Making Flappy Bird But Everything is its own WINDOW

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previously on code board hello today we're going to be remaking Flappy Bird in increasingly Stupid Ways oh why now in theory we can change the name of the bird and it should move around if we call it zero bird that didn't work at all also every time we run it it seems to up in a unique way which is that's fun that's I'm going to say that's a stylistic choice and move on right are you seeing my vision now are you seeing my genius let's click that every like 10 milliseconds that should be enough o yeah that's pretty quick oh no it's opening them all no no no no look at this oh no no oh no it's still going I want you to draw a screenshot of the Flappy Bird game in asy art oh for [ __ ] s okay it begins the Gap should split a single vertical pipe into two vertical pipes no yeah it was ambitious that that would fix it have I become a pipe yes I have become a pipe that's fine that happens oh he just kind of leaves huh okay yeah that's not ideal oh we got it we got a flap let's let's get an action replay of that bad boy oh that's the good [ __ ] that's what we do this for the pipes aren't moving what what are we do move the pipes left this game sucks all right you know what no you can't you can't [ __ ] do it oh no but there was one more which was too awesome to fit in the video that was definitely the reason not because Evan couldn't be [ __ ] editing it together not because Evan is a lazy piece of okay that's enough of that here's the plan bird window pipes window Windows move Flappy Bird need I say more thank you oper G for checking a fat sponsor on this video I actually use oper GX every day well every day I use a browser which let's be honest is every single day I don't uh go outside anyway I love it it's got this handy little pop out thing which I can quickly check my messages and stuff without having to open a whole new tab and then I forget which tab I'm on and and finding it again is a [ __ ] mission when you're as much of a tab slot as I am no no no don't don't look don't look at that one no no it's got Discord messenger Instagram WhatsApp all the messaging [ __ ] it's all the messaging [ __ ] you get it another bang Opera JX feature that I love is how customizable it is from shaders to change how the whole screen looks to changing your keyboard sounds and background music and there's a heap of stuff but if you're too lazy to configure all these settings yourself which God knows I am you can just see what other people's minds have come up with with mods all right let's see what they got let's talk by least downloaded that's how you get the good [ __ ] what is this oh my God no no no no no I was wrong I was wrong so play most popular what's Pi's meme mod okay yeah that's not a great start it really helped me Focus there's a Doom one for people who want to send emails like a [ __ ] psychopath a oh my God how are they even doing this and believe it or not there are even ones that aren't terrible like this one is just some Adventures hanging out chilling there's even a code bullet one there are so many so you can find one that fits your VI so if you want to check it out you can use my link oper gx. g/ code bullet 3 use that link that'll get you there it's free and it supports your boy okay video all right so step one is to get this little [ __ ] displayed on a window Cody Montage go [Music] all right here we go oh okay is that okay yeah there he is a little smaller than I was expecting but you know that's okay he is very cute but yeah we're going to need to scale that up a bit uh and I think this should be [Laughter] good [ __ ] got you [ __ ] okay sorry I'll Focus here it is oh well I mean it's still the wrong size and it's got the [ __ ] grid [ __ ] even though it's a [ __ ] PNG you know what I'm keeping it [ __ ] you I do what I want I'm keeping it okay so now in python you can change the position of the window which if we move the window like 30 times a seconds we can animate that [ __ ] and it should look like a game dude right okay here we go and not okay it's not moving all right okay t two oh my God yep very funny mhm yeah well third time oh oh yes I didn't actually expect that yes that's it baby we got it smoing now we just need to Flap it when we hit space and we are making solid progress okay that looks [ __ ] terrible let me just adjust the gravity and fap strength a little bit all right yeah still kind of looks like ass but I'm sick of this [ __ ] so I'm moving on next I decided it was very important to see if I could get two birds displaying at the same time uh for the life of me I have no idea why I did this Flappy Bird traditionally is a one bird situation but I did spend the next hour working on this and this was the outcome of that very important work Evan super productive oh and you can only flap one of them at a time the others just fall into the abyss fantastic stuff all right let's get back on track bird is done now it's pipe [Music] time oh my I was in the weirdest [ __ ] mood with making this video what is that what are we doing I mean it works I guess it's moving left okay better but still no it actually took me ages to figure out the pipes I don't know why but just trying to have one pipe be flipped vertically to the other one really was not easy ready watch [Music] this yes okay yes oh my God finally okay why was that so hard the bird is [ __ ] massive though there's no way that shit's fitting through okay there we go we can actually fit it now kind of whatever let's move on now we're going to need to spawn more pipes and we're pretty much down we're actually looking really good oh and the bird just [ __ ] off that's okay we're here to test the pipes ah what is that okay we got some problems oh no oh it's on all the monitors no why are they tiny why are they all different sizes what are we doing ah are we slowing down what is happening my computer is making weird s oh yeah oh yeah that's a lot of Windows huh yeah I probably should have thought about deleting some of those at some point okay let's just stop the program before everything explodes oh excuse me bud yeah just going to squeeze right by you okay there we go great we survived okay now when a pipe reaches the end it should close as with I closed everything okay nice okay now when the pipe reaches the end it should close Okay when a pipe reaches the end it should close its window oh yeah yes and with that we kind of got Flappy Bird happening that doesn't break everything now we'll make in progress okay now the game should end when the bird goes off screen uh so it just doesn't keep going you know oh very nice yeah there we go this actually adds a bit of difficulty because you can only flat the bird when it's the Focus window this is something I learned when I went on my little side mission which so it wasn't completely useless and for some reason it doesn't start out focused um I'm sure that's something I could fix but I think we both know that's not going to happen so it means you have to actually catch the bird to start oh [ __ ] no okay so this means you have to actually catch the bird to start the game oh my God I got that oh that was like the last possible can we get it Action Replay on that [ __ ] woo oh and now the pipes also kill you the bird is only killed if the actual bird bit of the window touches the pipe like it's not including the title bar uh and this was a creative decision by me and definitely not the easiest way to program this Collision now I want the game to reset when you hit a pipe not just close everything uh this worked out great with no issues okay yeah I [ __ ] up yeah next I add a little score window and a little game over window with a restart button ah why do you always like this oh h and with that done I give you Flappy Bird but everything is its own window and sure you can just play it on your desktop but the magic of my invention is you can play it anywhere you can play it in OBS or you can play it while watching your favorite YouTube Creator short to the point oh that sort of sets the scene for how we want CH Cas just be a guard also this or you can play it one-handed or my favorite use case is playing it while on boring Zoom calls you know they worry about the pressure points that we were experiencing and that you know just having their input you know um might be beneficial yeah great Point CLA fantastic so um sorry about that CLA the um Department of Conservation are part of that so it's actually a joint tourism New Zealand and do review of Tourism and it's only because they they both actually contributed to the National tourism touris strategy so they are definitely part of it we don't obviously have a lot of any national parks but we do still have a lot of crown okay some of the crown estate in our region obviously okay that's it that's the video it's now time for patreon battle if you don't know what this is It's a thing I do at the end of videos It's a patreon thing you get it it's just like something to put up while I ramble uh so let's get rambling uh hello uh I hope you enjoyed this video sorry if it was a bit uh weak for a code bullet video I almost didn't upload it because I was like this is kind of nothing but then I was like ah [ __ ] it what's the worst that could happen you know I know all I really did was put images on Windows and then move them around but I thought the zoom call bit was funny so I uploaded it anyway I would be very interested to know what you guys thought about it if you thought it's like not enough for a full video then you know let me know in the comments I mean like don't be a dick about it I'm a human being but like but let me know also if you liked it let me know um you know not to be negative but I would really like to know what you guys thought about it anyway the reason this is all I have to upload at the moment is I've moved my setup I am now in a garage I was working mainly from a co-working space before this so I don't go insane by myself but uh now I'm working with someone and we got like this whole setup going and we're working on to really cool stuff it's it's taking ages but that's life I guess uh and the garage took ages set up as well with a lot of Bunnings runs if you guys know what that is it's also cold as [ __ ] because it's a garage in Winter uh but apart from that it's good [ __ ] okay what else can I tell you about uh there's a lot of stuff I'm working on that I want to keep a surprise so I can't tell you that but um oh yeah I'm heading to open source in like a week so that'll be fun I'll see some of you guys there look for the giant loud Australian man that'll help you find me well the one without an apron all right congrats to orango the mango Banger name and Banger performance you went to free merge from we got like hoodies and shirt it's standard YouTuber [ __ ] you know the drill by now anyway I will be in touch okay video done sorry if you hated it anyway bye
Channel: Code Bullet
Views: 824,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial, intelligence, coding, processing, java, machine, learning, genetic, algorithm, evolution, computer, science, programming, comedy, educational
Id: sWZJ6kRNw4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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