished that because of how long that took uh I might go ahead and take these pieces and reuse them as well for these middle sections and what we're going to do is I'm not going to keep this exactly aligned even though in the reference I can tell that they are all aligned I don't know if there's an actual mechanical reasoning for that but I think just for the purpose is of us not having too much um repetition here I kind of want to move these and offset them a little bit that way it looks a little more human you know not perfect because perfect is Kind of Perfect sucks it looks like all right so it's chair time the one model that you probably were recommended to make when you first started modeling um or a donut which is a trap don't make a donut trust me do not make a donut we're gonna make the chair let's get to it uh first I'm gonna clear up my cursor location to do that we're gonna go to view down a 3D cursor we can select all of these and set it to zero that way we have a clean slate we're not going to screw up and add this Cube somewhere we don't want it and we're going to move this all the way to the right it's gonna look nice and pretty all right so I'm starting with the part your butt goes on because this kind of gives me a bit of an idea in terms of scale I'm lining it up to his knees and kind of doing all this this will give us a bit of a better idea in terms of how the shape is of this is going to go right foreign [Music] building a chair it's literally just a bunch of Cubes it should be pretty straightforward nothing too complicated uh one thing I will do though is I'm actually going to go in ahead and delete one side of this part because what we're going to do I think this is usually pretty normal on chairs we're going to add some Edge Loops here and cut out the section where the leg goes through and I believe this is something that is usually on chairs um where it's a run through for the uh these kind of pieces here um I don't know any chair experts uh in the comments can let me know otherwise this should look pretty cool once we bevel it it'll look really nice and clean um so we're just going to slap that detail in uh the last piece we need to do is these little back rests so I'm just going to duplicate these cubes and move them around that's literally that's all we're doing really we're just we're just slapping in a bunch of Cubes that's it that's all that's all there is to it all right there we go there's our chair I might have made it a little too tall but we could say this is like a king's chair actually I'm no I'm actually gonna change that looks awful all right there we go now Pat what what normal of me would do if I'm really being picky about the sizing of this chair is I would actually um take my character and rotate the bones or the all of the mesh so that that way he's in a sitting position I definitely recommend you do that if you really wanted to kind of be very specific and that way it gives you a bit more of a reference in terms of how your character is actually going to sit on this and stuff like that and gives you a bit of a better idea of course depending on the game sometimes you are going to exaggerate shapes sizes all that kind of stuff you're sometimes going to exaggerate it because you kind of need to to make it look a lot better um so I recommend playing around with that playing around with your characters and some of your references uh but we generally have everything we want done and out of the way uh it's looking pretty nice now what we're going to do is we're going to add some more bevels to these pieces these wood pieces because it's very low poly it doesn't really matter too much we're going to add some levels and then we're going to add weighted normals and if you don't know what those are you're in for a treat all right so I'm going to add a very basic level of bevel to this nothing too crazy enough to see it and then we're gonna do shade smoothing and wow this looks really ugly but if we go on ahead to the object data properties and we set the normals to Auto smooth and set it to 180. we can then add another modifier called weighted normal now I don't know how this thing works it's like magic uh but it essentially will make our it will use the bevels almost like their control loops I guess in terms of weighting the normals um that way it still looks really nice while still having bevels and of course we can disable it and enable it whenever we want to and that's pretty cool um essentially we're at the stage where we are adding smoothing to all of our objects and we're gonna essentially do all of this for all of them and then we're going to quickly UV unwrap them and that's basically it it's a very very easy quick workflow of course the video is a lot longer than I would want it but you know modeling something isn't uh it's not something that's like you know like you can only go as fast as possible so especially when you're texturing it and stuff like obviously people are going to see these objects so uh you know it takes a little bit of time even if it's a very fast workflow um but this only took me about a day for three objects and sometimes it might take you a day just for One Singular object like a barrel if you're texturing in some substance painter or something like that you're doing the full workflow with high poly Etc so um this workflow is really nice you can really quickly make a bunch of objects all at once but that's pretty nice so now we're going to do the same thing to all these other ones um but I might do is copy over all of these modifiers so we can do that by clicking this one and then clicking the one that we want to copy from control L and we're going to link the modifier from here we can edit the mirror put our y back in there you can see we have our bevels which is really nice we're going to do the same thing to essentially all of our wood pieces because I'm going to add bevels to all of these so let's just go ahead and abuse all of this all right so we have everything another thing I also learned is that we can select all of this and we can it auto smooth click on it and then I think we can right click on it and we can do copy to selected so now all of them are going to be like that we can right click on the 180 and then copy to selected hit shade smooth and now you can see that they're actually being smooth oh this one didn't get the bevel quickly modify that one remove that and there you go now everything has nice smooth edges some people would call this micro bevels which generally you don't want to do too much of but just to make it so the player can see these details I'm going to increase the amount a little bit more um now in the actual reference they have some really sharp edges this is like a different style but I'm not going to go for that I kind of wanted to show you guys uh way to normals so we're gonna go for kind of like this kind of style and that's it that is the Wardrobe and you basically just do the same workflow to the barrel and the chair that's basically it you do the exact same workflow going from each one to each one all right something I forgot to do on these barrels is I forgot to add these little screws in that I was planning on adding having in here so I'm going to go on ahead and really quickly just slap some little nails in they're going to be very simple it's just kind of like cylinders all right so I've essentially finished adding all of the smoothing groups and sharpened edges and weighted normals and all this kind of fun stuff to all of the elements I did add some Edge bubble weights and essentially that allows you to control where beveling happens all you have to do is hit the limit weapon limit method to wait um and it's pretty easy you just go Ctrl e edge bevel weight and you set it to one and if you don't like where it is then you just do minus one and then it removes it from where it's at so that's basically it we essentially have everything we need done and ready to go for UV unwrapping uh and now one thing we do need to do is maybe start setting up some different materials because each one of these does have some different materials the chair is all the same thing it's all wood so all we need to do is create a new material called wood that's it we'll Define the planks over here and then the metal bits we're going to add a new one called metal that's basically it so now we have separate material IDs that way when we change the materials in unreal they're all going to have their own little thing and that's basically it so now comes UV Inc and I do really quick uving method and there might be a little bit of fine tuning and little touches that we're gonna have to do but generally it's really easy so I'm going to go to the top here and you'll see this little extendo thing we're going to right click on it and do a vertical split this is just not a personal preference I like to have my UV editor on the left here and we're going to set the window to UV editor and now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to do a quick and dirty unwrap of this I'm going to do a cube projection before I do that though I'm going to apply some of these mirrors now something that could be good or smart to do is perhaps creating a separate file that way you have a backup but I'm not going to do that we're just going to apply this so now we have an applied mirror that way these are two different pieces they have different wood it's not going to look weird the fact that they're all following the same thing so first we're going to do a quick and dirty uvn wrap and then we're going to edit it after we've put it into ue4 and we or Unreal Engine 5 sorry we're using ub5 once I put it in ue5 then I'm going to see which direction the wood fibers are and that's really important because we want our wood fibers to go in the direction of whichever directions I guess long um I think that's generally how wood works that's what I've noticed I don't know if that's actually true or not but I think that's how it goes is you generally have the longest piece being um the direction of the fibers so for here for example we'd have up to down would be the direction the fiber is not going left to right that would look really weird that's one thing that I think will make your models look a lot more accurate and a lot more realistic is the fact that they're going in the right direction so all we have to do is Select everything and we're going to do a cube projection that's it now it might look extremely ugly but because of the fact that we're using a tileable texture and stuff like that and we're not doing something with a substance painter this can have overlaps it is perfectly fine for it to have overlaps of course once you start getting into light Maps you might have to fix this up a little bit make adjustments adjustments make a different UV layer and stuff for UV map layer and then kind of go from there but this is essentially what we need just to start with you are going to notice that all of these are combined into one thing especially like the door this is going to be incorrect but we're just going to import it into unreal so I can show you what it looks like and then show you the edited version that way you have a bit of an idea of what we're basically doing here the idea is these pieces would be their own little pieces we're going to do some some edits with the UVS to work on that so those are the little manual things but honestly if you're not doing any crazy wood fiber stuff Cube projection is all you really need it is like a lifesaver it is really nice but let's go on ahead and continue on the other pieces now the barrel same thing we're going to do the same thing over here select everything and we're going to do a cube projection over here again and then the chair same thing go in here Cube projection I am going to remove some of the mirrors though I don't want this effect where it's like a butterfly almost I don't know what the actual terminology for it but there's this effect if you have it mirrored where it's going to look the same and we don't want that especially for an asset like this where we're not creating uh its own special unique texture um there's more the reason to kind of break away from these little weird mirroring issues in some objects where you're actually texturing it it would make sense because then you're saving UV space but in this scenario makes more sense to do that all right so now we have the uvied we have the weight normals we have everything ready the next part is we are going to use a plug-in called blender for Unreal Engine I'm going to put a link to it down below it is extremely handy when it comes to exporting assets that are all in one scene you don't have to go in here and move all these to zero and then export it um using default exporter here in blender that unfortunately is an issue where it's going to export it in a different way I think there is a new setting in the newest version of blender that you can actually change and and it'll do it for you but I just use this plugin there's a lot of really nice things in here even Collision based things as well if you have separate pieces um and they're all supposed to be to one object what you can do is you can select everything have the main piece here and we're going to do is do control p and set parent to now we have it set to this little seating section and now what we can do is we can set this to export recursive this basically tells the plug-in hey this is the main piece of this object whatever the name of this is going to be so if we call it chair for example we're just going to rename it here it's also going to export it as chair once we do a bulk export so I'm going to do that to all of these I'm going to set up uh the static mesh as s underscore over here and then I do have a default export if I have this as slash slash it's essentially going to export it wherever the blend file is and that makes it a little easier for me export filters turn everything off in here because we don't need it and then we're going to do only selection it doesn't really matter because I don't have my mannequin as export but I like to do it anyways just in case but that's about it so then you then you copy you do the same process for everything else in here and you'll be good to go all right that's it you can see that the uh scene collection here actually looks a little cleaner now because everything is parented underneath these objects which is quite handy actually um and when we move these around okay obviously this one's a little screwy because there's the empty here but um they all basically stayed together which is really cool um this one I do have to be very careful this one the origin is not in the spot that I want it where I want it is I technically because I built this already at the zero zero I actually want it at the zero zero so one thing to note is whichever is the parent it's going to set this to zero zero essentially it's going to set it to here that's not you know that's not good so I'm going to set to my cursor to zero I'm going to hit W and then set origin to the 3D cursor and now you can see when we export this it's going to set it properly to where we want it which is right in the middle bottom the barrel we probably want the middle bottom as well luckily we already have it set to there and then the chair middle bottom as well these are all kind of objects that would be set to the middle bottom none of them are like modular they're not going to be you know attached together and stuff for the barrel uh actually I'm actually gonna do that differently I'm going to set the barrel to the center that way when we slap it in the world we can easily just rotate it make it upside down that way we have a bit more variety um so that's pretty good so now we have some different instances here so all you have to do here is go to Unreal Engine we're going to select all three of these export and we're going to export it and that's basically it now we're going to go to our folder we can right click on the folder here open location externally and it's going to show us all of our files with the prefix that we specified which was s underscore that's it all we got to do now is import it into unreal and slap some materials on it and then do some finishing touches to the wood fibers in the directions and we're in business all right we've made our way to Unreal Engine we're now just gonna going ahead and drag all of these in here we're gonna generate missing collisions make sure combined meshes is turned on and if you don't see this it's under Advanced of course and let's see here we don't want to import any materials we don't want any of that we're basically good to go we're gonna input all these and we should be in business looks like we are I am uh note I am going to probably use the starter content materials but if you don't have them you can easily add the starter content or you can just use your own materials now that we have that let's go on ahead and see how these objects are looking as you can see they're properly at zero zero zero and they look pretty good ignore the sword um look at these props they look exactly as they should we've got to start adding in some materials so let's go ahead and slap some materials onto these this one has wood and metal so we're gonna go on ahead and look at the different ones that we have here we have wood oak as you can tell it's going in the wrong direction so this is one of those instances where we're gonna have to fix the direction of the fibers it'll be pretty easy we'll probably just adjust the UVS a bit I'm kind of liking wood pine wood oak is not so bad but I'm not a big fan of the color so for now I'm just going to stick with the wood Pine I don't want to make enormous edits to things just yet for the metal we're going to do I guess metal steel the main issue with this is just the fact that all of the um all of the UVS are incorrect additionally we also are going to have to apply the array because we want all the fibers to go in different directions so we have a couple things we need to fix there super super easy I kind of wanted to show you what it would look like if we don't specifically take the time to fix the fibers I think this one you'll be able to see a little bit more what I mean focusing on the directions of the wood fibers I think it makes a gigantic difference so you can see here these are technically going to the left to right but that's incorrect we want them to go up and down so those are little things that we'll fix up I'm also noticing a little bit of Z fighting there so I might have duplicated an object or given it a mirror so little things like that will fix but you know that's the process it's it's kind of the first import you have a few issues and then the second one is where you really start modifying and getting things in the direction that you want it to be apply our beautiful Pine we'll just do the same to here for now look at that pretty quick easy um of course the details do take a little bit more time um but you know your modeling software can't really figure out the direction of the fibers unfortunately unless there was a plug-in for that which would actually be pretty fantastic so we're going to quickly go back to our modeling software and we're going to make our necessary edits that we need to make here removing that mirror modifier we're going to apply the array on this piece do a cube projection again now that we know the wood fibers on the textures go left to right we can easily just go in here and rotate it by 90. now it's going in the right direction so that piece is good we also noticed right here the wood fiber is going in the wrong direction we also need to fix these over here so all these little uh edits really make it go a long way so here we can see that they're going the wrong way we're going to rotate it by 90. this back piece also wrong direction rotated by 90. how's the top piece looking top piece is actually correct so this is what we want is what we don't want tiny pieces again same problem rotate that by 90. these are a little bit of a more unique situation um because they're a little bit more detailed um what we're going to want to do here I suppose is essentially add some marked seams so for those that we're curious about some uving tricks and whatnot here we go we're going to do a little bit of marked seams here since this is all one wood piece I think we should be okay with this seams being a little different um so I'm going to go here I'm going to take that piece I'm going to unwrap it I'm actually going to keep the cube Cube unwrapped otherwise we're gonna have some issues so this piece rotated by 90 this piece rotated by 90. generally we want the longest piece to be in the other direction this piece is already working that's great I'm going to move it down a bit though this piece also correct which is very nice now the top doors this one's a bit of a different story top door this piece these are the back pieces we technically don't need the back pieces but I'll keep it just in case rotate it the inside pieces rotate it of course we're gonna check out this again those are correct let's take a look at that one Yep this one new so we're going to select all of these rotate that what I'm also going to do is I'm going to move it the reasoning for that is it kind of randomizes the fibers a little bit because I did notice they're right next to each other so by doing that we kind of randomize how they look that way they're not all connected it should look a lot better so with those edits now we can quickly export this one piece we can go back to unreal right click re-import super quick uh workflow super super quick and now we can take a quick look at it and we can see that all of the fibers are essentially going in the directions that we want it to of course you'll probably notice here and there when things are not in the direction they want it but that's looking pretty good like you can already see that that is almost like a finished asset you don't really need much more than that to be honest there are details that you can add in like dirt and whatnot and like I stated the beginning of the video having some materials and shaders that you already have set up I can definitely accomplish that but I'm not going to cover that in this video because I would probably uh make it a little longer here's here's one of these moments though where a mirror makes it look really weird I'm not a big fan of the fact that this wooden piece is mirrored and all of them kind of follow the same thing you can see that this is mirrored and that looks a bit weird so those are some little uh instances where I would probably recommend um taking those pieces and removing the mirror or applying it and then re-uving it and it would look a lot better so now let's fix up the chair and the barrel let's go ahead and fix the chair I want the fibers of this piece to probably go in the other direction because that's the longest section these again other direction these over here are I think already going in the right direction nice these pieces same thing like that he's right here I'm noticing one of the pieces are going in the wrong direction looks about right so we're going to go in ahead and Export these two re-import the barrel and the chair and let's see how this is looking so I'm happy with this but like I said the fibers on the barrel kind of seem too I guess perfect right so what I'm going to do for that is I'm going to randomize their locations a little bit so I'm going to select a few of these or I guess I'll select every other and we are going to I guess offset it a little bit and then it's going ahead and re-export it re-import it look at that looks pretty good all the wood fibers are a little bit different from each other and it looks like a barrel the chair looks pretty good as well all the fibers are going in the right direction these little details I think really go a long way in terms of making your assets look good but these are all using the exact same three materials and then once you make variations of your materials you can have things like Oak Walnut Etc and that's essentially the entire workflow it's that easy that's about it now this video might have been a bit longer than I anticipated but we made three props in I don't know an hour two hours which you know if you were to go through the entire process of substance painter etc etc that would probably take you maybe a full work day a little bit more than half depending on your speed of course and then of course on top of that you have to deal with optimization stuff like that etc etc if you really wanted to add dirt detail details and stuff like that you could definitely do that if you want me to cover that I can I can do it up I can get it figured out and then make a video for you guys uh but for now I think I'm gonna call it done I'm pretty happy with how this came out uh if you have any questions feedback Etc uh on how this maybe could be sped up or even better feel free to write a comment I'll pin it or something and then we'll kind of go from there other than that like And subscribe I also have started a coffee page if you are interested I've started a coffee page I'll put a link down below if you want to support me in my Endeavors of doing uh YouTube I also set a goal for 500 I know over a long time span I don't think this will be instantly but um a little gold to start a little Game Dev series of tutorials or just things blender wise and whatnot so other than that I hope this helped you have a good one
Channel: Crimson
Views: 11,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, devlog, unreal engine, game development, development, ue5, suit for hire, steam game, releasing a game, how to game dev, tutorial, guide, dev, firstcrimson, crimson, thecrimsondev, video game, pc gaming, learning, how to, selling a game, game dev process, workflow, pipeline, best game, thought process, unreal engine 5, unreal 5, blender, 3d modelling, 3d assets, how to make assets, quick, quickly, easy, game art, 3d model, 3d, texturing, UV unwrapping, UVs
Id: haA37WIogUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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