Unreal Engine 5 RPG Tutorial Series - #2: Locomotion - Blendspace, Crouching and Procedural Leaning!

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial today we are starting with the RPG tutorial series I am very very excited we will begin with the base of The Locomotion and we will start setting up the blend spaces animation blueprint procedural leaning and more we will set up two states an art and Crouch so we can start to get the feel of the character's movement and we can add a stop animation to make it more food and procedural leaning as I mentioned before to make it feel more Vivid this video might be a bit longer than expected or compared to others but I wanted to get this Locomotion aspects done in this first video this is only the start of the core elements of The Locomotion system so with time we will add the Assassin squid or core elements such as vaulting Etc it's going to be a very easy build to follow so let's get started all right so let's create a new UE project I will be using the latest version of Unreal Engine 5.1.1 and I do recommend that you use the latest version 2 or at least my one if you are still in UE 5.0 it should still be okay but always try to use the latest one which again I will be using 5.1.1 which actually just released a few days ago so we're going to be using the third person template as it is a great starting point for a RPG game we'll be using only blueprints so make sure that blueprints is selected now the other options you can customize this as we go I will be using desktop maximum sorry content and Ray tracing off but you can change this later on so it doesn't really matter go ahead and choose the file location for your part and then we can put a name in my case let's do for example RPG um underscore tutorial series and as we cannot put any spaces we need to put underscores and that's pretty much it again make sure blueprint is selected and third person and your you know good location and the name and now we can go ahead and click create alright so project created so let's get started by importing the animations that I have left in the description there is some basic Locomotion animations from lyrex template so they're completely free and available from epic games but because it is too much of a fossil to you know create a Lyra pride and import them one by one and it will you know fill up a lot of your space on this on your computer what I did was just export the ones that we need and left them in the description so let's go ahead and load them and now we can go ahead and import them so we're going to do is go into the characters folder and then we're gonna do is create a new folder this will be RPG underscore character when we have a proper name for a character if you want to we can later on change the name let's go ahead and enter and now we want to create a new folder for this animations let's go ahead and enter and now let's go ahead and open the folder so I don't know if I would have made a zip but if so just unzip them now select all of them and just drag them into the content browser so now this window will pop up so first of all let's go up here and reset them to default so we have all these settings like normal so we have to go ahead and select skeleton in our case it will be the SK mannequin the normal ue5 mannequin now don't make the mistake of going ahead selecting the alt ue4 one we want to just get the normal uh SK mannequin and now we can go ahead and just say import o and now with some seconds all the animations should be in our content browser in our product and we can start creating the blend spaces and stuff and there we go count of shift s to save everything and now you will see that we have the animations really cool so basically what we're going to do is create a new folder and it's going to be a locomotion so in our case for now what we're going to do is also use the template default animations so in our case for The Locomotion animations there's only two new over here which are idle break and unbox top so let's go ahead and drag them and move them here now I'm gonna create a new folder it's going to be crouched and now we want to select these two folders and so I animations I moved them into the folder let's go ahead and enter into Locomotion and what we want to do is start creating the animation Blank Space go ahead and right click onto animation and I go into Legacy and we will set the blank space 1D so what is a blank space well let's say it is like a timeline where you can put different animations and depending on a value you can transition smoothly depending on on them so in our case we want to change the animations depending on our character's speed and 1D is just Just One Direction okay let's go ahead and select it and again we have to set the SK mannequin and now we want to change the name into The Locomotion let's go ahead and open this up put it over here so now the horizontal axis will basically be the timeline so we want to change the name into be speed and then the minimum will be zero and the maximum will be 500. the maximum value will be the maximum speed that a character will be allowed to walk or run and where I'm getting this value where if we go into the third person character blueprint and go into the character movement component you will see that currently this set as 500 in Maxwell speed so that's why I'm getting this value if you were to change the max value of that speed you had to change here alright so now we can go and drag our animations so we're not to go into our asset browser now if you don't see it you can just go into windows and it will be here wait so let's go ahead and get our In-Place animation let's go ahead and drag it and put it until that now you're probably wondering why we are not starting on the idle animation and it is because we're gonna later make all the scheme and transition it from the animation blueprints there so we want to start already this animation blueprint with a little bit of speed okay it will make sense later okay and while we're doing this but we want to get the in place animation because it is the the slowest walk animations like just tipping over here now we want to find the walk animation and it will be the mm walk forward I want to put it exactly at the middle and now we want to search for the Run animation and it's going to be the mm run forward let's go ahead and put it on to the right now if I hold Ctrl you'll see that I can preview the difference on the speed and how as the loss increases the character will change the animation and it just looks really really cool now we have a detail to turn on this so if you want you can check that out anyway so let's go ahead and save it and now we can close it let's go back into our folder which was RPG character animations and now let's go ahead and go into the animation blueprint so we have to create a new one right click animation blueprint again we want to select the skeleton and now it's gonna be ABP symbolizing animation blueprint underscore and then RPG RPG there we go character I want to open this guy up wait so the first thing I want to do is create a new state machine let's go ahead and right click State machine and there we go so now we selected we can change the name and this will be our locomotion since the machine will be like a graph scheme where we can basically put all of our animations in let's go ahead and enter and drag it and now we can create a new state so this state will be an idle so basically when our character is not moving let's go ahead and double click and now we can go again into the asset browser and you search for idle I'm gonna use the new one that we imported voices I don't break so I'll drag it and plug it in now because this idle will be in Loop we want to Loop animation so I have node and loop animation let's go ahead and go back and now all we can do is drag it and create a new state and this will be our walk slash run so if we start moving Google transition from the add-on to walk around basically so let's go ahead and double click in here and what we want to do is find the new Locomotion blend space that we have just created and drag it over here now depending on the speed the analysis will change the thing is that we have to change this dynamically depending on the player's speed in game so we want to do is right click and promote to a variable basically create a new variable great so later on we will go ahead and you know assign it at runtime let's go back and now we want to do is go into this transition and double click on it and what we'll do is just get the speed and then make sure that it is greater than one zero sorry so if the speed is greater than zero it will mean that the character is currently moving great so let's go back now and drag the Walker run uh State and we want to do a new state now so this will be this top animation so basically when the character stops uh walking or running or whatever it's doing it will play this nice animation which is just a simple stop animation real quick and it just feels much better like much more fluid and Vivid um you will see how it looks better later so now first of all let's enter into this top animation and let's drag it in so in our case it was the walk stop now you're probably wondering well if we're running and we play a walk stop animation it might not look very good so maybe we have to change the animation to run stop and then also walk stop depending who walking no with my test I have actually found out that just using this single work stop just looks much better so we're running and then we play boxed up it feels more natural I don't know why but it just does so we don't have to worry about that let's go back into this scheme and now in the transition we want to open it up I want to make sure that we'll get speed is less or equal than zero so basically if our speed is pretty much no we have stopped moving we want to play this top animation and now from stop we want to go back to idle once it's completed now let's set the the transition and we actually don't need to put any condition we just need to select this stick over here which is automatic rule based on sequence this would just means that as soon as this animation finishes playing it will automatically just go into idle so there's no condition once I finish this I will just go to here great so there's two more things I want to do to this transitions we want to select it and then the duration I'm going to put it into 0.3 and then the mode will be on cubic so the balance settings it just makes it a bit more smoother and in the stock to Widow again this will be 0.4 and then the mode will be cubic okay great so now we can compile and shape so now what we want to do is go back into the main and then grab now we want to get this local motion dragon and make a cache so selected and this will be locomotion now you probably wondering what is a cashier well okay sure it's basically used to space and memory so imagine that we are saving this Locomotion animations in a pen drive that we can later go ahead and use so what we want to do now is create another state machine and we'll see why in a second so this state machine will be the main same machine and he will basically contain all of the different state locomotions so for example the normal unarmed Locomotion the Crouch Locomotion the um whatever the swimming Locomotion later on you know whatever we want so we want to now plug in into the output post button what we want to do is add the default slot and the default slot especially is the slot or the animation space that the animation montages will play and the animation montages are just animations that plays um basically from blueprints so yeah don't worry about it we'll see later on but basically the main graph is what we want to enter right now and on here we always want to create a new state and this will be the unarmed and locomotion and we just want to enter in here and we can just pass the cachet so basically we are having everything more tidy we're using this pen drive I don't like calling it bandwidth but I think it you understand better if I go like that so we're using this space memory let's cache this pen drive as on here as a state so really inside on here we are passing this whole scheme but only in one single node which is just much better all right so now this is what we need right now for main if I compile you'll see that the animations now start playing great and now if I were to set the speed over here into 500 you'll see how it starts running so things are working let's go ahead and just set zero and go back and you saw how actually on the the stop animation play so just take a look see how it play this top animation so really cool all right so now let's go ahead and sign it so let's go and enter our third person guide to blueprint so it's going to third person uh blueprints third person character and we want to go into V board select our mesh in the cutter mesh here now into animation class we want to put our new AVP RPG connector Michael I don't know how to talk and you can see the new animations are playing if I press play nothing happens the things that we have to go ahead and assign this speed depending on the player's actual speed when we play the game so for this we can go into the event graph and here from the character basically the owner of this animation blueprint we can get the velocity and they want to do for our variable is just say Vector length so we want to convert this Vector which is just X Y and Z into a nice float so we can just pass it into speed so don't worry about this note exactly it's just passing a a vector into floats nice numbers basically okay anyway so now if we press play now we can go ahead and walk and stop then when we stop place the stop animation and stop great so everything is working now we can move on into jumping because we are not playing animations of jumping or falling let's go ahead and save everything Contour shift s Save A Lot guys just increase it crashes or whatever always every certain time save okay let's go back into our animation blueprint we want to go into the and Main uh stay machine and on here we're gonna basically set up the jump uh I don't know how we can call it just jump States I guess so what we want to do is right click go to creating instead and it's going to be the jump so it's going to be our jump animations go ahead and enter and now we can just basically find the jump and just plug it in great simple as that now we want to do is get the jump and drag it over here into the left create a new state and this will be the falling and now we can know how to enter and now we can get an and find the following animation now again this is a loop animation so we want to select it and say Loop animation now basically don't worry about the errors it's because the transition but the thing is that I am basing off uh this jump scheme from the normal template from third person because I think it's great it just does what it is so it's very simple now we want to do is go ahead and create a state Alias so this is going to be basically to falling so this like evolves a shortcut so instead of manually going ahead and plugging all this into here we can use this LDS which is just like a shortcut like it was just teleporting animations um so we can have everything more organized okay to Falling we want to be able to go from jump um to sorry to jump I'm falling if we are in the normal locomotion so we are playing the unarmed Locomotion and we accomplished the condition that I'm gonna put in a second we will go ahead and jump or whatever let's go ahead and go to jump up here and we want to use go ahead and double click and create a new variable this will be is falling okay and it will be a Boolean so now you can just drag it and say hey if we are falling we're gonna go into jump I'm gonna do exactly the same into falling over here drag it and thread and say hey if we are falling we'll go into this animation over here now we will need to do something different into the jump um conditions go ahead and open it real quick and what we have to do is basically create a new uh variable that's going to be the velocity and this is going to be type Vector so this a bit different as a speed as it will contain also the direction so now the things that we can go ahead and drag it right click split it and we can have all the access in an individually so what we want to do is get instead which is basically up and down vector and say hey if is greater than 100 and go ahead and con hold Ctrl and then drag it you can also move the pins so basically if we are falling and our velocity inside is greater than 100 we want to play the jump animation but if not we want to directly just play the following so you will see what that does in a second I will go ahead and cover it and explain it but basically we want to do right now is go into here and select this jump to fall in and this will be an automatic rule so as soon as the jumping finishes you go to point great so a lot of talking but let's implement this so what we have to do is create a new state audience this is like the other side of the shortcut and this will be to land so always happen the same I don't know how to type so we selected we want to be able to go to land if we are from falling or jumping and as soon as this condition completes we can continue so we're gonna and create a new state this will be the land animation so I want to open the land and then we want to search land and then put over here great now we want to go out and we want to go into this transition and we're going to say well if falling is not Boolean so if it's basically not true we will go ahead and just play blunt animation and now we go ahead and make another transitions like this and it's going to be an automatic rule based on sequence basically as soon as the landing animation finishes will go back into the normal locomotion so we have to do one more thing as the invent graph fill up these variables so the velocity is going to be very simple just drag it over here and get the velocity here from this node which we already had great and now we want to do is go ahead and add this node which is sorry about the golfing guys is just initialize and then blueprint initialization this is like the start of the animation blueprint the begin play so we want to get this note copy and paste it basically in the owner I want to cast to the third person character so we'll basically access all the variables that our player has now we want to do is right click and promote it to variable and I'm going to change the name into character so basically just at the start reference in this character and the things that we don't have to do it on the update because there's no necessity we can use it one time at the start and that's it more clean code and better optimize as casting doesn't really consume anything but it's just better to have it only one time at every certain opt-in okay so we want to do right now is get the character variable I want to get the character if I know how to spell character character there we go movement component let's go down sorry not component just movement go down and there you go and now we can get a spawning and then if it's falling it's passive here so we will get our variable and then pass it over here great so let's go put some comments over here so select everything put it over here so this will be get get speed and velocity velocity and then this will be um is falling great so now it's unorganized great so now we can go ahead and test a bit so if I save I can go here and if I jump I'll play nothing so what is happening you're probably wondering well let's go into the animation blueprint and let's go back into the name scheme so the land animation the thing is that if we double click and open it you'll see that it has this thing which is an additive animation so basically this animation is designed to play on top of another one which is basically in our case will be the normal Locomotion so let's go ahead and close it normally but we have to call it as an additive animation so let's go and drag this and you say add itive so apply additive there you go and now we want to hold Ctrl and move it into the additive space leave the Alpha One and the normal bass will be basically the cache of The Locomotion so this land animation will play on top of The Locomotion and it will just feel much smoother because basically it is like if it's Landing but at the same time it's continuing to to work we have a speed anyway it's just much better now if we press play you'll see that we can jump and then replace the alternation basically you can see the jump on the machine is not playing so I'm going to go into here I'm going to go into the main and the reason is that the the priority number transition is the same so we have to make sure that the pretty number on here is two so from to fall into falling it has to be two so now if I jump you can see the now it jumps and then Falls great so we have a nice Locomotion system yes top animation so it feels a bit smoother we can jump land Etc Great so this is the extreme basic of our Locomotion now we're gonna basically add crouching let's go ahead and do that so control shift s to save everything as till now let's go into our folder RPG character animations let's go into Crouch and now we're gonna go ahead and create a new animation uh blend space right click onto animation legacy plan space 1D again select the character skeleton and that's going to be crushed let's go ahead and open this up so again it's going to be very similar to the other normal Locomotion but which Crouch animations so this is going to be the speed the minimum zero about the maximum this time is going to be 350 because I mean when we're crouching we're gonna be slower so instead of going to until 500 only to 350. so now we're going to search for Crouch and now this time we will add the idle animation onto the left because we're not gonna do any fancy transitionings and stuff things simple for the crush and now into work we can go ahead and put into the right now of course we're doing the basics on here but as we go the advanced Locomotion system will grow and we will have many more fancy stuff and maybe animation warping and stuff so we'll see anyway so as you can see as time those increases we will start walking and this is that the animation for walking is moving so the thing is that it has room motion let's go ahead and open it up and we need to enable remote and then say Force foot locked so now it will be in place it will not be moving so now I can go back into the animation blueprint sorry blend space and now you can see that it stays there great so we have to do is go back into our animation blueprint and go back into the grade ending graph okay out of the main so now we want to go ahead and create a new stain machine so this will be our crouched great so we want to create a new uh cachet post and again this will be crouched and there we go let's pull this a bit up so let's go ahead and enter and it's going to be very simple we're just going to have a crouched locomotion okay what is this crap my guns I don't know how to type there you go so now in here looking is past the Crouch blast face that we have just created okay and then we just pass the speed that we already have the variable assigned internal thing great so you can also hover everything and then press q and it will align so that's pretty handy so now we have the Crouch Locomotion setup but now we have to use it so let's go back into our main I'll have to create a new state it should be crouched a locomotion so now we can go and create the transition itself from an art Locomotion to crouch and then from Crouch to an art so first of all let's start with the unarmed to crouch and we have to do is create a new variable which is is crouched and this will be type booleans right so true false so drag it and get it so if this is true it will go ahead and transition and I will do the opposite in the code going back so get it scratched not Boolean so if it's false we will go back great compile and Save now we want to go into the Ben graph and now we want to do is go up to here so here we go uh we want to get a scratch set over here set it and now what we want to do is go into the third person Galaxy blueprint I'm going to create a new variable it's going to be uh crushed oh my God I don't know how to spell Gray so basically we're gonna get again the character I'm gonna get crushed so the one that we have just created now the character one but the one our custom one that we have created and now we just want to drag it in and it's gonna be get uh crushed okay let's move it over here and perfect let's go ahead and align this just a bit more beautiful okay all right so now we need to enable and disable this Crouch so we're gonna do is go into the third person character going to the vangraph and I started making some code so we'll need to do is just create a new input action so it's going to content third person input actions let's go right click input in production and then EA underscore and it's gonna be Crouch let's go ahead and open this up and we don't have to change anything of it just going closer let's go back and I will need to go into our collection so this is a list of all the impos that we have so we have to basically just add the new one that we have created which is going to be Crouch and down here we can start pressing the keys so we select this icon now you can press any key in your keyboard which in a case will be left control and it will assign so great so now we can close this and now we can use this EA Crouch now of course make sure that of course is adding the mapping context at the beginning play but if you're using the third person template as you should if you're following this RPG series it's already great so now what we can do is go from a starter and then do a flip flop so basically this will do one thing and instead well every time this code the first time will do this and then the second time will do this the third time this fourth and this I will just everything is code it will shift between one of those so we want to do now is set a scratch to through and then in there one set to false so now we compile we can press play we can walk in our normal blank space but when we left um control we get this so what is happening right now well uh it is shipped such way but the thing is that in our question Locomotion we did not apply the cache so we need to find the crushed okay and now when we press Ctrl now it goes into Crush so you can see how cool is looking great so let's go and do some more things over here so it can feel a bit better and what we're going to do is get the character Moon component and first of all set the max walk speed into 350 like we said in the um a plant space and now in here it will do basically the opposite we'll put it back into 500 and we can use the same connector here great so now it will go ahead and move a bit slower and it feels it's better now I think that I have noticed in Assassin's Creed Origins is that basically the camera gets a bit more far away when your crushed let's go ahead and do that let's go here and we can just get the camera boom and then set um the length satary arm length and right now it is at 400 I believe yes so instead of 400 we're going to put 550 for example and they can copy and paste this and then this will be back to 400. great so now we can plug in the camera boom here control shift s to save anything until now press play now here you will see that the camera goes a bit uh further away now the thing is that it doesn't look very good because it's napping um we don't want that we want it to be smooth we want to interpolate with a smooth transition let's go back here and let's make some space before we set the arm length and we can get any of these connectors and you say add timeline and this will be our Crouch cam distance timeline great so hold Ctrl is going to be play from start and then get this out and This Will Go reverse from start so we use this same timeline for both and the things that we can use this trick which is just reverse it to go back to normal so we can now delete this other one and we can just use this so we need to enter this timeline and add a new track and this will be a float track and this will be our length or Cam link to be more specific I know this the time that we'll take in our case it will be just one second now you can customize everything as you want you know so maybe it won't take it two seconds again or 0.3 seconds you can so you can change I I would put a one I recommend to put it on one but if you want to change everything you can so go ahead and right click and any place and add a key and now we just need to set the 10 to 0 and level it to zero and then we want to click again and it plays and I set the time to one and value to one but one and time to one now we can press it to one and we have a simple transition what they will just interpolate within two you can get fancy and add more ones to make it a curve and stuff but I will just leave it like that and now we have the cam length here so we can drag it and use this lurb float uh no I want to get the a hold Ctrl and put it into the alpha so basically it will go from 400 to 550 okay so basically now this will be our new arm length and the thing is that if we reverse it it will go from 550 to 400 so it is exactly what we want so we compile and save and go into here you'll see that when I crouch we have a nice zooming in and out look at that looks so cool oh yes alright so now we can go ahead and stop so we're gonna make the last thing in this video I think it's a bit too long but I just want to add this last thing and why I have watched beeping let's just wait a second until this watch stops beeping so we are going to add leaning and then we just improve so much of The Locomotion it will make it smooth out of every character when it turns it is not like so stiff it will like Bend IN into the side that is bending it is much better and it has great again Hazard so we have to add it alright so we're going to do is go and create some animations from uh for the Leaning now don't worry we're not gonna make anything complex we are gonna use a very handy tool in Unreal Engine so let's go into characters mannequins animations and many and now you see the Run forward animation that we're using so we want to do is now find over here the other I want okay let's go back here animations many here so we want to come on money there we go so we want to find the RPG connect folder and you will see locomotion so actually first let's go into animations and create a new lean folder okay and he will place the new animation so go back into the money I want to do now is get the Run forward animation and drag it into lean but be careful don't move it only copy okay so now we go into lean we will have it here so now this will be lean and let's say it's going to be uh underscore left and I'll duplicate it and this will be lean underscore right and if I spell it correctly let's start with left so let's go ahead and pause it okay pause it and then drag it into the start position of the timeline okay so the first thing I have to do is make it as an additive you remember that we already saw the how the landing was additive we're going to do the same with our leaning so we'll play the you know The Locomotion behind it but it will play this leaning towards it so what we want to do is go into the additive and in type and we're going to say mesh space it's going to be a bit different than the landing one it's going to be mesh space and then the post type is going to be scaled okay and now in here we want to find our original run animation score and to run I want to go into the mm run forward okay great so now we want to do is save this and we want to go into the skeleton tree and on here we want to select the pelvis okay we don't want to select the root because I'm not in the animation this will be overridden but we want to go into the pelvis which is our next and top bone and what we want to do is go into our rotation tool okay over here and make sure that you have a snapping enabled on the rotation of 10 degrees so now we want to do is rotate this character 10 degrees into the left in this axis over here so in our left will be here select okay so where we are looking now his left so in our case we'll be to a right so we want to do is get this and just like that minus 10 degrees and now what we want to do is press this plus Cube here is a keyframe and then we can save it and now when we press y you'll see that it's just playing um leaning we can close it and you will see that when we open again it's still leaning great so we'll do exactly the same with the right butt bending into their place let's go ahead and open this pause it all to the left and go first into as details and the additive type to mesh and then again scaled and then find the original mm run forward and now go into skeleton tree go into the pelvis with the rotation tool snapping and 10 degrees now this time will be two hits left so and again in our right and left so 10 degrees 2 hour left to his right and then again remember plus key and save and then close a gray so now we have to make another blend space yeah loving blend spaces right click animation Legacy plant space again with the same skeleton and this will be the lean capital L plan space let's go ahead and open this up go back to as details now this will be basically the well lean value okay let's just say limal so this will be in degrees so the um minimal will be 45 and the maximum 45 okay and now we want to get our link animations and our left to be on the left side of the scheme and the right on the right side so now if I hold Ctrl you see how it leans depending on the value now you want to have a more exaggerated value uh leaning and stuff you can change the degrees and stuff and the animation and so on but I do recommend sticking with this values because I have already tested it and it looks pretty fine so now we can save and close it so now we need to go back into our animation blueprint yes I get into the Mayhem so what we have to do now is go into our local motion graph I want to go into the walk on run as state so as you remember we made the animations additive so we can just drag it and say apply additive mesh space so this time it will be mesh space okay so the bass will be this animations running but this time the additive will be our leaning blend space go ahead and drag it into the additive space we'll release the alpha into one and now we want to do is right click and create this into the value and now this will be the jaw Delta and now there's a thing that we have to do is just go ahead and drag this and then multiply it by -1 basically we want to invert um delete okay okay so if not it will be to the other side great so now we want to compile and save now the thing is that nothing will happen because well if we press play we are not saying that uh now if I were to put it in 45 and compile to see the now it doesn't do anything wait wait yeah it should change okay don't worry don't worry about it the thing is that uh we need to apply the uh while we are playing the game uh sorry minus one not point one sorry about that now we can test it sorry sorry make sure that you don't make any mistakes like that okay so now you will see that now it's leaning okay you see that great set it back to zero and now we want to go into the bank graph right so we want to go here and make the Leaning so we want to get the jaw Delta rocket and set over here to login in so we want to do is get our character I want to get the actor rotation okay and now we want to do is go ahead and get this and make a Delta rotator and basically this will be our B so let's go ahead and control and drag it here and the a we're going to go ahead and create a new variable which will be our last rotation that's frame rotation so basically our rotation in the last frame so this basically just gonna basically interpolate it in a nice smoothly way and we will need to know the last rotation last frame in order to basically the transition from that last frame into the new one because not it will be Snappy and we don't want that okay now once you just right click and split it so we have all the different vectors I want to get the jaw and we want to divide this number by the Delta time now we want to go ahead and right click promote this variable Delta time okay now the thing that we have to assign this at a time and the great things that we have it over here so we just want to put this into the left drag the Delta time and plug it in here and this will be the dot time right as simple as that actually we can use I think just plug it on here yeah man that's right okay and now we want to do is divide this one more time but this time this will be our lean intensity so I have found that 10 is a pretty good value now if you change the value and you can test it out to see if more and less linear is better but 10 is pretty good so we want to interpolate a float so this will be our Target okay and our current will be our current um jaw Delta again okay and what we want to do right now is the speed set it into 10 again okay now this would be this the speed that it will change the lean okay again you can play with the settings and then Delta time again will place not not your Delta Delta time I know it's very confusing but a and this is just Advanced calculation so don't worry if you didn't really understand uh like the core aspect of it but a lot of different vectors and values and now what we want to do is get the last frame rotation and basically fill it with this last frame rotation over here okay and there we go sorry what did what that why no the getaction rotation of course if not it will be the same one we want to get this one okay um we can just double click in order to add this little notes so it looks a bit better now we can just select everything and press C lean uh yes calculate calculate lean what is wrong I don't know how to type okay calculate lean there we go so now we can go ahead and compound save and if I press play you guys even want to walk I go ahead and lean so cool look at that looking so cool and it just makes it so cool and honestly right now maybe it doesn't feel like too crazy but when you start getting all the aspects and when we start adding um the bolting with the parkour system and we change the mannequin to an actual character and you start getting like Echo balls and of um overriding animation stays on top of him it will start looking so so cool like trust me so we're gonna make two more things over here and it's first of all I'm gonna change the character to money basically the things that I always use um Queen for my tutorials so so to just change it up to this series I'm gonna tune into Manny and I'm gonna basically find these materials over here I'm gonna duplicate it um basically this many many the two ends uh underscore um let's make the character blue oh yeah let's make it blue okay and then we need to get there's one money uh underscore blue two so basically we just want to start by coughing openness the this materials I want to go into the tint so make sure it's enabled I want to basically make it a bit blue so now we can get this uh hex value and then copied and save it close this and open the money too and it will tint go into here and this hex value pasted say okay and save it and it will go ahead and save great now we can go into the character and now in this time we can put the money blue one and money Bluetooth and now we have a what is happening oh did I stop okay the other way around this sorry about that twins Money Two and money one there we go I did the the other way so let me just change the name into money so we have to so yeah this is the thing we have we need to change this temporarily into three so now this will be two and then this will be back to one okay so now we have a cool character it's a bit different to spice up until we have a proper you know Assassin's Creed character so yeah whereas we have some leaning in really cool we have some top animations jumping uh we have crouching as you can see like everything is looking absolutely amazing so if you want to go ahead and set up a source control for this game so basically everything will be in a server and we pull changes just in case something goes wrong and you can recover your last version or you want to collaborate with different people go ahead and let me know in the comments and I can go ahead and just make a quick episode show me how to create the source control and if you don't know how what is a source control it's basically managing everything okay in the cloud so we can have some uh comment commits that are called comments and it's just a version of your pride in GitHub for example and then we can just tune in back and forward so that's it guys if you enjoyed the tutorial I really appreciate if you could like the video and subscribe to my channel I have lots of Unreal Engine if I throw so go ahead and check them out I'm very excited to continue with this incredible RPG Series so go ahead and support it guys because it's gonna be massive and incredible server and basically show the progress that you're making you know I want I want to see you progress on the RPG and look at all said bye bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 346,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, RPG game, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine RPG game locomotion, RPG game unreal engine 5, ue5 RPG locomotion, ue5 beginner tutorial, ue5 how to make an rpg game, unreal engine 5 locomotion tutorial, unreal engine 5 easy RPG locomotion, unreal engine 5 asasins creed locomotion, unreal engine 5 how to make assassins creed movement, unreal engine 5 locomotion RPG game tutorial, ue5 RPG series, RPG game series in ue5
Id: WcDj4uZygyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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