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foreign hey it's me again crimson so I was uh looking through ue5 uh UE 5.1 just released like a week ago or a few days ago and I was like hey why not start a little mini project in ue5 and see how it's going and uh to my surprise uh I opened up a third person template and this this is complicated what happened like so you know I've been using ue4 for like seven years all right everything was uh relatively simple and by simple I mean extremely complicated figuring out everything and now I get into ue5 and I feel like I'm back at Ground Zero just trying to figure out everything I feel so bad for people that are starting out in ue5 like they've never touched Unreal Engine before and now they're seeing rig files and retargeters and and and two different uh skeleton Rigs and then post-process Rigs and animation Blueprints and and five new spine bones I don't know why there's five spine bones I'm sure that's great for physics but why is it five spine bones I I bet you all of my Marketplace assets are now going to self-combust and explode in fact none of them I think have even converted to 5.1 yet but I think this is just an issue all around it the entire template seems almost extremely complicated I will say some parts do look really good but I can imagine somebody looking into this uh would be super confused like for example what the hell is a state Alias well I I I don't even know what this is well for those that are curious I had to search this up it took me about 17 minutes of Google searching to figure out what an alias is but for those that are curious and Alias is basically just a cleaner way of doing transitions instead of you having a transition going straight into Locomotion to Falling instead it's like a wireless thing it's a wireless wire it's a wireless wire it makes everything a little cleaner but it's still like I looked at this and I I I stared at the screen for at least six minutes wondering what happened because I feel like this just made things a little bit more complicated like I feel like if somebody were new to Unreal and now they're just checking all this stuff out I feel like they're gonna have a rough time just with a template back in the template days we had tiny cubes with physics on them and a very simple animation system and obviously I know that Unreal Engine 5 is the next step in next-gen technology you know cinematic 60fps experiences when you're playing video games but man going into this I'm even I'm I've been using Unreal for seven years and this feels like I'm back at level zero it is exciting though seeing a lot of the cool new things that they've included the state Alias is very cool I think they're cleaning up a lot of the animation systems and there's a lot of features in here but I think we went from an overall welming engine to an even more overwhelming engine and now it's just layers um like Shrek's onion like it's just layers on layers on layers now where I can only imagine somebody who's new to Unreal is going to have the toughest time figuring all this out like there's a new action input system which is kind of annoying but I get it there's a whole you need to create files for each input mapping which is an input action and then on top of that you need an input mapping context and then you got to make sure that in your core file where you have your third person character you need to make sure that you add the mapping context so that it adds it to the input just looking at this it makes me run out of breath it's incredibly confusing and I'm sure there's probably even more to this that I don't even know uh like in the class defaults and stuff like I can only imagine somebody who's new to this is going to have such a rough time back then in ue4 you just go into project settings input and you're done you have the input yeah you just do this and you go in action mappings and you're done uh but ue5 you've got to do a whole process it's so uh it's kind of scary a little bit um even even for me like it's a lot of change and don't get me wrong change is good change is good there's nothing wrong with change in fact the change usually means progression and progression means that we're going forward there's probably a big reasoning as to why action mappings are now they're on their own it's probably to support more Marketplace assets and make it easier to implement features and all this other stuff kind of like with the new gameplay system um that they have in works as a new feature for uh Unreal Engine 5. but I don't know it just seems like enhanced input and all these other things are like it's really good there's a lot of cool in here that that gives a lot more control straight off the bat but it just looks super overwhelming to me now if you're wondering this is literally just a little side project I'm gonna work on it's like a Spells game like Naruto Avatar type thing um and I just I was curious about ue5 I didn't start like I tried UE 5.0 when it released and I crashed it and I was like that was pretty that was pretty POG that was pretty awesome uh anyways and then I just went back to work um but I kind of wanted to check out UE 5.1 and uh it definitely feels there's a lot there's a lot going on I don't even what is this a GPS like where am I there's a lot here that I feel like might be extremely overwhelming to uh newcomers and unreal I'm curious what you think uh down in the comments I just kind of wanted to voice my opinion because when I opened this I was even me I was I was confused and overwhelmed because there was so many files like here the number one thing that really threw me off is the new character system and they have a new rig system and the post-process I know what a post-process is I used that in the past but I was surprised to see that straight off the bat but then I saw like the control Rigs and to be fair I've never used the control rigs ever uh they were super confusing to me looking at them I'm an idiot uh clearly um and I looked at this and I was like holy I like I don't even know where to start like his arms and fingers and there's a there's a retargeter and the retargeter it's a it's a scary world this ue5 extremely scary world back then with the retargeting you would redo it straight into the skeleton Mash now you have a whole ik rig and and uh poses like there's the folder for poses that have different animation sequences of the arm moving around there's nothing moving here um what about this one uh no uh what about this one uh nope there's another movement what about this one I don't know what any of these do this [Music] I I just wanted to talk about this you know let me know what you think if you're starting out in ue5 if it's overwhelming for you um and stuff like that if maybe maybe I can make a video once I figure this stuff out uh honestly at some point I do need to start using ue5 right now I'm kind of stuck in ue4 because I'm keeping suit for hire in ue4 I don't want to Mid Early Access all of a sudden upgrade the game to a different engine version especially this one being so drastic of a difference so most likely in my other games or my future games I'm probably going to be using ub5 but man I uh I feel bad for newcomers it's uh I it's a lot to digest and ue4 already as it was is already a lot to digest if you already look at the whole picture the big picture of making a game this just this just I feel like just like I said in layers anyways like And subscribe if you enjoyed and if you have your an opinion on you if I being complicated or maybe it's not complicated maybe I'm just a idiot which then at that point let me know love to hear your opinion uh let me know down in the comments below uh and uh hopefully I'll have a new video coming soon for the suit for hire development I'm working on a new level and I kind of want to have the entire process from start to finish in terms of the block out so I'm kind of planning out a video for that and that's obviously taking a little longer than some of my other videos but uh yeah hope you have a fantastic day like And subscribe and I'll see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Crimson
Views: 21,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, devlog, unreal engine, game dev is hard, game development, development, ue5, suit for hire, steam game, releasing a game, how to game dev, tutorial, guide, dev, firstcrimson, crimson, thecrimsondev, john wick inspired, top down shooter, action shooter, action, video game, pc gaming, learning, how to, selling a game, game dev process, workflow, pipeline, best game, thought process, unreal engine 5, why is it hard, complicated, unreal 5
Id: wEV6VBkJDxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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